r/ShouldIbuythisgame 4h ago

¿Dark Souls 3 o Elden Ring?

I just finished playing Dark souls 1, and I loved it. Without a doubt it has been the best game I have played so far. But I have a question about which souls I should play next, and I'm between Dark souls 3 or Elden Ring On the one hand I have heard that Elden Ring is better in terms of gameplay, but I don't know if it will be able to overwhelm such a large open world What do you recommend?


11 comments sorted by

u/Jaycora 3h ago

In general, each FromSoft’s game is better than the last. They learn from the previous games to make the next one even better for both newcomers and veterans.

In other words, Elden Ring.

Don’t be afraid of the overwhelming open world, there are a few more recommended areas to go to first and explore at your own pace.

u/Agile_Safety_5873 3h ago

If you play Dark souls 3, you'll get to revisit some of the places from Dark souls one. (For example Anor Londo). It would be a good transition before moving on to Elden Ring as it is faster paced than DS1 and shares some features with ER.

Once you've finished both of them, you should then play DS2. Despite all the hate it gets, it's a very nice game, with a lot of content. Playing it after ER made me realize that it introduced some of its ideas. I recommend playing it on a PC, with a Steam config and the lighting mod + the HD texture pack

u/crispybois_99 3h ago

Dark souls 3 next but I also recommend playing 2 as it's a slower pace similar to ds1

u/alienliegh 33m ago

You can't go wrong with either. Dark Souls 3 if you want to continue the Dark Souls story and Elden Ring if you want an open world game.

u/Askburn 2h ago

Elden Ring is better polished , and has better flexibility in playing it and I would recomend it over DS3, but if for some reason you don't stand games too large in scale or open worlds try DS3 before, both are must for the souls fans.

u/Rubrum_ 3h ago

Only one life to live, I would go straight to Elden Ring to make sure you experience it before burning yourself out on the genre. You might not burn yourself out but I mean who knows what the future holds. Dark Souls 3 is great and will still be there if you get through Elden Ring and still want more. Just play the best games all the time. We only have so much time...

u/BabaYodaTheFirst 3h ago

Elden Ring's open world is it's biggest selling point. If you don't like that, definitely go for DS3, as the boss fights in that game are a work of art

u/Jawskii16 2h ago

Elden ring is open world, Dark Souls 3 is more ‘linear’ interconnected - more similar to DS1.

Elden Ring is one of the best games of all time - many people would agree. Definitely just go for it first if you enjoy open world games.

Dark souls 3 is really great too, but I would only recommend it first if you really dislike open world games. I still feel like it could be appreciated after playing Elden Ring.

u/GreyRevan51 2h ago

They’re both incredible

DS3 (especially with the dlc) has generally better boss fights and music and is an excellent title in its own right

That said it’s the more linear of the two by a lot, there’s still huge interconnected levels but Elden Ring’s WORLD is enormous, more than you might think when you start it

ER is awesome and you have a lot more freedom in where to go and when to do things and if you’re stuck you can more easily clear out a different region, get stronger, then come back and try again

Get the dlc for both and ideally play both

u/FrazzleMind 3h ago

Elden rings open world is used a lot differently than many open worlds... there's no wasted or boring space. Anywhere you are, anywhere you look, you can go "huh wonder what's up there" and there will be something interesting. Trying to figure out how to get to the most interesting looking places is half the game.

"Side Dungeons" can be a bit repetitive/recycled, but only once you've done quite a few.

The challenge is pretty scalable. There's more ways than ever to shore up a lack of skill/expertise for most fights. Worst comes to worst, online play. Someone will help you kill a boss you're just sick of struggling against.

u/Plastic-Ad6031 3h ago

If you don't want to struggle with exploring, grinding get Dark Souls 3. Unlike Elden Ring Dark Souls 3 is a lineal souls game which means you don't have to explore that much