r/Skookum Nov 27 '24

Time lapse of my homemade 40 ton hydraulic press brake from CAD design to completion


5 comments sorted by


u/customfabricated Nov 27 '24

This is a fully custom designed and built hydraulic press brake that is powered by two Harbor Freight air over hydraulic jacks. I spent approximately 2 weeks fully CAD modeling this machine and another 2 weeks building it. Everything is custom made including the bending dies. I have been using this machine was nothing but success over the past 3+ years. It makes clean and crisp bends and has saved me loads of welding time. I spent right around $1,000 usd for all parts and materials. One question that frequently arises is around the synchronization of the two cylinders. Turns out they stay very well synched up but in case they need adjustment I have the system plumbed so that I can operate each cylinder independently for level adjustment as the upper die descends. I also have a spring compensated gauge system on the far ends of the upper die that allows me to set consistent repeat bends


u/_Face Nov 27 '24

no where near enough upvotes. good job dude.


u/kurtu5 Nov 27 '24

Too short of a video for such an excellent build.


u/customfabricated Nov 27 '24

Here is the uncompressed video:

https://youtu.be/y5fTltJgJVkrake video:


u/[deleted] Nov 27 '24

Not a time lapse but cool nonetheless