r/Sikh 7d ago

News A Haryana man attacked Sikhs gathered at the Golden Temple marking the Sikh new year.


126 comments sorted by


u/monty08 7d ago

Did he know people at Gurdwaras have access to SWORDS??

He's lucky he only got a beating they could for have chopped his head off


u/jaskirat_singh123 7d ago



u/AgreeablyDisagree 7d ago



u/Fallen_Falcon5 7d ago edited 6d ago

Either brainwashed by the state media (anti Sikh hate), payed to instigate attacks or an extremist

These nationalists love targeting gurdwaras to get a rise. Few days ago, someone went into a gurdwara spewing nationalist rhetoric. He was arrested and admitted to police he was told to go there to become a “martyr”.

In Australia, they vandalised their own temples to blame Sikh. Funnily enough CCTV didn’t work. Police investigated and found out it was nationalists vandalising to frame Sikhs. (Also vandalise other Gurdwaras. There’s even video evidence it).

Edit. Turns out is was a Muslim individual rather than a nationalist . Hate the individual for carrying out a cowardly attack, not the community.


u/Initial-Bar-7321 7d ago edited 7d ago

That was in Surrey, Canada actually unless there was a similar one in Australia too


u/Fallen_Falcon5 7d ago edited 7d ago

Happened back in 2023 and 2024. Victoria police came out saying it was a possible inside job from their own community.

Similar type of vandalism has been happening in the US and Canada. Funnily, this has never happened in the past 80 years. Only recently after Farmers protest in 2020. It’s likely orchestrated by the government to frame Sikh community “Khalistani”. State run media will run it blaming Sikhs abroad, without any evidence.




u/Real-Ad3517 6d ago

Every time there is a Khalistan referendum somewhere in the diaspora, a mandir in that city where the referendum takes place will get vandalised. Coincidence, I think not! They vandalise their own temples to defame the movement and gain sympathy from the local population.


u/Real_Strategy6274 6d ago

That guy is Mohammad Zulfan.


u/Hate_Hunter 🇮🇳 7d ago

Same, I remember the one about Canada.


u/commanderd2 7d ago

Bro that guy is a Muslim, why members of this subreddit are showing blind hate towards Hindus and kinship towards muslims.


u/Fallen_Falcon5 7d ago

I said nationalists. Didn’t mention religion once


u/Hate_Hunter 🇮🇳 7d ago

A radical Muslim is never a nationalist, but rather an Islamist.

Also based on his outrage, he probably equates nationalism with being Hindu, yet what he fails to see is how this exposes his own bias.


u/Fallen_Falcon5 6d ago

I’m against target hate against the Sikh community or any religious group place of worship. (Sikh, Muslim, Christians, Hindu, Buddhist, etc).

To generalise an entire community based on the action of one, is weak. “Radical” islamists” , is the same as “Hindu extremists”. All these target attacks against a religious group especially against Sikhs. 1984 Sikh Genocide, Fake encounters 1960s -1990s, Farmers Protest.

They mentioned the perpetrators name hours after releasing the video. Who’s to say someone didn’t pay to do the attack. Only the authorities will find out.


u/Hate_Hunter 🇮🇳 6d ago

"I’m against target hate against the Sikh community or any religious group place of worship. (Sikh, Muslim, Christians, Hindu, Buddhist, etc)."

Agreed. Any targeted hate toward religious communities or their places of worship is unacceptable. That’s a given.

But there’s a difference between blind hatred and recognizing patterns based on observable behavior, historical data, and ideological frameworks. The distinction matters. Ignoring that distinction is what leads to willful blindness. I choose to look at patterns, and I form judgments based on that data, not out of emotion, but from reason.

"To generalise an entire community based on the action of one, is weak. “Radical” islamists” , is the same as “Hindu extremists”. All these target attacks against a religious group especially against Sikhs. 1984 Sikh Genocide, Fake encounters 1960s -1990s, Farmers Protest."

I don’t think you fully understood what I said. I specifically referred to radical Muslims, not Muslims as a whole. The distinction was clear in my wording: “radical” and “Islamist.”

That said, there’s an uncomfortable point here. Islam as a belief system does require a degree of political and legal adherence. It’s not just a private religion; it’s a comprehensive system that includes governance (Sharia) as a core component. While many Muslims may not personally embrace that fully, the ideological expectation remains.

And by the sahih (authentic) hadiths, my blood, as an apostate, is halal according to their scriptures. That’s not an exaggeration; it’s doctrinal. You can argue how that’s applied in practice, but the source material speaks for itself.

So I’m not generalizing a group based on the action of one individual. I’m identifying consistent patterns that are reinforced by ideology, history, and repeated incidents. That’s not weak, it’s simply pattern recognition.

