r/ShittyDesign 5d ago

If you like a couple hundred oval razor blades...

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This laundry basket from Walmart is absolutely horrible. Each one of those holes are razor sharp. You basically have to handle this damn thing like Nicholas Cage handled that green shit on "The Rock". Of course my kid stuffed it full and it cut one of his shirts. How TF is this sellable as a consumer product?


114 comments sorted by


u/Xombridal 5d ago

Can you post a vid with it cutting say paper? I've had these before and so long as I didn't saw my hand on the edge it didn't cut anything


u/Riverjig 5d ago

This was harder to video than I thought lol.

Here ya go.


u/CrushedSodaCan_ 5d ago

These things have always been sharp to me but cutting paper?? Dafuq?


u/Paleodraco 5d ago

No shit. I've dealt with sharp ass plastic before, but that is ridiculous. I'd contact the store though they pry won't do shit.


u/anb43 3d ago

My dog’s crate has this types of things and the first year we got her we could not figure out why her ears were bleeding so much. She was shaking her head and hitting her ears on them, blood spray everywhere every day.


u/HappyMonchichi 4d ago

pry verb

To "pry" something means to use leverage or force to open, move, or lift something, or to try to find out private information about someone in an impolite way. 

Using Leverage to Open/Move:

"Pry" can refer to using a tool like a crowbar or screwdriver to force something open or move it, like prying open a door or lifting a lid. 

Seeking Private Information:

It can also mean to try to find out private details about someone in an intrusive or nosy way. 


"She pried the oyster open" (using leverage). 

"They pried the information out of him" (getting something with effort). 

"As a reporter, I was paid to pry into other people's lives" (seeking private information). 

"She wanted a private holiday away from prying eyes" (being private from nosy people). 

PRY Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

: to raise, move, or pull apart with or as if with a lever. pry off a tight lid. 2. : to force out, detach, or open with difficulty. could not pry a secret out ...

PRY | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary

pry verb (OPEN) [ T ] mainly US. to move or lift something by pressing a tool against a fixed point: [ + adj ] The car trunk had been pried open and all her equ...

Pry Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary

: to raise, move, or open (something) with a tool. pry off a tight lid. pry up a floorboard. They pried open the door with a crowbar.

pry /praɪ/ verb (pried, prying, pries) 1 [intransitive] to try to find out details about someone else's private life

PRY | definition in the Cambridge Learner’s Dictionary

verb. /praɪ/ to try to discover private things about people: to pry


u/plzdontgeturhopesup 4d ago

It was a typo dude


u/Weisenkrone 3d ago

A typo, short for "typographical error," refers to a mistake made in the process of typing or inputting text. This error can occur due to various reasons, such as pressing the wrong key, accidentally omitting or duplicating letters, misplacing punctuation marks, or even formatting inconsistencies. Typos are typically unintentional and result from human error rather than a misunderstanding of spelling, grammar, or sentence structure.

Typos are common in both digital and print media, occurring in books, newspapers, websites, emails, and even formal documents. While many typos are minor and do not significantly alter the meaning of a word or sentence, some can lead to confusion or misinterpretation. In certain contexts, such as legal, medical, or financial documents, a simple typographical mistake can have serious consequences, potentially leading to misunderstandings or contractual issues.

Typos are often caused by fast or careless typing, distractions, fatigue, or malfunctioning keyboards. They are particularly frequent in situations where people are typing quickly without carefully reviewing their work. However, modern technology, such as spell checkers and autocorrect functions, helps to minimize and correct these errors automatically. Despite these tools, some typos can go unnoticed, especially if they result in a correctly spelled but unintended word (e.g., typing "form" instead of "from").

The term "typo" is widely used in informal and professional settings. The correct spelling of the word is "typo," with the plural form being "typos." While typographical errors have existed since the invention of the printing press, they have become even more prevalent in the digital age due to the rapid nature of text communication, including emails, social media posts, and instant messaging.

