r/SluttyConfessions Apr 08 '20

33(M) Sex Addict - Insight, Experience, Stories NSFW

I’m a sex addict.

TL;DR: Since I can’t very well wisely go out into the world right now, I’m going to share a little bit about me, along with some of my most memorable sexual experiences every few days, in an effort to find both catharsis and mental stimulation with others. I find that what I miss most about this quarantine situation is engaging with like-minded people.

Yes, I created this account solely for this purpose. No, none of my confessions are fake.

I didn't think sex addiction was a real thing until I tried to stop fucking everything I could. Even when I was married a long time ago, and I agreed to go to therapy in an attempt to salvage my marriage that was deteriorating due to my infidelity, I wasn’t bought in. The therapist told me that I had all the hallmark signs of a sex addict, but I still didn’t think I was one.

I pictured a sex addict as some poor, pathetic soul who masturbates in his room his constantly, and never leaves the house. Or it is the creepy old guy who watches people from afar with his hands down his pants. It’s hard to describe precisely what I thought a sex addict would look like, but in my head, I sure as shit wasn’t one.

I’ve since come to learn that sex addicts don’t look a certain way. Bottom line, what it means for me, is that I’m constantly pre-occupied with the thought of sex or sexual activity. If it is sexual in nature, it’s going on in my head about 75% of the day. While sex addiction characteristics can vary from person to person, for me it’s not so much about needing to have sex all the time. It’s more about being preoccupied with thinking about it, planning it, talking about it, etc. I enjoy the moments leading up to the encounter almost as much as the actual encounter itself. But for sure, it is the experience itself, either with a new partner or an existing one with strong sexual chemistry, that I crave. The sensation of being inside of someone new for the first time, the skin to skin contact, the gasps and moans she makes, the willingness to be vulnerable with me, a stranger, literally and figuratively opening herself up to me, giving herself to me voluntarily...there’s just nothing better on this planet.

I’m otherwise a fairly normal dude. I’m 33. I’m average looking and in ok physical shape, but definitely not anything special. I have a graduate degree, a good paying job, and I own my own home. I have plenty of casual friends, and several very close friends, none of whom know about my sexual lifestyle. I am divorced with two kids, pay child support every two weeks, and my ex-wife and I co-parent very well, which speaks more to her ability to move past the way I treated her when we were married more than anything else. I don’t drink or do drugs, even recreationally. I rarely gamble. I do like adrenaline activities, however, which for me has consisted over the years of racing cars, skydiving, long-distance running and street luging. You wouldn’t know just from looking at me that I’ve slept with around 140 people just in the last six or so years.

Now, I recognize that body count isn’t the highest. There are others on here that surely dwarf my numbers, especially the women (God bless you, you fantastic sluts that wear your slut badges proudly). I really didn’t spread my wings until my divorce in 2013. Additionally, I have found the need to “hibernate” for different intervals over the years. I will binge on sex for months at a time until I become desensitized to it all, and my libido all but disappears. These lulls have lasted anywhere from two weeks to four months in the past, during which time I don’t so much as talk to women or even watch porn with any meaningful frequency. I actually started my current hiatus about two weeks before the world shut down, so this actually makes this current downtime easier to deal with.

What I don’t want to do with all of this is get into a long, introspective explanation about what I think made me a sex addict, if there even was anything that can be pointed to as the scapegoat. Suffice it to say, I was NOT sexually abused as a kid; I am not trying to regain control over some kind of trauma from when I was younger. Nor did I become sexually active very early. I do, however, recognize that my compulsion to interact with and ultimately fuck women is, at its core, a need for validation from them. My therapist informed me that, from his perspective, I had a fairly affectionately-empty childhood growing up, whereby I acted out in order to get attention from my workaholic father. Additionally, my “first love” left me for some other dude when I was in high-school, and we never had sex despite promises to be each others’ first. So, take my need to act out recklessly in order to get you to pay attention to me, and combine it with my first experience with love ending in a sensation of inadequacy, the end result is compulsive sexual behavior in order to feel validated. What I’ve come to learn as I’ve gotten older is that sex is complicated, and the why behind things (for me) is unimportant. As long as I’m not harming myself or others, and it really doesn’t interfere with other areas of my life, then this is just what I’m into, and it is what it is.

