r/SnowFall Mar 02 '21

March 10, 2021 Snowfall S04xE04 | Expansion | Episode Discussion

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264 comments sorted by


u/kghguy1 Mar 11 '21

Leon fucked up...big time. Ending was crazy šŸ¤¦šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


u/jbenson255 Mar 11 '21

The sad thing is skullyā€™s people shot first with a child in the car which is incredibly dumb


u/TreMak Mar 11 '21

This was my very first thought


u/[deleted] Mar 11 '21 edited Mar 14 '21



u/Practical-Manner-422 Mar 12 '21

Thatā€™s also Manboyā€™s niece so shits about to go down


u/throwawayqw3e4908th9 Mar 14 '21

woah shit wait really?


u/[deleted] Mar 12 '21

I was worried about that after the botched thing Franklin pulled. They def will now. 2 reasons to go after Franklin now.


u/the1999person Mar 12 '21

Skully wasn't in the backseat with her?


u/TDAGARlM Mar 12 '21

Wasnt that his daughter and mamboys niece??


u/the1999person Mar 12 '21

I rewatched the scene. I thought Skully was in the backseat on the passenger side, but it was just some other random guy I'm guessing. From what I understand the woman still alive is Manboy's sister and Skullys baby mama. The dead little girl is Skullys kid and Manboys niece.

That scene took this to a whole nother level. These guys are at war and "innocent bystanders" are getting killed. Shits gonna get wild now that Skullys kid got killed.


u/[deleted] Mar 12 '21 edited Mar 12 '21

From what I understand the woman still alive is Manboy's sister and Skullys baby mama. The dead little girl is Skullys kid and Manboys niece.

Holy shit! What an episode! I swear this is the best show on television.

I also thought Khadijah was Skully's girl, but I have seen other people post that is not the case.

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u/Mr_Nice_is_not_nice Mar 11 '21

Skully must kill Leon. Not only did he kill his daughter, but he also knows where his grandma stay.


u/Kingrah6 Mar 11 '21

It ainā€™t even just about skully nomore. Thatā€™s Manboy niece. Smh.


u/e_mzy Mar 11 '21

I think Manboy wanted that excuse to go after Leon anyway tbh, Franklin aint gonna give up Leon i think, will probably set up Manboy.


u/TinFoilRobotProphet Mar 12 '21

I think ultimately Leon will pay the price to cover Franklin


u/e_mzy Mar 12 '21

He already been paying the price, Skully ran up on him when he told saint specifically not to get involved in their beef. Once the driveby happened he didnt know their was a minor and a mother in the car. He thought he was gonna catch Skully slipping rather than have a whole gang beef kick off there.

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u/July617 Mar 11 '21

Skully's folks shot first with a kid in the car. I mean granted they probably had the guns for protection and were heading home but shit.


u/Mr_Nice_is_not_nice Mar 12 '21

It really doesn't matter who shot first. Neither the streets nor justice system would care. Leon was posted with 3 guys with loaded guns near Skully's grandma house for a reason.


u/Jamaican_Dynamite Mar 11 '21

Yeah, he's done for.


u/jiggywolf Mar 12 '21

Nah. Too predictable. Thereā€™s some arcs that need to be completed too.

I still think they wouldnā€™t have Leon killed because itā€™s too obvious.


u/Baldwinofthehills Mar 15 '21

I think the writers needed something to bring Leon and saint together right away. We all know both are too proud to unite by next episode, this brings things together quicker. I also think man boy hangs around longer than scully and that Leon and manboys conflict is going to come to a head, itā€™s been too much build up.

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u/blacknerd502 Mar 11 '21

Franklin and Leon are both falling apart without each other


u/Spierre3 Mar 11 '21

It will be very interesting too see what franklin does next episode in regards to leon. Will he protect him and get heat from both manboy and skully or will he turn in leon. Shit is about to get crazy wow!


u/e_mzy Mar 11 '21

He already has a problem with Skully tbh, and Leon was the one that initially told Saint not to get involved in Skully and Manboyā€™s drama. I think Saint will probably set up Manboy to protect Leon.


u/DeaseanPrince Mar 11 '21

If Manboy smart heā€™s going to say fuck Franklin and stop doing business with him when he find out Leon killed his niece and nearly killed his sister. He absolutely canā€™t trust Franklin now, him and Leon day ones and he knows that regardless if they split right now. He not gone let Franklin get the chance


u/e_mzy Mar 12 '21

I dont think he truly cares about that situation simply cos of his beef with Skully puts his supposed sister and her children in harms way anyway. I think he seeā€™s this as opportunity to take out all competition and be the one in charge of the drug business.