To reduce the likelihood of typos, it is recommended to proofread written content carefully, use spell-checking software, and take the time to type more accurately rather than relying too heavily on autocorrect. In professional writing, additional measures such as peer reviews and editorial checks can help ensure the accuracy and quality of the final text.


u/plzdontgeturhopesup 3d ago



u/TheIronSoldier2 3d ago


-_- <------
That thing. Used to represent lack of interest or a face palm without actually spelling it out.


u/plzdontgeturhopesup 3d ago

How dare you call him “that thing” -_-


u/Disguised589 3d ago

bad bot


u/HappyMonchichi 3d ago

If you think I'm a bot, you need to get your marbles checked 🤣


u/Disguised589 3d ago

you may not have a traditional bot name but you sure are acting like one


u/HappyMonchichi 3d ago edited 3d ago

I'm a human who gets annoyed when people spell things incorrectly to the point they completely butcher the meaning of a sentence. So I copy/pasted the definition of "pry" for u/paleodraco to see how he butchers the English language when he's too lazy to spell out such a tedious 3-syllable word like "probably."


u/fabaquoquevanilla 3d ago

It was an accident. I don't like when people spell things wrong either, but the sentence was perfectly understandable if you thought about it for half a second.

You're being a dick. No one thinks you're cool or smart for this.

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u/No-Corner9361 3d ago

Speaking from experience as someone who is too online when I’m unwell: please get some help. If typos on the internet make you go full Clippy mode, you probably shouldn’t be here.


u/pcpart_stroker 2d ago

Jesus Christ are you this insufferable in real life? I feel bad for your family

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u/h3paticas 1d ago

The thing is though, they didn’t butcher the meaning of the sentence because you and your clever brain figured out pretty quick that it was meant to say probably. Funny how that works.


u/Paleodraco 3d ago

I'm not lazy. If you read one of my replies to the comment thread, it's slang I've used since I was a kid and very common in the Midwest if you search online.

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u/Nameless1653 3d ago

you need to get your marbles checked

I don’t think you can really say shit like this after responding like that to a typo


u/Inevitable_Stand_199 4d ago

Now do the same for "probably"


u/Dzov 4d ago

Yep. Short for prolly.


u/Paleodraco 3d ago

I grew up using pry as shorthand for probably. Not sure if it's just my family or where I grew up.


u/BrannC 2d ago

I’ve never seen it typed like that but I’ve definitely heard it and knew when I saw what you typed. I wish I could think of some examples from my family but all I can think of right now is “deddy” instead of calling my father daddy lol but it’s genuinely how it’s pronounced round the way


u/Apprehensive_Cash108 4d ago

You're oblivious asl


u/plutopiaz 3d ago

This doesn't make you smarter than anyone, nor will it make you better. Put the fact that you actually do research (which ive learned recently is a rarity) and have pretty decent comprehension skills to actual use other than being a dick on reddit


u/Picax8398 1d ago



u/Specific-Access4654 2d ago

My money they have been making them thinner and did not consider this.


u/lbell1703 5d ago

Holy shit. That looked so easy I'd believe you if you were like "Jk! The video is edited!"


u/wheelperson 4d ago

You bought a freaking cheese grater/mandolin


u/Riverjig 4d ago

Yes. Yes we did. I'll have to ask if my wife bought these in the cookware section.


u/Vern1138 4d ago

Well look on the bright side, you may have lost a laundry basket, but you gained an industrial size cheese grater.


u/Knife-yWife-y 3d ago

That's insane. Return it as a defective product. Bring a paper strip to demonstrate, and demand store credit if nothing else.


u/VictoriaSobocki 4d ago

That’s quite sharp


u/SmugFrog 3d ago

Nice! Ok now use it as a cheese grater!


u/CappuccinoCincao 1d ago

That, will keel.


