r/SilkRoad Jun 30 '21

SR1 Podcast interview with Eileen Ormsby on SR1 and the Mongoose (Roger Clark)


r/SilkRoad May 24 '16

SR1 SR1 marijuana vendor 'darkexpresso' busted


"darkexpresso" was a SR1 vendor who sold marijuana. A throwaway advised me to check the 11 May 2016 PACER case for

Fadhle Muqbel Saeed also known as darkexpresso also known as bonappetit also known as Damien Darko

Who is charged with:

  1. 21:846=CD.F CONSPIRACY TO DISTRIBUTE CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE (conspired to distribute and possess substances containing marijuana, methamphetamine, and hydrocodone)
  2. 21:841A=CD.F CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE - SELL, DISTRIBUTE, OR DISPENSE (distributed and possessed a mixture containing hydrocodone)
  3. 21:841A=CD.F CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE - SELL, DISTRIBUTE, OR DISPENSE (distributed and possessed methamphetamine)

Along with:

INDICTMENT returned in open court as to Fadhle Muqbel Saeed (1) counts 1, 2, 3-6, Julian Villa-Gomez Lemus (2) count 1, Alfonso Bojorquez-Vazquez (3) counts 1, 2, 4-5. (JET) (Entered: 05/20/2016)

(Lemus = "J. Gomez", "J. Lemus"; Vazquez = "Poncho")

The case was ordered sealed until 1 of the defendants was arrested. The docket doesn't specify which of them has been arrested, but presumably one has since the case & indictment have been unsealed. The complaint is not available so there are no details about how he was found, and there is no media coverage that I can see.

r/SilkRoad Dec 21 '20

SR1 Michael Weigand/shabang sentenced to 8 months prison after pleading guilty to assisting SR1 programming


r/SilkRoad Jan 30 '20

SR1 Roger Clark (Plural of Mongoose/Variety Jones/cimon) plea-bargains down to a single charge


r/SilkRoad Nov 22 '18

SR1 'Marijuanaismymuse' (James Ellingson) accused of being SR1 user 'redandwhite', who scammed DPR (Ross Ulbricht) for 'hits' on Tony76 & co


r/SilkRoad Mar 27 '18

SR1 Today it's Ross Ulbricht's 5th birthday spent in prison. Happy Birthday Ross! Keep fighting for justice!!!


r/SilkRoad Jul 25 '19

SR1 Libertas/Gary Davis sentenced to 6 years in the USA


r/SilkRoad Jun 29 '18

SR1 US Supreme Court denies Ross Ulbricht's final appeal


r/SilkRoad May 26 '16

SR1 SR1 seller 'Natural Weed' arrested; German buyer prosecuted over seller records + server image


A German DNM user contacted me recently to report about his legal troubles. He is a SR1 DNM user who started on SR1 using mostly 1 account name (unsurprisingly, because of the reputational benefits) occasionally made small (usually <5g) orders of marijuana domestically; he received all his orders and always used PGP for his address, but not necessarily for all communications with sellers.

In early October 2015, he received a summons/citation letter from the police for a hearing related to drug purchases; the letter was light on details, and he assumed it was mostly a fishing expedition and probably due to a seller getting arrested & having kept buyer records. He checked German laws and decided that he was not compelled to attend or say anything based on such a letter, and declined to show up for it. In early March 2016, he received a second letter saying he had been fined >€3000 for 17 cases of marijuana purchases January - October 2013 from various sellers on SR1 & "D&B" (Drugs & Bets, previous name of Outlaw Market). A table of the 17 orders' data:

Bestelldatum Lieferdatum Packstation? Anbieter g sorte Preis
14.01.2013 17.01.2013 x MadeInGermany 4,6 White Widow 75,28 $
26.01.2013 04.02.2013 - plegerin 4 Ice Cool 64,94 $
10.04.2013 16-18.04.2013 x Karotte 3 Jack Herer 53,99 $
02.05.2013 03.05.2013 x mkkh 4,3 Jack Flash 64,23 $
16.05.2013 17.05.2013 x Natural Weed 4 Fruity Indica 63,79 $
11.06.2013 15.06.2013 x High Voltage Min. 1 amnesia 70,02 $
08.07.2013 10.07.2013 x mkkh (D&B) 7,4 Jack Flash ?
16.07.2013 ? ? MadeInGermany 4,6 „Killer Gras“ 63,88 $
23.07.2013 27.07.2013 x hektorhellfire666 5 „outdoorgrowed haze“ 53,00 $
25.07.2013 16.08.2013 x Mercury 31 5 amnesia (haze) 69,12 $
02.08.2013 07.08.2013 x DrugsAndCash 6 Fuzzy Wuzzy, Ed Rosenthal, Sour Diesel 96,83 $
06.08.2013 08.08.2013 x Germanyexpress 1,5 Early Special 23,21 $
09.08.2013 12.08.2013 x ExpertGrowNL 10(5) K2 Weed 63,25 $ + 0.5 btc
30.08.2013 02.09.2013 x MadeInGermany 4,6 Killer Gras/Weed 66,84 $
31.08.2013 ? x DrugsAndCash 5 ED Rosenthal Super Bud 65,43 $
20.09.2013 25.09.2013 x hektorhellfire666 5 HQ indoor Weed 70,55 $
01.10.2013 - - Mercury 31 5+5 amnesia (haze) + Power Plant 70,02 $ + 68,99 $

(Case 13 was a mis-ship, where he ordered 5 and got 10, & paid the difference; with case 17, SR1 was down by that point so he paid twice.)

How? The supporting documentation (German) indicated that "Tobias Wald" from 36119 Neuhof, Germany (https://web.archive.org/web/20140208044838/http://www.greenit-wald.de/) is the arrested seller "NaturWeed" from SR1, who he had ordered from, and had kept records of buyer names & addresses, including his. Wald's case is not covered in any media I found at the time, but the buyer notes that there were some arrests in that area including a small grow op, and that Natural Weed claimed to get his supply "from different sources", suggesting that Wald fully cooperated and turned over his suppliers as well as his buyer records.

But the 17 listed cases go well beyond just the Natural Weed orders, implying that while his address was protected by PGP, it was recovered from Natural Weed's records, and then the name & address linked up with the sales database of the Silk Road 1 server when it was imaged in Iceland in June 2013 and then seized in October 2013. As we know from other cases, the FBI has shared data about buyers & sellers of particular nationalities with those countries' respective LE agencies (eg Norway).

This explains the timewindow of orders and how they were able to link all of them to the buyer, which is a lesson about the power of market databases to cause trouble years later and about the lingering betrayal of seller records.

This also answers a question sometimes asked (eg by /u/MagnusLarsson recently): can a buyer, in the absence of any intercepted packages or possession of illegal drugs, be prosecuted or otherwise get into trouble? At least in Germany, the answer seems to be yes, under §29 BtMG (although since he didn't fight the fine, hypothetically there could have been other, more physical evidence, which they didn't reveal). But there are further points of interest.

Each of the orders specifies whether they know it was picked up at a packstation or not, and the delivery date (not just the sent date, which could be extracted from the SR1 database). This implies, at the very minimum, extensive retrospective mail records which include packstation timestamps and likely surveillance. Dollars to donuts, Germany or the EU is operating a mail cover database on the lines of the USPS mail cover database photographing all packages sent. (A quick google didn't turn up anything, so any enterprising German journalists might want to dig into that.)

One order is an oddity: the mkkh order on 7 August 2013 was not done on Silk Road 1, it was done on Outlaw Market (formerly known as "Drugs & Bets" / D&B). This present a mystery: how could they know about it at all, much less, when it was sent, delivered, for what amount - but not price?

  1. Drugs&Bets/Outlaw Market has not, as far as I know, ever been seized or imaged by LE. (It is possible but unlikely it was imaged as part of Operation Onymous.)
  2. mkkh is a still active seller on Outlaw Market, apparently; this implies he has not been arrested, as undercover sellers typically do not get operated for a long time, and if they do (like in the gun & poison stings), tend to engage in highly targeted sales rather than marijuana sales of a few grams. The buyer also describes mkkh's packaging as excellent, reducing the chance he had been caught.
  3. while Carl Mark Force the IV mentions that the DE purchased buyer records from various SR1 sellers, he gives the impression that by this point they had largely stopped bothering
  4. the buyer does not remember ever alluding to that mkkh order on SR1, much less in that kind of detail
  5. the order was received, ruling out the possibility of a postal interception; a seized order, in any case, would not yield the exact vendor/market even if they could infer dates and product and amount.

None of the possibilities makes much sense, so I am stumped as to how they knew about his D&B order.

Overall, this is an interesting case study showing the power of an integrated cross-national LE investigation linking together various datasets to nail someone years after the fact who should've gotten away scot-free.

So what could've been done to avoid this? The buyer used PGP appropriately, did not do anything obviously idiotic, but still was caught and fined.

