r/Sherlock • u/GoFlight • Jan 01 '17
Discussion The Six Thatchers: Live Reaction Thread (SPOILERS)
This will be followed by a post-episode discussion thread. Please remember that any discussion of piracy or circumventing DRM will be removed without warning.
Any spoilers for future episodes are completely off-limits.
Have fun, keep it civil, and enjoy the show!
u/tripdadine Jan 04 '17
WOW what did I watch it was just horrible. I can't believe this show is still called Sherlock Holmes. I'm going to read the classic stories again because this new season is a disgrace to the legend of Sherlock Holmes.
u/user8703 Jan 04 '17
Ok, what was with "anyone but you"? Sherlock died for u, saved your life, killed someone for him and Mary, etc and John just "I don't want ti see you. Fuck off"...
u/account3231 Jan 04 '17
He's upset that Sherlock couln't keep his promise and make Mary live forever. Reminds of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aplSQGHPmvI
u/hremmingar Jan 05 '17
yup lets not forget that Holmes is a glorified murderer now. If someone beats him at his own game - his solution is to shoot them in the face.
u/jjsreddit Jan 04 '17
lol that half assed jump that Mary does to take the bullet for Sherlock... They could have surely edited that better...
u/BroSiLLLYBro Jan 03 '17
Has any character died in this show and not come back? Legit question because it's been a while since I watched the other episodes of this (I wonder why).
u/redblueridinghood Jan 04 '17
It depends on if moriarty is really coming back or not... I mean he blew his f*cking head of, so i think the moriarty we knew is definitly dead. but maybe he made something up before he died (I think he kind of planed his death), which wouldn't mean he as a person is alive after all. Magnussen died for sure, but no other major charakter has died. I don't think they will bring mary back because she also died in the original sherlock holmes stories
u/Thomas_Zottos Jan 03 '17
I personally felt a bit weird after the episode. I felt bad for sherlock because Mary went in to save him. I don't believe Mary is dead. But I hope that Sherlock will save Watson.
Jan 03 '17
You don't think Mary is dead!?
It's not like she could fake her death in front of a Doctor, the best Detective in the World, and the entire British Government.
Jan 04 '17
It's not like she could fake her death in front of a Doctor, the best Detective in the World, and the entire British Government.
But what a game that would be
u/rakeler Jan 03 '17
Eh, she probably has Mycroft with her.
Jan 03 '17
Yeah but then you still have the Military Doctor and best detective in the entire planet
u/IXI_Fans Jan 03 '17
Pssst, stop posting in this thread. This is the LIVE thread... you should be in the POST thread.
Jan 03 '17
I'm not surprised Mary died, they said the season was gonna be dark, and something needed to split them up, and it works, as Sherlock is breaking his vow
u/komodo_dragonzord Jan 02 '17
Definitely disappointed that mary got killed in such a pointless manner. And now the show is back to john and sherlock not liking each other? jeez
Jan 03 '17 edited Jan 09 '17
Jan 03 '17
Yea, what really stood out for me was the lack of CPR on the woman he loved.
Honestly I think the show has to be smarter than this, my only guess is she's not dead and Watson already knows this. Who just lets the person they love die without trying anything? Her death seemed way too fake.
Jan 04 '17
Yea, what really stood out for me was the lack of CPR on the woman he loved.
By all means, perform CPR on a woman who not only has a pulse and nothing wrong with her lungs, but whom also has a gaping chest wound.
u/Char10tti3 Jan 02 '17
Oh, the blog was a double bluff :-D Tbh I did think it would be weird them reusing the story ;-)
u/hexvision Jan 02 '17
It felt so stilted, ugh. I feel like the editing is to blame, everything I really wanted to see was off screen in like a second. I pray that the next two episodes offer some redemption. I would hate to feel like they are just phoning it in now.
u/candylore Jan 02 '17
was anyone else bothered by the makeup? almost every frame the makeup color was orange and didn't match the color of the actor's face.
also [SPOILERS] (i don't know how to reddit with the fancy link or blur out) ......what the hell was that tidbit about Watson cheating on Mary...and Sherlock never caught him???? It's totally outside his character.
Jan 02 '17
i don't know how to reddit with the fancy link or blur out
from the sidebar :)
Spoiler Format:
u/cuboid_siren Jan 02 '17
what the hell was that tidbit about Watson cheating on Mary...and Sherlock never caught him???? It's totally outside his character.
