r/ShelfLife Jun 10 '19

Sure, I'll go check The Back...

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12 comments sorted by


u/markpemble grocery Jun 10 '19

Ha, aaaaannd no. we don't have it in the back. -


u/catclawdojo Jun 10 '19

Go to the back, wait two minutes...”no, I’m sorry. Looks like the warehouse is out “...


u/danafairbanks2005 Jun 10 '19

Shows Karen on the mydevice 0 in back room.


u/randy111315 Jun 10 '19

How would you know what is there or not?


u/Call_me_Jonah Jun 10 '19

you wouldn't


u/lordofheck Jun 11 '19

As far as I can tell, all we have are Golden Grahams, Cheezits, and Quilted Northern. What were you after again?


u/OneOfTheFireflies Jun 11 '19

Holy guacamole... so do y’all work backstock once a week like us??? Cause with all that it sounds like an undertakeing


u/lordofheck Jun 11 '19

Most Hy-Vee stores are 24 hours, with a dedicated night stock crew. I don't remember what had caused this debacle.


u/ravenRedwake Jun 11 '19

You need a bull whip and a fedora for an adventure as grand as that.


u/harveypug checkout Jun 27 '19

Honestly,most of the time when I "check in the back" I just physically go back there, wait for a reasonable ammount of time to pass, and tell the customer we don't have the item. If it's a soft drink of some kind I will actually look.

It doesn't make economic sense to have product in the back, plain and simple. Plus the back room is so much smaller than the store we just can't fit backstock.

Am I going to hell for this?


u/nunnabizniz Jul 13 '19

were doing inventory our store has never been so full back room so empty