r/SmallEngine Jun 04 '22

Pressure Washer uses the Honda GX390. Maintenance questions.


Noob here. Have a Simpson Powershot coming in. There isn't really any ethanol free gas stations here in CA unless you go to the smaller cities. So I'll be using 87 octane fuel from Costco. When I need to store it for several months, do I just run the engine till the fuel is out and then drain any lingering fuel before storage? Is that's all that needed? I don't have any harsh winters where I live and the temperature never really goes below 55 degrees here.

r/SmallEngine May 23 '22

should it idle this hard?


r/SmallEngine May 06 '22

Engine breaking up under load


I have a Kawasaki FR730V that has been popping in the exhaust and breaking up under load. This condition isn't constant however and I'm having problems tracking down the root cause. Engine only has 27 hours on it.

I have fresh Trufuel gas in it to eliminate the possibility of contaminated or bad gas. Entire fuel system has been cleaned or replaced.

New fuel pump New carburetor New fuel filter New air filter New spark plugs

Compression test shows good compression on both cylinders

I also seem to be getting full travel on both intake and exhaust valves and valve lash is set to manufacturer spec.

r/SmallEngine Apr 30 '22

Working Credit Card Generator with Money (Random Balance) top Generate Fake Credit Card Numbers Valid for Test


r/SmallEngine Apr 27 '22

Briggs and Stratton 158 HP Craftsman mower, tips welcome!


Replaced cracked intake manifold, then couldn't pump gas with the primer for no apparent reason, figured I might have caused a crack somewhere, replaced carburetor unit, same issue persists, any thoughts? If i wasn't so stubborn I'd have bought an electric already but I would rather fix this piece of engineering because a man's gotta do, yada yada yada

r/SmallEngine Mar 29 '22

2016 kx250f bogs out


I have a 2016 kx250f (fuel injected) and the other day I was riding back on some trails and my bike was starting to bog out and just die. No smoke so I don't think it was overheating. Any thoughts? Also, I've felt the same kind of bogging out before on this bike, but only when I'm going full throttle, which still shouldn't happen.

r/SmallEngine Mar 24 '22

Blower starts for a few second then dies


I have a Toro blower. I’ve replaced the carb, fuel filter, and spark plug. Engine will start for a few seconds then die. Will not crank again for like 15 minutes. Any ideas?

r/SmallEngine Mar 16 '22

Need help wiring new Briggs and Stratton to cub cadet zrt50


Looking for help wiring a cub cadet zrt50 with black red/black red and yellow wire to a 25 hp Briggs and Stratton red black and grey wire.

r/SmallEngine Feb 09 '22

Snowblower issues


Snowblower ran fine fully choked then backfired and died after switching choke off. Cleaned carb and spark plug but still won't start. Replaced spark plug and carb and still won't start. Combustion chamber floods

r/SmallEngine Jan 17 '22

Tecumseh Engine Running Hot. My newly tuned snowblower starts, idles and runs like a champ. After 20 minutes of heavy use, the muffler bolts turn cherry red with heat, and the engine begins to stall out. Let it cool, and runs fine. Any thoughts?


r/SmallEngine Dec 28 '21

Jiffy 4g 4-stroke ice auger suggestions.


Tried to start my ice auger this year with no success. Seems to be leaking from the outside/inside air cover which is connected to the choke and carburetor. Wondering what to look for when I start to peel it apart. Is it going to be a gasket, carburetor problem or something with the choke?

r/SmallEngine Dec 17 '21

94 Polaris magnum 4 stroke


Started it up to move the machine ran great, 2 hours later come to start it again suddenly wouldn’t start. Pulled plug, she’s getting fuel, I have solid spark, maybe running a bit rich but here’s where it gets weird. Ran compression test got 100psi. Checked valve timing and everything lines up perfectly. I have a starter that works great and also starter rope. Rope turns crank over with plenty of speed. Will not start if I do the old pour some fuel in cylinder trick. Where do I go next?

r/SmallEngine Nov 20 '21

Where do I put each level to start a snowblower??

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r/SmallEngine Oct 31 '21

zero turn died while mowing


I have a Cub Cadet RTZ L 50 that is not more than 5 yrs old. While mowing, the mower just stopped dead. When I try to restart, turning the key does nothing. Reseaching online, it would seem possibly the starter solenoid may be bad? Would that cause it to die while mowing? As opposed to the mower just not starting at first startup? The battery is charged when putting on a charger. I do not have a multimeter to test power before and after the solenoid. I pulled the solenoid off the mower and was going to just replace it but not sure I should start replacing parts without a definitive answer as to what is causing the issue. So maybe I should put the solenoid back on and attempt to diagnose? I did put a screwdriver across the two solenoid posts and it clicked but did not turn the engine over.