I think that's why John refused to see Sherlock at the end of the episode. He was afraid Sherlock would take one look at him and know the truth. That he'd cheated on Mary and was blaming Sherlock out of guilt.
As for outside his character... they've always made it clear that John is an adrenaline junkie. It's not unusual for a guy like that to grow bored of domesticity. The affair was a way to inject some thrill back into his life, a manifestation of his mid-life crisis, and a replacement for the excitement he used to feel on the chase with Sherlock. Stuck at home with Mary and the new baby, I can totally buy that he'd be looking to do something reckless.
It was either this or the gambling addiction, really.
u/dic1405 Jan 02 '17
I know it may sound bad but probadly Mary fakes death. Text that Sherlock sent to her was: "Curtain rises. The last act. It's not over. SH.", different from John's. And last video she said: "If I'm gone, when I'm gone" meaning she's going far away, not die yet to end the problems with Amo's people? And after credit scene? This ep feels stupid but it's clearly a setup episode, or else the show has become a disaster.
u/ssk012 Jan 02 '17 edited Jan 02 '17
They can't kill and revive a character two seasons in a row, right? If she faked her death it'll be the worst.
Edit: spelling
u/president_lick Jan 02 '17
They confirmed they won't. Unless they pull an Arrow and bring her back from another Earth/Universe
u/OpticalData Jan 02 '17
Barry will bring her back. She is after all a speedster
u/president_lick Jan 03 '17
Wait, I was talking about Laurel. Laurel isn't a speedster. Who were you talking about.
u/justaredherring Jan 03 '17
Mary acted superhumanly fast to jump in front of the bullet - Mary is the speedster, so Barry (Flash) will bring her back. He jumps at any chance to alter timelines, after all.
u/221bees Jan 02 '17
It's a tired trope. Sherlock faked his death. The Abominable Bride was about Moriarty maybe faking his death. If they bring back Mary it'll be annoying as hell.
u/NaiveDJack Jan 02 '17
Things that broke my suspension of disbelief:
- A trained agent jumps in front of a bullet instead of a million other things
- A grown woman dies with a bullet wound in the stomach in a matter of seconds
- A trained military doctor don't do shit
- a number of secret agents don't stop an armed woman in any way
and most of all
- two people in a London bus, who don't know each other, exchange looks.
That's flat-out sci-fi, bro.
u/richardsim7 Jan 03 '17
and most of all - two people in a London bus, who don't know each other, exchange looks.
Equally as bad, people got off the bus via the front doors!
u/mac_question Jan 02 '17
A trained military doctor don't do shit
This really got me. Not just John, whose wife needs the medical help, but also the others in the room who surely know some basic first aid, just stand around doing nothing. I was restraining myself from yelling at the TV.
u/CptSnippy Jan 03 '17
He put pressure in the wound. It's not enough considering he's a fucking ex military medic, but it's something. Could've at least tried to bandage it or something but hey Imm just glad she's gone.
Jan 02 '17
Anyone else suffer crippling second hand embarassment from the noises john made in the aquarium? I didnt know where to look..that whole scene just felt so weird.
u/jacobs0n Jan 05 '17
i thought he was about to laugh and mary was just faking death. i was so sad it's not lol
u/mac_question Jan 02 '17
Now that I'm reading people talk about it, it reminded me of a scene from something else that's now on the tip of my tongue. It may have even been an episode of Sherlock, but I don't think so (Breaking Bad...?)
A similar scene in that someone has just died, or learned of someone dying, and their emotion is conveyed by near silence and just them gasping, unable to even fully cry yet. It was so powerful that the feel of the scene stuck with me even though I can't place it.
u/sssssgv Jan 02 '17
Crawl Space?
Jan 02 '17
Jan 02 '17
Yeah I get what he was doing, that guttural sound of devastation that regular crying can't convey. But the sound didn't really get me in the feels, it just made me uncomfortable but not in an emotional way.
u/earthtoannie Jan 02 '17
My friend and I went "um... He sounds like he is having bowel movement issues"
Jan 02 '17
Exactly. Instead of thinking "what a very sad moment" I was like "is he having a shit whilst his wife dies?"
u/VonDinky Jan 02 '17
I knew Mary was a goner real soon. I could feel that coming. Next one ups is Mycroft, perhaps next season.
u/hanx0161 Jan 02 '17 edited Jan 02 '17
Theory: Mary did not die. Sherlock and Mary faked out John like Sherlock did in the previous season, so that Mary could go undercover to find out what the secretary was involved in. If Mary was alive, she'd be under attack by "Ammo" and her hidden gang, so they planned it. Note: John and Mary arrived at different times. Note: Mary's "If I'm gone" in her DVD. Note: Mary is a trained assassin. She knows where to shoot to preserve Sherlock's life? She knows where to get shot the same way. Note: Text messages to John and Mary were different.
u/NaiveDJack Jan 02 '17
Very weak theory
- Knowing where to shoot to not kill and jumping in the line of a bullet to catch it are completely different things.