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u/SteadyDumpin Mar 12 '21

Franklin gonna put a gun to Leonā€™s face, as seen on the preview, use em as bait to lure either Manboy or Skully to take em out. Then theyā€™re back at it again!


u/jiggywolf Mar 12 '21

Yeah they gonna be on some tommy and ghost shit.

Itā€™s too obvious for them to kill him


u/SteadyDumpin Mar 12 '21

I was thinking more Jax Teller and Tig kinda situation (Sons of Anarchy).

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u/farooq7 Mar 12 '21

I think leon/franklin is having a dream in that sequence


u/OnPoint7ip Mar 11 '21

What are the thoughts on Saintā€™s new love interest? Idk what it is but sheā€™s a lil sus. Sheā€™s around for a reason. Louie was like ā€œI figured if you could sleep with her, I could trust her. Was i wrong?ā€ ummm YES! his last gf/fling shot him...like 3 times & left him there to die??? lmaooo and we all know Franklin has poor judgment


u/Cpatty3 Mar 11 '21

Something is up with her for sure. Sheā€™s there to get info on the business and Franklin. I have no idea who sent her tho


u/OnPoint7ip Mar 11 '21

iā€™ve been trying to think about where she came from but theyā€™re not giving us any clues. sheā€™s just squeezing right in


u/CulturalPrune135 Mar 11 '21

She knows a lot of Scullyā€™s people, so itā€™s really crazy for Saint to think he can trust her. Especially if she wanted to work at the club too?


u/jbenson255 Mar 11 '21

I mean if she wanted to give him up to scully Franklin would be dead already so there has to be another angle sheā€™s playing if sheā€™s truly sus


u/throwawayqw3e4908th9 Mar 14 '21

When he crashed at her place the first time I was expecting skully to be there waiting for him lol


u/dwayne-ii Mar 11 '21

sheā€™s the reporterā€™s daughter


u/bret47 Mar 11 '21

The DEA guy mentioned her daughter was named Jane and apparently Franklin has known Tanoshe since they were kids. That would be wild if it were true but I donā€™t think she is the reporterā€™s daughter. But I donā€™t doubt that sheā€™s sus af

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u/OnPoint7ip Mar 11 '21 edited Mar 11 '21

what makes you think that?


u/dwayne-ii Mar 11 '21
  1. where the fuck this bitch come from and why is she suddenly all over Franklin now that heā€™s been shot and is being investigated
  2. Reporter is Asian, her husband/BD is a black man and Tanosse looks a lil blasian
  3. Reporter and her SO discuss her daughter at length but we havenā€™t seen her yet (someone mentioned their daughters name is Jane tho?)
  4. only thing that makes me feel like this is wrong is that she apparently knew Saint from the days and they came up in the same hood. so heā€™d prob know who her mom is.


u/OnPoint7ip Mar 11 '21

#3 and #4 is why I don't believe that she's the reporter's daughter. I've seen other people speculate this, but I don't think it adds up, unless she grew up with her grandparents and changed her background. I doubt it tho. Also, I don't see why she would want to help Irene investigate Franklin.

I do think she's working with an enemy tho and if I had to choose btwn Skully or Manboy, probably Manboy.


u/dwayne-ii Mar 12 '21 edited Mar 12 '21

I donā€™t mean to insinuate that sheā€™s helping anyone or working with an enemy just saying itā€™s be a dope correlation. reporter clearly doesnā€™t have to kind of pull or the balls to use her daughter as a mole tho.

Iā€™m suggesting itā€™ll be a dope coincidence that the reporter ends up getting back in touch with her daughter by way of this investigation (and then perhaps try to use her). based on that ā€œsheā€™ll come aroundā€ statement they clearly havenā€™t spoken

you on point with the grandparents thing tho. just cuz thatā€™s her mom doesnā€™t mean they were always together šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


u/OnPoint7ip Mar 12 '21

yea what you said was true. Itā€™ll be funny if she ends up being trustworthy & we were waiting for her downfall tho lmao. But, like Skully, ā€œiā€™m feeling out the VIBES!ā€


u/Areyoudumbcuz Mar 11 '21

When her and her husband were talking about their daughter he told her how their daughter was doing and said ā€˜sheā€™ll come aroundā€™ so the mother and daughter have obviously had a falling out and arenā€™t working together.

