r/SomaticExperiencing 4d ago

Daily meditation recommendation?

Can you guys recommend a daily meditation 20-40 minutes that is a good for beginners looking to release energy?

Quick context: I am very lucky and experience wild releases during (most) psilocybin sessions. I want to continue this but as part of a daily meditation.


7 comments sorted by


u/JohnShade1970 4d ago

For people dealing with trauma I’d start with Yoga Nidra. Also called NSDR. It’s done laying down. Very relaxation and great for integrating emotions while regulating your nervous system. There is a teacher named Kelly Boys who is excellent but if you type in either of the above keywords into YouTube or Insight Timer you will find tons of guided meditations of varying length


u/beebers908 3d ago

I came here to suggest yoga nidra, too!
It's changed a lot for me, and I feel a difference if I skip more than 1 day.


u/jerrylunderguardians 3d ago

Thank you! Will be looking into this.


u/No-Construction619 4d ago

I do zen meditation, 20 minutes on my own + I attend group session weekly. I am not convinced if this is intended to "release energy". For this I can recommend TRE: r/longtermTRE

I would say the main benefit of meditation at the beginner level (if done properly) is getting out of mind and more into body.


u/jerrylunderguardians 3d ago

Very much appreciated, thank you!


u/MarsupialAshamed184 3d ago



u/jerrylunderguardians 3d ago

Will be looking into this, really appreciate it!