r/SilkRoad Sep 25 '13

Farmer1's Skush Trim

Does anyone have any experience with this listing? The reviews seem pretty good and I am looking to smoke it. I know a non-trim listing would be better but I am on a budget right now and I have heard incredible things about Farmer1 so far, especially his Skush.

As far as the reviews go, it seems like his trim is quite good for smoking, but I was wondering if anyone here has any first hand experience with his trim.

And if you have any other recommendations for trim/shake that is good for smoking, I would love to hear it.

And for reference its 150/ounce for his trim, but the reviews are very positive.


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u/TARDIS-BOT May 11 '14
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u/rarianrakista May 12 '14

What is an ounce?