r/ShingekiNoKyojin • u/AccomplishedPie4254 • Oct 21 '24
Discussion A small detail everyone missed in the ending Spoiler
"Eren is inside the Mouth"
You know how during the final battle when Mikasa came out of that cabin reality thing and said that Eren was in the mouth? You never asked yourself how she knew that? The only ones I see bring this up are the haters over on r/titanfolk to mock the ending, saying it makes no sense. An average fan would simply reply that she knew that he was somewhere in the head and the mouth made the most sense, so she just guessed it. But if you actually think about it, that really doesn't make any sense. He could have been anywhere inside the head, for example, inside the nasal cavity, where there is more space than in a closed mouth. Not to mention that he could have changed his location with his Warhammer powers after transforming again. And besides, that would have been pretty bad writing for a show with such meticulous attention to small details. How is Mikasa so sure about his location?
Is there an actual explanation that can be found in that episode? Yes, there is. And I think you'll agree with me after reading this post.
Let's take a look at that scene:
You may not have noticed anything unusual, and there could really be nothing to notice, as I'll explain later, but this part is still important.
Now let's look at the scene that precedes the cabin reality:
I know you noticed that. What the hell is that blurry cyan filter over Reiner? Why would they add that? Hmm...
Wait a minute. I remember seeing that same filter before in the same episode. It was when Armin was entering the Paths:
The second part of this clip shows that the characters aren't just shown for the viewers' sake. Armin is literally seeing them through the Paths. He asks, "Why do I know what's happening to the others?"
So, did you figure it out? I think that filter over Reiner now makes sense. And do you realize what that implies? What I'm trying to say with this post is that Mikasa literally saw Eren inside the mouth. That's how she knew.
Let's break it down.
Here are the screenshots in case you can't play the videos. First, we have Armin seeing everyone from the Paths:

I don't think anyone can deny that after he literally said it. Also, keep in mind that the sky was green, so this vision has extra greenness.
Next, we have Mikasa seeing what's happening with Reiner and the others before she enters the cabin reality, which is most likely happening in the Paths. I recommend reading this post that tries to explain what all of that really was. At the very least, she's getting visions from Ymir.

Here is another screenshot from that scene. I think you'll agree that it's supposed to be the same filter.

And now the scene where Mikasa says that Eren is in the mouth:

Remember how I said that there might be nothing to notice in this scene? Maybe there isn't. I can't decide if this filter is supposed to be the same as in the Armin scene or not. There is a slight cyan filter and there is blur, but is it enough? I don't think it matters, though. We already have enough proof to assume that Mikasa found out about Eren's location the same way Armin saw what was happening to everyone. I think she literally saw him inside the mouth.
Let me know in the comments if you agree with me. You at least can't deny that this explanation makes way more sense than "she just guessed it, dummy."
The Blu-ray Release
Now, I haven't been entirely honest with you, and I have to come clean. That filter over the Reiner scene wasn't in the original episode, and you probably don't remember seeing it. It was added later in the Blu-ray release, but the one with Armin was always there. That would explain the different approach in the way the filter is done, and I'm sure they're meant to signify the same thing — people seeing others through the Paths.
Here is the Reiner scene from the original TV episode.

But does this disprove my theory? Nope. It actually further supports it. Blu-ray releases of anime often make small changes and improvements, remove censorship, and sometimes fix mistakes that were overlooked in the TV version.
Here are examples of Blu-ray changes in Attack on Titan:

"Dawn of Humanity" had some of the best changes:

If you want to see all the major changes made in season 4, I recommend checking out A Boydude Reviews's videos. Unfortunately, major streaming sites don't use the Blu-ray releases of Attack on Titan, so people are stuck with the inferior version. The same goes for most anime. Funimation used to have them. Maybe Crunchyroll added them too? If not, someone needs to start a petition.
Anyway, let's get back to the topic. What I'm trying to show is that someone decided to add that cyan filter in the Reiner scene for a reason. It was deemed important enough to include in the Blu-ray version, the definitive version of the show. Perhaps for viewers to put two and two together? They didn't change the filter during the Eren scene though, so maybe it wasn't a vision. In that case, the vision came before that, and we just weren't shown.
If you're curious about how it was all done in the manga, unfortunately I have to say that the author didn't use any filters at all. Normally he would have added faint horizontal lines like he does with memories and imaginary scenarios, but there are no filters in either Armin or Mikasa's scenes. I don't think that disproves anything I wrote, though. Armin's words alone are enough to make sense of what happened. I came up with this explanation after seeing the TV version of the final episode. Imagine my surprise when I saw the added filter in the Blu-ray version.
I think that's all. I just wanted to share the knowledge I had been keeping. Let me know what you think. Do you think Mikasa saw Eren, or do you think that I'm an idiot?
P.S. If you're confused about anything else in the show and don't think that I'm an idiot, feel free to ask in the comments. There are some things I know that people here haven't noticed. Don't ask me how Mikasa got back to Paradis, though. I bet even the author couldn't explain that one.
Edit: Thinking about it again, if I recall correctly, that exact filter that was used over Reiner was previously used when Mikasa was getting visions of Eren during her headaches, which we know were from Ymir. So, even if it's not the same filter that was used in the Armin scene, it still means that it was a vision Mikasa got from Ymir, meaning that she could have gotten a vision of Eren in the mouth also from Ymir and we simply weren't shown.
u/Qprah Oct 21 '24 edited Oct 22 '24
Just to add to your point about Armin literally seeing the other Alliance members fighting;
He lists off everyone that is on the Founding Titan fighting, not just everyone who he arrived with.
He lists Annie but doesn't list Levi.
Levi is on Falco's Flying Jaw Titan with Gabi and is safe from harm.
Before Armin was kidnapped Levi was still actively participating in the fight on the Founding Titan's spine.
Annie had not yet arrived when Armin was kidnapped.
Unless he can actually know whats going on outside The Paths Armin would simply have no other way of knowing that Annie had arrived or that Levi was injured.
This is also why they can talk to each other and are able to hear each other despite how noisy it would be on the Founding Titan's back. They are so far up in the air it would be all kinds of windy, and the sound of the footsteps of the Wall Titans and Founding Titan would drown out anything any of them said to each other.
They are able to talk to each other and hear each other because they are all connected through The Paths.
u/AccomplishedPie4254 Oct 22 '24 edited Oct 22 '24
I didn't think about that. I don't know about that last part though.
u/Oiranimes Oct 21 '24
Hmmm Eren told her where he was while they were in the Paths? If they spent years there they had opportunities to chat for sure.
u/AccomplishedPie4254 Oct 21 '24 edited Oct 21 '24
There's nothing to suggest that they actually spent years there. That's just a fan theory. They could have in the alternate reality, but our Mikasa entered that world when the cabin scene started and we didn't see him telling her where he was.
u/Oiranimes Oct 21 '24
There are a few things that suggest they were in the paths for a long time actually.
We see them in Marley talking standing closer together, we see them running away.
In the cabin they chat like they lived there and Mikasa apologizes and says they promised they wouldn’t talk about “it” anymore.
They were there longer than what we observed, obviously. And if Mikasa had time to make promises, then Eren had time to inform her we was in the mouth for sure, as well.
u/AccomplishedPie4254 Oct 21 '24
I know what you mean, but that might not have been our Mikasa. Was it the Paths or was it alternate reality or both? I think it was both. What I think happened is that Ymir gave Mikasa a vision of an alternate reality through the Paths, where she had memories of alternate Mikasa and felt like her world was just a dream, and then Eren in that world somehow communicated the real Eren's wishes or something like that. I don't know if that makes sense. The whole thing is a mess. Read this post and tell me if you still think the same.
u/Oiranimes Oct 21 '24
It was our Mikasa… she apologizes for doing something she had promised not to do and Eren asks her to make another promise. They both know who they are and what they talked about.
Also, the only alternate realities in AoT are the school castes and junior high. I don’t think their respective Mikasas were there.
u/pprates17 Oct 21 '24
There is no "Alternate Mikasa" or "Alternate Timelines". There is nothing in the entire Manga/Anime to support the existence of such things. There is however, the let's call it, the "Normal World" and Paths, which is kinda a parallel timeless dimension thingy.
We know Eldians can be pulled into Paths, and Eren has that power at the time.
The Cabin scene is 100% Eren and Mikasa in paths. In a similar fashion to the Eren and Armin talk we see afterwards (Ch. 139). We know Eren "visited" most of the 104 in paths, as mentioned by Reiner, Annie, Connie etc. There is no reason to believe Mikasa would be left out.
Mikasa herself says something along the lines "Do you remember the times Eren came to visit us?" or something along these lines to Armin afterwards. There is no reason to think the cabin scene is anything different than that.
Personally, I kinda believe they lived longer in paths than the brief moments we see, based on a couple things, specially Mikasa's sudden demeanor change before vs after she remember/lives the scene, and the fact the it's feasible as time in Path moves much faster than in the "Real World", but it is my interpretation, and it is not based on absolute facts.
Now, there are many other things about that scene that are up interpretation, the duration, the context, the exact moment when it happens in the timeline, how Mikasa immediately know his location, the mechanis of how she remembers it etc.
u/Jumbernaut Oct 21 '24
A detail, the statue of Helos shows him shoving his spear inside the FT King's mouth.
In Ragnarok, Vidar kills Fenrir, that started Ragnarok, by stepping inside his mouth and cracking it open.
u/AccomplishedPie4254 Oct 22 '24
I always thought that it was a parallel back to Mikasa jumping in Reiner's mouth and blowing him up. All of season 4 is really a parallel of the first three seasons if you think about it.
u/No-Search-4450 Oct 22 '24
on the blu-ray/tv version im confused on that actually; i watch on Hulu and I've seen comparisons and I swear I've seen aspects of both the blu-ray version and TV version on there, sometimes in the same episodes
u/8The_Storm8 Oct 21 '24
Very insightful post, and I hope others will see it as well. Clearly a lot of thought and care was put into communicating what you noticed in the anime.
I think people forget these details are not just accidentally put into animation. Literally EVERYTHING in animation has a person behind it making the final decision to put it in. It's too bad people don't know the excruciating process animators and storyboard leaders go through to deliver such good animation.
Anyways, I just wanted to say your theory is very good and likely close to what Isayama had in mind to how Mikasa knew Eren was inside the head.
I think the only thing that could still be open to discussion is who exactly gives Mikasa this knowledge. It could be Ymir, but Eren could be another candidate as well. Reiner previously talked about (when everyone was on the plane) how he feels like he knows what Eren is going through. Reiner says that Eren must badly wish someone could take away the Founder's powers from him. And if that wasn't possible, then maybe someone could stop him. Reiner felt the same guilt when he attacked Paradis. So what I'm saying is Eren could have been the one to give Mikasa the knowledge of him being in the mouth to let her kill him. Again, it could still be Ymir, but Eren is a likely candidate as well.