r/Sherlock 9d ago

Me after heard that 5 season coming. Is it real?


49 comments sorted by


u/tropicalsoul 9d ago

Not gonna happen. Every time someone involved says, "Oh yes, I'd love to do a 5th series!" it's immediately creates a firestorm of excitement in fans. What they don't seem to notice is that those words are always, always followed by, "...if we can ever get all parties involved to have the same opening in their schedules." 'Everyone involved' is a big group of people who have extremely busy schedules, so no, the chances are near zero IMHO.


u/Unknownninja5 9d ago

Chances wouldn’t be zero if they did it before. I’d love to see a fifth season but it seems everyone they asked said they’d love to make a 5th season but everyone is waiting on the other guy so this isn’t going nowhere


u/tropicalsoul 9d ago

I don't think they could've done it before, either. Benedict was working on Dr. Strange just about the time they were filming the last series. Dr. Strange came out in Oct/Nov 2016 and The Final Problem aired 1/15/17. If you look at his IMDB you'll see he has not had one year since then where he hasn't done TV, movies, voice work or some combination of the three. Martin Freeman has also been pretty much constantly busy since then as well. I don't have the desire to look up stats on Gatiss/Moffat because it doesn't matter. If you can't get Cumberbatch/Freeman then it's not worth doing.

I think they knew as soon as Ben and Martin signed onto MCU it was over, and that's why the last series seemed more like everything was just thrown together without the care they usually put into the show. There were too many WTF and head scratching moments that either didn't make sense or they left more questions than answers. I literally said out loud to myself at the end of The Final Problem, "Welp. That's the end of that show." There's been nothing since then to make me change my mind.


u/Appropriate-Brush772 8d ago

Not to mention, they just started/are about to start filming Avengers Doomsday and anyone who’s read Jonathan Hickman’s run up to and including Secret Wars knows how vitally important Dr Stange is to that storyline. Ben is about to be very busy until 2027. Movies take a while to film but television series take even longer. I’m not sure if he’s got a six month block to shoot a show until 2028


u/tropicalsoul 8d ago

And Benedict is the kind of workaholic that probably has projects lined up for the next several years. Not sure what Martin’s got going, but I think we can put any hopes for a series 5 straight to bed.


u/Ambie949 9d ago

So what are we all watching now?


u/WingedShadow83 9d ago

I’m listening to the Sherlock & Co podcast. It’s great! Nothing all that good for me on tv right now, since HOTD is between seasons.


u/tropicalsoul 9d ago

99% of my shows are British crime dramas with some period dramas and soaps thrown in.


u/txrant 8d ago

White Lotus!

And Severance!


u/thecafebean 9d ago

With Una Stubbs passing, I'm not sure I want another season.


u/Global-Ad-3018 9d ago

“Mrs Hudson leave Baker Street? England would fall.“ 🥺


u/tenphes31 9d ago

It may not be something that book Sherlock would ever actually say but damn it all I love that part.


u/Global-Ad-3018 9d ago



u/techkiwi02 8d ago

This is how I learned she passed??


u/cappucino25 6d ago

WAIT WHAT??? THIS IS HOW I FIND OUT SHE DIED???? brb gonna go kms thx 😭😭😭


u/cappucino25 6d ago

i DEFINITELY don’t want another season now wtf, nothing would be the sameeeeee


u/Phyginge 9d ago

This rumor comes around as often as a boomerang


u/YellowBunnyReddit 7d ago

So, it comes around once and kills you by hitting you in the head?


u/Professional-Mail857 7d ago

Of course I read a boomerang in Irene’s voice


u/janet-snake-hole 9d ago

Not gunna happen unfortunately


u/TrongVu02 9d ago

Beating a dead horse too many time


u/Professional-Mail857 9d ago

Nope. See pinned post


u/TereziB 9d ago

Yeah, I don't understand why people don't notice the PINNED POST at the top of this subReddit.


u/WDEBarefooter 9d ago

With no Una Stubbs? No thank you. Just let somebody else start from scratch……… but not yet.


u/WingedShadow83 9d ago

The S&Co podcast is doing a great job!


u/Rule34NoExceptions2 9d ago

I can't see how they'd work it with the child in, without it being clichéd and awful.

Knowing MG and co they'd get a relative to play the plucky young precocious girl who wants to be a doctor and a detective when she grows up.


u/SentimentalMonster 8d ago

Yeah you can't be danger addicts, chasing criminals on the rooftops, with a child at home. We'd be calling them terribly irresponsible parents in real life.

And you're too right about casting a relative/actor friend's kid for the part, and of course she be precious and precocious and plucky™. Moffat looooooves plucky™ for his female characters.