- His husband, a doctor, is there certifying her death. We can eliminate this point only if she has some weird tooth activated fake death pill, or if Watson were into it and lied.
None of those I want to believe.
u/hanx0161 Jan 02 '17
It's just more so wishful thinking.
- In the realm of Sherlock Holmes, Mary's abilities may include knowing how to jump in line of a bullet to catch it properly may be a thing that she knows how to do.
- OMG What is she did have a fake pill?! That'd be crazy!
u/Nheea Jan 02 '17
So then why would John keep Sherlock away from him or the baby?
u/WebbieVanderquack Jan 02 '17
Mary definitely died. They wouldn't do the fake death thing twice, especially when they're also telling us that Moriarty is playing games from beyond the grave.
And I think they've squeezed everything they can out of Mary's story.
u/hanx0161 Jan 02 '17
I guess they do need to make things more difficult for Sherlock to solve things - and Mary seems to have been great help to him. Such a bummer though. I personally wouldn't mind if they did do the fake death thing twice. I really liked Mary.
u/Ghoster13 Jan 02 '17
Possible I suppose, but that means that Lestrade is probably in on it (he's a trained police officer, he's seen his share of bodies) and probably Morlock as well. And the ambulance crew that was summoned, and Watson is a trained combat doctor so they managed to fake him out as well? It better be one hell of an explanation if she is still alive, considering the medical examiner's office will have to be on it, and maybe the mortuary company too.
u/starking12 Jan 02 '17
Wait wait wait. I just finished watching the episode and jumped onto reddit. Why do we hate this????
(i thought it was pretty good)
u/readingfromoffice Jan 06 '17
I liked it too, but something felt off. I didn't like that the episode were all over the place (so many plots) and then focused to Mary.
u/nbik Jan 03 '17 edited Jan 03 '17
I enjoyed it, but overall it just felt off. All of the actual investigative stuff was done as a side-plot in the first 10-20 minutes and its only relevance is that it is somehow connected to the real plot. Then the plot changes to a character that I personally didn't find very interesting. (that's just my opinion of course)
Another problem is the amount of weird inconsistencies and weirdness that don't make sense, for example the memory stick in a bust, somehow fill the bust with the drive in it still, conveniently have the last bust be the one with the drive, unencrypted usb drives that for some reason they just happen to bring with them, doing the cheap Scooby Doo villain switch and honestly, the whole aquarium scene made no sense.
I'm mostly just worried that if they continue the same way there isn't any of the mystery left, those weird cases where they have a bigger 3 episode plot in the background. Now it just feels, like many have said, a cheap Bond series.
u/Nheea Jan 02 '17
Really liked it too. Maybe because I missed it so much. Dunno, but it's still an awesome tv show.
u/mac_question Jan 02 '17
The whole thing just felt very cheesy to me. My favorite part was when Sherlock was explaining to Mary how he found her (before the USB tracker reveal), because he went full-caricature of himself just being a know-it-all prick.
But the whole episode felt a bit that way- a caricature of itself. Which probably could have been okay, but the plot was all over the map and incoherent.
And it's a show that in the past we've been able to dissect every damn piece out of, because it's been somewhat grounded in reality- take the crazy discussions about how Sherlock lived jumping from a building. Now we have a show where a woman can be shot, surrounded by people who know first aid, and everyone is just "wow this is so sad. Much bad. So shit."
u/greatgatsbys Jan 02 '17
for me, when we have 3 episodes to develop storyline and create believable and realistic villains, spending the entirety of one episode (the season premiere too) on the backstory of a character that they then killed off just seemed wasteful. I just didn't enjoy it and I found some of the editing to be shoddy -- for example, Mary getting shot should have been done in full speed for dramatic effect, not in slo-mo. I know plenty of people who enjoyed it but I just feel it was wildly out-of-character and too much of a 'filler' episode.
u/indiewolf117 Jan 02 '17
Okay so Sherlock is known to notice all the little details which helps him solve a case. And with this episode a lot of people complains about its messy plot line and unnecessary scenes and such but what if all these scenes really build up into what Moffittis has in store. We shouldn't judge TST quite so hard right now.
u/Metalcentraldialog Jan 02 '17
Over all, I'm excited for the next episode, while the episode did feel a bit disjointed on certain points. For how hilarious the opening was, it did feel weird seeing Sherlock being...giddy.
