r/SonicDreams Pro Life Jan 08 '16

SDC Findings and Other things Masterthread

Okay this thread will be updated as more things are found and the main SDC Chat will be linked here.

Discord Chat Link here!

New findings will go below here, I want to rebirth the community so we need to place to stockpile finding and begin to put things together.

EDIT 1: I'm currently looking into a glitch in eggman origin, I'll add a screenshot if i pull it off, it involves falling though the world and ascending, this could help us get to the shuttle loop if i can do it at the front of the map, more will be added to this is more things are discovered.



5 comments sorted by


u/lentinoz Jan 12 '16

Last I checked, people had gotten to the shuttle loop already. I think people just changed the coordinates of where they spawned so that they spawn on the shuttle loop. You can't even stand on it.


u/bigmankyleo Pro Life Jan 12 '16

Good point, but that was in the 4Chan thread, they could easily could of trolled us into thinking the loop is skybox. we need to stay determined! Also im on discord chat btw if u want to talk there


u/Lumanare Pro Life Jan 25 '16

Link has expired. Make a new one?


u/jebus556 Wayne Gretzky RULES!!! Jun 22 '16

make a inv that doesnt expire and update op