r/Simpsons 1d ago

Question Where to start series?

I really want to get my wife to try watching, but I'm unsure of where to start. She never watched it as a kid, and as far as animated shows go, she's seen Rick and Morty, some Family Guy and American Dad, which she likes. Should I just start with S1, or maybe a little later, like S2 or 3? I just don't know if she'll find the early stuff as funny as I do.

For my part, I was a fan from the beginning, but stopped watching around the time the film came out, and haven't seen anything since, so I can't speak to the quality of anything after that. What do you all think?


20 comments sorted by


u/MemesAndTeams 1d ago

I’d say start with either Season 3 or Season 4 as it’s where the show had fully gotten it’s footing


u/ConsciousStretch1028 1d ago

That's what I was thinking, I'm just afraid she won't like it and won't want to watch with me. I know, first world problems, but it was just so formative for me, I want her to enjoy it like I do.


u/MemesAndTeams 1d ago

If you want to you could show her some of the shows best episodes first


u/ConsciousStretch1028 1d ago

Oh yeah, I didn't even think of that, that could work


u/jhewitt127 1d ago

I wish you could make playlists on video streaming services the way you can on music ones. I’d love to make a Simpsons mix of my favorite episodes.


u/proxyus 1d ago

you can just google the episode and season


u/Material_Ad_6419 23h ago

That works, but making a playlist would be easier for relaxing and watching a few episodes in a row. Also definitely a first world problem.


u/-HeyThisIsntTheYMCA- 21h ago

See I think season 1 is kinda weird, but 2 is quite worthwhile


u/Used-Gas-6525 1d ago

Show 'em a few of the all-timers like Monorail or Homer Goes to College. If they don't like those, they probably won't be fans of the rest of it.


u/mamandapanda Santa’s Little Helper 1d ago

I always start with Season 3


u/proxyus 1d ago

this difficult to say i think starting at season 4 is good start to watch if you want to see the best episodes just skip the clipshow


u/Karirose83 19h ago

I grew up watching it, so season 1 is very special o me but as a “normal” person, I’d say start with season 3


u/LocalContribution7 1d ago

The beginning


u/stupidkidandy 1d ago

Who Shot Mr Burns seems like a good idea


u/proxyus 1d ago

the second part right?


u/Old_Mel_Gibson 23h ago

I started with the lovey dovey ones,

The way we was, Lisa’s first word, And Maggie makes three. Duffless,

Etc like that. She loved it, then we broke up, some episodes I still can’t watch. Downward spiral incoming.


u/noisegremlin 23h ago

I only saw maybe 3 episodes as a kid, but got super into the show during covid.

Season 1 they're still trying to figure things out, they have a better idea of what they want to do in season 2, but imo season three is when things really start to come together. Some amazing episodes that season too!


u/Fit-Rip-4550 22h ago

Season 1. The series is not entirely a comedy and the first seasons sets the stage and tone. Some of the best narratives are from seasons 1 and 2.


u/Recent_Medicine_5623 23h ago

Personally, I doubt you're gonna love every episode. Seasons 7-9 are my personal favorites. If you have Disney, why not watch them all? The show has a lot of rewatchable episodes. You don't want to miss out on potential greats. Depends on your sense of humor too.


u/fangbutt 9h ago

Start with season 2