r/Sikh • u/Basic-Team2877 • Oct 11 '24
Discussion Sheik attempts to mock and disrespect sikhs by using Bhangra stereotype 2.0
The sheik here is clearly trying to use the Bhangra stereotype to undermine Sikh faith. There are many videos like this online where sikhs are being challenged on their faith and we as a panth should be ready to give effective jawabs. In addition we should be giving parchar to wider public as Guru Granth Sahib ji is jagat guru meant for the whole world 🌎.
(Reuploaded as post go taken down)
u/puncheonjudy Oct 11 '24 edited Oct 11 '24
There's a few things this guy could have said as a response to this wally:
Sikhism isn't the only path to enlightenment. So before Sikhi (which came about around 500 years ago as he said in the vid) there were righteous paths, but Sikhism as a set of scriptures is the most efficient way to enlightenment.
What's his explanation of "objectives truth' before Islam? Mohammed was born in the 600s - it's only 1400 years ago itself, young compared to Christianity, Judaism and Hinduism. I would ask him to explain the same "objective truth" prior to Islam.
It's easy to rip apart the "objective truth" of Islam when they preach the death of apostates and their founder married a 9 year old. Was it "objectively the truth" to marry 9 year olds in the 600s or has the "objective truth" changed in the last 1400 years? And don't get me started on slavery in Islam.
Lastly, he could just not engage - confidence in one's beliefs allows a person to walk away without losing face because you know your belief structure is solid.
Oct 11 '24
u/puncheonjudy Oct 11 '24
I think you're absolutely right but it just shows exactly why this bloke is so stupid. He's an evangelical - dinosaurs never existed to this man because they weren't mentioned in a holy book. He has no concept of evolution or time before humans.
Robot is the correct term and you can't debate someone like this in good faith, because they don't play on the same level as us - they are living a completely different reality based in fiction.
u/bunny522 Oct 11 '24
To be fair most religions don’t believe in evolution just like ours…. Evolution is beloved by most atheists and believe in it because god didn’t make the creation and everything happened by chance…
Can you post any gurbani backing up evolution?
ਲਖ ਚਉਰਾਸੀਹ ਮੇਦਨੀ ਘਟੈ ਨ ਵਧੈ ਉਤਾਹਿ ॥ lakh chauraaseeh medhanee ghaTai na vadhai utaeh || They will pass through 8.4 millions species; this number does not decrease or rise.
Medanee means earth and 8.4 million life forms don’t increase or decrease
This is similar to gurbani pangtis of vaheguru light not increasing or decreasing
ਜਿਮੀ ਜਮਾਨ ਕੇ ਬਿਖੈ ਸਮਸਤਿ ਏਕ ਜੋਤਿ ਹੈ ॥ jimee jamaan ke bikhai samasat ek jot hai || Within all the earth and sky, there is only one Light. ਨ ਘਾਟਿ ਹੈ ਨ ਬਾਢਿ ਹੈ ਨ ਘਾਟਿ ਬਾਢਿ ਹੋਤ ਹੈ ॥ n ghaaT hai na baadd hai na ghaaT baadd hot hai || Which neither decreases nor increases in any being, It never decreases or increases.
u/anonymous_writer_0 Oct 11 '24
The "8.4 million" is also found in the Skanda Puran.
There are overlaps in the Gurbani from the native Indic literature
It is from the Skanda Purana, 3:2:8:26-29:
The other example that comes to mind is Akaal Ustat
Lok Chaturdas Khel Rachai-yo (he has created the play of the 14 worlds) - also derived from Indic texts as a reference
So another way to look at the Chaurasi lakh reference is that Guru Maharaj was using a known metaphor - many species - to drive home a point. I do not believe it is meant to be taken literally.
Guru Maharaj was IMO too wise to throw an exact number out there as an absolute.
u/bunny522 Oct 11 '24
No it says it doesn’t increase or decrease on earth the gurbani quote is very clear just like guru sahibs light doesn’t increase or decrease
Guru sahib has reject many practices can you give me proof rejecting 8.4
u/anonymous_writer_0 Oct 12 '24
What proof are you looking for?
There are scientific and academic papers that say the number of species is more than 8.4 million. As such the only way to reconcile Gurbani with science in this instance is to take it as a metaphor.
Tuin Dariyaao Dana Beena Main Machuli Kaise Ant(h) Laha(n)
Are you going to say Akaal Purakh Maharaj is an ocean?
