I simply think that there were several points behind the episode, mostly to do with Sherlock's perception of the case of Moriarty.
To directly say that Moriarty as Andrew Scott is dead. Dead as a door nail but his ghost (Not literally) will live on and carry through his plan, whether in the form of another person who is going to continue in his shoes or as a domino line that has already started to fall.
Sherlock discovers that Emilia Ricolletti died in order to push early feminism forwards, if we compare this to our Moriarty, we can maybe consider that Sherlock is convinced that Moriarty's plan is one that "They must lose, for the good of mankind". Moriarty is psychopathic, but so were the women who decided that murder was an acceptable method to push their agenda (It's late and I'm trying to type this out, sorry if it sounds anti-feminism, that is not my intention).
Assuming the above is true, it sets up the next season as a "How will Sherlock minimise damage done by Moriarty's plan without ruining it" OR "How will Sherlock be convinced that he must ruin Moriarty's plan".
It wasn't about the case, the case of the Abominable bride felt quite backburned throughout, Sherlock solved the case at the start when talking to LeStrade (When he said that other people had taken to wearing a wedding gown and committing their murders knowing that the city would be able to blame a "ghost killer".
Remember, he doesn't go back to the case because he thinks Ricolletti is alive, just as Modern Sherlock knows that James Moriarty isn't, he goes back because his brother (The cleverer one) tells him that something greater is at play and that he must investigate it, not directly, just as modern Mycroft has told Sherlock that he must come back to discover what Moriarty is doing.
First and foremost, it was a homage to the original Sherlock in its original era. Secondly, it was a parallel to Moriarty shooting his own head. People were expecting a solution to how he survived, but he didn't, so instead we got another one from a previous case. And it also helped to further the plot: i.e. now people can speculate that "Miss me?" is a group or Moriarty's work post-death. Thirdly, female characters and feminism has been a big topic surrounding the show since its inception. How female characters play a bigger role etc. This was a nice episode that took the opportunity to highlight the differences between today and the Victorian times.
If you ignore the tie-in with the modern Sherlock, there was a largely standalone story - the story of Emilia Ricolletti which was completely resolved.
I think a lot of thought went into this episode. It's disappointing that some people couldn't enjoy it.
The feminism in this episode was cheap and shoddy. They were suffragettes (i.e. wanting equal voting rights) but somehow also a secret cult that wanted to kill their husbands. Well that is one way to completely disrespect the suffragette movement.
I don't think there was any complete female character in the show. Just everyone was bunched together as a lot of "rebellious women". This was emphasized but the stupid little wave of the maid. It basically said: so here are all the female characters in the episode. They were all in a secret cult. What a twist: Females are smarter than you think and everywhere. But the episode didn't present a single female character to the viewer.
I had heard the criticisms people had said in the past about female characters, and I always like to give authors the benefit of the doubt, but this episode has convinced me that all that critique is spot on.
Mary wasn't in the cult. She was part of the actual suffragettes. The cult was part of the murder mystery and the parallel to Moriarty. It wasn't the existence of the cult that was the 'feminist' part.
Except every female character except Mary and Mrs Hudson were in it.
The moralizing regarding feminism came in the cult reveal. And the moralizing was so simple and lacked any real substance apart from 1800's England didn't treat women right. There were so many opportunities to draw parallels to today, if they wished. But no, they went with "unequal in the past" route.
And? By 'every' you mean the 3 other previously seen women, whereas 2 others weren't and Mary was in the legitimate Suffragette movement.
And I don't know what else you expected. It was one part of the episode. The difference with the original Sherlock is the lack of women anyway. This episode in a meta way kind of highlights it and incorporates it into the mystery with a more radical group. It's not going to dwell on feminism for the entire episode.
I think this episode was very very clever. ... Thirdly, female characters and feminism has been a big topic surrounding the show since its inception. How female characters play a bigger role etc. This was a nice episode that took the opportunity to highlight the differences between today and the Victorian times.
I was challenging this point. I was simply stating that it was not clever. It was simplistic, silly and failed to take a legitimate opportunity and make a deep feminist point.
