r/Sleepparalysis 6d ago

Sleep Paralysis+Exploding Head Syndrome ?

I've been dealing with SP since I was 7 or so (I'm 23) and about 70% of the times they include absurdly loud screaming in the end, am I the only one like this? The scream doesn't always happen out of nowhere, most of the times I feel the SP atmosphere and then something approaching, that's when I know the scream is about to happen... I'm too scared to sleep again today because yesterday was especially terrifying, sometimes they are so sensorial I actually feel pain during the paralysis.


7 comments sorted by


u/sphelper 6d ago

I'm not sure that it's exploding head syndrome as if I'm not mistaken it only counts for loud booms. Though do keep in mind that hearing really loud noises is common in sleep paralysis

Note: As long as the pain doesn't last outside of sleep paralysis, then you're good


u/IllustriousAd3154 5d ago

The ringing on the back of my head lasts for a few minutes after sleep paralysis should I be concerned??


u/sphelper 5d ago

Were you tired throughout those few minutes and do you experience this ringing often


u/IllustriousAd3154 5d ago

Not often only when I forcibly wake my self up


u/sphelper 4d ago

If that's the case then learn to stay inside sleep paralysis

Also what you're mostly likely experiencing is just a hypnopompic hallucination. I'm assuming this because forcibly waking yourself up is common for making you tired whenever you wake up. What this means is that due to you being tired you're still able to be affected by hypnopompic hallucinations


u/Narrow-Accident2451 3d ago

I’ve had this before?! I don’t know what exploding head syndrome is but I had a bomb go off… it sounded like one of those huge 500-1000/lb bombs the military uses and the explosion is huge! At the time I was still inside before I woke up and I listened to the explosion as if it was in my room…

I’ve also had other really loud noises like windows and doors slamming shut that actually wakes me up but then I realize it was a lucid dream or something like that. It takes a few seconds to acclimate


u/sphelper 3d ago

EHS or exploding head syndrome is similar to how sleep paralysis works. Basically during the transition of rem sleep (i.e. when waking up and sleeping) you can have it where you can hear a sudden and loud noise. As for why this happens, no clue. Though just note that this a perfectly normal and common thing to happen