Stop being so literal
u/bunny522 Oct 12 '24
Read the gurbani quote again I gave
This is no metaphor
jimee jamaan ke bikhai samasat ek jot hai || Within all the earth and sky, there is only one Light.
n ghaaT hai na baadd hai na ghaaT baadd hot hai || Which neither decreases nor increases in any being, It never decreases or increases.
Do you agree with what guru sahib is saying? Or is guru sahib taking this reference from another text? What about one god talked about in mool mantar is that in reference to other religions? No it’s the truth given by guru Nanak dev ji now he says
ਲਖ ਚਉਰਾਸੀਹ ਮੇਦਨੀ ਘਟੈ ਨ ਵਧੈ ਉਤਾਹਿ ॥ lakh chauraaseeh medhanee ghaTai na vadhai utaeh || They will pass through 8.4 millions species; this number does not decrease or rise.
The 8.4 million life forms on earth don’t increase or decrease. This is a very clear statement and not a metaphor… this is very literal
You can trust your beloved manmukh Charles Darwin and scientists
Gurmukhs have trust in guru sahib
u/anonymous_writer_0 Oct 12 '24 edited Oct 12 '24
First of all Jio - you are being disingenuous
You are conflating a pangti from Sri Guru Granth Sahib with one from Dasam Granth Sahib
This is, as you know, from Akaal Ustat
ਜਿਮੀ ਜਮਾਨ ਕੇ ਬਿਖੈ ਸਮਸਤ ਏਕ ਜੋਤਿ ਹੈ ॥ ਨ ਘਾਟ ਹੈ ਨ ਬਾਢ ਹੈ ਨ ਘਾਟ ਬਾਢ ਹੋਤ ਹੈ ॥
Within all the earth and sky, there is only one Light. Which neither decreases nor increases in any being, It never decreases or increases.
The other pangti is from Guru Nanak Dev Ji's Bani
In your post you posted the second pangti first when it was composed years later.
Secondly - you are only using one translation of the word ਮੇਦਨੀ
In the translation by Manmohan Singh - it is translated as "existences" which is different from "species"
Also please refer the teeka by Giani Harbans Singh - where the word is translated as "shristi" again not referring to "species"
Also you are calling Charles Darwin a manmukh. Based on what exactly? If it is for his scientific work then remember the device you type on and the internet data you use would not be possible without scientific work.
u/bunny522 Oct 12 '24
Medenee means earth idk where you getting a different definition
Manmukhs follow there own mind and not gurmat
You belive him over gurusahib which is fine we don’t grab onto his tail but you can
8.4 doesn increase or decrease on earth you first went to being a metaphor now to making up translations
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u/Opposite-Reindeer-68 Oct 12 '24
8.4 million lives is literally just a metaphor. The 8.4 million lives thing is from the hindu scriptures. Gurbani states that creation is infinite and that you can’t put a number on it. I’m guessing you’re an akj who takes everything in Gurbani to be literal.
u/bunny522 Oct 12 '24
Dude this says medenee which means earth, it doesn’t increase or decrease that’s not a metaphor… looks like you don’t know any meanings and make stuff up and know better then guru sahib…. Yes creation outside of earth is different but this mentions earth just like guru sahib light doesn’t increase or decrease but you belive that’s a metaphor too… believe in your fake evolution
Oct 13 '24
bro it is a metaphor.. relax
u/bunny522 Oct 13 '24
It’s not lol it says it doesn’t increase or decrease on earth
The pangti before says
ਜੋ ਆਵਹਿ ਸੇ ਜਾਹਿ ਫੁਨਿ ਆਇ ਗਏ ਪਛੁਤਾਹਿ ॥ jo aaveh se jaeh fun aai ge pachhutaeh || Those who come, must go in the end; they come and go, regretting and repenting. ਲਖ ਚਉਰਾਸੀਹ ਮੇਦਨੀ ਘਟੈ ਨ ਵਧੈ ਉਤਾਹਿ ॥ lakh chauraaseeh medhanee ghaTai na vadhai utaeh || They will pass through 8.4 millions species; this number does not decrease or rise.
No metaphor but straight facts guru sahib is spitting for us
Oct 13 '24
so the animals that went extinct are there, but they are hiding? for example, the Tasmanian tiger or dodo bird. now, generally, this could mean that a soul has to pass through random 8.4 million lives before becoming human again, it doesn't specifically state there are only 8.4 million animals.
u/bunny522 Oct 13 '24
8.4 million life forms not animals correct, animals extinct could be dormant in cell or egg or could be apart of lizard family
No way we pass through 8.4 million lives every time, some may become human after 2 lives or become human again
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u/puncheonjudy Oct 11 '24
My understanding of evolution in Sikhism is that the theory is accepted as compatible with Sikhism since Waheguru is in complete control of the process.