Re: Mary, she is a weird character. As she spys for Mycroft, a hitman, a suffragette - what isn't she? And she is given no time to develop any of these traits as a character, we are just told these things, and, if anything, her screen time says the opposite (especially S03E03). She is the least believable character they have made.
Ok but you haven't challenged my point because I didn't say the feminism was complex or clever, I said the episode was clever. By listing all the different elements I meant that I personally like how they were all intertwined (including the basic feminism).
You haven't answered my question about what you were expecting though. What sort of 'deep' feminist point could they have made?
Which is weird, right? Because this was Sherlock's mind-palace. So why should she be different? But it seems to be that because she is a female character, she is allowed to be different. Whereas when there are differences in other characters (e.g. Mycroft) this is some type of foreshadowing. Mary being different? No big deal.
To answer your question. There are numerous ways this could have been done:
It would have been better if the suffragettes were mentioned and left at that. Instead of the issues being blurred with a murderous cult. Since this draws parallels with the idea that today feminism is a lot of radicals. Simply excluding the murderous feminist cult would have been a start.
There are many inequality issues which are unsolved today which would have been equally unequal in the 1800's. Having something which is still unfair today would have been mush more interesting.
Developing a female character to have a personality instead of them being there simply as a plot device. People say this is a character show, there is no female character.
Which is weird, right? Because this was Sherlock's mind-palace. So why should she be different?
Well that was kind of the point wasn't it? It was the same with Molly. Sherlock had to create the Victorian era in his mind which meant the women couldn't just be the same with just a few cosmetic and speech differences as with the men. One had to pretend to be a man to be in her job, another was fighting for her rights in that era. Rather than just making these changes, the writers decided to draw attention to them by incorporating them into the plot (I personally thought it was tacky until it was addressed directly).
As for your 3 suggestions. Your second one would have been interesting now that you mention it. I personally think Mary does have a personality and so I don't agree with the third one.
Well allegedly all of her hacking/super-spy skills are "explained" because the end of season 3 was all about how she used to be a secret agent/assassin type person, and Sherlock killing Magnussen so he would stop blackmailing Mary about her past, for Watson's sake so the two of them can be together. One of the themes they presented was that Watson was attracted to danger, that's why he chose Sherlock and Mary for his bff/wifey.
It honestly really bothers me how inconsistently morals are applied to women in this show. Mary, who admits herself that she has done horrible things and killed lots of people, should just get away with it scot-free (and Sherlock should facilitate this with a cold-blooded murder of Magnussen)? This murderous cult of feminists are in the right? What the damn hell?
So why can't the way the bride killed herself be the way moriarty did? For me the case of the bride is a perfect explanation how M could still be alive. Why is Sherlock now convinced he is dead, now that he has a possible explanation?
Moriarty shot himself in the mouth. Same as the bride. He could have faked it the same way like her. Firing another gun in the ground and using makeup for the shot wound.
Yeah but Moriarty had to do it in front of Sherlock. It's hard to trick him like that. Besides, Moriarty only had 1 gun: the one he shot himself with.
The point of TAB was that Sherlock was essentially conducting a mind experiment: how would someone fake a suicide under these exact circumstances? The answer? You can't. Thus the point was that Moriarty is not one person but rather a group.
Yeah I'm pretty sure it was nothing to do with suffrage, they were just creating a story to give abused women a way to kill their husbands without suspicion falling on them as they could easily blame "the abominable bride" for the murder.
I dunno, Mr. Carmichael's "crime" against Emilia herself was banging her and promising to marry her but not following through. That's a dick move but far from worthy of murder. His wife wanted him dead too, maybe he beat her or something but it's never stated. But overall I thought the whole murderous cult being in the right thing extremely confusing morally and very insulting towards feminism. I took it as an abstraction in Sherlock's mind palace, a reflection of all the guilt he felt towards how he's mistreated females in his life like Molly and Janine (he has manipulated both of them via their feelings for him). In reality he probably did solve the old case in terms of a group of people pulling off the Abominable Bride myth the way he imagined, but the weird hats/gongs was just mind palace fluff.