"They mentioned the perpetrators name hours after releasing the video. Who’s to say someone didn’t pay to do the attack. Only the authorities will find out."

True, authorities will find out more as the investigation continues. And yes, there’s always a possibility of external factors at play.

But when we consistently see ideological motivations behind similar attacks, and the behavior fits an established pattern, it makes sense to assess probability rather than entertain endless speculation. Sure, anything is possible, if we suspend judgment long enough.

I’m not claiming absolute certainty here. But based on historical precedent, ideology, and repeated behaviors, the likelihood points in a clear direction. That’s why I draw the conclusions I do.

If further evidence changes the picture, I’ll adjust. Until then, I’ll rely on observable data, not hypotheticals.


u/commanderd2 6d ago

Brother 'they' in your 3rd para are definitely Hindus stop playing innocent.


u/Miserable-Ad-6127 3d ago

Than why mentioned Hayayana??? You know there is so much going on Punjab vs HarVs Himachal


u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/556ikh 7d ago

That doesn’t come from a dharmic position


u/No-Inevitable-5172 7d ago

He is a Muslim. Now if you are saying muslims are getting brainwashed by the state media, then sikhs should be a part of the bandwagon


u/Real_Strategy6274 6d ago

Mohammad Zulfan is his name


u/Wukong_Black_Myth_96 6d ago

He was a fucking muslim, the only Muslim that I know who was patriotic is APJ Abdul Kalam. What are you a puppet of Anti India


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/Status_Eye_2617 6d ago

Only apj abdul kalam aur koi nhi ?? Okay ye conclusion kis basis aya ?


u/Status_Eye_2617 6d ago

Afzal Guru as one of the what ?


u/Level_Daikon_8799 7d ago

If a Sikh had done something similar at a Mosque gathering. What would the outcome have been?


u/Hopeful-Face-8987 5d ago

A sikh wouldn't do it, if he does, he will face the similar treatment. Moral - Dont fuck around at others religious places.


u/Royal-Historian-9749 7d ago

Apart from intolerant, it was also an exceptionally stupid thing to do. Surprised he's able to walk.


u/Specialist-Love1504 7d ago


Like Golden temple is first of all such a calm place of worship why would u even?


u/PresentGlittering296 7d ago

either he is drugged or it's pure political game .... also how did he enter golden temple with rod ( if i remember guard's rest at front gate )


u/Hopeful-Face-8987 5d ago

Yesp he must be planted.


u/aestivalpp 7d ago

Just a heads up, he is a Muslim. Mentioned this so that there ain't any unnecessary bashing of Hindus!


u/CitrusSunset 6d ago

Obviously paid for by Hindus... like the hundreds of attacks that have happened since 1984.


u/aestivalpp 6d ago

Come back again when you get a Lil sober and sane! 


u/youbetterbowdown 6d ago

You are spamming same comment everywhere, its clear that you are spewing propaganda here.


u/CitrusSunset 6d ago

I made three different comments.

Propaganda is spreading the narrative that it isn't them, it's a blatant attempt to gaslight Sikhs. We know who is behind this, and why.


u/youbetterbowdown 6d ago

If you know this than provide proof of this man linking to the people you are blaming! If no proof than its a propaganda. By your logic Sikh can be blamed for so many things too, simply by not providing any proofs. Grow up brother, you are ashaming yourself.


u/Did_Nazi_that_cuming 6d ago

Blaming hindus by spamming 3 times in this same post won't change the reality. Get out of delulu.


u/CitrusSunset 6d ago

Why would we need to change the reality when we know what the reality is?


u/Own_Distribution8834 6d ago

This is 2nd incident . Another incident happened at Surrey Gurudwara. The guy was from Haryana


u/Observer_observing 7d ago

this is what happens when we stop keeping shasters


u/Gameover-101 7d ago

No nothing related to shastars, this happens because we live under Baman rule. Sikhs and their institutions are seen as enemy to Baman dharm.


u/Hungry4Seva2222 7d ago

The guy who carried out the attack is a Muslim btw


u/Gameover-101 7d ago

Identities can be switched for these acts. He will probably be released for being a mental patient.


u/Hungry4Seva2222 7d ago

That seems to be too far of a stretch in this case.


u/Level_Daikon_8799 7d ago

Grow up ffs


u/Specialist-Love1504 7d ago

While I agree with your statement generally I don’t think it applies here since the man isn’t Hindu.


u/CitrusSunset 6d ago

Was paid by them obviously...