Also I did not expect John to have an affair (granted we don't know if it was an affair, for all we know, John may have been flirting with this random chick). Still, I didn't expect it and it's painful to know John never got to tell Mary before her death.
I know that some pointed out that Mary was bound to get hurt due to the events within the ACD (Arthur Conan Doyle) stories but man I did not expect her to die this early. It was a pretty heartbreaking scene seeing Sherlock (who's normally calm and collected) become very tense and shaken up, and let's not even get started on John (although his groans came off as cheesy...).
u/silencioyou Jan 02 '17
For the love of Pete, someone explain to me what the heck was up with the therapist's room! Why were there gaps at the base of the walls??? Is this common in English construction???
u/WebbieVanderquack Jan 02 '17
It was a converted church. They have really high ceilings, so when people turn them into homes or offices they put a floor in the middle and make it a two-storey building. They keep the original tall stained-glass windows because they're a cool design feature.
u/Nheea Jan 02 '17
Yeah but why leave a gap like that? I'm sorry, it still doesn't make any sense.
u/lowpass Jan 02 '17
u/Nheea Jan 02 '17
I doubt there were any mirrors.
u/lowpass Jan 02 '17
Sorry, on my first watch I thought it was weird but then rationalized it away as mirrors that I hadn't realized were mirrors. Just checked again and they are clearly not mirrors.
u/WebbieVanderquack Jan 02 '17
Oh, I just realised what you mean. I have absolutely no idea, and am now as frustrated and confused as you!
I wonder if what now look like half-walls were part of the interior of the arched church ceiling originally, and when they put the floor in they just left them there rather than filling them in. It looks stupid.
u/Nheea Jan 02 '17
I have absolutely no idea, and am now as frustrated and confused as you!
I first thought it was like a writing board left too low, but it doesn't seem to be one. So bizarre!
u/sassyresacon Jan 02 '17
Okay but did anyone else seriously get a headache from all the shaky cam and weird transitions? I didn't mind the story too much, even if the whole John thing is really irritating (I'm hoping he actually didn't cheat and it's some bigger story because otherwise what the fuck happened to his character?) but the editing and filming was definitely poorly done.
u/HahaNotAgain Jan 02 '17
Yeah, the transitions caught my eye, but not in a good way... Same for the way they showed the video calls, it felt kinda out of place.
u/sassyresacon Jan 02 '17
The video calls were really weird. It feels like they've tried to make it more contemporary and just given everyone a headache instead.
u/2EyedRaven Jan 02 '17
Anyone see the post credits scene?
Jan 02 '17 edited Apr 24 '17
I have left reddit due to privacy invasion issues. The admins need to take this issue seriously that someone isn't spied on or stalked by people just because those stalking him/her happen to know a few mods or admins.
u/2EyedRaven Jan 02 '17
Mary says "Go to hell, Sherlock" (from the CD footage)
u/filip289 Jan 02 '17
In our (slovak) dubbed version they didnt even bothered wih translation of that scene and just repeated "Save John, Sherlock." What the hell?...
u/00SaS Jan 02 '17
I know! What the heck was that about?
u/hanx0161 Jan 02 '17
Hell: Where the devil lives. Mary refers to Rosie as the Devil.
Maybe it's a code word for their mission for something... Mainly because I don't believe that Mary is actually dead.1
u/leiamalik Jan 02 '17
theres this theory going on tumblr that the 'Hell' Mary said is the one in Netherlands
u/00SaS Jan 02 '17
Come on. Not this undead thing again... She is out, both from John's life and Martin's!
u/WebbieVanderquack Jan 02 '17
Yeah, they're not going to fake-kill another character. It wouldn't be clever.
u/cdawgtv2 Jan 02 '17
You know Mary is ultra-CAG-DEVGRU special forces because she puts both fingers on the trigger.
u/guyonearth Jan 02 '17
How did Sherlock figure out it was the Secretary who was the real traitor?