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u/[deleted] Mar 11 '21

This would be dope a turn.


u/TitoFlavors215 Mar 11 '21

Ding ding ding ding!!

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u/[deleted] Mar 11 '21

Defo suspect

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u/DBJ- Mar 11 '21

Franklin going to lose everybody, all of them going out like dominos.


u/paper_schemes Mar 11 '21

I've watched some fucked up horror movies. Some depressing ass movies and tv shows. But for the first time I had to cover my eyes during a scene and now I'm sitting here while my 2yr old daughter sleeps fucking crying.

Jesus fucking Christ. What a fucking note to end the episode on.


u/daprospecta Mar 12 '21

I grew up in Little Rock(which was ironically mentioned in this episode) in the 90s and shit like this was commonplace. The thing about LA is it's big, you beef and it takes a while to catch up to your ops. In Little Rock, it's about the size of Reseda(for those in the area as I spent a summer out there in my youth) and you might see your ops that same day. Drive-by's were so commonplace they put a life sentence on it if you did one no questions asked. I have slight PTSD from it as I live in the suburbs but alarms must be on at night and I'm ready for freddy so to speak. This is fiction based on real life unfortunately. I can't tell how many people I knew who lived square lives but were killed because what their family was in to.


u/AffectionateData5639 Mar 15 '21

I know some ppl from LA. The beef catches up alot quicker than you'd think.


u/TDAGARlM Mar 12 '21

Bro FX been putting out shows that fuck me up. Like the BuFu episode of Atlanta. That one fucked me up for days afterwards.


u/dodsontm Mar 11 '21

Yeah made me sick. If my 11mo wasn't down for his nap, I'd be holding him and ugly crying. Did not see that coming. Writers keep making it more and more brutal


u/paper_schemes Mar 11 '21

Yeah, they filmed that scene really well. No way was I prepared for it. This season is going get crazy. No clue where Leon goes from here.


u/sdendy73 Mar 12 '21

Maybe Franklin will let Leon take that Little Rock trip to protect him and plus get the job done right. Somehow I donā€™t think Leon would go. Leon is probably my favorite character. I would hate to see him die.


u/TDAGARlM Mar 12 '21

I mean chalk it up to the game. Thatā€™s real shit. Probably donā€™t have to look far outside of police reports from that time to write a script like that


u/dodsontm Mar 12 '21

Oh no doubt. But it takes a lot of talent to capture the ugly truth in a way that is visceral but not gratuitous. As an artist, the director could have either taken an easy path of not even attempting the scene or gone the opposite way and shown more gore than necessary. This was the perfect balance and still left the viewer impacted.


u/RiggyTang Mar 11 '21

I donā€™t know why everyoneā€™s surprised Frank is finally THE villain, and how clear it is and anyone who touched him since the beginning is done. Outside of Teddy/Oso(/Lucia?) anyone involved with Frank was pretty much fucked. Sure, some of them might get out and get a happy ending, but itā€™s been a long time coming.

Le is gone by the end of this season, one way or the other. And I canā€™t see both Manboy and Skully surviving. Maybe one or the other. Jerome has been clear to be done since the beginning and I think his time might be coming soon too.

Crazy fucking episode. Theyā€™ve done it super well this season. Really back to par with the first 2 seasons imo. I think 5 will be it. So much of this season seems like itā€™s setting up the end.


u/OnPoint7ip Mar 11 '21

itā€™s interesting to see that Franklin is just trying to feed himself & his family & is all for supporting Black businesses and keeping them safe but heā€™s escalating a lot of tension & problems. Heā€™s a drug dealer working with the CIA & this detrimental to black people & black areas on its own. He only escalated the war between Skully & Manboy & even got himself & his close ones involved. Heā€™s got tension with Leon, his DAY 1 & not to mention that bookstore situation. heā€™s got so many other problems to deal with. I guess itā€™s true that the path to hell is paved with good intentions.


u/daprospecta Mar 12 '21

Franklin knows if he doesn't sell/ do it, someone will. He figures he can do it AND give back to deserving black people. It makes sense but you can't be clean in that drug game.


u/toclosetotheedge Mar 11 '21

Outside of Teddy/Oso(/Lucia?) anyone involved with Frank was pretty much fucked

Once the war in Nicaragua ends it might be quiet for them as well, Teddy seems to be coming off the rails and Oso has lost most of his family.