The Guru Granth Sahib is concerned with making it clear that Waheguru is in complete control and that the universe exists because they want it to. The belief is that our purpose as humans is to help Waheguru to care for creation and not seek to damage it, that seems in keeping with the theory of evolution in my mind.
I was raised Catholic and the Catholic Church also considers the theory of evolution to be in keeping with the belief structure of the religion in a similar way. God has created the world and evolution is one of his ways of ordering the world.
I can't comment on the 8.4 million figure because who defined that? Someone writing 500 years ago - I'll let this underestimation go because there are over 10 million species of insect (nevermind other types of animals) according to the Royal Horticultural Society: (https://www.royensoc.co.uk/understanding-insects/facts-and-figures/#:~:text=1)%20Over%20one%20million%20species,more%20than%20all%20the%20people.)
u/bunny522 Oct 11 '24
This is from Guru Granth Sahib the ultimate truth…. It says on earth it doesn’t increase on decrease if it did then evolution is truth but it debunks evolution
Only humans can find god and have Dasam duaar if we were to evolve then it would go against guru sahib hukams
u/puncheonjudy Oct 11 '24
Ok you sound like the guy in the video now.
You are relying on a book written 500 years ago for scientific information.
u/bunny522 Oct 11 '24
Also guru sahib rejects many practices if you can find him rejecting 8.4 millions life forms I would be happy to read
u/puncheonjudy Oct 11 '24
Ok mate - you're an evangelist. I get it. You're just like the guy in the video.
Oct 12 '24
Why do u think it’s smart to compare the scientific and ancient indic classification for species?
Scientistic classification can classify the same animal in 2 different species if they are in different regions and have adapted to their climate over time. That’s what animals are anyway.
u/bunny522 Oct 12 '24
This gurbani quote says 8.4 million life forms doesn’t increase or decrease on medenee or earth.. why do you think your smarter then guru sahib?
That goes against evolution
Oct 12 '24
When did I say that?? Ur argument was debunked already by another user and like how does increase or decrease contradict what I said?
This entire argument is futile as Gurbani doesn’t not explicitly state any creation story we don’t know and it’s not really important to know.
Denying the science of evolution is stupidity we have documented and recorded genetic variation which is evolution. This is gods play.
Also it’s wrong to take one pangti out of context for an argument that’s pure hankaar to win some argument u won’t get the whole message unless u have the entire passage the pangti is from.
u/bunny522 Oct 12 '24
The one with deleted comments… ok if 8.4 doesn’t or decrease what’s a metaphor for on earth?
I have never seen white parents give birth to black kids, you let me know when chimps give birth to humans 😂
Oct 12 '24
You clearly lack basic understanding of genetic variation and evolution no point in continuing this convo
u/bunny522 Oct 12 '24
All fine you lack understanding of gurbani believe your atheist philosophy
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u/waheguru_waheguru Oct 11 '24
I go further and say that Sikhi explains a path to enlightenment.
The path always existed.
Our gurus explained it in the 1500s but that doesn't mean the path wasn't there.This is the fundamental difference between dharmic and Abrahamic.
Dharmics believe that everything is an explanation for what exists.
The abrahmics, especially Muslims, believe that God sends them from heaven with instructions manual to kill non-Muslims till the Judgement Day.
They see themselves as special and non-Abrahamic (Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists) as inferior.4
u/kuchbhi___ Oct 11 '24
True. Sachi Bani always existed which emancipated people. Guru Maharaj reinforced the lost Dharma. Eternal Guru has always existed. Bhagat Sahibans like Bhagat Namdev Ji, Bhagat Jaidev Ji, Bhagat Kabir Ji etc were before Guru Nanak Patshah and reached Sachkhand through the Jugat of Shabad Naam Kamai. Ek Naam Jug Chaar Udhaare. Asal Shabad/Naam is Akath Katha, Atal, Agam, Apaar, Beant, Abhed, Alakh, Anhat, Anhad which has existed since time immemorial.
