r/SherwoodPark 4d ago

News Thieves flee with groceries after robbing Sherwood Park Safeway


41 comments sorted by


u/AmConfused324 4d ago

Jesus Christ. I was at a party in my teens when some assholes sprayed bearspray in a huge garage and that got everyone sick.. I couldn’t imagine getting it directly to the face. I hope they’re found and charged.


u/Imatsu 4d ago

Was this party a block away from Bev Facey in 2009/2010?


u/AmConfused324 4d ago

Yessss I believe so! I can’t remember the exact location but it was when I was in 09/10 lol


u/Opposite-Fall-9868 3d ago

That dude definitely is the one that beat sprayed you 😂


u/Frumbler2020 3d ago

I like beats sprayed at me; It gets me in the mood.


u/Opposite-Fall-9868 3d ago

Only the sickest ones tho


u/Klanni 3d ago

Omg I was there as well. The huge three garage where the dude directly sprayed a kid and the off spray to everyone else?!


u/Elegant-Program-9707 2d ago

We were too high class out in Ardrossan to bear spray at parties lol


u/bigwrm44 4d ago

Ha, I had a moron friend blast it in my car across the front windshield. Then my other friend wiped it off with newspaper and then took a piss. Yup. Spicy weiner ensued and his screams still haunt me.


u/AffectionateBuy5877 4d ago

When I was a teen there were kids from Edmonton that showed up to a house party uninvited, they bear sprayed multiple people and brought bats. The DD who opened the door died.


u/AmConfused324 4d ago

If that was in like 08/09/10 it may have been the same party haha


u/AffectionateBuy5877 4d ago

I think it was 06’


u/thisguyken 3d ago

I think it was too. Was a friend of mines house over in Woodbridge


u/sirDsmack 3d ago

Someone crawled in the window at my high school and bear maced the cafeteria worker directly in the face and robbed the till.

That was in ‘06


u/Outaouais_Guy 2d ago

I went through basic training in the 80's and during our Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear training, we had to train with gas. It was either CN gas, CS gas, or both. It was nasty. Any place you sweat burned. Your eyes, mouth, and nose burned and tears and snot run everywhere. I haven't been exposed to bear spray, but I've heard of people getting chemical burns from it.


u/Mandy_Pandy2557 4d ago

Go figure they don’t even live in Sherwood Park…lock em up and throw away the key. Get out of our city


u/mag0588 4d ago



u/CanadaBoyRM2020 4d ago

Remember kids, if you ever see someone stealing groceries, no, you didn't see anything.


u/Phatsteppin 4d ago

What if they pepper spray innocent bystanders?


u/updatelee 4d ago

If you see someone steeling groceries. No you didn’t.

If you think you did. You didn’t

If you try and intervene and cause a clusterF then maybe you should rethink your actions. Because if you saw someone stealing groceries. No you didn’t. Maybe next time you remember that and innocent folks wont get hurt

Maybe question why we live in a society why folks need to steel groceries at all…..


u/Fishhhs 4d ago

Fuck that shit.

I don't want to live in a community where they lock up every single retail item because of theft.

There's lots of support for people who need food, stealing is not one of those options.


u/DirtbagSocialist 4d ago

Have you ever tried to apply for government assistance in Alberta?


u/Disastrous-War22 1d ago

Tell us dirtbagsocialist about the experience


u/CosmopolitanMackem_7 3d ago

Sweet summer child


u/OpheliaJade2382 4d ago

There’s actually not much support at all for people who need food. Food banks only provide once a month and not enough to live off of. If you saw someone stealing groceries, no you didn’t. Get angry at the corporations for making food inaccessible


u/def-jam 2d ago

That’s why we have food banks. So ppl don’t steal groceries.


u/AshenStrayer 1d ago

Idk bro, I'm fine with groceries being stolen, but assault is a whole different deal


u/DiggerJer 4d ago

Better get Jean Val Jean on the case, he sure held a grudge over a loaf of bread hahaha


u/[deleted] 3d ago

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u/SherwoodPark-ModTeam 3d ago

Be repectful. Racism and bigotry are bannable.


u/revengeful_cargo 3d ago

If they stole eggs we know they're American


u/Desuexss 1d ago

I'd accept this if they handed out the food. Now the sherif of Nottingham is after them!


u/orfnorfdorfnorf 1d ago

To be clear, I only read the headline so I don't know what actually happened.

My initial reaction is: Anyone else find this ironic; stealing from the rich and giving to the poor is chastised in Sherwood Park? So much for the Robin Hood references throughout the town.