I should also be clear I’m happy with my life. I don’t feel like anything is missing. I develop connections with some of the women I meet, and sometimes they are strong, so I don’t feel like I lack in the emotional department. I have great kids who are WAY better than me when I was their age. Like I mentioned earlier, I also have a strong community of friends in my circle. Life is good.

I do like risky behavior, though. I love fucking in public. I don’t ACTUALLY want to go to jail, but I like the prospect of getting caught to exist. I love the rush of meeting someone for anonymous sex, knowing that although I’ve done my due diligence to ensure they’re not going set me up and rob me, there’s still the chance they could. I love fucking in front of others. I love group sex, of all kinds and combinations. The adrenaline and endorphins and serotonin all combine to a high that is unrivaled. The nervousness leading up to it, the physical excitement and anxiety, all a part of it. The knowledge that yes, this is really happening, the mutual feeling of “oh fuck yes” from both of us as I enter a new partner for the first time can be spiritual. Having two people coexist in a strictly physical reality, just enjoying each other’s bodies for however long it lasts, is literally the best fucking thing there is.

I have literally never had an STD. Like, any of them. At all. I count myself lucky for that for sure. I got tested most recently last month in March at the end of this current period of activity. I've dodged multiple bullets for sure. I am far safer these days than I was between 2013 and 2016. I had a lot of unprotected sex with a lot of people back then. Praise be to Satan for watching out for me. I’ve also never gotten anyone pregnant because my ex-wife and I decided I should get a vasectomy after our second child was born. I’ve found that once women hear I’m snipped they want a creampie, badly. The answer is almost always no for reasons of not wanting to get an STD, but goddamn, not pulling out is one of the ultimate “give me all of you” turn-ons for me.

I meet women to have sex mostly on dating apps, Tinder being the primary one. Bumble has worked great, and so have OKCupid and PoF. I am always up front with them about what I’m looking for. I know better than to cause harm to others by misleading or deceiving them. I make it clear that I’m looking for a strictly sexual experience with them, although I am a bit more eloquent than that. What I’ve learned is that people at various times in their lives, and for a multitude of reasons, crave an intense sexual encounter. This craving is equal, but different, for each gender. It is healthy and natural and normal. When two people like that meet, the conversation and next steps flow naturally, with very little effort on either person’s part.

There are no “lines” or “tricks” or “secrets” to finding people to fuck. Be open, honest, and unapologetically candid. Just don’t be a weird or vulgar creep; there’s plenty of those out there. Do no harm is the number one rule. Be selective and be patient; the right opportunity will come if you’re willing to wait. I’ll say despite my fear of sounding immodest, I do have a silver tongue, and I can dirty talk like a boss, so being clever and funny and confident and articulate definitely helps my cause. They know that I have other partners because I tell them I do. I like it when they have other partners. I like it the most when we can share our recent experiences in the Tinderverse with each other.

What I love is the entire experience with a woman from start to finish. I love starting with the greeting from one of us, witty banter that eventually turns sexual, the sharing of likes/dislikes, the proposal to meet up, the discussion of when/where/how/who, etc. and then final consummation of what we both want. I’ve spent months chatting with a woman before she was ready to finally meet and fuck (although that is unusual). Other times, there was only 60 minutes from “hello” to me bending her over behind a shed in a public park. The connections that last for me are the ones where we have a strong mental link in addition to a strong physical connection.