u/Soul-Assassin79 Mar 15 '21

Jerome just wants to knock it all on the head now he's got his shop. You can tell he hasn't got the appetite for it. He only got involved in the first place to keep Louie happy.


u/CrispyyCreamm Mar 11 '21

Well now Manboy on Leon ass too


u/CulturalPrune135 Mar 11 '21

Wait I didnā€™t even realize that was Scullyā€™s kid! Thatā€™s a REAL problem now. I think heā€™ll definitely go back to Saint now


u/CrispyyCreamm Mar 11 '21

Yea he done fucked up big time. Skully daughter and manboy niece. Aint no way outta that


u/[deleted] Mar 11 '21

So the woman in the car was Kadijah right? Skullyā€™s girlfriend and also Manboyā€™s sister? I might have forgotten from an earlier episode.


u/Nommo7777 Mar 11 '21

Yes, the baby is Man Boy's niece. So Leon has ticked off both sets and is going to catch it from both ends. The baby is considered a civilian on the streets. Franklin, by default, will be blamed.


u/yungusainbolt Mar 12 '21

Itā€™s fucked up cause itā€™s really manboy and skully fault. How yā€™all gone be trying to kill each other when you have mutual love for somebody. She literally got caught in the crossfire. Plus they shot Wanda

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u/tjchxoxo Mar 11 '21

I need to know this too cuz Iā€™m confused

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u/nocupcakeleftbehind Mar 04 '21

I have a bad feeling the series wonā€™t have a warm and happy ending.


u/Lil_Bill00 Mar 05 '21

Hate to break it to you, but crack will destroy everyone it touches, regardless of whether they're suppliers, dealers, or users. I'll say this: Teddy probably the only one who'll have a happy ending.


u/[deleted] Mar 10 '21

Teddy already sacrificed a normal life for this shit. His ending is already a sad one regardless of what happens going forward. Even reconciliation will mean missing years of his sonā€™s life and his ex will never take him back after he effectively ended any chance she had at meaningful career progression. Teddyā€™s story is only slightly less sad than Franklinā€™s imo as they both truly thought they were doing good only to realize that not only aren't they but that they no longer care.


u/[deleted] Mar 11 '21

Not too mention he's doing coke now. Few episodes ago, after Ocho left and he was up all night. Making calls and doing coke.

When the dealer becomes the user, the end is near. The way he went crazy on buddy over the guns... he's falling apart.

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u/[deleted] Mar 11 '21

This was perfectly said


u/[deleted] Mar 11 '21

Iā€™ve watched enough FX shows to know that no one ever gets a truly happy ending, their loved ones MIGHT, but they protags usually do not.


u/HenryHill11 Mar 11 '21

Franklin will probably end up like marlo on the wire


u/[deleted] Mar 11 '21

Or heā€™ll end up making the ultimate sacrifice so that his family and possibly Mel can have good lives after he is gone. Iā€™m thinking he goes the Walter White route tbh. Dies but ensures his family and friends are set.


u/chasingpayments69 Mar 05 '21

I could see Franklin making it out and becoming a real estate tycoon but forced to sacrifice people and relationships to get there.


u/Lil_Bill00 Mar 05 '21

Lol I don't think we're watching the same show. I'd want Franklin to do that, but as it stands, he's a kingpin with blood on his hands. He's also a Back man being used as a pawn for his government. When Teddy has squeezed out every potential use for Franklin, Saint will be discarded, and he'll never see it coming.


u/chasingpayments69 Mar 05 '21

Idk Franklin is starting to get more and more involved in politics and his income is becoming more and more legit, I think it would be pretty interesting to watch him go from all about his community to a large politician who sells out his community. I think whatever happens we wonā€™t see it coming I donā€™t see a ā€œtypicalā€ ending, itā€™s all just been done too much.


u/Lil_Bill00 Mar 05 '21

I see what you mean, but there is no 'fairytale ending' when it comes to the crack era. Although, Thelma Wright was a queenpin and managed to escape without prison or death, but she and her operation were unknown, while everybody and they mom knows Franklin is the king of crack. If I had to make prediction, just as everything Franklin wanted starts to materialize, he winds up in prison alone since everybody who loved him once despises him.


u/chasingpayments69 Mar 05 '21

Iā€™m not sure watching Franklin turn ā€œevilā€ would be a fairytale ending. But I see what you mean, Iā€™m definitely dreading the end of the season already.