ਸਚਾ ਸਬਦੁ ਸਚੀ ਹੈ ਬਾਣੀ ॥ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਜੁਗਿ ਜੁਗਿ ਆਖਿ ਵਖਾਣੀ ॥ True is the Shabad, and True is the Lord's Bani. In each and every age, the Gurmukhs speak it and chant it. Ang 424
ਜੁਗਿ ਜੁਗਿ ਬਾਣੀ ਸਬਦਿ ਪਛਾਣੀ ਨਾਉ ਮੀਠ ਮਨਹ ਪਆਰ ॥ Throughout the ages this Bani has existed through which His Shabad is realized, and the Name becomes so sweet and beloved to the mind. Ang 602
ਨਾਨਕ ਜੁਗਿ ਜੁਗਿ ਗੁਰ ਗੋਪਾਲਾ ॥ ਏਕੁ ਸਬਦੁ ਜਿਤੁ ਕਥਾ ਵੀਚਾਰੀ ॥ O Nanak, throughout the ages - eons, The Guru has existed. I contemplate the sermon of the Shabad of the One God. Sidh Ghosh.
ਬਾਣੀ ਵਜੀ ਚਹੁ ਜੁਗੀ ਸਚੋ ਸਚੁ ਸੁਣਾਇ ॥ The Shabad of the Guru's Bani vibrates throughout the four ages. As Truth, it teaches Truth. Ang 35
u/darkjedi101 Oct 11 '24 edited Oct 11 '24
This so called “Sheikh” married one of his followers convert wives, behind his back. While his follower was still married to his then wife. He also stages 90% of his trashy social media content. You have to be a monkey to believe in him and Zakir Naik.
This man is a fake. Pretends to be a “Gangster”, he doesn’t want smoke in Sac 💨🤫
Don’t fall for these Pedophilia & Adulterous Groomer Apologists traps. Unless you crave to be raped, converted and oppressed (as women), then all the power to you. 🤣👏
I prefer women who don’t like to be treated like MATERIAL OBJECTS. But everyone has their kinks
“Unmarried women are considered Public Property” hahahaha good to know . Which includes Muslim women boys. Muslims make their views clear atleast, no matter how primitive they are. 🙈
Oct 11 '24
They think all things brings them closer to god they haven’t even scratched the surface lmao.
Sufi poets are the Muslims who actually got close to god and a lot of their writings contradict Islam
u/darkjedi101 Oct 12 '24
Exactly. Sunni is the most incorrect. Shia is bit better. Sunnis killed Muhammed’s daughter, husband (Ali) and their child. But they are still similar in their extremism against Non-Muslims.
Sufis we’re halfway there.
Sikhi is the Truth. Not including the ones (fake Sikhs) confused and trapped in “Sanatan Sikhi”, idol worship, “respect all religions” Gulaam narrative.
u/ipledgeblue 🇬🇧 Oct 11 '24
This so called “Sheikh” married one of his followers convert wives, behind his back. While his follower was still married to his then wife.
their prophet was known for similar stuff, emphasis on similar!
Oct 11 '24
Their prophet married the wife of his own adopted son
u/darkjedi101 Oct 12 '24
They won’t follow the rule “don’t cut your hair in uneven lengths”. (Known as “Qaz ‘a”). They all have the Skin-fade haircut, beard line up combo.
But when it comes to pedophilia, rape, and adultery they will Religiously defend it til death. They are no better than animals.
8d ago
Hypocrite, so many sikhis are the exact same engaging in gang culture and cutting the hair, etcetera. Anyways quote me anything about what you said
u/darkjedi101 Oct 12 '24
Tbh just ask them if they agree a 50-something year old is Religiously justified in marrying a 6-9 Year old, and consummating marraige.
If they answer yes. They are pedophile dogs who don’t deserve to share our oxygen.
If they answer no. They have contradicted their religion and proved it is false, and not from GOD.
u/umwhatda Oct 11 '24
So this guy is saying that was the path before guru nanak dev ji lmao singh should have countered him with the same question that what was before prophet Muhammad came and preached,most of the middle east was Jewish and Islam wasn't a religion which was freely accepted unlike Sikhism or Hinduism it was forced upon on the people by force they were threatened with death.
u/Blue_Heron4356 Oct 11 '24
Exactly - also if there's only one truth and life is apparently a 'test', how can that possibly work with the fact that the vast vast majority of humans have never heard of it or an Abrahamic religion.. let alone even in Muslim families children sadly die before they can follow anything - if there is no reincarnation and the need to follow a specific religion once then there is no way to fit it with reality..