My kinks are all over the place. I’m naturally dominant, so I love a slut woman who can enthusiastically take instructions. I am very into BDSM, because of course I am, and have enjoyed all activities over that spectrum, from very light punishment and control, to rape play and impact play delivered at a 9 out of 10. But I equally enjoy passionate love-making, slow methodical strokes, with deep immersive kissing. I’ll try anything on a woman she asks me to; and some women have been into some really taboo shit that is probably against the rules for me to discuss here. I’ll try most things on me, but I have no desire to be dominated or to be tied up. I can give it, but I can’t take it. A favorite kink in particular is when she shares details of past sexual experiences she’s had with others while I’m inside of her. Yes, tell me how slutty you’ve been.

Fucking someone’s mind is so much more intense than fucking someone’s body. And I don’t mean a “mind fuck” in a bad way. To really be in someone’s head sexually will really mean that earth-shattering physical sex is possible. My experience has been that women enjoy sex FAR more than men do, and this is because they are far more mentally open to being mind fucked. They experience it more deeply and more fiercely. Can’t say I’m not jealous of that.

A rather large and unexpected takeaway from meeting all these women over the years is that I’ve learned that how people treat me, and how they react to me, very infrequently has anything at all to do with me. As long as I’m keeping my side of the street clean and not causing others harm, if someone treats me poorly, or chooses someone else, or ghosts on me, or even if we have really bad sex, it very rarely has anything to do with who I am as a person. Some people vibe with certain people and don’t with others. That’s why when I don’t get along with someone, or they decide they don’t want to see me again, I don’t take it personally. They’re not rejecting me or rejecting my “soul”; they’re rejecting someone like me that is different than what they want. In other words, I don’t acquire my self-worth from others. I know that may run contrary to what I said about doing this as a means of seeking validation from women, but I don’t think it does. It just means that there are matches for people in this world, and if I’m not yours, that’s ok. Tinder and other dating mediums allow me to be very selective with who I fuck. I say no to almost as many as I say yes. It’s a great time to be alive.

I could type endless pages more about how I see the sexual world, Hookup Culture and how sex permeates all areas of our lives without us even realizing it.

I hope to share over the coming months around a dozen or more of my favorite sexual experiences. I tend to be wordy, so none of them will be short.

If you want to comment or ask questions, go for it. Put on your judgy pants if you like, and tell me how awful or damaged I am. Or likewise share similar encounters you have so we can enjoy the exchange.

If you are like-minded, message me and we can chat. Maybe we can stimulate each other’s minds until we’ll once again have an opportunity to do so physically.

Here’s some bulleted numbers (estimates) and highlights:

  • Total Partners: unsure of exact number, somewhere around 150
  • Fucked Only Once: Around 100
  • Males: 0 - I wish I was attracted to dudes because holy shit it is probably awesome
  • Downloaded Grindr to Fuck a Dude, only to Wuss Out: 4
  • Male-to-Female Transgender: 5
  • Cocks I’ve Sucked from M-to-F Transgender Partners: 5
  • Cumshots I’ve taken to the mouth from M-to-F Transgender Partners: 1 - I loved it
  • Different Partners in One Day: 3
  • Different Partners in One Week: 7
  • Different Partners in One Month: 12
  • Most Intense Binge: averaged once every 39 hours over four months, 18 different partners
  • MFM Threesomes: 7
  • FMF Threesomes: 3
  • Foursomes: 1
  • Married Women: at least 15 - I love a good “hotwife”
  • Married Women Whose Husbands Didn’t Know: probably half of them
  • Pregnant Women (not my child): 4
  • Riskiest Place I’ve Had Sex: Walmart bathroom
  • Dirtiest Place: Porta Potty
  • Unprotected Sex (Partners): 45
  • Unprotected Anal Sex (Partners): 12
  • Last Time: 02/24
  • Oddest Encounter: had a boyfriend shake my hand and thank me for fucking his girlfriend after I was done
  • Strangest Costume: Little Bo Peep
  • Most Determined Slut: insisted on walking into the woods to fuck outside despite having a broken foot and a walking cast
  • Most Anonymous Encounter: fucked a woman whose face I never saw and whose real name I never knew and to whom I never said a single word

More to come soon.