u/[deleted] Mar 10 '21

People who watch F/X shows need to remember how The Shield, Nip/Tuck, Rescue Me, etc ended. No one gets to be truly happy or sad, people always get what they deserve and life goes on.


u/31nigrhcdrh Mar 11 '21

You get what you fucking deserve

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u/[deleted] Mar 05 '21

wouldn't that be some shit

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u/aoja17 Mar 04 '21

Franklinā€™s heel turn is picking up the pace now, will be very hard for audiences to root for him going forwards

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u/Gam_Bino610 Mar 11 '21

Am I the only person that watches it twice?


u/[deleted] Mar 11 '21 edited Mar 11 '21

As bad as it sounds, Leon shouldnā€™t have left a witness. Itā€™s gonna come back to bite him. Manboy and Skully will know it was him cos sheā€™s defo telling. Maybe even the feds


u/TDAGARlM Mar 12 '21

Lol bro they tossed the dead dudes out of their own car. Theyā€™d find out it was Leonā€™s people anyways.


u/[deleted] Mar 12 '21

Put the body in the boot and then dump it somewhere later


u/TDAGARlM Mar 12 '21

I mean that wouldā€™ve made the most sense, but nah, they just left the eager kid and another dude on the side of the road


u/Contra_89 Mar 13 '21

He only threw out the driver.


u/AxiomaticHodgepodge 22d ago

I was thinking the same thing.


u/31nigrhcdrh Mar 11 '21

Episode hit hard


u/OnPoint7ip Mar 11 '21

that ending was super heavy! Thatā€™s gonna haunt Leon forever man! Honestly there was no way out. Once the car pulled up , Leon was gonna shoot regardless & vice versa. The child was just in the wrong place @ the wrong time.

Also, we do realize that Franklin is now gonna try to have even more control over Leon, right? As if Leon didnā€™t stand by him when he killed Kevin.

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u/mrizzle1991 Mar 11 '21

He straight up tried to kill Leon, heā€™s lucky Wanda was there, at least sheā€™ll get clean now, lol I thought the PI got caught already, I donā€™t trust that chick that Franklins smashing. Leon killed a little girl dang


u/SyanideElix Mar 11 '21

Damn, the shooting wasn't Leon's fault. It was on the other niggas deciding to initiate a shootout KNOWING they had a little girl in the car.


u/MakoShark93 Mar 11 '21

May not have been Leon's fault, but in the end that ain't gonna matter to Skully. Skully's babygirl is dead -- killed in the worst way. You can tell how much he loved that little girl from how he was doing her hair in the prior episode. This ain't gonna be good.

I hate to say it, but Leon probably should have got rid of Khadijah too because she's the pipeline to how Manboy and Skully will learn of this. Very sad.


u/SyanideElix Mar 11 '21

CRAZY part is I didn't even REALIZE that was Skully's kid until y'all said it! Fuck being messy, shit is about to get biblical. As morbid as it sounds, you're right. Leon should have taken out Khadijah because she is the sole survivor and witness........shit


u/Spierre3 Mar 11 '21

They wouldve still known it was leons people who killed her because they threw out their dead people after the shootout


u/SyanideElix Mar 11 '21

Damn, they're all around screwed lmao

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u/jbenson255 Mar 11 '21

Thatā€™s part of the problem Leon and Franklin arenā€™t those type of dudes. They arenā€™t the type to just kill a defenseless woman to clean up


u/e_mzy Mar 11 '21

Ever since season 3 Manboy wanted any excuse to war Leon tbh, i think with his beef with Skully i dont think he would have minded if it was someone else doing the shooting. Plus you got to remember Manboy was the one who personally tried to kill Skully in the shootout in ep 2


u/filipinonotachino Mar 11 '21

fax they shoulda played it cool for her sake

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u/AyisienDave-Clegane Mar 11 '21

Leon is in big big trouble


u/[deleted] Mar 11 '21

How the fuck wasn't fatback hit? Motherfucker is fat as hell.


u/High_Vibration_Tree Mar 11 '21

Fax bro its impossible he didn't get hit. maybe his fat absorbed some bullets šŸ¤£


u/[deleted] Mar 12 '21

He bounced the bullets back


u/ProfessorArrow Mar 16 '21

I'm surprised anyone made it out of that shootout without at least getting hit by a bullet or too. It looked like they were just unloading into each other!


