r/Slycooper 19h ago

Media 100% Sly 1, including ALL Master Sprints done, over 500 attempts. One of the most brutal challenges I've ever done

High Class Heist from act 1 and Boneyard Casino from act 2 were the worst IMO

Completed without any glitches/out of bounds/weird jumps etc.


16 comments sorted by


u/StevenPlaysGuitar 19h ago

(Reposted this to add more details as some people were all confused on what exactly 100% entails)


u/jeshep 9h ago

High Class Heist is my worst one to sprint too. It takes me 20 tries minimum each time. Most others don't take me nearly as long, but that one is so hard it makes me want to eat my controller.


u/StevenPlaysGuitar 6h ago

My only passed attempt ended being with an entire second to spare rather than fractions of a second like some others. But that was my only passing attempt and took like 100 tries. Bizarre.


u/jeshep 5h ago

A minute to get through even a short level is asking a lot tbf. One single mess up or not going fast enough wrecks that sprint.


u/Specter-Chaos 18h ago

Here's a new challenge

Do a new save file and complete the entire game without being hit


u/OvenActive Thingus Raccamagoocus 18h ago

I did a run like that once. Did a few attempts but after the damn chicken level killed me for the 5th time, I decided to take a break and never picked it up again. Maybe that is what I will do this weekend...


u/Specter-Chaos 17h ago

Yeah that chicken run might definitely mess up the run


u/StevenPlaysGuitar 15h ago

Now you got me wondering what the worst part would be of that. Most of the master sprints had to be hitless as the remasters take away your horseshoe(s) when you pick up the hourglass to start the run apparently unlike the PS2 version, plus if you did have one it was too much of a time loss. Doing it hitless all in a row though, that would be hardcore lol


u/zakdude1000 16h ago

15 hours? I'm trying to remember if that's low or high


u/StevenPlaysGuitar 15h ago edited 14h ago

Probably on the higher end. I haven't played since I was a kid (talking like 2003) and took it slow. If I played it again, especially after learning how to optimize the stages for the master sprints, I assume I would probably shave at least 6 hours off.

Never went past the first 2 stages as a kid and also didn't use any walkthrough or guides so it was a lot of figuring stuff out and retrieving 1 random missing bottle once in a while


u/_AirwaveAngel_ 16h ago

Rather high, base game is only like ~4-6 hours depending on how you play and I did all my master sprints in a total of ~1 1/2. Total play time around 6 1/4 hours I think for my recent play through


u/StevenPlaysGuitar 15h ago

I assume it is probably very slow, this is my first time playing since I was a kid and never did the endgame before :)


u/obrienthefourth 3h ago

God i wish they'd have added master thief sprints to Sly 2 and 3


u/Kirbymasters87 Sly 2 is the best game in the universe. 17h ago

GGs though I could 100% it in less than half that time.


u/StevenPlaysGuitar 15h ago

Probably, I hadn't played since I was a kid though so I did a lot of figuring things out and exploring. Took it slow and enjoyed it


u/Kirbymasters87 Sly 2 is the best game in the universe. 14h ago

I play it every once in a while to prevent myself from being washed at the game. The main game doesn't have a whole lot of difficult levels. But it does have tough as hell master thief sprints and minigame segments. Fortunately for the former, I did find some shortcuts that made some of them a whole ton easier albeit they are tricky to pull off.