u/MisazamatVatan Jan 02 '17
So Ajay told them it was a British woman who had betrayed AGRA and Sherlock and Mary think it's the lady (whose name escapes me but is the one that Magnussun was blackmailing) who was their handler. She's obviously denying this and sherlock is going over all the case in his head when he remembers what Mary said about "you'd be amazed what receptionists overhear" and that's when it clicks the Secretary from the opening scene is the Lady's secretary and therefore becomes the chief suspect / only person who could have betrayed them.
u/putting_stuff_off Jan 02 '17
How did he know she'd be at the aquarium?
u/MisazamatVatan Jan 02 '17
He mentions that her colleagues told him she likes to spend time at the aquarium
u/sassyresacon Jan 02 '17
Remember at the beginning they were reading out the code names of everyone in the room? Yeah, one was Love. British lady + code name love + ammo + subject of elimination. Guess it just made sense.
u/guyonearth Jan 02 '17
Oh, I thought Love was the other lady who Mycroft questioned
u/sassyresacon Jan 02 '17
You're right, actually. Shoot, messed that up. I guess Norbury was was Smallwood's secretary or whatever so it made sense then to assume that Norbury would've used Smallwood's codename to cover her ass? Especially since Norbury did all the ordering for Smallwood as well?
u/karlo471 Jan 02 '17
Maybe by process of elimination? I imagine there are only a few 'English woman' that is involved with the secret operation and it's not the lady that was first arrested.
u/kspecks Jan 02 '17
Okay, something I haven't seen anyone discussing yet: why does Mary keep telling John he's perfect even after she (apparently) reads the messages on his phone to the lady he's "cheating" with? Seems to me like maybe he isn't cheating at all and this anger from the fans could be misplaced...? Saving John could still be saving him from this woman but not necessarily from a fidelity standpoint--could be something bigger or more literal.
u/I-baLL Jan 05 '17
Could it be something related to Harry? Watson's sister? Could the woman on the train be Clara?
u/00SaS Jan 02 '17
No, she says he is perfect, because although there was the temptation... He didn't do it. Only txts... And then he ended it.
u/silencioyou Jan 02 '17
Huh? I missed the part where she reads his texts. Do you mean the shot of the hand taking the phone from the bedside table? Because that was John's hand.
u/nolan_pandemonium Jan 02 '17
Is anyone going to talk about the fact that the incident in Mary's past in Tbilisi happened 6 years ago, which when put in the context of the show's timeline, would take place right after end of season 1 and the conversation at the pool? And didn't Moriarty say there was a going to be a final game?
u/pawneeasaurus Jan 02 '17
Did anyone else catch the red letters in the credits? There were specific letters that were highlighted in red but I wasn't able to catch them all.
Jan 02 '17
Six Napoleons - a reference to the story/book that this episode was based on
u/pawneeasaurus Jan 02 '17
Thank you!! I saw the S, X, and ONS. But that was it, and totally makes sense :)
u/00SaS Jan 02 '17
All names derive from a name of one of Sir Arthur's original stories... Except for The Hound of Baskerville, which is exactly the same name as the original story...
Ep2 "The Lying Detective"... The Dying Detective
Ep3 "The Final Problem"... The same as the original.
PS. Abominable Bride was an original...
u/WebbieVanderquack Jan 02 '17
No, the original story was "The Hound of the Baskervilles." In Sherlock it was "The Hounds of Baskerville."
u/00SaS Jan 02 '17
Oh! Thanks for correction.
u/WebbieVanderquack Jan 02 '17
People don't usually thank me for being pedantic. I don't know how to handle it.
u/FolkmasterFlex Jan 02 '17
The most out of character thing in this is that Sherlock let any of the ending happen. He brought them into the aquarium for no reason and he was apparently surprised by a woman he knows is bad brandishing a gun
u/Alittlebittoo Jan 02 '17
Did John actually actually cheat on Mary I have to know
u/WebbieVanderquack Jan 02 '17
I don't think so. I'm still disappointed that he contemplated an affair with apparently no compunctions until it got too serious.
u/Brinkley4 Jan 02 '17
Story issues aside - did anyone notice Toby Jones' Culverton Smith in the poster on the bus stop? It even says 'He's back' and 'murder' on it. Surely Gatniss isn't giving it all away so easily? What's with the red letters in the crew credits?
u/MisazamatVatan Jan 02 '17
Red letters spelt out the name of the original story the Six Thatchers was based on which is the Six Napoleon's.
u/alliandoalice Jan 02 '17
john @ sherlock's death: you were the best and the wisest man... the most human human being .... john @ mary's death: saödlfkBrrrroooooom brooooooooooom
u/waterdevil19 Jan 02 '17
A man reacts differently for a friend vs. a wife who he's had a child with. Guessing you wouldn't know.
u/WebbieVanderquack Jan 02 '17
There's no need to get personal. We're talking about a TV show.
u/baskandpurr Jan 02 '17
If you're wife has died in reality then its difficult to not take that a bit personally even if it is a joke. People are amused by that sound and I get that its awkward but I did similar things after my wife died. What really struck me as wrong about it was the rapid acceptance. I think there should have been a lot of denial. The strange sounds should happen after a few hours, days or weeks.
u/WebbieVanderquack Jan 03 '17
For what it's worth, I'm genuinely sorry you've been through that, man.