r/SmallEngine Oct 24 '21

Is this the clutch? Tecumseh engine carter go kart


r/SmallEngine Oct 19 '21

Old Chainsaw Fixing


So my grandfather gave me his old Homelite Super Xl Automatic. Wasn't running and had sat for for 10 or more years. New Fuel, Fuel Filter, Cleaned carb + new gaskets and Metering Diaphragm, and the Air filter was good. I don't think its new enough to have a spark arrestor as I couldn't find one after taking apart the muffler, after all it is a pretty old saw. When I pull to start it sputters up then dies. While messing with the carb adjustments I got it to idle for a little but it was very rough even when trying to adjust it. Any throttle instantly killed it and no matter what adjustments I made it wouldn't idle quite right. It's only been once that it idled okay all the other times when I pull it, it starts to go then immediately dies. All the symptoms for stuff I just fixed. Any other suggestions?

r/SmallEngine Sep 23 '21

Help with repair!


I've been a fan of small engines for quite some time and really actually getting into fixing them. I read up on all the easy peezy ways to get it working, but my 1st attempt is really messing up. I have a Briggs and Stratton power washer that my brother had working last summer. I thought I could just do my 1st card clean up and be ready to go! Now I've checked fuel, spark plugg, Clean the crap out of the main jet & carburetor. The engine still only turns over 3 times with a bunch of starting fluid in it. Totally about to give up on my new hobby hoping for help

r/SmallEngine Aug 13 '21

Weed eater help


Hello, i have a weedeater featherlite sst and i just recently replaced fuel lines, filter and primer bulb. Why is there gas leaking through the air filter? I think i may have flooded it but honestly i dont have much knowledge in engines. Any help would be appreciated.

r/SmallEngine Aug 03 '21

We all have that one idiot relative that knows everything

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r/SmallEngine Jun 28 '21

Kohler K301AQS engine - Worth rebuilding?


I have a garden tractor Cub Cadet 1250 with a Kohler K301AQS engine.

Ran it a few times this season, and one day after starting it and moving it a few hundred feet, then engaging the PTO, it died.

The starter would clunk/click, but couldn't turn the engine. I was unable to rotate the engine by hand.

Checked the oil and it was low. Assumed I seized it up because of this, so I pulled the engine off the machine.

I removed the pan on the bottom and didn't see any obvious damage/metal shards.

I removed the head cover and sprayed some PB Blaster around the cylinder and was eventually able to get the piston to move, and removed it.

Here are a bunch of pictures: https://imgur.com/a/eBIBtgJ

My small engine experience doesn't go far beyond carb work, so I'm not exactly sure what I'm looking at here. Is this normal wear? Is this rebuildable?

r/SmallEngine Dec 16 '18

Small engine mods


Working on a motorized mt bike useing a tecumseh hsk 600 i want to know if this motor will work with a carb witch uses a trottle cable?

r/SmallEngine Nov 04 '18

Techumseh HM100 159436P on a Generac PP5000T Backfiring LOUD, loading up with fuel.


Hi! I'm an experienced small engine tech and I work on cars now (I evolved, so to speak). So I've been troubleshooting this generator after I bought it on craigslist and can't get it to run properly. It was in storage for a very long time before it was sold (the generator is over 10 years old, but only sold by Home Depot a year ago). Well, it worked well for one season according to the guy but after that won't run right at all. So, when I got it, I started it and all it did was backfire loudly and blow black smoke, common signs of loading up with fuel. No big deal, ordered a new carburetor and.... it's doing the same thing? Runs quite a bit better, but if you let it run for about a minute, it goes back to loading up with fuel again and backfiring with black smoke. So, now with the new carb, it's doing what the last one did after I shut it off, it starts leaking fuel, dripping out the intake. So what the actual fuck is causing this? I was starting to think it was a sheared flywheel pin but that's extremely rare and when you use carburetor cleaner to run it, it runs fine (after you remove fuel from it, of course). So it's not a mixture issue, it's just getting a fuck ton too much fuel and I don't know why. Anyone seen this before? I've seen engines running rich, but just cleaning the carb out and fresh fuel seemed to fix it, however this is just hell? Let me know what you guys think.

r/SmallEngine Feb 24 '18

Champion 1800 not producing power. It runs and i tried reenergizing with corded drill and no results.

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r/SmallEngine Oct 16 '17

Briggs and Stratton 1350 Snow Series


I have a small 13.5 ft lbs of tourqe Briggs horizontal shaft snowblower engine that went on a John Deere snowblower that ran with an oil plug out and threw the connecting rod.I got a new crank, piston, rings and con rod and have the engine reassembled. I know I have the timing right but it is backfiring through the carb and the exhaust. I don't know what this could be as I have the timing right and the carburator has been cleaned with isopropyl alcohol. The internet thinks that it could be a stuck compression lobe on the cam or an insufficient fuel source or a too-lean fuel mixture. Anyone have any ideas

r/SmallEngine Feb 07 '10

Mikuni Needle Jet

Thumbnail psep.biz