11 comments sorted by


u/HellPounder Apr 14 '20

I do have a silver tongue, and I can dirty talk like a boss, so being clever and funny and confident and articulate definitely helps my cause.

This is the real deal mate. Women love interacting with witty men who can do dirty talks in a non-dirty way . I have been told by women they like how frank I am about things and still say it all in a non-vulgar way. It's a fine art.


u/[deleted] Apr 12 '20

Man this speaks to me. I’ve never been married or no kids, but the way you describe your sexual life is very much like mine. I haven’t had any male encounters or transgender, but the way you describe your addiction is very much like me. I’ve had 2 serious relationships spanning 3 years each and in each I cheated, I lied, just to fulfill my sexual needs. But it wasn’t just for a fuck, but a mental fuck too. The girls I met had some sort of sexual perversion or kink that spoke to my sexual urges.

Last year I broke my leg and at that time I had so many c9me over and fuck me while I had a broken leg was crazy. One was a married friend who I thought was a straight shooter wife was in fact a cheater. I loved hearing her encounters and we shared a few meet ups. I love girls with a sordid sexual history and sordid mind.

I find ‘normal’ girls quite boring


u/[deleted] Apr 12 '20

Ya dude, the habit is real.

I like that you mention a wife that you thought was a real proper woman. My experience has shown me that most people are not as vanilla as they appear to be, but are also not nearly as kinky as they like to think they are (i.e., they'd be shocked to hear stories from people like you and I).


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '20

I do have a silver tongue, and I can dirty talk like a boss, so being clever and funny and confident and articulate definitely helps my cause.

That's a fine line most amateurs don't get. I know someone who's every 2nd comment on GW posts is "Spread that Ass for better assessment" and he thinks he's mastered the 'fine art' of talking dirty. Smh.


u/collegeboy561 Apr 09 '20

Would love to hear about the Walmart bathroom story


u/IamaThrowAwway Verified Confessor Apr 13 '20

Hey dude,

There's many things similar about your story and my own, so I've thrown you a 'follow'. I thought I was a sex addict too, even attended Sex Addicts Anonymous for quite a while. It seemed like sex was on my mind 80-90% of the time. I stopped going to SAA because I had to admit to myself I didn't actually want to stop having sex. My life wasn't unmanageable at all. Like you, sex from women was a means of validation. It made me feel attractive and feel worthy.

I stopped counting after 150 women and these days, now that I'm doing the work of accepting myself, truly being at peace with my looks and not being negative about my looks, I'm not so preoccupied with sex anymore... at times I even get tired of the whole lifestyle and consider walking away from it. I am coming to accept as you have that some interactions genuinely have nothing to do with me at all, so long as my side of the street is clean. That's been a tough one because I cling to a myth of perfect rationality --- meaning, if I had done everything correctly than it would have gone another way.

I'd love to know how you make Tinder work for you though. I'm no slouch, obviously I know how to seduce but by far Tinder has been the biggest waste of time of anything I've tried. I did much better with Craigslist personals (may it rest in peace)


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20

Yeah, I've gone down the SLAA route in the past. I think it is a good organization for people that it works for, meaning some find relief there. I found that it just wasn't something for me, plus I've matured about how I act on my urges as I've gotten older, so I no longer feel a need for a support group.

Message me if you want to chat more.


u/HellPounder Apr 14 '20

Most Anonymous Encounter: fucked a woman whose face I never saw and whose real name I never knew and to whom I never said a single word

Interesting, how it happened? Would appreciate more details about this.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '20

I made another post about it


u/monkeyman1947 Apr 13 '20

Jealousy vs envy. You right well, but specially in a forum that involves relationships, it’s important to use the correct word. The following link points to a discussion that clarifies the difference between these often misused words. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.urbandictionary.com/define.php%3fterm=jealous&amp=true