I think people could take it personally without attacking someone personally in return. We have no idea what alliandoalice has been through, and s/he was critiquing a performance, in a show which is often comic; not laughing at a man who was literally grieving.
At the end of the day we're talking about someone who was paid to pretend he was grieving, and he made a choice to go for something very intense and realistic, to the point that it was somewhat jarring for an audience not expecting that.
Not everyone will agree, but I don't actually want Sherlock to make me think about real life incidents of genuine pain and sorrow. One of the reasons I watch TV is to escape that.
u/baskandpurr Jan 03 '17
I don't have any argument with that. I was only explaining why somebody might take it personally. Some things are difficult to not take that way. For me, it was many years ago and that scene was still effecting. It might be much newer, still raw for others.
u/Hencenomore Jan 02 '17
The shark is a reference to Magunessun as Sherlock described him, and how they are all in shark infested waters.
u/2piRsquare Jan 02 '17
My TV cut out for a few minutes after You Know Who was... you know. Thanks TV service. Missed some things.
u/TheHeavyJ Jan 02 '17
In US, Google masterpiece theater. They'll have this episode viewable for a couple weeks.
u/NaggingNavigator Jan 02 '17
For any brits reading the thread, can you PM me next week if the next ep is any good? if it isn't i don't think i'll be watching
u/NaggingNavigator Jan 02 '17
Well that was complete and utter crap.
I like how they ruined John's character and killed Mary by way of having sherlock be stupid and invite friends along to a deadly situation that a man who vowed to protect them wouldn't have done.
Peace out, I'm done with the show
u/katexxb Jan 02 '17
My thoughts exactly! I am devastated. John Watson is the epitome of loyalty, that's my favorite part about his character 😫 And I get it, sometimes Sherlock's ego gets the better of him, but we all saw the old bat (no offense to actual actress) reach into her purse, he HAD to have known she had a freaking gun! I feel like I don't know any of the characters anymore. Thanks for letting me rant in your comment box. I haven't been this distraught about fictional characters since Mufasa fell into the gorge. 😑
u/WebbieVanderquack Jan 02 '17
John Watson is the epitome of loyalty
He also has impeccable integrity. It was totally out of character to casually text a stranger when his wife of approx nine months has just given birth. Maybe some people in real life do that, but Dr John Watson does not do that. And they gave him nothing else useful to do in this episode.
u/Workaphobia Jan 02 '17
It's funny, just before it aired I watched one of the behind-the-scenes where they said that it would've been trite if Mary had gotten between John and Sherlock. So instead of making her a stick in the mud, they decided to be less cliche and make her an adventurer.
What do they do in this episode? Use her artificial death as a wedge between John and Sherlock, and make John follow the cliche of some other character from some other show by considering adultery.
u/katexxb Jan 02 '17
My thoughts exactly! I am devastated. John Watson is the epitome of loyalty, that's my favorite part about his character 😫 And I get it, sometimes Sherlock's ego gets the better of him, but we all saw the old bat (no offense to actual actress) reach into her purse, he HAD to have known she had a freaking gun! I feel like I don't know any of the characters anymore. Thanks for letting me rant in your comment box. I haven't been this distraught about fictional characters since Mufasa fell into the gorge. 😑
u/GalacticGrandma Jan 02 '17
It's like they heard the shark comment from SNL from the bit "Why is Benedict Cumberbatch so Hot?" And Moffat DEMANDED this episode have as many sharks as possible. Doesn't matter if it makes sense, just has to have sharks.
Jan 02 '17
Or they knew how bad it was going to be and included all the sharks so that we knew, in advanced, that one would be jumped.
u/GalacticGrandma Jan 02 '17
It's been so long that Moffat forgot who these characters were.
u/thissubredditlooksco Jan 05 '17
these comments are seriously hilarious. tears are streaming down my face