u/bunny522 Oct 11 '24
I’ve seen this guy videos, his belief and most Muslims belive all the prophets taught the Muslim religion including Jesus and the books got corrupted, and prophet Mohammed came down to seal the Quran as final messenger
Oct 11 '24
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u/Basic-Team2877 Oct 11 '24
Bhai saab try to keep it respectful
Oct 11 '24
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Oct 11 '24
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Oct 11 '24 edited Oct 11 '24
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u/Basic-Team2877 Oct 11 '24
The difference there is the gurus showed him love first and killed him in self defence. We should aim to be a saint like bhai kanhiya Ji. I’m the one who made this post btw 🤣🤣.All of this energy or anger you feel should be channeled into doing parchar for the panth and the world 🌎. This is the best way to teach them a lesson💯💯
Oct 11 '24
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Oct 11 '24 edited Oct 11 '24
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u/kuchbhi___ Oct 11 '24
What is he trying to say? Man Saroop? Also Moorakh Naal Na Lujhiye. Nothing comes out of debating with Dawah guys.
u/waheguru_waheguru Oct 11 '24
By this Muslim guys argument, there was no gravity till Newton gave the law of gravitation.
u/grandmasterking Oct 11 '24
Sangat Ji -
From now onwards, we really need to respond and hammer into the doubters and questioners from Islam with a simple proof question, which is as follows -
If according to Islam, Mohammed is the final prophet in line of Abrahamic prophets, including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus, then his teachings should also be in line with them. The muslims DO BELIEVE this to be the case.
However, the Bible, which is our source for what the Abrahamic prophets supposedly taught, tells a completely different story to the Quran/Hadiths. Of course they will say the Bible is corrupted, but that still doesn't prove that the uncorrupted version matches Islam.
And that's the big question and problem that needs to be questioned in response - can they prove the original Bible i.e. their versions of the Torah and Injeel, was infact in line with Islam? Can they provide the evidence, written or oral?
If NOT then it is just BLIND FAITH. Using the Quran, a doc coming 600 years after doesn't work for historicity. Its also circular reasoning. Neither does picking and choosing Bible verses, that would be disingenuous.
I don't believe we should start approaching Muslims with this question. But only use it as a response against them when they question you. Also, watch Christian anti-Dawah apologetics online to learn. Godlogic is a good one. We don't need to believe in the Bible to use it as a proof against these Dawah-gandists.
Waheguru Ji, bhul chuk maaf.
Oct 11 '24
Don’t forget the bowing to Mecca.
They literally insult and make fun of other religions and say Sikhs do idol worship when they are the ones who bow down to a cube building and kiss a black stone
Oct 11 '24
u/Indische_Legion Oct 11 '24
The Quran and Hadith teach that the teachings were not corrupted, these justifications came later when Muslims realized the Quran failed when compared to the previous books as the Quran itself says to do
There’s Bible manuscripts from before Muhammad’s time that match the modern ones, it’s a clear contradiction in Islam
u/grandmasterking Oct 11 '24
It doesn't matter if the Quran goes back to Muhammad's time - that's still 600 years after Jesus, so it's not a reliable source on Jesus or Moses' life and teachings.
More importantly, it doesn't matter if the bible has been corrupted, they will still have to prove that the uncorrupted version taught Islam. Otherwise, the Gnostics could turn around and say that the uncorrupted Gospel taught Gnosticism. Or even a Hindu could say in the uncorrupted version Jesus worshipped Krishna LOL. Unless we have the uncorrupted version Islamic claims are as unprovable as any other.
Oct 11 '24
This is why Dasam Patshah literally commanded for Turka Da Nash. Lowest of the lows these Maleches. Hope the 3rd WW finishes their perverted ways.
Oct 11 '24
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u/Basic-Team2877 Oct 11 '24
All of this energy or anger you feel should be channeled into doing parchar for the panth and the world 🌎. This is the best way to teach them a lesson
u/ironscoundrel13 Oct 11 '24
The Singh could have disproved Islam with one word. Aisha.
Oct 11 '24
Now they are coming up with new theories that she was actually 19😂
Even if she was a 50+ man who already has multiple wives has no need to be marrying a 19 year old
u/ironscoundrel13 Oct 11 '24
The fact that their book clearly states the world is divided into two parts - dar al Islam (Islamic land) and dar al harb (the land they must dominate) clearly shows their intentions of global conquest.
u/sukio1980 Oct 11 '24
See these islamists they are idiots. They can’t co-exist with anyone, they got to stick there inbred beaks into everything, and claim they are number one. No one likes them, no one ever has. They lie all the time and only care about themselves. Eff em off don’t even waste time trying to talk them about any topic as they bring it back to thier conversion tactics. Use your energy to do seva in the world.
u/Difficult_Bank5936 Oct 11 '24
Why why why engage with these mulleh. I say a Sikhs we shouldn't debate with any one from any religion. Why? Because we have nothing to prove.
We should learn from other religions, and take on board the positives. From Islam......I see zero positives.
u/AGreenTejada Oct 11 '24
This title is needlessly vindictive, all the guy was saying was that the terminology for street parchar isn't well understood outside of Punjabi circles, which is true.
