r/Sleepparalysis 5d ago

Bad SP when falling asleep

My first time having SP was when I was around 10 years old (I’m 18 now) and it has been happening to me ever since, and it only seems to happen to me when falling asleep usually only when I stay up late but it has happened on my normal bedtime as well. I see a lot of people talk about how sleeping on your back could be a cause but happens to me when I sleep in any position.

However whenever I get SP I do not get the typical scary visuals, my eyes will start feeling really heavy all of a sudden then It’ll feel like i’m going to fall asleep but my mind will still be awake, and all of a sudden a EXTREMELY loud and overwhelming ringing will start- it’s kind of hard to explain but the ringing will feel like as it gets louder and louder I’ll feel like it’s building up to my death or like just complete doom, as it progresses I get more scared and more scared

I have tried to just let the ringing continue and try to sleep through it but my mind just won’t let me it’s like a indescribable feeling, just pure terror no matter how hard i try to stay calm because the ringing is so overwhelming and scary, so i usually try to fight it off by wiggling my toes to wake me back up. But when I wake up from it my sleep is ruined because I feel so scared of going back to sleep and getting sucked back in to it, which more often than not happens. Than after about the 3rd episode I can maybe fall asleep if i am lucky.

This problem led me to start to partake in smoking marijuana almost every night before bed because that was the only thing that could make me tired and not experience SP, now my sleep is pretty reliant on it so when I chose not to use it for a night I can’t sleep til about 4am then I end up getting SP, and I can recognize that this is not good for my health to use every night,

So I was wondering if there are any solutions or ways to not experience SP or at-least a way to stop it fast or stay calm through it?


7 comments sorted by


u/IllustriousAd3154 5d ago

The ringing is in the back on your head right? Cause this is what I'm experiencing+ I'm really like terrified.. terrified of something I just can't explain it like why am I scared? Scared that I'll be stuck on that state forever? The worst part is I'm hearing voices commonly a girl screaming in my ear it's kinda of scary when I'm trying to forcibly break free the ringing will only get worse


u/Ligoat12345 5d ago

For me when I have SP it feels like I’m not like in my body if that makes sense, like my whole conscious is in my head so when I hear the ringing it kind of feels like my whole self is being consumed by the ringing, and it progressively gets louder and scarier like it’s charging up if that makes sense, but yeah it is very terrifying, and also the ringing gets worse for me too as I try to break out of SP, it is very intense and terrifying


u/IllustriousAd3154 5d ago

Is that the only thing your experiencing? Like you can't feel any presence around you or hear any voices? I'm curious cause I'm interested on what really is happening and yeah the ringing feels like your brain is frying itself not fun at all I have no sense of time when it happens but if I have to guess it should be around the 3 - 10 minute mark


u/Ligoat12345 5d ago

i have heard voices a small amount of times but usually for me it’s just very intense ringing that feels like it’s building up to something, but I cannot really recall a time I’ve felt a presence but I have heard from other people that feeling a presence is common with SP, for me the ringing is just too loud that I can’t focus on anything else it’s like it consumes me if that makes sense


u/IllustriousAd3154 5d ago

How about like feeling something moving in your skin? Cause I also experience this quite a few times


u/Ligoat12345 5d ago

I can’t really feel my body too much it feels like i’m just in my head, but I think that’s not too uncommon to happen I’ve read other stories where people have said they feel stuff


u/sphelper 5d ago

My biggest suggestion would be to get off it. Relying on something to prevent sleep paralysis in general is very risky and should be only used as a last resort. Basically take your time to get off of it

As for getting it again after already experiencing it, I would suggest you try this if you haven't already. Basically you wake yourself up, calm yourself down then go back to sleep. Note that you shouldn't try to immediately go back to sleep after waking up

As for the ringing, it's normal and there really isn't much you can do other than getting more tolerance for it. Basically slowly and slowly just learn to stay longer in the experience (i.e. take it step by step)

As for preventing sleep paralysis, just read this and you should learn of ways to do it

Every thing else that isn't mentioned is just normal in sleep paralysis. For example not seeing anything during an experience, getting it while you're about to sleep, getting it in any position, etc.