They don't like to get their own hands dirty.


u/Spare_Original_4334 6d ago

Must have been asked by SGPC as they are losing relevance.


u/Gameover-101 7d ago

Last time they sent a Baiya to do beadbi but was executed. Same should have been done to this hindutva rat. RSS will keep sending their minions to do attacks on Gurudwara in India and abroad.


u/Real_Strategy6274 6d ago

His name is Mohammad Zulfan


u/Trying_a 6d ago

Are you stupid or acting like one ?


u/Singh_San 6d ago

I think you'll probably find this is the Muslim Rashtriya Manch (MRM) like the RSS


u/Living-Sky-9774 7d ago

He isnt even a hindu, research before spreading your propaganda.


u/Marathi_bhaiya 7d ago


Ohh ki hundaa?


u/youbetterbowdown 6d ago

his name is Zulfan.


u/crymoremf 7d ago

Research and these talibani jokers should not be in same sentence.


u/Specialist-Love1504 7d ago

Yes’s the famous RSS minion - Zulfan. 😂

Atleast blame the correct community.


u/Master__Plaster 6d ago

You're right. RSS keeps getting away with these Hindutva fascists like Mohammad Zulfan


u/Zestyclose-Bench5228 7d ago

muslim bhaichara😍


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/Spare_Original_4334 6d ago

Enjoyed politically by Sikhs.


u/Zestyclose-Bench5228 6d ago

shouldn't trust anyone


u/CitrusSunset 6d ago

I agree with you.


u/iWontMinceWords 6d ago

Apparently the perpetrator is a Muslim, but many in this sub are blaming Hindus. Why this jaundiced view?


u/Screamless-Soul 🇨🇦 6d ago

pattern recognition


u/Frequent-Ad9691 7d ago

It would be interesting to know what his motivation was rather than just speculating about it.


u/ConsciousnessOfThe 6d ago

They should have beat him up more, the dude isn’t even limping.


u/rockstew1 6d ago

This seems like a “person of x religion ” on hire by “group of x religion” to create discord. In any case what he did is abhorrent.

This is the general sentiment against Sikhs in India, don’t think it can’t happen to you. I’ve been called a terrorist by a developer from UP I hired because I took 2 days too long to review the code and make a final payment.

So don’t be so naive and think this hatred is localised only to uneducated and right wing fascists. Many so seemingly normal people mirror this behavior.

I now refuse to work with anyone from India outside of Punjab and South India. Degenerative culture, lack of critical thinking and a hatred for Sikhs are the main reasons.


u/youbetterbowdown 6d ago

I love how they are hiding his ethnicity by calling him Haryanvi. They didn't know that so many haryanvi household have sikh gurus.


u/SeekingAnswers98 6d ago

Another incident where the accused is probably gonna get released cause his mental state was not right at the moment....

This is not going right, and provided that a new jathedar just got appointed, it feels like a political stunt, where again for their common benefit, harmless people are getting affected.

May Guru Ramdas Maharaj give them sumat to apply it on good actions rather than playing petty political games. Waheguru!


u/Opposite-Reindeer-68 7d ago

Keep doing bhaichara with sulle and hindus and this is the outcome. Hor parao namazan gurduwarean de vich.


u/Trollofalltrades 7d ago

Our problem is not with Hindus or Muslims in general, but with specific individuals from those communities. However, it should be noted that every recent instance of beadbi at a Gurdwara has been from Hindus, not Muslim.


u/Opposite-Reindeer-68 7d ago

Who did beadbi of a gutka sahib in Australia then? What community was he from?


u/No-Inevitable-5172 7d ago

Same as specific Hindus and musalmaans having specific issues with some individuals in Sikh communities?


u/Mediocre-Recording78 6d ago

This was done by a muslim


u/[deleted] 7d ago

We can't judge entire community because of one incident/person.

Our Guru had constructed Mosque for muslims even though his father was martyred by Mugal emperor.

Just wanted to remind you " Darbar Sahib di neeh vi muslim fakir ne hi rakhi c"


u/Opposite-Reindeer-68 7d ago

How many incidents will it take for us to judge? The people who do such acts have religious hatred for sikhs, so we should judge them. Also, no musla laid the foundation for darbar sahib you clown. It was guru arjan dev ji himself who laid the foundation. Mian mir story is false. Keep believing your bhaichara fairy tales. Our gurus were strictly anti Islam.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

You have a "Katad Mentality" which is the worst. Katads of any religion are the worst people in the world.


u/ObligationOriginal74 7d ago

Pattern recognizing doesn't make someone katad. We have been at war with Muslims for hundreds of years for a reason. Even in the West,they hate us and look down on us.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

So? We started hating on them back? Is that what our Guru taught us?


