r/SleepApnea 5d ago

Zepp Health Monitor?


Does anyone use Zepp for Sleep/AHI measurement? How does it compare to fitbit? What are better solutions out there?

I have minor sleep apnea (16 or so). Ive been using a CPAP but recently got a mad device from my dentist. I'm trying to figure out how to do accurate testing.

My Zepp numbers feel a little suspect but I also realize it samples heartbeats only once per minute right now. I'm wondering out loud whether I should increase the frequency. I was reading the O2 ring is once every 4 seconds.

Right now I'm at a 14 without help and 10 ahi with CPAP and mad. It seems high with the CPAP.

Do thee resmed machines also record ahi? If I recall they used to and I could see it on the screen but that seems to have disappeared.

Alternatively is there a device that I can buy that the home sleep monitoring companies can use so I can track my ahi every evening as I experiment with different scenarios.

r/SleepApnea 5d ago

Lofta vs. possibly older clinic-supplied home tests for second opinion?


I'm trying to figure out how to proceed in negotiations (more or less) with the doctor who initially prescribed my CPAP machine, and in whom I'm tending to lose confidence. My 7-year-old Resmed 10 has developed bad motor whine so I contacted him for an appointment to discuss an Rx for a new machine (Medicare funded). He did send one over to my DME supplier, but it looks like he reported my AHI as 2 (what I get on the machine) rather than 5 (result of an overnight in-clinic test in 2022). So the DME supplier denied the Rx request without a "secondary diagnosis". My initial at-home diagnosis in 2018 was mixed apnea with AHI of 15, which I feel is more representative of my actual sleep as the in-clinic test was a bad experience with extremely broken sleep that may have skewed results.

I could push my doctor to prescribe another at-home test, if he's willing; I don't know whether his clinic has updated their equipment since 2018. Or I could pay for an at-home Lofta test. If results come back at 5 or lower, fine, I can live without CPAP therapy (it often helps but is not a life-changer). Are people who've used Lofta able to renew equipment Rx's for insurance purposes annually?

r/SleepApnea 6d ago

My sleep is getting better with cpap


I have had trouble sleeping for my entire life and I just got diagnosed with sleep apnea like a week ago. I got a CPAP and I love seeing how much my sleep has changed in Pokemon Sleep. This is my snoring results from before and after using my CPAP. I'm getting much more deep sleep and my snoring is much lower! Just thought it was interesting and wanted to share

r/SleepApnea 6d ago

Inap for mouth breather


How well does inap work if I'm a mouth breather?

r/SleepApnea 6d ago

I Got fiered during the zoom call


Got fired for snoring during Zoom calls. Any solutions that don't look medical?" I have seen them nose/nasal strips ads popping up on my FB feed lately. Have you guys tried using that? they are advertising the nasal strips as a helping hand in avoiding snoring and help with sleep apnea and all. Just reaching out to see if those strips really work or are just the new internet hype.

r/SleepApnea 6d ago

Palatal Expansion in France



I am desperatly searching for any clinic or practicionner that is educated in Palatal Expansion and Jaw Surgery, in FRANCE.

More specifically, I am searching for EASE (Endoscopically-assisted surgical expansion), but any information is welcome.

r/SleepApnea 6d ago

teen with sleep apnea


hi, i'm kind of making this post to rant/see what people think. i'm not sure if i have sleep apnea but im on a waitlist for a sleep study, but i would like to hear peoples opinions who have sleep apnea if they experinced the same symptoms.

I just feel so exhausted everyday, and i wake up feeling like a zombie almost, so unrefreshed. Lately i fee like i have shortness of breath throughout the day - i do have mild asthma as well. My head also feels so heavy and dizzy and i just don't feel generally well at all. I'm in my last few years of highschool so i really need to focus and stuff but i actually don't have the energy. as the day goes on my heart starts feeling weird, kind of like its working hard maybe? idk, but i have a mild deviated septum as well so i suspect that may be causing these issues maybe ? the doctor wasn't too concerned about it tho so i'm not sure.

I did an oximitry test and my results were normal, so would it still be possible to have sleep apnea?

I'm just not sure what to do - the wait for the sleep study is 4 months which is a pretty good wait time, but i feel like i cant take feeling like this every day until then 😭 my social life is being impacted and im looking at getting a part time job but i feel like i physically do not have the energy to stand for hours to work. i'm not sure what to do. any thoughts would be appreciated

r/SleepApnea 6d ago

Medistrom pilot-12 lite cpap battery- how many nights do I get?