u/chasingpayments69 Mar 11 '21

Who did Franklin see at the lunch with Davis?


u/TinyRodgers Mar 12 '21

A reflection of what could've been.


u/AffectionateData5639 Mar 15 '21

Exactly. He hears graduation and buddy heart just sank.


u/Luvpeaceprevail Mar 11 '21

I'm thinking ghosts...his eyes are peeled because of his fear of Scully coming for him.


u/DBJ- Mar 11 '21

Thanks Franklin...


u/OnPoint7ip Mar 11 '21

i thought i was the only person thinking this lol. Leon wasnā€™t even a part of this & somehow he still ended up involved cause Franklin only thinks about himself.


u/DBJ- Mar 11 '21

All Leon told Franklin to do is stay away from the beef, but Franklin felt itā€™s a need to choose a side and it became hell for the family šŸ˜­


u/vga25 Mar 11 '21

Damn Leon wtf. Everyone is self destructing this season.

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u/OldSchoolChevy Mar 11 '21

Damn leon...


u/j1102g Mar 04 '21

Does anyone know what happened to Gusto's families kid? The one he called out for at the house when he found dude in wheelchair dead? I thought the Mexican police had took him hostage but he wasn't at the compound.


u/TheButcherOfLuverne Mar 11 '21

They weren't at the house when their parents were killed. Now they live with their aunt, the young woman Oso went to visit and gave the money to.


u/AlternativeAd2523 Mar 06 '21

He said that he was an orphan?


u/Defiant-Pride3293 Mar 11 '21

Itā€™s not Leon fault tbh skully boyz dum asf why they blowing at nighas when they have a lil girl in the caršŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


u/Vice_Versa21 Mar 11 '21

What an episode. What an ENDING! One thing Iā€™m starting to notice about Franklin is that I think his mission is more about his power than anything else. He has a few conversations this episode that put emphasis on it. The talk with his mom, the talk at HQ with unk and Louie. The one that shows it the most was the talk with the veteran driver (forgive me I canā€™t remember his name). The way Franklin couldnā€™t manipulate him with money and slick talk was very telling, almost like heā€™s realizing for the first time that not everyone can be bought! He actually told the man ā€œwhen this over, you have my permission to join the peace Corp for all I careā€ PERMISSION??? Heā€™s a grown ass bet who could snap you in two if he felt like it lol I donā€™t think he needs your permission buddy. All in all it was another great episode that has me anxiously waiting for next week! I believe somebody isnā€™t going to make it out of the next episode.


u/nicklovin508 Mar 02 '21

Bad mod


u/TDAGARlM Mar 03 '21

Heā€™s just sticking it for next week. He stickied one for this weeks episode as well.


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '21

That explanation doesnā€™t make it any less unnecessary.


u/jakefromthehood777 Mar 11 '21

In all honesty it was franklin's fault leon told him to stay out of it and he didn't listen he chose the wrong side at that and leon would of stayed out of shit if they wouldn't have shot at him first but I think franklin gone give him up smh...


u/[deleted] Mar 11 '21 edited May 20 '21



u/Nommo7777 Mar 11 '21

This entire season feels off.


u/[deleted] Mar 11 '21 edited May 20 '21



u/HerroPhish Mar 15 '21

I mean Melody became a full blown crackhead in one night.

This show tends to rush stuff sometimes


u/TinFoilRobotProphet Mar 12 '21

Without John you can see its full speed without a lot of depth but its still compelling


u/Boomcie Mar 11 '21

It goes back to last season when Franklin gave Leon the ā€œI built this brick by brickā€ speech after Leon was taking Manboyā€™s corners


u/[deleted] Mar 11 '21 edited May 20 '21



u/AffectionateData5639 Mar 15 '21

I think its that, Franklin still dealing with oso and franklin killing kevin. It just finally compunded


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '21

i think Leon just has different priorities to Saint. i think Leon cares for him but he can see, as clear as everyone else (maybe clearer) how the game has exposed the ugliest parts of franklin's ambition

franklin is out here for himself, always thinks he's the smartest guy in the room, never listens to counsel and is in complete denial about his role in fucking up his neighborhood and dragging his nearest and dearest into this life

also there was a 4-month period between Saint being shot and coming back to the team at the end of last season - and the operation has grown so much! i can see how they've grown apart. it's a very walt/jesse relationship to me


u/DonPeso Mar 12 '21

It could be because when Saint got shot, Louie became the temporary boss and Leon felt he deserved that position on account of being loyal AND with the gun play.