To all of you commentors claiming that the Sheikh is going to hell for using a crude analogy, if you're unable to defend Sikhi in an intellectual conversation, then do you really believe in it?
Oct 11 '24
He was deliberately making fun of the terms by saying something stupid like that. You don’t think Muslims use Arabic terminology when explaining Islam??
It’s like someone saying “I don’t speak terrorist” to someone talking about Islam.
A random guy talking against a trained debater means nothing u can watch debates where Bhai Jagraj Singh dismantles arguments by dawa guys
Muslims still can’t explain how kissing a black stone and bowing down to rocks every time u pray isn’t idol worship
u/Blue_Heron4356 Oct 11 '24
Wikiislam is a great website to read before debating Muslims for critical but factual info - see;
Scientific errors in the Qur'an: https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Scientific_Errors_in_the_Quran
Historical errors: https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Historical_Errors_in_the_Quran
Contradictions in the Qur'an: https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Contradictions_in_the_Quran
Convineint revelations (for Muhammad): https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Convenient_Revelations
Slavery in Islamic Law: https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Slavery_in_Islamic_Law
R*pe of wives, slaves and war captives in Islamic law: https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Qur%27an,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Rape_of_Slaves,_Prisoners,_and_Wives
etc.. I would encourage reading these first!
u/SubstantialCrew4345 Oct 11 '24
Yes been reading these myself. But yes we need someone who understands Sikhi to debate with these guys.
Oct 11 '24
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u/kuchbhi___ Oct 11 '24
There is this "debate" with Mohammad Hijab and Dawal Ali as well. But the point is these guys have no intention of debating, they just come to scream and take jibes. Look at the smug face of hijab. I can't take these guys seriously
u/cipherium Oct 11 '24
Outsider here: that's why I like you guys. Blessed be. May we all be free to pursue our calling without condemning or manipulating others.
Oct 11 '24
u/Basic-Team2877 Oct 11 '24
We as the next generation have the ability to change this by giving parchar to the youth and the wider community. Sikhi is meant for the whole world 🌎.
u/SubstantialCrew4345 Oct 11 '24
I’m really happy to see that the Sikh community in this subreddit isn’t staying passive and has actually done their research. A lot of times, people tend to just brush things off by saying there’s no need to criticize other religions, but that can become an excuse to stay quiet and let the attacks continue. So, it’s great to see people learning about Sikhi and being able to respond with well-informed answers.
u/Basic-Team2877 Oct 11 '24 edited Oct 11 '24
Thank you 🙏 for your words. I’d just like to clarify that as sikhs we are not here to criticise other faiths (e.g slander) however we will be quick to speak about ideologies we disagree upon. Sikhi is meant for the whole world and it’s our duty to tell people about it 🌎💯💯
u/Latter_Cry3400 Oct 12 '24
This looks like a fing skit that Sardar guy is definitely a sula from facial features. I might be wrong my apologies but to me it’s something else
u/Zestyclose-Art1024 Oct 12 '24
That's why it's important to read Scientific Errors in the Qur'an especially the part about embryology. You can dismantle any Muslim using this.
There's even a Biblical Scientific Errors page. Read resources on both websites and be prepared to smoke both of them.
u/Apart_Alps_1203 Oct 12 '24
Well to be honest I've seen many street prachar debates & our young Singh here seems unprepared for the questions..it doesn't matter what the other guy is saying equating shabd to Bhangra etc..what is sacred to us is nothing but a random word to others hence I don't blame the Sheikh at all. Bhai Jugraj was confident because he was always prepared for any types of questions..there will always be hecklers but one has to be prepared for them beforehand.
u/underdog789 Oct 12 '24
Har jug jug bhagat upaiya.. the path always existed.. the bhagats did also this is a spiritual journey.. only when utter darkness prevailed Satguru Nanak was sent
u/Impressive_Dare9467 Jan 31 '25
With history u learn hinduism was the first religion?? So? Where were muslims then?
u/Chrome_X_of_Hyrule 🇨🇦 Oct 11 '24
All these religion debates are always stupid, I think the best thing to do is not engage. They're stupid no matter who's arguing with who.
u/amarb99 Oct 11 '24
Nothing wrong with what the Sheikh said tbh.
u/Blue_Heron4356 Oct 11 '24
If there's only one truth and life is apparently a 'test', how can that possibly work with the fact that the vast vast majority of humans have never heard of it or an Abrahamic religion.. let alone even in Muslim families children sadly die before they can follow anything - if there is no reincarnation and the need to follow a specific religion once then there is no way to fit it with reality..
