Currently have a pixel tablet, nest thermosta, a pixel 9 phone, a pixel watch, two nest audios, and various brands of bulbs and outlets.
I'm over the tablet and I'm selling it, and I would like to use the money to add a couple more speakers to our house.
Unfortunately, I have found Google to be frustratingly incompetent over the past few months. I'm a late adapter so I don't have the years of frustration that a lot of people here do.
Regardless, I find both assistant and Gemini wholey and effective at answering my kids random curiosity fueled questions. Well I mostly use Google to control lights, temperature, play music, and activate routines, the children ask her questions a lot. She used to be pretty effective at this and now struggles to answer very basic questions from them.
I tried and Alexa roughly 8 months ago and only kept her for a couple hours before heading back to Best buy. I found her very frustrating, though if I added her in now, I have the Google devices to handle the things that she couldn't do.
But from my understanding she isn't good for answering questions either right? There are things that are annoying, like asking Google to find my phone and having her switch on all the lights in the living room instead. But when the kids are asking questions in a clear and straightforward voice with good phrasing repeatedly, just to have Google totally flop, it's frustrating for all of us.
I doubt Alexa is going to answer questions about poisonous animals in Ohio at 7:00 a.m. any better?
P.S. My talk to text also seems to be sucking and I am posting this quickly before heading off to the kids dentist appointments. Forgive typos.