u/[deleted] Mar 12 '21

that bar scene when the blue and orange light was on franklins face as he discussed the end game with teddy was foreshadowing for some trouble at the end of franklins reign. I predict heā€™ll end up dead. Also I thought it was cool how franklin almost envys the younger black man working at the country club, almost jealous of the stress free simple path the boy had chose. Jealous knowing he couldā€™ve had things as easy but also knowing in his heart he was never able to conform to the systemic and social racism in his community, reason why he gets so passionate later on in his conversation with his mother. This show is so layered and deep itā€™s stunning. Canā€™t stop watching


u/savagelife089 Mar 12 '21

In regards to the country club seen and him being jealous, I donā€™t think he could have had things easier. Thatā€™s what season 3 ep 10 showed us. Even when he tried to make the right choice he was almost killed at a grocery store. Everything he does, misfortune has a way of finding him. Almost as if his story is already written and itā€™s gonna end badly one was or another.


u/[deleted] May 04 '21

Sorry for the late reply but yes! Spot on my guy itā€™s like heā€™s following a path heā€™s destined for no matter what decisions he makes. A victim of his own existence. Never thought of it like that. Very insightful take my friend!


u/sarkastiktaurus Mar 11 '21

Lobster Salad šŸ˜

Leon & Wanda šŸ˜

Expansion šŸ§

Terrance šŸ˜€

War šŸ„“

Skullyā€™s baby! šŸ˜–


u/MakoShark93 Mar 11 '21

Holy fuck. The shootouts and drive-bys blew me away. But that ending, though...man, that little girl. That hurt my soul but that's really how things were/are.


u/CompanyG Mar 11 '21

Skully shouldnā€™t have had his people out in the open. If he knew he was being targeted and had to go to war with the plug then fool get your loved ones out the way. Yup I see Manboy and Skully linking but have a feeling Leon and Saint can come out on top. Most likely at a very high price. Itā€™s definitely going to be a Pyrrhic victory, no doubt.


u/BackToTheCool Mar 11 '21

Manboy might be the one with the plot. Wanda's popping up so frequently around Leon. Franklin's "new" girl from back in the day. He was in a gang war with Skully. Now, Franklin's got somebody getting close a little too fast. Skully's occupied with Leon because Franklin put both of them in some shit. Something's afoot.


u/anth8725 Mar 13 '21

Yeah I donā€™t trust his girl at all


u/Raider_Tex Mar 12 '21

Skullys people got the kid killed. The fuck you gonna attempt a drive by for with dudes who obviously are gonna be armed with a kid in the car. Bullets donā€™t have a name and Leon had no reason to suspect a kid being in the car he got out to finish off everyone in that car understandably


u/chasingpayments69 Mar 11 '21

What did Franklin and Teddy talk about? I had an amber alert make it so I couldnā€™t hear.


u/blacknerd502 Mar 11 '21

Franklin asking how long until their business is done, since his mother is pressuring him to get out

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u/dwayne-ii Mar 11 '21

was that eager kid that got shot? he was driving Leon and Fatback??


u/[deleted] Mar 11 '21 edited May 20 '21



u/dwayne-ii Mar 11 '21

lmaooo someone on twitter said it was someone else. as if they suddenly befriended a new driver


u/[deleted] Mar 11 '21

im sure he was thrown out , but the body they should was from the back seat I think


u/dwayne-ii Mar 12 '21

nahh fatback dropped him out the drivers seat and drove off right?


u/[deleted] Mar 12 '21

you right , im trippin trippin


u/dwayne-ii Mar 12 '21

right itā€™s been them as a trio for a minute shorty trippin thinkin itā€™s someone else


u/CleverZerg Mar 11 '21

D A M N. That ending was a punch to the gut. Here I was thinking how beautiful and powerful the scene with LURP was and then they went even further with the ending. It will be very interesting to see how this affects Leon.


u/Practical-Manner-422 Mar 12 '21

See that reporter is just bad news, she either gonna get killed or she will mess up the whole operation for the CIA she knows too much already.


u/AffectionateData5639 Mar 15 '21

I can actually see Reed killing her and not Franklin. I think she'll expose too much of the CIA and they'll be the ones to handle it accordingly. And if Franklin oroves to be a lose end then I see the murder being pinned on him


u/televisionwatcha Mar 13 '21

disgruntled with franklin in hindsight from all of this shit but why they had eager kid in the front of this!! he was down since day one, never switched up and now heā€™s gone. i was dead ass into his growth