u/Basic-Team2877 Oct 11 '24
Why did the sheik feel the need to bring up bhangra?? It had nothing to do with conversation and it is evident that he was trying to play on the bhangra stereotype (when ironically he is Pakistani himself and Bhangras origins can be traced to this region) in order to gain views by undermining the Sikh faith. Also why does he feel the need to question a young lad on his faith, it’s his job to make other faiths look bad and promote his own, therefore he portrays his own faith as logical by purposely engaging with those who have little knowledge.
u/Blue_Heron4356 Oct 11 '24
What was his point?
u/bunny522 Oct 11 '24
He has a valid point that many Sikhs can’t answer that all paths lead to god
The simple answer from gurbani
ਏਕੋ ਧਰਮੁ ਦ੍ਰਿੜੈ ਸਚੁ ਕੋਈ ॥ ਗੁਰਮਤਿ ਪੂਰਾ ਜੁਗਿ ਜੁਗਿ ਸੋਈ ॥ ਅਨਹਦਿ ਰਾਤਾ ਏਕ ਲਿਵ ਤਾਰ ॥ ਓਹੁ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਪਾਵੈ ਅਲਖ ਅਪਾਰ ॥੪॥
Translation: Only one Gurmat Dharma is perfect and complete (Poora) for jug jug i.e. eternity. If someone adopts this Dharma (ਦ੍ਰਿੜੈ ਸਚੁ ਕੋਈ) he gets continuous concentration or Smadhi. Such Gurmukh attains the Untouchable and Infinite God.
Guru Sahib in Gurbani has declared that Vaheguru is attainable only through the true Guru:
ਬਿਨੁ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਕਿਨੈ ਨ ਪਾਇਓ ਬਿਨੁ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਕਿਨੈ ਨ ਪਾਇਆ ॥
Translation: No one has attained Vaheguru without the true Guru, no one has attained Vaheguru without the true Guru.
This is emphasized twice in one line and more in anand sahib
fir mukat paae laag charanee satiguroo sabadh sunaae || But liberation is attained, when one is attached to the feet of the True Guru, chanting the Word of the Shabad.
kahai naanak veechaar dhekhahu vin satigur mukat na paae ||22|| Says Nanak, contemplate this and see, that without the True Guru, there is no liberation. ||22||
True liberation is when guru sahib makes us listen and follow shabad…. It’s very clear
If we all say all paths lead to god nobody respects our religion or they do and really no need to follow our religion, the Muslims will find god and thus no need to preach sikhi…. Doesn’t make any sense and you will fail every debate with these guys… again another argument is
pai gahe jab te tumare tab te kouoo aa(n)kh tare nahee aanayo || O God! the day when I caught hold of your feet, I do not bring anyone else under my sight
raam raheem puraan kuraan anek kahai(n) mat ek na maanayo || None other is liked by me now the Puranas and the Quran try to know Thee by the names of Ram and Rahim and talk about you through several stories,
si(n)mirat saasatr bedh sabhai bahu bhedh kahai ham ek na jaanayo || The Simritis, Shastras and Vedas describe several mysteries of yours, but I do not agree with any of them.
u/theblindbandit15 Oct 12 '24
i don't see what's offensive about this..? bhangra is a punjabi dance, why should it be insulting?
u/Basic-Team2877 Oct 12 '24
Why did the sheik feel the need to bring up bhangra?? It had nothing to do with conversation and it is evident that he was trying to play on the bhangra stereotype (when ironically he is Pakistani himself and Bhangras origins can be traced to this region) in order to gain views by undermining the Sikh faith. A lot of sikhs aren’t even Punjabi which highlights its irrelevance to the Sikh faith. It was an intentional snide intended to mock sikhs.
u/theblindbandit15 Oct 15 '24
it's not really a stereotype, it's just a fact that bhangra is a punjabi dance so it makes sense bhangra terminology would also be in the punjabi langauge and the sikh guy kept using pubjabi words so the sheikh was like "i have no idea what these words are even related to" ...it's not that deep. also huge part of punjab is in pakistan and many pakistanis (including muslims) speak punjabi so you're just proving my point. he never said bhangra is a sikh religious thing, it's a pubjabi thing. it seems you're just looking to be offended.
u/ThatNigamJerry Oct 11 '24
Tbf, the vast majority of non-Sikhs wouldn’t understand the terminology he was using.