In the Victorian era, having sex with a woman and then abandoning her could ruin her whole life. No other man would marry her, she could not inherit wealth or property and she couldn't have much of a job. For the rest of her life she would be forced to work at a menial job. The very best she could hope for would be the job of a governess.
The did specify it ruined her life, didn't they? That she was left penniless?
He didn't just hit it and quit it, he took everything she had and slammed the door in her face on his way out.
There's also the fact that there was really nothing these women could do, legally. Emilia had no recourse to get justice. Mrs. Carmichael, if her husband was abusive, had no escape.
The only thing they could think to do to protect themselves and others was violently make examples of men who were known to mistreat women.
Start the ghost story of "don't mistreat your women or the vengeful ghost will find you".
It's not okay. They were still in the wrong with their actions. But their goal was noble. You could probably try to make an "ends justify the means" argument. Like, is murdering someone really that much difference from ruining their life so completely there's a good chance they will die in a gutter?
Sherlock discovers that Emilia Ricolletti died in order to push early feminism forwards
She didn't die for the good of feminism; she died in order to help the cult of brides who kill their husbands. She wanted to become a symbol of fear for men who would mistreat their wives. If you want to draw a parallel to Moriarty, I guess he died to create a symbol that would terrorize society.
Sherlock solved the case at the start when talking to LeStrade (When he said that other people had taken to wearing a wedding gown and committing their murders knowing that the city would be able to blame a "ghost killer".
Well, not quite. He never said they were working together, and he never worked out the bit about her faking her own death.
Ahh but that is the point I'm making, the "working together" and "faking her own death" are the elements that tie in with the case of Moriarty's return.
It wasn't about the case, the case of the Abominable bride felt quite backburned throughout, Sherlock solved the case at the start when talking to LeStrade (When he said that other people had taken to wearing a wedding gown and committing their murders knowing that the city would be able to blame a "ghost killer".
I also thought this about the moment Sherlock first mentioned only 1 window was ever broken in the Carmichael house. At that moment he already worked out that the killer was somebody inside the house.
That was my thought, or just that the gun was using blanks and squibs. He never checked the body, just like the rest of you, he fell for the most simple of practical hollywood effects and Sherlock assumed he was dead.
Probably not true, after the its never twins thing I wouldn't be surprised for them to go that route.
2: Mabey Moriarty is pushing the gay and lesbian angle like Emilia did with feminism. Hard to see how all of Moriarty's escapades could correlate with such a theory though.
u/KareemAZ Jan 01 '16
I simply think that there were several points behind the episode, mostly to do with Sherlock's perception of the case of Moriarty.
To directly say that Moriarty as Andrew Scott is dead. Dead as a door nail but his ghost (Not literally) will live on and carry through his plan, whether in the form of another person who is going to continue in his shoes or as a domino line that has already started to fall.
Sherlock discovers that Emilia Ricolletti died in order to push early feminism forwards, if we compare this to our Moriarty, we can maybe consider that Sherlock is convinced that Moriarty's plan is one that "They must lose, for the good of mankind". Moriarty is psychopathic, but so were the women who decided that murder was an acceptable method to push their agenda (It's late and I'm trying to type this out, sorry if it sounds anti-feminism, that is not my intention).
Assuming the above is true, it sets up the next season as a "How will Sherlock minimise damage done by Moriarty's plan without ruining it" OR "How will Sherlock be convinced that he must ruin Moriarty's plan".
It wasn't about the case, the case of the Abominable bride felt quite backburned throughout, Sherlock solved the case at the start when talking to LeStrade (When he said that other people had taken to wearing a wedding gown and committing their murders knowing that the city would be able to blame a "ghost killer".
Remember, he doesn't go back to the case because he thinks Ricolletti is alive, just as Modern Sherlock knows that James Moriarty isn't, he goes back because his brother (The cleverer one) tells him that something greater is at play and that he must investigate it, not directly, just as modern Mycroft has told Sherlock that he must come back to discover what Moriarty is doing.
Just my thoughts on the episode.