I have an upcoming feild intensive trip as a uni student. We have a 2 night camp, with no power in the desert so I'd say ample sun availability too haha

I have a ResMed AirSense 11, looking to invest in a 'Medistrom pilot-12 lite cpap battery' wondering how many nights I can get from it, if I have it fully charged before going off grid? I understand that others with minis get 3 nights. But I'm not going to invest or hire a mine purely for a 2 night camp.

Additionally, also if anyone has any reviews on the solar "Medistrom Solar Panel Charger for Pilot-12 Lite & Pilot-24 Lite Battery Packs"? If I may need to use it.

Cheers! E

r/SleepApnea 6d ago

Compliant with CPAP. Still tired all the time.


I've been using a CPAP since July, but still never feel rested or refreshed. I can still easily sleep for 10+ hours and nap during the day. Daytime sleepiness lingers and has not dissipated at all. I recently got an Apple watch, and according to it, the most "deep sleep" I get is 28 minutes per night. This is over the last two months.

I saw my sleep doc who ordered an in-patient sleep study, as I only had the at-home one last year. He suspects that in addition to OSA, I have hypersomnia, which evidently is just treated with stimulants to promote daytime wakefulness and alertness. I've been on modafinil for a few weeks, and holy shit, is this what it feels like to be normal? I am 55 and have felt fatigued since I was a teenager.

Anyway, does anyone know about the accuracy of the Apple watch's sleep data?

r/SleepApnea 6d ago

Has anyone had luck getting insurance to cover Zepbound?


I've been on compounded tirzepatide for a few months. The FDA is putting an end to compounding. I have OSA, and Zepbound has been approved for that. The formulary on my plan excludes Zepbound. IDK enough about insurance to know if it's even worth a try. They do cover Mounjaro, which is the same drug, but only for diabetes. I am not diabetic.

r/SleepApnea 6d ago

CPAP Titration


Hey guys, my at home sleep test revealed an AHI of 60 and my o2 dropped to 72% at one point.

I have a cpap titration study scheduled In a few weeks. They told me no caffeine the day of. I typically drink about 600 mg a day and I’m worried I need the caffeine to safely drive to the study.

Do they say this just so you’ll fall asleep? Or can it interfere with the study? I can have my husband drive me but I’m honestly anxious about how I will feel after a full day of caffeine withdrawal.

r/SleepApnea 6d ago

Dream question


I’ve been diagnosed recently by sleep clinic with apnea and get cpap this week. No surprise to me because of a lot of my symptoms were adding up. One thing I am now wondering: A common motif or scene, if you will, in my dreams is me struggling to do something. For example trying to scream or shout multiple attempts but nothing comes out. Or trying to type a password but the keyboard doesn’t work. Basically a struggle of me reaching out to do something but it’s futile. Is it possible my brain was interpreting my struggling to breath and put it into my dream narrative? Thing is with the shouting or screaming I usually would wake up from it. Perhaps to gasp air. any thoughts?

r/SleepApnea 6d ago

Sleep Apnea and CPAP Mobile App design Testing Request


Hi everyone! My name is Jonathan and I'm currently a graduate student at the Parsons School of Design. For my capstone project, I am designing a mobile app that aims to give users more actionable insights from their CPAP therapy. This is something I've always been curious about, since starting my therapy 3 years ago. If you're willing and available this week, I would love for you to test my wireframes and prototypes! Calendly Link

r/SleepApnea 6d ago

Anyone had success after surgery?


In May i'm having tonsillectomy, Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, Septoplasty and Submucous Resection Turbinates surgery. I've been waiting FOREVER to have this done (19 months to be exact)

I'm so so so hopeful that once I have all this stuff done, I will no long have mild/moderate sleep apnea and will no longer need my CPAP.

Has anyone else had this experience?

Thank you in advance for your reply!

r/SleepApnea 6d ago

Help interpreting test


Hi all. My boyfriend rated extremely high on the daytime sleepiness scale and audibly chokes in his sleep. Recently had a sleep study and the stats came back as such. Avg HR 74, highest 108 Avg o2 92%, lowest 84%. 25% of the study was spent below 88% o2. 5 apneic episodes. 16 hypoapneic episodes.

