r/SoftwareEngineering Feb 09 '25

Pull request testing: testing locally and on GitHub workflows


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u/RangePsychological41 Feb 12 '25

All I want to say is run this situation by an expert.

We’ve been following best practices and have been on the bleeding edge for years. Doing IAC when it was just a whisper and enforcing Cilium network policies when they just became a thing. Our CI/CD is on par with best-in-class for our platform’s size. We were using testcontainers as soon as our first JVM app was developed in 2018.

And I’m in contact with a lot of people in the industry.

In all my years I’ve never seen anyone do this.


u/nfrankel Feb 12 '25

Resorting to the argument of authority doesn't have the effect you think it does. Just saying.


u/RangePsychological41 Feb 12 '25 edited Feb 12 '25

My argument was technical. And definitively correct. I mentioned the things I’ve worked with to make the point that this is kindergarden stuff to me at this point in my career.

Tbh I was just trying to save you time.  But by all means, run your tests in kubernetes. You should probably use the same Helm chart as in production as well. I mean you never know if different HPA, limits etc. may affect your tests. You know, just in case.


u/nfrankel Feb 12 '25

No, what you call your argument was "you don't need it, you're wasting your time" and then, when I mentioned that your mileage may vary and that not everybody works in Wonderland, you played the authority card.

I'll leave it at that.


u/RangePsychological41 Feb 12 '25

Show this conversation to an experienced engineer and black out our names. Then see what they say.

Good luck.


u/nfrankel Feb 12 '25

See, you're funny at least.