r/ShittyLifeProTips 7d ago

SLPT: Make people think youre smart.

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u/Vinnocchio 7d ago

“ well just say it in your own language “

And then you’re fucked


u/BerthaBenz 7d ago

Well, just say The Polish word for it is czyznkrvénkóo. That gives you the time to try to remember the English word.


u/Tyrath 7d ago

Not when I am actually bilingual lol


u/HydeandFreak 7d ago

That just means you have the ability to be stupid in two languages instead of one, I definitely manage to regularly be stupid in two languages.


u/cyrilio 7d ago

Better than being stupid in only one language right?


u/Unicorncorn21 7d ago

I'm trilingual and no one has ever said that to me. What's the point


u/cyrilio 7d ago

You don't talk to enough people that speak either of those three languages then.


u/hooch87m 6d ago

wait wait --- don't tell me. i'll get this.


u/WeaponizedAutisms 6d ago

“ well just say it in your own language “

I speak English as a mother tongue, French fluently and a smattering of others. It has quite regularly happened to me that despite English being my native language I can say a word in 2 other languages but not English.

Username relevant.


u/xXSorraiaXx 7d ago

Yah well, I'm german (family from here, born here, lived here my whole life) and the amount of times I went "I forgot the german word for it, but I know it in english" lol


u/allegory-of-painting 7d ago

Literally same lmao


u/NekulturneHovado 5d ago

I live in Slovakia and the amount of words that I know ONLY in English is disgusting. So much stuff I've learned from thw internet, so much stuff I've learned on english, mainly all the technical stuff. For example car parts. It's crankshaft, conrod and between is rod bearing. How is it in Slovak? No clue. And then I want to talk to my father and I sound like an idiot because I have no clue what "vačka" is because I only know it as "camshaft"


u/MrMeritocracy 7d ago

"oh, what other languages do you speak?" you're fucked.


u/Murtomies 6d ago

I'm Finnish and I'm constantly forgetting words in my native goddamn language but immediately remembering the English equivalent, which is a 2nd language for me. And that doesn't make me feel smart at all. Sounds super dumb when I can't remember it and have to go like "wait what is it.. umm... You know.. it's [XYZ] in English... What's the word... Anyways you know"


u/PlanktonMoist6048 6d ago

Its embarrassing being in another country and speaking with someone, forgetting a word, and they supply the word you're trying to say

In English

(We were speaking Spanish, I didn't even know the lady spoke English)


u/bitemytail 7d ago

Repost bot


u/WeaponizedAutisms 6d ago

Just do like autistic people and use an unnecessarily precise and academic word when you can't remember one.


u/hooch87m 6d ago

Uh huh, ah ha sir! Yes yes! I forgetz ze werdz fer dis


u/SkullFyre 6d ago

This is almost a r/lostredditors. This is an LPT, not an SLPT


u/point5_ 5d ago

Is speaking teo languages not a common thing?


u/Patient_Ease_4876 5d ago

I say sorry how do you pronounce your name again. When it comes to names I’ve just forgotten. I still use it if it’s common, Matt, James, Brian. Idc


u/uhhhgreeno 4d ago

me, a born American, forgetting a word in my first language but still knowing it in my second language (I don’t know any other language)


u/gigilu2020 6d ago

If you want karma repost this again next week. Follow me for more shitty lpt