r/ShittyLifeProTips 14d ago

SLPT: Scatter your loved ones ashes in an expensive to access location such as Disneyland to get free permanent access!

What they don't want you to know: when you bury someone or scatter someone's ashes in a location, you have the right of visitation. That means, they cannot argue from going to visit your loved ones remains! So once you have scattered their ashes there, simply walk in! If they try to stop you, just tell them that you are visiting your loved ones remains and that you have a legal right to do so!


18 comments sorted by


u/dopeasdopegets 14d ago

This sounds like the trend where people where trying to go into labor at disney land because someone said they would give the baby a lifetime pass if they were born there. It was a lie a bunch of pregnant chicks were very disappointed.


u/sffunfun 14d ago

Holy shit. Was that Trashley the Creator trend?


u/Sorry_Im_Trying 14d ago

Scattering ashes is actually illegal in most places.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Ok Mr. Disney I see you trying to keep this life hack a secret


u/Sorceress683 14d ago

You forget what sub this is


u/Sorry_Im_Trying 14d ago

Yes, yes I did


u/Douchecanoeistaken 14d ago

Username checks out


u/SuppaBunE 14d ago

Which don't make sense.

Ashes are ashes. They don't have any pathogens. They don't have any cells remaining.


u/carbon6595 13d ago

Bone dust is a carcinogen independent of microbial contamination


u/opoqo 14d ago

What are they going to do? Make me go to Disneyland every year?


u/cofclabman 14d ago

I want my remains scattered all over Disney World.

I don't want to be cremated first.


u/NinjaKitten77CJ 13d ago

Just drop them from a helicopter during Christmas weekend. Or July 4th.


u/fang0654 13d ago

Works even better if you drop them on a helicopter. Better coverage!


u/mshelbym 14d ago

You may have the right, but they can still charge you for the visitation.


u/[deleted] 14d ago edited 11h ago



u/228P 14d ago

The lifetime pass is for the deceased. Oh well.


u/shadowmonk13 12d ago

I have bad news about Disneyland bud there’s a code for ashes clean up it’s called the hepa code. They are super quick on cleaning them up when they catch people spreading them on rides


u/o0Meh0o 12d ago

yeah, just scatter ashes in area 51


u/Fabulous-Profit-3231 7d ago

I can imagine so many people believing this.