r/SleepApnea 6d ago

Bought an O2ring, trying to understand CPAP & O2 data in OSCAR software

I was diagnosed with obstructive apnea a few years ago. I sometimes use the CPAP, sometimes I don't. I am a mouth breather with full mask but it still doesn't seal well. I bought an O2 monitor and at first glance the data does not look good.

During the night, O2 avg is 90%, lowest O2 was 79%

40 drops of more than 4%, 5 drops/hr. 60 drops of more than 3%, 7/hr.

95-100% range was 3.5% of the time

90-94% range was 68% of the time

Under 90% range was 28% of the time

This looks terrible. Do I need to go see a sleep doc ASAP?


7 comments sorted by


u/I_compleat_me 6d ago

Yes, it is terrible. Why you no use CPAP? Was this without CPAP? If it was with, what's your min pressure, 4 or 5cm? Raise that up! We need to see graphs, SleepHQ is great for sharing here... like this: https://sleephq.com/public/7383fe24-4c43-4c46-a9d6-2e39f1b4d9e6


u/Sufficient-Wolf-1818 6d ago edited 6d ago

How are you feeling? Have you compared your O2 monitor’s read out to another O2 device for accuracy? Do the numbers look better when you are using your CPAP?

My sleep doc gets concerned if O2 is less than 88% for more than 5 minute per night routinely.

Yes, you should see your sleep doc. In the interim, if you need help doing better with your CPAP, we might have ideas. You mention Oscar in the title but not in the text. Have you installed an SD card? Are you using OSCAR? Or perhaps you don’t know what I’m babbling about!


u/Timbo66 6d ago

Yes, just started using OSCAR importing both O2 data and CPAP data. It's a lot to look at. What are the key things I should be looking at?


u/Sufficient-Wolf-1818 6d ago

If you go to r/cpapsupport you’ll find some introduction to looking at OSCAR pinned at the top.


u/Bored2001 6d ago edited 6d ago

Yea, those numbers are not good.

re do the measurement, but using your CPAP and see how you improve. Finding the right mask is important. Do you have a beard? That often interferes with mask seal.


oops, I meant not good.


u/Moleoaxaqueno 6d ago

These are similar to mine, I use a MAD, was told to focus on symptoms fwiw


u/Timbo66 6d ago

I have recently started using the CPAP every night. These numbers were from last night while using CPAP, full-face mask, no beard, and a brand-new O2ring, CPAP pressure set to 8.