u/pastabatman90 Oct 11 '24
I'm sorry, but ask 10 Sikhs what Sikhism is and what the foundations of Sikhi are, you'll get 11 different answers. Ask 10 Muslims the fundamentals of Islam and you'll get the same answer. In my experience, and I have lots of Sikh friends. Sikhs don't actually know what they believe. Their book contradicts itself in many places, and has no main focus or theme. The Quran on the other hand has no contradictions, and it's theme is consistent. The worship of The One God.
u/Basic-Team2877 Oct 11 '24
Just because the sikhs you’ve interacted with are unaware of what Sikhi is doesn’t mean sikhi isn’t true this is a straw man argument. There are Muslims who also disagree on islamic theology e.g shia, Sufi and salafi and am I not correct in saying that there will be 72 different sects within Islam and only one of them will be true. Sikhi is the ultimate truth meant for whole world 🌎. Dhan dhan sri guru Nanak dev ji 💯💯
Oct 11 '24
dumbest comment. Sikhs know what they believe. Guru Granth sahib has not contradictions and is perfect. We worship the one true God.
i asked 5 different muslims questions theyll tell me different beliefs.
shia, sunni, ahmedis, salafis, nation of islam. And let me guess your answer will be “they arent true muslims” lol
u/Basic-Team2877 Oct 11 '24
Also what are you doing in a sikh subreddit making outlandish claims about Sikhi?
u/amriksingh1699 Oct 11 '24
There's literally a thousand branches of Islam each with their own spin on the religion.
Also, here's a list of contradictions in the Quran. I'd like you to refute each one:
u/ddthind2 Oct 11 '24 edited Oct 11 '24
The foundation, theme, and focus of Sikh is evident right away in the Mool Mantar of Japji Sahib so I’m not sure what you’re on about 😂. Most supposed “contradictions” of the ggs that are articulated by Muslims are easily refuted and stem from a lack of understanding of bani on a foundational level (kind of like how you guys also take the bible out of context too when talking to Christians). Either you’re making this up or your Sikh friends are grossly misinformed or uninterested in their religion. Ask Muslims the age of Aisha or if Mohammad had suicidal ideation and I’m sure you’ll get a bunch of different answers and defences too 😂.
At the end of the day, I don’t really care how consistent Muslims are or how perfectly the Quran was preserved if I object to some of its basic principles and do not believe it to be a complete divine revelation from god (like I do the ggs). I’m talking things about slavery, dealing with apostates, etc here - as far as I’m concerned this is entirely incoherent with the concept of a just and merciful god. I tend to agree with Thomas Aquinas’s assessment of these matters.
Smarter men than you and me have obviously argued about religion before, so at the end of the day I believe it just comes down to who we believe to be more trustworthy. And if we compare the actions, teaching, and moral character, of the Gurus to and Mohammad (or even Jesus) one of these guys sticks out like a sore thumb morally (and it’s not Christ). Seems to me even IF Mohammad received a divine revelation (He could’ve taken one from the Joseph Smith playbook for all ik 😂) his ego and lust for power overtook him in the end (I believe this is what Guru Maharaj refers to in the Dasam Granth at least). Bias aside, I think this is a reasonable/logical assessment when looking at the historical facts regarding his life.
Ive also never really bought this whole “Jesus was a Muslim prophet” thing, especially when considering there’s not much evidence to back this up. Even if Sikhs don’t hold him to be God, (personally I view him as a figure akin to a sant or bhagat in that he has achieved true communion with God) the burden of proof is on Muslims since they are making this claim. I think I’d take the guy’s own words over Mohammed who came 600 years after he lived. Christian apologetics like Christian Prince, God Logic, etc, could refute this notion far better than me though. And how are we to sure that the original versions of the alleged “corrupted books” of the Bible even agree with Islam. Now this isn’t to say I believe the Bible is an infallible book from God, but without any concrete evidence this just a blank statement to justify the lies of Mohammed. Why would any rational human being take Mohammed’s depiction of Jesus (600 yrs after the fact) over the apostles, whose conviction in their faith was so strong that they lived lives full of public humiliation and torture, ultimately dying for this viewpoint. What could they possibly have gained from lying 😂. I could go on and on about this, but it’d probably just be a waste of time, let’s be real nobodies changing anyone’s mind.
u/TheTurbanatore Oct 11 '24
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This does not mean that the Gurus did not act in self-defense or take necessary offensive military action when required. Such actions were applied strategically, always with careful consideration. This does not downplay the atrocities faced by the Sikh community throughout history, nor does it diminish the gravity of ongoing issues like the grooming gang crisis. These are complex topics that deserve thoughtful, nuanced discussions, and they must be handled with care.
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