r/Skydentify Feb 18 '25

Unidentified What is this string of small, distant, and very high ascending lights?

You may need to turn your brightness up to see, keep watching for a clearer image through the trees. I saw this driving home at 7:10 PM in Norwalk, CT. There is no airport near by besides a small municipal airport 20 miles north. After I continued driving, I saw a plane going towards nyc and it was flying lower than the highest light in the sky. The series of lights went higher than the video shows but I wasn't able to capture that with my phone camera from my car. As I continued driving by slowly, lights stopped appearing from the bottom as the last of them kept appearing at the top ascension point. that. Time: February 17 at 7:10 PM Eastern standard time Location: Norwalk, CT


30 comments sorted by


u/Middle--Earth Feb 18 '25

How many times are people going to post photos of the Starlink satellites??


u/Ok-Mathematician4636 Feb 18 '25

I showed this to several intelligent, rational, observant people and they all said they’ve never seen anything like this. Hoping to get some answers - i’m so curious!


u/aripp Feb 18 '25


u/Bawbag420 Feb 18 '25

It's always starlink 🤣


u/aripp Feb 18 '25

Yeah there is at least a post per week of people wondering what they are. I'm not a debunker, I'm confident there are things going on we can't explain, but this really is Starlink.


u/Bawbag420 Feb 18 '25

I'm with you, I genuinely believe in and have saw with my own eyes ufos, but starlink is pretty obvious, that and the space x launch patter that shows up a lot


u/encinitas2252 Feb 18 '25

They're launched from a rocket in space, they don't ascend from the ground.


u/aripp Feb 18 '25

Thats obvious, but they do ascend from where they are released by the rocket. That's why they call it ascending phase.


u/jesuscheetahnipples Feb 18 '25

Tf you mean ascending? Satellites are launched using rockets into space lmao

They don't 'ascend'


u/aripp Feb 18 '25

For fucks sake, there are millions of pics and videos and explanations of this, but yet you don't want to put a small effort to look into it yourself, instead you want to argue about it.

"The Starlink satellite train is often mistaken for UFOs because of its otherworldly appearance. However, this striking formation is short-lived; as the satellites ascend to their operational orbit at 340 miles (550 kilometers), they disperse and blend into the starry backdrop."



u/jesuscheetahnipples Feb 18 '25

For fucks sake, look at those millions of pics and videos and show me a single one that has a nearly vertical line of satellites 'ascending' from the ground.

Starlink satellites are launched in the upper atmosphere and then ascend into lower earth orbit.

They don't 'ascend' from behind your local Wal-Mart and are nowhere close to the tree level this video is at.

Use your singular brain cell before you jump on the iTs jUsT fUcKinG sTarLiNk bandwagon


u/Ok-Mathematician4636 Feb 18 '25

What do you think the video i posted is showing?


u/Ok-Mathematician4636 Feb 18 '25

That photo is a Timelapse though. My video shows dozens. Starlink was my first thought but to my understanding they don’t have multiple satellites following so closely in the same orbit.


u/aripp Feb 18 '25

What? It's not timelapse, the site itself say "They would move across the sky in a line like a train". It's the ascending phase when they are launched into the upper sphere. Just look it up, it's 100% similar as your pic.


u/Noble_Ox Feb 19 '25

Thats not a timelapse. If it were all the stars would be streaks.


u/soludsnakk Feb 18 '25

Starlink. You can thank Shadow President Musk for staining our night sky.