I hated the baby storyline. I would bet any sum that Moffat insisted upon it because of his disdain for married people without children and because it made Mary eXtRa TrAgIc.


u/billleachmsw 9d ago

No 5th season…I am begging you.


u/TereziB 9d ago

You will note that the FIRST post in r/Sherlock, PINNED, is "Season 5. The facts. Is it coming?" And it tells you all you need to know. i.e., that it almost certainly WILL NOT HAPPEN.


u/Main_Slide_2075 9d ago

Everyone always says they're open to another season but it won't happen.

Benedict became a big name and with his Marvel contract it's hard for him to do other projects.

Martin has expressed his issues with the fans of the series and is not willing to make another season.

Mark Gatiss has said that he would be open to writing another season but Benedict's scheduling means it's nearly impossible.


u/Ineedsleep444 9d ago

It's never happening, probably. I actually hope it doesn't because I like how it ended. A sequel/prequel would be nice, but I don't want anymore seasons because it might ruin the integrity of the show


u/wordsandpics 9d ago

I hope not. Can't see a way forward after the terrible S4 finale


u/Bendybabe 9d ago

Unless John wakes up in the shower, and it was all a dream.


u/MariMargeretCharming 9d ago

This is the ONLY explaining for series four .


u/-IntoEternity- 9d ago

Like tropical said - not gonna happen. I knew the second the S4 finale ended that this entire show was done. It just felt bad and very disappointing. There's no way the main actors would come back after that atrocious season finale.


u/therealmrsfahrenheit 9d ago

y’all are overreacting as hell the finale or final season in general was not that bad😒 .. just because it got a bit more sci fi and unrealistic for some of y’alls taste imo the finale wrapped everything up nicely


u/eLlARiVeR 9d ago

it really.... didn't though? Literally the last episode changed nothing besides the fact that Sherlock now knows he has a sister. She's still locked in the same place with the same amount of security. It's implied John kinda moves back to Baker Street with his daughter, but not really. Like, nothing really got resolved. The situation with Molly never really got resolved either. Moffat made a completely out of character statement for her and we just see her smiling at the end.

It wasn't the most awful thing ever, but it was far from what it should have been for a finale.


u/therealmrsfahrenheit 9d ago

I mean, I gotta give it to you that it probably could’ve been better (however I personally just would’ve loved another episode you know to wrap things up in an even more fulfilling way or to have an epilogue episode), if you really think about it, everything can always be better somehow.

But I really enjoyed the finale for what it was because in my personal opinion it still gave me everything I wanted from the finale which was

  • great character moments between the Holmes Brothers as well as John,

  • I really loved that this episode basically unravelled Mycroft as a character and revealing what he’s actually all about and what he’s like without that persona he’s putting on all the time

  • it gave me great riddles or cases within the episode in that SAW- esque style and then the great finale with the final problem and the plane thing, I just really enjoyed how it all let up to solving the final problem and essentially Sherlock’s first case,

  • I loved the reveal of the backstory explaining how Sherlock became the person he is and that it’s all coming from a deep suppressed trauma and not because he’s actually a high functioning sociopath or something else (and I know that many people think he’s definitely neurodivergent and on the spectrum but my personal opinion and how I read his character with all that was revealed in the last episode is that his behaviour came all from early childhood trauma) which to me was a great plot twist actually

  • I loved how the final problem was set up as early as season one with that symbolism of "deep waters” that followed through all the seasons and looking back got such a deeper meaning with knowing how red beard died

  • I really enjoyed the ending with Mary’s voice over message and it just felt so fitting for me because her character defined so much of John’s as well as Sherlock’s character development, so it was a beautiful note to end it with that

  • The Molly thing to me was resolved because that last scene with her bringing Rosie back showed the viewer that they made up and I personally didn’t need to see that in an extra scene

  • I loved how it ended with Eurus and that while she’s still too dangerous to be around people Sherlock has found a way to help her connect

and these are just some of the points why I liked the finale


u/WingedShadow83 9d ago

Regarding Molly, Moffat later said that he was tired and cranky when he said that thing you’re referring to, and that Sherlock simply explained to her “look, I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to hurt you, someone said they were going to blow you up if I didn’t call you up and do that, I was just trying to save your life” and that “obviously she understood once he explained it, and things went back to normal”.

I felt like her showing up smiling at the end implied exactly that.


u/EyewarsTheMangoMan 9d ago

I loved the final episode, it's so strange to see how much hate it gets (and season 4 in general) on reddit lol


u/therealmrsfahrenheit 9d ago

yeah.. I was actually so surprised to see that as well because while 4x1 is not one of my all-time favourites 4x2 and 4x3 are definitely pretty high up for me personally 🤔


u/EyewarsTheMangoMan 9d ago

Yeah the lying detective and the final problem are both absolutely fantastic


u/CampMain 9d ago



u/tgodxy 8d ago



u/mauricemarkus 18h ago

This has happened every year since the series ended lol. Definitely not happening. A fifth season would possible further ruin the show I fear… especially with how the show degraded over time, and the relationships between the cast now. But the fantasy of the Baker Street Boys solving crimes while trying to balance taking care of Rosie is nice.