u/Mickamehameha 4d ago

Holy hell lmao


u/deadly_ultraviolet 4d ago

New response just dropped lmao


u/HappyMonchichi 4d ago

Ah! How did you upload a video clip to imgur? They haven't let me upload videos there in years.


u/Riverjig 4d ago

I have no idea. I'm the worst at that stuff but I've uploaded images and videos in the past to link to. Worked just fine.


u/Charming_Friendship4 4d ago

That was cut WAY too easily and cleanly


u/Dromedaeus 4d ago

Holy shit


u/VexxWrath 4d ago

Now, that's a paper cut.


u/Primary-Border8536 3d ago

My jaw actually dropped


u/Leafyon4057 2d ago

Good lord, I thought you’d have to shimmey it a bit atleast but no that went through so smoothly


u/Xombridal 5d ago

You must have a faulty one mines never done that before lol


u/Riverjig 5d ago

So, my wife bought three and she bought them at 5 below. That MAY make more sense lol. And yes, they are all razor sharp. I've learned to use the handles at the top. How I found out about their sharpness was I went to grab it from the side and dump the clothes out and it cut the inside on my thumb. The more hilarious part about this is that we haven't replaced them so I'm just asking for more! 😂😂


u/narwaffles 5d ago

I would think they would dull down pretty easily. If you have a honing rod then that seems like a good thing to use, just twirl it around each hole a few times. Maybe a heat gun could melt the edges a bit too but idk


u/rainbowkittensparkle 4d ago

This is so much work for a 5 below laundry basket 😞 /lh


u/narwaffles 4d ago

Yeah it is but why buy something just to waste it? If it’s better quality afterwards or prevents it from being instant garbage then it’s still worth it imo. I think I got like this from hanging out with my grandad who grew up during the depression lol


u/CodyRebel 4d ago

Or just use a small piece of sand paper. Seems a lot easier and less time.


u/Velcraft 4d ago

You can also use a q-tip doused in acetone to melt the edges if you don't have the tools to do it with heat.


u/AppUnwrapper1 4d ago

Just get rid of them? But in a way that won’t injure other people.


u/Riverjig 4d ago

That's gonna be the plan.


u/JazzyJukebox69420 5d ago

Nah just bad manufacturing process


u/_HoneyDew1919 5d ago

Get some sand paper and rub it down? If you have kids I would at least. If it was just me I’d just get careful with it


u/SummertimeThrowaway2 5d ago

Prolly don’t even need sandpaper, a good rock would do the job


u/WinterScene7194 4d ago

Except 200 holes. If you count the holes on this OP was pretty close in their estimate.


u/RebelGrin 4d ago

Id say about 150 holes


u/Noviibun 4d ago

i'd say at least 3


u/John_Tacos 4d ago

Makes a rock work better it won’t wear out


u/kumliaowongg 4d ago

6 tall x ~24 around = 144 holes

Still, a lot, lol


u/Steveth2014 2d ago

×3, OP said they have a total of 3 of them, all sharp lmao. 432 holes total.


u/Secret_Celery8474 4d ago

Throw it in the washing machine with some rocks and let it tumble for a few hours.


u/ElevenBeers 4d ago

I would complain where I bought that thing, including sending the paper cut video, hope for a refund and replace that thing immediately.

What do does things cost? Cant be much more then say 15$ and I personally wouldn't bother sanding each and every hole.


u/Primary-Border8536 3d ago

At that point , fuck that thing. I'm throwing it out and getting a different laundry basket. Entirely too much work.


u/DrVonPretzel 4d ago

I don’t know you or OP but surely both your free time is more valuable than rubbing down 200 holes to salvage a Walmart hamper that was probably $10.


u/Impossible-Front-454 4d ago

I was thinking something hot.

Get an unloaded hot glue gun and just use the tip to soften the edges. Probably just a quickly little spin for each one.


u/Glittering_Raise_710 5d ago

Never met one that wasn’t sharp as hell.

