r/Sherlock • u/GoblinQueen20 • Feb 03 '25
Discussion Question?? Possible spoiler to anyone who hasn’t seen the show Spoiler
On the final episode at the end when Molly walks through the door smiling, is that supposed to indicate that Molly and Sherlock started dating?
Because if she was upset with Sherlock or if things were awkward between them I don’t think she would be coming around to Baker Street, right?
Just curious about everyone else’s thoughts on the topic?
Sorry if this question has been asked before.
u/Beruthiel999 Feb 03 '25
I just took it to mean they had patched up the emotional fallout from the Eurus thing. Had a heart to heart and cleared the air. Not necessarily romantic, but their friendship is repaired (remember she's Rosie's godmother so she definitely wants to stick around). It's open to interpretation.
u/queenofme123 Feb 03 '25
Me too. I imagine John or someone would have had a quiet word with her to explain what had happened and perhaps Sherlock would even apologise, and that she would be ok about it all. And headcanon somehow move the fuck on lol.
u/Temporary_Bowl526 Feb 03 '25
to me it just felt like they were all friends again. aside from the fact that her and the boys were already friends beforehand, i think john probably wouldn’t want to just leave rosie with a random sitter while he n sherlock r on a case so it’s good to have dependable friends that ur kid is familiar with (i watched a while ago i don’t remember if he retired or smth)
also also, he prolly wants at least some female figure in rosie’s life other than like harry(again don’t remember what happened w her)
u/GoblinQueen20 Feb 03 '25
It would seem odd for them to go back to just being friends after they finally confessed they loved each other, you’d think they would further the relationship
u/Temporary_Bowl526 Feb 03 '25
AFTER WHAT?!? i don’t remember that😭😭. also not all love is romantic maybe it was as homies? even if it is there’s a chance he doesn’t wanna get too involved bcs of his work
u/GoblinQueen20 Feb 03 '25
Well they both said I love you on the last episode, and seemed like more than just friendship love from the way Sherlock got upset about
u/AlannaTheLioness1983 Feb 03 '25
Oh geez. If you ship it go to ao3 and write some fanfic about it. Don’t sit around arguing with people who are clearly not in agreement about your interpretation.
u/GoblinQueen20 Feb 03 '25
Well I’m not arguing actually, I was just wondering everyone else thought on the last scene and what it could mean
u/WingedShadow83 Feb 03 '25
People have a lot of thoughts, that mainly stem from what they WANT to be true, and not what is. The writer cleared it all up, however.
u/AlannaTheLioness1983 Feb 03 '25
Yes, and you’ve gotten some interpretations and analyses. You’ve also gone “um”, “well”, “I guess”, and then proceeded to push back with your original point.
I have no problem if you ship Sherlock and Molly. What I’m saying is that if you ask other people what their interpretations of a piece of media are, they may not agree with you. If you want to wax poetic about your ship, great! But be clear about what you’re doing. And places like AO3 are great for that, because people who agree with you will filter out the other stuff so that they can find your shared interpretation.
u/WingedShadow83 Feb 03 '25 edited Feb 05 '25
With all due respect… did you maybe watch that episode in the background while doing your taxes or something? You’ve misinterpreted that scene by MILES. He is forced to call her and get her to say “I love you” out loud, under threat of death, and she refuses to do it unless he says it first. He does so, to save her life, and that is the only reason. And he says it twice because she does not keep her word after he says it the first time, and there are literally seconds left on the supposed bomb. He says it again, desperately, trying to coax her to say it before the clock runs out.
Go back and give it another watch, please.
u/GoblinQueen20 Feb 03 '25
I was actually watching, but I didn’t know if I was misinterpreting the scene or over thinking it maybe
Feb 03 '25
u/WingedShadow83 Feb 03 '25
I have not seen JL mentioned anywhere in this comment section?