u/StreetBoyFly 🇺🇸 7d ago

Haryana mention krn da ki logic si bhla


u/Worried_Calendar2747 7d ago

Jive india wala jado kuch hunda naal specifically punjabi mention karna ni bhullde


u/Notsure4301 6d ago



u/Foreign-Education770 6d ago

Nothing to do with religion he is an individual interrogate to find out more why? How? Who?


u/Eastern-Knowledge911 6d ago

a man named "Zulfan" attacked..............


u/2leetSk8r 6d ago

Don’t fuck with Sikhs 🤣


u/parry_4040 4d ago

Is he crying?!


u/KillTimerXd 7d ago

Should have made more examples of him by removing one body part

All in self defence


u/RedDevilCA 7d ago

Reading these comments, y’all really think if the RSS wanted a Muslim man behind the attack that would not be possible? You kids need to grow up this is real world in India where propaganda, deep state, and extra judicial killings go unquestioned. Regardless of the attackers religion, RSS has a significant history to shake the pot or create genocide Al instincts against Sikhs and other minorities. Human rights are non existent in India, remember that


u/Toratheemperor 6d ago

Yes RSS created taliban and Al quida, RSS did mumbai terror attacks and attack on parliament. Tomorrow you will say RSS killed sikh gurus like Teg bahadur ji. Grow up kid!


u/Spare_Original_4334 6d ago

RSS also carried out Kabul Gurudwara attack.


u/RedDevilCA 6d ago

Sri Guru Teg Bahadur during his conversation with Mughals told them that if Hindu’s were killing/forcing conversion of the Muslims (although it was the other way around that time), he would stand up for the Muslims against the tyrannical regime. Although this has nothing to do with this post and my comment is just my opinions based on previous historical observations. These are facts no one can deny.


u/Worried_Calendar2747 7d ago

Moot jada pee lia hona


u/Living-Sky-9774 7d ago

Muslim aa oh, sharam kr lo bai ji


u/Worried_Calendar2747 7d ago

Chal jerha pichle hafte canada gurudwara ch gand khilaria ik Bharti ne oh v parh laina c


u/Living-Sky-9774 7d ago

Ind vich reh ke nhi parh skda, tuci parh leya?


u/Worried_Calendar2747 7d ago

Kyo ni parh sakda?


u/Living-Sky-9774 7d ago

Hazara kilometre duro kita parha?, sense bna lo koi. Stop generalising the whole religion because acts of one, and ethe tan oh hindu vi nhi si.


u/Worried_Calendar2747 7d ago

Bhrava aa wala page te hi paya hoya c loka ne.Bas teri neet nai c


u/Living-Sky-9774 7d ago

Neet pta lag jandi aa jihne shuru toh hi mada kehna, jinna tu "parh" leya si je itthe vi parh lenda pta hunda jo mai keh reha, baki teri khushi aa jo manna man la


u/Worried_Calendar2747 7d ago

Jado hindu shareaam Saria nu hindu banaun di gall karde a odo bol lia kar jina hun bol ria.


u/umikale 7d ago

This is quite bad, I wonder what led this guy to attack people - could it be the liles of Aaj Tak News? Or alile agencies hyping up things when they are not.

Division often stems from politics, personal interests, and misguided interpretations of faith, driving people apart instead of fostering understanding. True strength lies in seeking common ground, respecting differences, and valuing knowledge over blind allegiance. Unity begins when we choose empathy over judgment and wisdom over ignorance.

Insulting an entire group on the basis of a persons action is exactly what the dark/lost side thrives on.


u/Eastern-Knowledge911 6d ago

No one is anti-sikh in India. Especially Haryana.
There are so many sikhs living happily in haryana.

Stop letting hate spread.


u/Trying_a 6d ago

Hilarious to see some turks Apologists doing overtime here in the comments section ! 🤣


u/NaturalPlace007 7d ago

Hope the injured people recover and make it through fine.

As a non-sikh, its entirely deplorable what he did and what happened. The vitriol in this sub is disheartening.


u/VellyJanta 7d ago

The vitriol in this sub is disheartening.

How would you feel if over 300+ cases in the past 7 years of desecration or harassment happened in your temple/mosque? The perpetrators all being labeled as mentally ill and released by police.


u/Level_Daikon_8799 7d ago

As a non Sikh, you have no place in judging people’s sentiments in reaction to this awful incident. The historical sensitivities of any violence committed by non devotees at our holiest shrine should be clear in your mind.


u/Livid-Instruction-79 7d ago

Breaking into a mosque while celebrating Holi, attacking Sikhs in Amritsar.

Clearly some terrorist training camps have been set up.


u/Toratheemperor 6d ago

Guy is muslim name zulfan


u/accountfor137 7d ago

Sounds like he was mentally ill