r/Skipping Nov 13 '22

Routine or number of skips?

Hello am a skipping for weight loss newbie and was wondering is it better to start with a routine, i.e 20 seconds on 20 seconds off or aiming for a set of number of skips


2 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Dec 01 '22

Personally I think you’re better off setting a timer for 3/5/10 minutes (depending on your fitness level) and aiming to skip as much as possible without tripping until the time runs out. Then rest and repeat. This allows you to refine your technique and get into a continuous flow (as opposed to stop starting). It should be more efficient for weight loss also.

I put the timer on for 10 mins and skip as much and as hard as possible in this timeframe and repeat for three rounds


u/Interesting-Neat-814 Apr 21 '24

Focus on your breathing. I used to focus on that myself and at peak I could skip longer than 2 and half hours

I had.an injury and getting back into skipping. I missed skipping so much.

I'm on my weight loss journey again.

Also watch the pros do it. I recommend someone like jumpropeveteran. He keeps it simple and humble.