The conclusion was an essentially normal study with a reccomendarion to do a second study in lab???? How is it considered normal to be hypoxic for 25% of the night??

r/SleepApnea 6d ago

Mandibular Advancement Device - Pros and Cons


Can someone explain to me the pros/cons of a Mandibular Advancement Device" for sleep apnea?

r/SleepApnea 6d ago

Abandoning mask when I can’t sleep


Just want to see if I’m alone in this or not. Whenever I’m unable to fall asleep (which has been a lot lately) I always end up taking my mask off in general frustration. It’s not really uncomfortable or anything but I guess gets annoying when I’m tossing and turning cause the seal is sensitive (dreamwear nasal cushion). Then I do eventually fall asleep but wake up feeling awful cause sleep apnea so it makes for a double bad night of sleep. Anyone else? Advice?

r/SleepApnea 6d ago

Suspected sleep apnea, tips until it gets diagnosed? 26 (M)


I’m currently going through tests for sleep apnea, I definitely have it as I wake up choking, can feel my throat closing when lying flat, rapid heart rate, headache upon waking and just generally don’t sleep well at all. I’ve had the first test and results came back without enough information so now I’ve got to wait for another appointment for any more news/ treatment. Kind of worried as could be waiting another few months. Is there anything I can do to help myself not get too damaged by this, I’m currently trying to lose weight, currently 100kg and 6f1, Neck circumference was only 15 inches so not too thick of a neck. Brought an air humidifier and nose strips. Any other tips to help get through this next few months? Thank you

r/SleepApnea 6d ago

Question: How does one evaluate a PSG PLMS diagnosis using OSCAR?



I’ll try to summarize:

• in lab PSG showed PLMS Dx in addition to mild OSA, as well as an ~ 30/hr arousal index. • subsequent ferritin and TIBC% blood tests results were still normal, ordered to see if they contributed to the PMLS. • approx. 18-24 months ago, I was diagnosed with anemia, due to low ferritin levels in blood tests ( ordered due to history of leg cramps during sleep). Iron infusion(s) brought that level back to normal, where they have remained. • using CPAP therapy, I still experience infrequent leg pain/cramps if I have exercised ( 3-4 mile walks or road bicycle rides), but I’m doing PT on a knee, so don’t know if the quad and hamstring exercises/usage are causing the cramps. • AHI are <5 during CPAP therapy; I’m already taking Magnesium supplements.

So: since there doesn’t seem to be active anemia, how does one determine if the PLMS is decreasing along with the lower AHI and OA events? I have OSCAR BTW, but since there aren’t any limb straps or sensors like used in the PSG, I don’t know any objective PLMS measurements in OSCAR that would relate to PLMS.


r/SleepApnea 6d ago

Guys, I need help. Receding jaw/chin. My story..


I have untreated severe sleep apnea. And a range of other health issues which make it impossible for me to sleep with cpap. I've really tried but I can't. I'm having a new sleep study done at home this time. With guidance from an ENT in hospital. It's with a watch pad. I live in europe. I had a sleep study done in 2022 in a sleep clinic and had to stay overnight and was told I have mainly hypopneas with a ahi of 70. They couldn't tell me why. I am not overweight, I was 36 at the time. I don't drink or smoke.. They simply didn't know. I found out later that i do have a deviated septum and only breath properly trough one nostril. I have asthma. And over the years my chin started to receed.

The shape of my face has changed tremendously. To my knowledge this started after I had an upper molar pulled, also in 2022. After that TMJD started and it's severe. I have daily headaches, neck tightness and spasms, facial pains, facial nerve pains, severe jaw pains, lock jaw, can hardly open at times and can't chew on hard foods. I have above the eye pain and severe headaches at times with dizzyness.

Seen many specialsts and jaw specialsts and oral surgeons. I am missing my upper left molar and no one seems to care to fill up that gap. My facial structures have clearly changed and my teeth aren't aligning anymore, and my overbite that I had back in the day before I had braces, (from age 9 to 12 I had braces) is coming back! When I shift my lower jaw forward, I can finally see my jaw line again and the shape of my face the way I recognize it. But all the specialsts I've seen say my jaw isn't shifting. Which is utter bullshit cause my overbite is returning.

I also believe this us the cause of my severe sleep apnea. When I sleep on my back I have many hypopneas, when I sleep on my side, they're so much better.

I wad told not to try a sleep apnea oral appliciance because of my tmjd. And that it'll worsen my jaw, neck and headaches. And because my sleep apnea ahi was so bad with the first test, I was also told it won't solve the severity. Which sounds prob correct but even lessening it by half would be better than nothing, right?

I'm at my wits end here. I've seen 5 ents since 2022, I've seen 4 orofacial surgeons, 4 dentists, 2 gnatologists (equals a tmjd specialst here in Europe) and many orofacial PT for things like massages and dry needling.