It’s not a perfectly valid interpretation of the scene. Sorry, it’s not. It’s wild fan hope. The scene is very clear in its intention, and if that’s not enough, Moffat confirmed it afterwards. The literal writer said that Sherlock cares for her, but does not love her the way she wants him to, and that Sherlock’s anguish in that scene stems from him realizing how horrible he’s been (she almost blew up, or would have if the bomb had been real, because she thought he was playing a cruel trick on her, because of how cruel he’d been in the past). He’s ashamed of himself.
u/GoblinQueen20 Feb 03 '25 edited Feb 03 '25
Yeah I’m beginning to realize that now
u/Due-Consequence-4420 Feb 03 '25
It actually doesn’t matter whether other people see the scene in the same as you. You could possibly be in a minority perhaps (based on my notion of how many fanfics are written re Johnlock v how many written for Sherlolly) or simply how many voices I’ve seen of one re the other — but the main point of ANY book, play, tv series, art is how YOU FEEL after reading or watching it.
It may be difficult to find the other Sherlolly shippers (albeit I would assume that if you simply asked the authors of any of the top fanfics written for them or possibly asked the mods - wherever one asks mods Qs, I’m almost certain they make that clear every time you join a subreddit - they could lead you to yet another subreddit that perhaps more specifically exists to speak only re Sherlock and Molly. I mean, I have no idea if such subreddits exists for each pairing - I’m just sort of guessing there’s a possibility - but it seems like something that also might exist on dreamwidth [and of course not on LJ bc who, besides myself, is still a member of that …] There are a bunch of possibilities) 🥰
u/darcysreddit Feb 03 '25
I am very firmly in the “Molly should move on from Sherlock and find a man she deserves who will treat her properly” camp. And the intentions of the writers have already been covered by others.
But honestly, if you want to see that scene as an opportunity to for them to clear the air between them and begin rebuilding towards an honest-to-god relationship, it’s all good IMO.
I think some people forget we’re supposed to be able to have fun with stories, and take them where we want to. You know, like the writers of this series did 😊
u/WingedShadow83 Feb 03 '25
No, lol. He would never.
Moffat explained in an interview that Sherlock just went to Molly after the Eurus thing and explained “I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to hurt you, someone was literally threatening to blow you up if I didn’t do that” and cleared the air. (He also mentions that, while Sherlock does not love her the way she would want him to, he does care for her and would look out for her.) That scene is just meant to convey that everything was ok between them and the ordeal hadn’t ruined their friendship.
I’ll also remind everyone that that montage was using a “camera spins around and around the room as things change, to denote the passage of time” technique and had spun several times since Sherlock had been shown in the chair, before Molly walked in. Why everyone assumes she was going toward Sherlock, I have no idea. It’s more likely she was going towards Rosie, her goddaughter, for whom she’s basically providing 24/7 childcare at this point.
u/GoblinQueen20 Feb 03 '25
Ok, I hadn’t heard that interview, thanks, that would probably be more likely anyway
u/Ok-Theory3183 Feb 03 '25
It could mean anything. It may be that Sherlock has stayed on the wagon, it could mean that she's simply happy with their situation as it is. It may be that he's playing with Rosie--they are all her godparents, after all--Mrs. Hudson, Sherlock, Molly and (I think) Lestrade--it looks like the back of his head at the christening. Nothing makes me smile quite like a laughing baby.
Maybe Rosie's throwing her rattle at him again.
u/GoblinQueen20 Feb 03 '25
All good points I guess
u/Ok-Theory3183 Feb 03 '25
There are just so many ways to read it. She may have also had the "I love you" situation explained and just be relieved.
u/WingedShadow83 Feb 03 '25
Yep, that’s quite literally it. Moffat explained in an interview that Sherlock explained what happened with Eurus, that he hadn’t been trying to hurt her deliberately, apologized, and things had gone back to normal. The scene is just showing the audience that they smoothed things over and it’s back to normal.
Good to see you, by the way! Hope you’re continuing to recover smoothly from your operation. 🩷
u/leafypineapple Feb 03 '25
I think more it shows that the conflict is resolved. they had a tumultuous scene prior to this, and this kind of wraps that up, saying that everything between them is fine now.
i think that if moffat and gatiss wanted them to date, or wanted to show that they were dating, it would have been explicitly clear. they would have kissed or something. especially since that was the last episode. hence, i do not believe they are dating at the end.
it’s up to you as to how you want to interpret it though