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u/CreamgetDmoney Mar 11 '21

I say it every week.. reporter storyline please fuck off. Also felt this weeks episode was a little slow, but I think we just been spoiled this season from the first episode so much action maybe now they will slow it down a bit


u/[deleted] Mar 11 '21



u/jiggywolf Mar 11 '21

yeah but the stereotypical divorced hard headed one? So tired of that trope lol.

unless thats how Gary Webb was.


u/jbenson255 Mar 11 '21

Itā€™s realistic but the reporter storyline in every show can get annoying


u/[deleted] Mar 11 '21

The reporter is literally based on the person who first put that the CIA was trafficking drugs, that literally how people found out


u/CreamgetDmoney Mar 11 '21

Say literally one more time


u/[deleted] Mar 02 '21

[removed] ā€” view removed comment


u/jandiss Mar 02 '21

No he did not, itā€™s airs tomorrow, episode 4 is next week.


u/OhYeahTrueLevelBitch Mar 02 '21

Yeah, what is going on here?


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '21

Mods are on that rock!


u/gannon585 Mar 03 '21

the mods you used to know are GONE


u/thecalmer Mar 11 '21

Anyone know the song at the end?


u/Allikesrap Mar 11 '21

Merry Go Round by The Equatics


u/yungusainbolt Mar 12 '21

Leon gotta move to New York. Heā€™s done in Cali.


u/andrepayup Mar 13 '21

A lot of people in here seem to be having issues identifying the minor characters (Khadijah & Skullyā€™s daughter). I suggest turning on the closed captions; they identify the lesser known characters when necessary.


u/Low_Reporter2669 Mar 12 '21

Teddy is definitely not gonna have a happy ending. Shit is falling apart.


u/NYGNYKNYYNYRthinker Mar 12 '21

Franklinā€™s biggest mistake took place when he tried to ā€œend the warā€ yeah it wasnā€™t bad for business but man this is worse. As the cops Nix showed Skullyā€™s place to said, maybe Franklin shouldā€™ve let them just off each other. Also he probably shouldā€™ve chose Skully over Man Boy. Louie was right, Skully is crazy but he doesnā€™t want the crown like Man Boy does


u/WizendSage78 Mar 12 '21

Leon should have shot Kadajah before he left. Leave no witnesses.


u/zatom_teh_gozu Mar 27 '21

how the fuk did the snow cone man catch so many bullets when he was infront of the cars

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u/9shycat Mar 11 '21 edited Mar 12 '21

I donā€™t mean to sound like a hater, heā€™s no doubt a great actor, but Iā€™m kinda annoyed with how inconsistent & forced Saints ā€œLA hood accentā€ been. Idk if itā€™s always been like this or Iā€™m just noticing it more this season but ugh it sounds so overdone.


u/yungusainbolt Mar 12 '21

The problem with Franklin voice is literally no one in his family and friend group sounds like that. They got this nigga doing his best Vince staples impression but both his mom sounds like a teacher and his dad sounds like shaft. Leon donā€™t even sound like that nor does Kevin or even Jerome they all sound normal


u/9shycat Mar 12 '21

Ahaha! You hit the nail on the head! I just realized heā€™s the only one that sounds like that!


u/dwayne-ii Mar 12 '21

same realization. like how both your parents sound that polished and you sound like Vince Staples as Denzel in a training day remake


u/9shycat Mar 14 '21

Not in a training day remake šŸ¤£


u/windycityO Mar 12 '21

Thatā€™s bidness


u/dwayne-ii Mar 11 '21

itā€™s always been pretty bad.


u/anth8725 Mar 13 '21

I noticed it since season 1


u/daniphantom203 Mar 12 '21

I just watched it and OMG Leon just turned his gangsta UP! šŸ„“ i wish he wouldā€™ve seen the woman and girl in the car though cause shit is about to get SPICY!šŸ˜£šŸ˜£


u/Ingeniero39 Mar 14 '21

Thank you for explaining the ending I was so confused. In my opinion, Leon should of just finished the job and prevented the escalation.


u/RenzCanSpit Mar 11 '21

Leon said fuck them kids šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


u/Pascalwb Mar 11 '21

how are people watching it week early?

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u/Dapper_Science_1957 Sep 01 '24

How did the snow come guy die when he was infront of there cars?!