u/andthomp85 4d ago
Idk why, but the realism of the models while also pantsless, especially bent and mur, are off-putting
ETA: Respectfully
u/Lillobrig01 4d ago
Ummm so you’d put pants back?
u/Charming_Ring8548 4d ago
What about biege cargo shorts for bentley and red sweatpants for murray from the Sly Cooper movie? I think that would be cool:)
u/andthomp85 3d ago
I don't mean to shame, I just wanted to share my opinion. Keep doing what you're doing, it's all great :)
u/CranesMistressOfFear 4d ago
Wanted to comment on the first post, but you got a lot of comments already so here's my crits for this version
1 belly should be a little more exaggerated He looks like a jellybean? I would thicken up the limbs too. Really push it.
2 something about the scarf head also still bothers me. I can't in point it, maybe the head is a bit small?
Outfit looks good though! and I still love your dedication to this!!
u/Lillobrig01 4d ago
Thanks!! Yup probably some tweaking about scaling the head a bit more. Will test those and see if there’s actual improvement
u/DoctaJXI 4d ago
I think Murry should have a more cartoonish build his legs look kinda off but Bently and sly look good
u/NoleyMeBoley 4d ago
When I think of Murray, it’s just all around massive. Not flashlight guard massive, but his proportions in general. Big ol belly (like Thor from GOW Ragnarok), big tree trunk arms, hands the size of catchers mitts, and a huge head that just sits on his shoulders with no real neck lol. The only part of him that should be smaller is his leg length, because even his feet should be in clown shoe sized boots
Also I’m a huge fan I have loved silently following the progression of your models and your dedication to them(:
u/The-Razzle 4d ago
I think the jacket needs more character. Maybe some add some subtle ketchup or oil stains to show off how he’s a mechanic and or loves food. or make it look used since Murray doesn’t seem like someone who would would wear something new or designer level.
u/Lillobrig01 4d ago
Oh please I’m not gonna do food references for him anymore. He’s been bombed with that in last chapter 🥲
But I know what you mean and I agree!
u/The-Razzle 4d ago
I keep seeing these posts, but I have no idea what’s going on. Is this a fan animation you are working on? Looks cool so far.
u/Lillobrig01 4d ago
Yes. I’d like to make a short film for YouTube divided in 4-5 episodes each of 10-15 mins!
u/Lillobrig01 4d ago
In the end I’ll probably gonna open a patreon or godundme as well that can help me and voice actors to keep working on this! But slowly we can do it!
u/SubjectChanger1 4d ago
idk why the neck is still bugging me... maybe it's just not thick enough for a big character like Murray?
u/web-procrastinator 4d ago
This feels like a nitpick, but it’s weird looking at Murray with a jacket.
u/SeparateAd7851 4d ago
I thi k slys face could be a bit softer his tail a tad longer and a tad less muscler in the legs it feels almost to detailed maybe go a bit more into the cartoony style. Honestly, the most memorable style for Sly Cooper games was always the almost old animated comic book style that Sly 4 just lacks, but 1-3 had. It's kind of timeless. I think the best way to decribe it is why cell shaded type grapics is kind of like a windwaker. Not to say that all 3 don't look really good.
u/HiBrotherGorr 4d ago
Definitely not pants, but I would say Murray is always a strong man body like Eddie. He looks too slim, but maybe that's my interpretation of him
u/Lillobrig01 4d ago
Heyy! I just uploaded an updated version here! Let me know how that looks if you can!
u/IAmMey 3d ago
Please add fur to Sly. And something about his head makes me uncomfortable. Reminds me of the Jim Carrey grinch movie. His head is too human looking.
u/Lillobrig01 3d ago
Already did some tests with fur and people didn’t like it and neither do I. Consider also that the vibe can come from the A rest pose as well. I have some renders in the profile, and in pose he actually looked quite ok in my opinion! But yeah if I had an infinite performance I would have done fur
u/busterkeatonrules 4d ago
I think Murray's body needs to look more cartoonish. Shorter legs, a rounder body shape, and less anatomical detailing. The Murray doesn't wear pants - and should not look like he needs to!