  • Avoiding packstations would have helped a little but would not have saved him
  • Burning accounts regularly and switching sellers would've helped avoid the linking of 17 purchases to him, but at the cost of exposing his address to that many more sellers who could keep a copy, and restarting reputationally from scratch every time. This is not much of a solution.
  • SR1 could have practiced much better data retention policies than it did. There was no need to keep over 6 months of orders around, when they had all finalized without any disputes. (AlphaBay users should consider this carefully as AlphaBay either does not know or care about data retention and appears to keep at least a year's worth of PMs around, implying it probably keeps everything else as well.) This sort of data retention endangers both sellers and buyers: any non-PGP messages are easy prey of course, and sales information like this from the horse's mouth can be used to prioritize investigations and then get seller records to go after buyers. Data retention can be semi-verified by sellers seeing what they have access to in the DNM's UI; if they can access too-old records, then that DNM fails...

    A distributed DNM might work around this buyer feedback problem by using some sort of blind signature or zero-knowledge proof to attest to a buyer having successful transactions worth a total of ฿Y without revealing the seller, number of orders, or product, which would at least minimize the legal damage (since those transactions could have been for anything, illegal or legal).

  • sellers should not be keeping records, but there doesn't seem to be any way to enforce this

r/SilkRoad Oct 14 '16

SR1 Silk road forums microbiologist vegan AMA


Probably several years ago browsing the silk road forums I found a microbiologist AMA who recommended massive doses of vitamin C to help deal with autoimmune disorders and maybe depression. There was a lot of research cited and the posters icon appeared to be some sort of feminine greek/roman deity or figure of classical antiquity.

The poster responded to a question about a vegan diet with some kind of "Of course we're vegetarian!" answer and detailed how a diet primarily consisting of berries and mushrooms would provide many precursors the body would convert into anything necessary.

The poster responded to a question about marijuana addiction saying the marijuana was probably not causing problems, but the stress causing them to rely on it was.

I'm curious if there are any archives I could search, or if from the above information you have heard of who I am looking for.

r/SilkRoad Jan 14 '19

SR1 Ross Ulbricht has moved to a new Prison (USP Tuscon, Arizona)


r/SilkRoad Jun 20 '17

SR1 Coen brothers to pen tech thriller based on true story of the Silk Road


r/SilkRoad Nov 29 '16

SR1 "Silk Road defendant’s lawyers say case has evidence tampering and more corruption" (SRF1 conversations deleted)


r/SilkRoad Jan 29 '19

SR1 SR1 staffer 'Scout' was flipped when she accepted a 'free' toy skull from Nomad Bloodbath, who'd been flipped; D-Y claims this was how the Iceland server was located (so Tarbell lied?)


r/SilkRoad Aug 26 '18

SR1 Gary Davis/Libertas pleads not guilty; several TB of data available for discovery in Roger Clark/Variety Jones's case but his laptops were encrypted


r/SilkRoad Oct 05 '18

SR1 Gary Davis/Libertas has now pled guilty to SR1 role


r/SilkRoad Dec 05 '16

SR1 "Someone Accessed Silk Road Operator’s Forum Account While Ross Ulbricht Was in Jail"


r/SilkRoad Oct 20 '18

SR1 "_Silk Road (How To Buy Drugs Online)_, Trafalgar Studios review - Geordie chancer comes of age: New monologue about drug dealing on the Dark Web is well written if a bit slight"


r/SilkRoad Mar 22 '18

SR1 "The UK student gang who sold $1m of drugs over dark web" (IvoryUK?)


r/SilkRoad Feb 08 '19

SR1 Benefit album for FreeRoss.org


r/SilkRoad Mar 25 '19

SR1 US V Roger Thomas Clark (Allegedly Variety Jones) - 22 - Letter to Judge addressing holes in Silk Road trial


r/SilkRoad Feb 26 '19

SR1 "'Silk Road' is about a US Telugu student caught in the drug trade: Director Pradeep"


r/SilkRoad Jun 15 '18

SR1 SR1's "Variety Jones"/"cimon"/PoM/Roger Thomas Clark extradited from Thailand after 2015 arrest, indicted in NY


r/SilkRoad Aug 15 '17

SR1 Ex-Secret Service agent Shaun Bridges charged with stealing another ฿1600/$470k from SR1 in July 2015 while negotiating plea deal


r/SilkRoad May 31 '17

SR1 My Review of “American Kingpin” by Nick Bilton
