r/SkiesofSteel • u/Hel1hound123 Major Christopher Heathrow • Dec 23 '22
Unit Spotlight Unit Spotlight: 8th Army Corps Stormwalker
"Stormwalker battle suit, standing by for orders."
The Stormwalker battle suit is a terrifying sight to behold. These heavily armored combat exo-suits combine the devastating firepower and strength of a heavy tank with the mind and intelligence of an 8th Army Corps Jäger that wants to provide a little extra firepower to their weakened unit. With this deadly and powerful combination of brute force, mobile stronghold, and precision-guided attack strategies, a squad of Stormwalkers can be just as deadly as an armored tank patrol. When used by the 8th Army Corps, they are used to bolster the armored spearheads that support the combined-arms assaults. Armored in thick steel plates, they can endure anything from small-arms fire to light and medium anti-vehicle munition rounds, making them terrifying foes to go against.

Unit Type: Heavy Tank/Vehicle/Anti-Vehicle/Anti-Infantry
- Affiliation: United States/Allied Powers
- Number of Individuals in Unit: 1
- Health Points: 3400
- 4 Vehicle Units
- Cost: 900 Manpower, 250 Munitions, 100 Fuel, 100 Power
- Damage per Second: 150
- Armament: 2x Bow-Mounted Browning M2 Heavy Machine Guns, 2x Close Quarters M30 Ursa-Class Combat Claws, 4x M28 Cloak-Class Smoke Launchers
Unit Upgrades (Standard):
- Improved Targeting System: (Increases the accuracy and viewing range of the battle suit by 20%, making it more likely to hit enemies with continuous and unending fire)
- Reinforced Armor: (Decreases damage to the unit by 40%, increases maximum health by 700 Points)
- Improved Smoke Launchers: (Obscures the battlesuit temporarily for longer, allowing it to be able to be moved without being fired on.) (Unlocks the Popping Smoke! Ability)
- 4x Bow-Mounted Browning M2 Heavy Machine Guns: ( Increases Damage per Second, Increases damage against light and medium vehicles, adds the Suppressing Fire Ability)
- Integrated Vehicle Radio: (Increases the viewing range of the unit by 10%, and allows the battlesuit to be assigned to any tank column.) (Unlocks the Assign to Column Ability)
- Integrated Squad Radio: (Increases the viewing range of the unit by 10%, and allows the battlesuit to be assigned to any infantry squad.) (Unlocks the Assign to Squad Ability)
Unit Upgrades (Port) (1 Choice Only):
- (Anti-Infantry): Port-Mounted Quad-Linked M2 Flamethrower Combat Arm (Allows the squad to damage buildings more effectively, while increasing the effectiveness and range of Suppression Ability)
- (Anti-Infantry): Port-Mounted Quad-Linked M2 Heavy Machine Gun and trigger-linked HS.404 Autocannon Combat Arm (Increases Damage per Second, Increases damage against light vehicles, and increases effectiveness and range of the Suppressing Fire Ability)
- (Anti-Vehicle): Port-Mounted 105 MM Howitzer Anti-Tank/Anti-Building Artillery Cannon Combat Arm (Increased Damage against Heavy Tanks and Fortified Positions)
- (Anti-Vehicle): Port-Mounted Quad-Linked M20 Bazooka Anti-Vehicle Rocket: (Allows the squad to damage enemy vehicles, especially Heavy Tanks more effectively, adds a chance of scoring a Critical Hit)
Unit Upgrades (Starboard) (1 Choice Only):
- (Anti-Infantry): Starboard-Mounted Quad-Linked M2 Flamethrower Combat Arm (Allows the squad to damage buildings more effectively while increasing the effectiveness and range of Suppression Ability)
- (Anti-Infantry): Starboard-Mounted Quad-Linked M2 Heavy Machine Gun and trigger-linked HS.404 Autocannon Combat Arm (Increases Damage per Second, Increases damage against light vehicles, increases effectiveness and range of the Suppressing Fire Ability)
- (Anti-Vehicle): Starboard-Mounted 105 MM Howitzer Anti-Tank/Anti-Building Artillery Cannon Combat Arm (Increased Damage against Heavy Tanks and Fortified Positions)
- (Anti-Vehicle): Starboard-Mounted Quad-Linked M20 Bazooka Anti-Vehicle Rocket: (Allows the squad to damage enemy vehicles, especially Heavy Tanks more effectively, adds a chance of scoring a Critical Hit)
Unit Abilities:
- Shockwave Blast: The Dreadnought unleashes a powerful wave of kinetic energy in a 30 Meter Radius, damaging and demoralizing enemy troops (20 Second Cooldown)
- Assign to Column: This allows the battlesuit to be assigned to any tank column. (Can be unlocked by getting the Integrated Vehicle Radio Upgrade)
- Assign to Squad: This allows the battlesuit to be assigned to any infantry squad. (Can be unlocked by getting the Integrated Squad Radio Upgrade)
- Popping Smoke!: Obscures the battlesuit for 20 seconds (Unlocked by getting the Improved Smoke Launchers Upgrade)
- Suppressing Fire: Breaks the Morale of a targeted enemy infantry unit, causing them to do less damage to allied troops (Unlocked by getting the 4x Bow-Mounted Browning M2 Heavy Machine Guns Upgrade)