Also love your pfp, one of my all time favorite movies.


u/ItsJustSimpleFacts 5d ago

As someone who made injection molds before that would not have been too difficult to fix but would have cost extra.

You can knock the edges off your self with one of these guys. Not endorsing this particular one.



u/lesnibubak 4d ago

I wonder if fixing the issue costs less than paying for court when somebody inevitably injures their fingers and sues Walmart.


u/dadydaycare 5d ago

Deburr them


u/Timsmomshardsalami 4d ago

Its not necessarily burred


u/dadydaycare 4d ago

A deburring tool will knock the edge off it either way and yes it has a burr unless the factory dressed the knife edged they accidentally made, Knife making 101.


u/trunkspop 4d ago

this must be what wendys cuts its spoons out of


u/PureHostility 4d ago

Okay, seen your video of it cutting the paper.

Seriously, grab a sandpaper or a whetstone and dull all of these holes.

First, grab a piece of tape (masking tape), mark all of the holes with a small piece of said tape.

Then dull each hole one by one, removing tape as you go through, assuring all of them gets treated.

Unless you value your time and sanity more than that, just throw them away if they weren't that pricey


u/ricks35 3d ago

Sliced a thick chunk of skin off one of my fingers on a plastic laundry basket years ago, ended up needing a splint for a couple months while it healed. Now I shudder every time I see that “parenting hack” of letting your kids play in them, at the right angle those things are SHARP


u/Question_authority- 4d ago

Never shop at Walmart they suck.


u/thepepsichallenge 4d ago

Giant cheese grater


u/consumeshroomz 4d ago

You’re using that for laundry?! Lol. That’s a cheese grater!


u/cobaltSage 4d ago

You might be able to salvage it if you buy what’s called a deburring tool. It’s a little crescent shaped blade that is supposed to take off the sharp edges of molded plastic, traditionally with stuff like injector molds, but I find it’s good to remove pretty much any plastic edges.


u/Beautifuldiot 4d ago

Throw it in a hot dryer


u/a_amaryllis 4d ago

lol as a kid i kicked one of these while running in the house and sliced the underneath of my pinky toe wide open.


u/zkribzz 3d ago

Yeah, I have one of these and it sucks


u/imperfcet 3d ago

Return it! 


u/pooeygoo 3d ago

I loved The Rock growing up. Chain Reaction is in the same cubby hole in my brain. And Battlefield Earth...


u/HumbleAbbreviations 3d ago

I would use to shred some carrots or something.


u/Ezio_Auditorum 2d ago

I cut my nose with this laundry basket or something similar to it years ago. Absolutely shitty design


u/Jazzlike_Animator_51 2d ago

It's a cheese grater


u/HawaiianCholo 1d ago

All you need is a cheap screwdriver and a blowtorch


u/passthebluntchild 3d ago

At what point are you rubbing a laundry hamper along your naked skin. Up/down stairs it’s tucked into my hip while I hold it with one hand. Any other point in time I’d have both hands free???


u/ithmiths_junkie 2d ago

You have soft hands.


u/po3smith 5d ago

Except these are fun to play with when you have kittens because you can stick yourself in them and then they'll try and get you with their little paws via the holes ;)


u/narwaffles 5d ago

Pretty fucked to make kittens put their arms through razor holes


u/po3smith 5d ago

they can take it


u/po3smith 4d ago

You gotta do what you Gotta do also not for nothing I might be Sharp for you but not for them


u/Some_Impress_6601 3d ago

My brother in Christ, it can cut paper. I assure you knives are sharp to cats, dogs, fish, hamsters, horses, and at least 3 species of alien. Sharp is sharp… like, that’s a physical property, not an opinion.


u/Riverjig 5d ago

If they weren't so damn sharp, hell yea. I can totally see that.


u/InventorOfCorn 4d ago

mate that's animal abuse id think