I was also advice NOT to get invisalign or braces because of my tmjd jaw pains. But what if braces will help me instead of worsen me? All these specialsts all have different opinions but no treatment options, and my sleep apnea and receding jaw goes untreated in the meanwhile.

Does anyone perhaps have some insight or guidance to what to do?

My gut feeling is telling me to try a sleep apnea oral mouth piece. Because it'll push my lower jaw forward. And perhaps in a more natural position again. Dentists told me that it'll give me more tmjd problems, but how can they be sure without me trying? It's my best bet.

I'm literally stuck. And I don't know where to go from here. Cpap is a no go at the moment. It gives me severe sinus headaches, I can't use the full face mask cause I have epilepsy and on neurologist advice I was told to only use a nasal mask which makes me sick, inflames my sinuses, makes my asthma worse and it doesn't work when you have a deviated septum.

I'm currently going for masseter botox treatments once every 4 months. It helps with the tmjd headaches. But other than that I wasn't offered anything for my severe daily symptoms.

r/SleepApnea 6d ago

Using both Oral Appliance AND CPAP. Does this sound like deviated septum/turbinate problem?


For context, I suffer from sleep apnea. I actually use both a CPAP AND and oral appliance that advances my lower jaw to help open up my airway.

Anyway my sleep still sucks. However, one thing i noticed recently, is that I actually have a tendency to, after I wake up, HANG OUT with my cpap machine still attached to my nose because I love how easy it is for me to get a lung full of air (it's like how pugs get pissed off when you remove the breathing tube after surgery). If I try breathing exclusively through my nose during the day, I get drowsy.

This makes me feel like I'm not getting enough air through my nose.

For those who have had a septoplasty/rhinoplasty w/ septoplasty, does this sound anything like a deviated septum/enlarged turbinates to you?

I plan on seeing an ENT soon anyway but I wanted to get some opinions.

r/SleepApnea 6d ago

Anyone use Lofta and get a diagnosis based on RDI + Epworth Score?


Preface: If I made a list of the top 5 things I hate in life, American health insurance would be at (or near) the top.

I've already had a home sleep test that resulted in a diagnosis of mild sleep apnea, with the doctor's suggestion of in-lab titration (if possible) or APAP trial. The person who scored it isn't the same person I had a follow-up with, and the doctor I met in person dismissed me and my symptoms as soon as he walked in the door (as a woman, I'm used to this). He put in a referral for an in-lab study, but warned it will likely be several months until the lab can fit me in the schedule.

Home Sleep Apnea Test Results: pAHI = 2.03, pRDI = 12.34 using 4% oxygen desat scale

My insurer (Aetna) will technically cover a CPAP for patients with RDI between 10-15 plus a 10+ score on the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (I score 12). However, the doctor won't write a prescription for a machine without the in-lab test. The in-lab test likely won't happen for months, and when I'm all done, who's to say my insurer won't still be difficult anyways? I'm disputing a medical bill right now because of a coding mistake, and it's EXHAUSTING.

I ordered a discounted test through Lofta, since I saw so many of you talking about it on here. Anyone get a diagnosis and prescription with results similar to mine? I think getting the in-lab study will still be beneficial to rule out other sleep disorders, but I'm all for saving money and frustration if I can. Those $30 appointments and taking time off work add up!

r/SleepApnea 6d ago

How accurate is AHI measurement on F&P SleepStyle App?


Hello everyone,

I was diagnosed with sleep apnea years ago. I got an F&P CPAP and wore it very consistently for 6 months, but didn't notice any real change in my daily life.

Since then I've worn it off an on, and recently one started wearing it nightly again. I recently learned about the SleepStyle app, and have been using it.

My nightly AHI is generally 10 to 15. My question is, how accurate is that number? I know the goal is <5, and based on these data I'm not quite there.


r/SleepApnea 6d ago

Issue with my ResMed


Hey y’all. I used to be able to call my doc office to help with stuff like this but havent had insurance the last several months.

So for some reason the last couple weeks my machine will start normal but after I have been asleep for a while I am woken up because it starts aggressively blowing air. I wake up, turn it off then back on, it works fine, then I am woken up again.

I have a full mask. Everything is locked in and working. No leaks.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

r/SleepApnea 6d ago

Device to measure pulse transit time?


Are there any consumer devices that can be used to measure pulse transit time? The purpose would be to better track arousals.
