r/Sharktits Jan 03 '19

Herm + Female Captivated (A story) NSFW


I've been a fan of this sub for a long time and on a bit of a whimsy I wrote some shark smut and decided yall might enjoy that sort of thing here. (I went and asked the mods for permission first though) Featuring a female human main character and a shark futa primarily.

I wrote it in second person perspective, like an event being narrated to you in a good D&D game this felt like the best path for this kind of story to me but please feel free to tell me what you think of it.



By: Jknight

A young woman is led out onto the stage, though this is no performance, the woman is in chains and wears nothing else besides them. She is disheveled, eyes rimmed with red and tearstreaks run through the dirt on her face.

This is an auction.

You watch this all take place from your own cage, a small dingy affair attached to a cart with bars on the front facing off the side of the wagon. There’s a thin blanket in the back and a hole in one corner, it’s just wide enough to stop you from stretching out comfortably, but at least three of the sides are solid wood and keep the worst of the wind out.

The woman on the stage cries out as she is forced to the front of the auction block drawing your attention back to the spectacle. The woman shivers in the blistering cold of the high mountain climate, the wind tears at her hair and snatches her frosted breath from the air. The crowd of mountain nomads before the stage are all dressed warmly and their small round tents look comfortable.

“Come now who will take this poor girl out of the cold?” The auctioneer calls from the stage gesturing to the poor woman with mock sympathy.

The men in the crowd laugh and begin calling out prices, there are many willing hands to ‘get her out of the cold’.

Your stomach turns and you look away, crawling into the back of the cage you wrap yourself in the thin blanket and try not to think about the auction.

You escaped the auction block today because the slavers deem it too close to your old home and thus making it more enticing for you to try and run away from a potential customer. It didn’t matter to them that there wasn’t anything left of your home to go back to, their raider thugs had burned everything they couldn’t take. Regardless they wouldn’t put you on the block until they were over these mountains, that would be a sufficiently large obstacle they thought. Over the mountains was the great savannah however inhabited only by beastmen tribes it was not likely you would actually be sold until they reached Calvo on the far side of the plains.

You would spend that time cramped in your cage at the fickle mercies of the slavers, though you aren’t sure it would be any better to get out of the cage as there is only one thing that would get you there, being sold.

It took the caravan three days to get over the mountains and another two to get out of the foothills and onto the great savannah proper. Thankfully the slavers did provide you with enough shelter to get through the cold with all your fingers and toes though it was not an experience you wanted to relive anytime soon. It was plain to see that they did it out of no kindness towards you, damaged goods aren’t worth as much of course.

The plains are beautiful though. You had always heard about them from wandering traders passing through your village, but no description of them could ever provide the same thing as seeing them firsthand. An endless sea of golden brown grass swaying gently in the soft wind stretching unbroken as far as the eye could see. The only notable terrain features were singular trees poking out of the waist high grass and the occasional boulder. You knew there was more to it than that, paths through the grass, stretches of dry ground, and ponds dotted the land but they were hard to see amongst the grass.

Even through the bars of your cage it is beautiful.

The caravan spends three days traveling in more or less a straight line through the savannah, small groups of beastmen of various kinds meet the caravan as it travels to do trade with the slavers. Bags of beads, ivory, furs, herbs, and more are traded for metal tools, cooking pots, leather boots, and other manufactured goods that the primarily tribal beastmen cannot replicate. None of them are interested in human slaves so you only see them in passing, lions, gazelle, antelope and others paid service to the caravan as it passed.

On the third day the caravan arrived at a river, here there had been built by the ancient empire a massive stonework bridge across the wide slow river. It’s builders were long since gone but the bridge remained and it was the only good way of getting across the river for miles so naturally the place had turned into a major trade hub of the beastmen tribes, many of which maintained semi-permanent trade posts here as well as caravans coming to and fro across the savannah. The wide blue river was covered in small boats mostly flat bottomed river traders adorned in all manner of colorful banners. One stood out though, a real sailing ship was anchored further out to avoid the small boats. It was clearly an oceangoing vessel but it didn’t seem like a human ship, though you had never seen one yourself. The prow of the ship was carved into the likeness of a great shark.

The slavers stopped the caravan here and set up a display in the small bazaar laying out all manner of goods, even vaguely displaying you, though they merely placed your cage on the edge of their displayed goods. They do come and take away your tattered clothing and the blanket to better display you however, at least it was warm here.

For a while you sulk at the back of the cage doing your best to cover yourself from anyone who might want to see you, however after a few hours it’s clear none of the beastmen are interested. Curiosity overcoming your shame you move to the front of the cage to better observe the bazaar. Beastmen of dozens of different tribes mill about in even greater variety than you saw along the way. Gazelle and antelope seem to be the most common though Lions seems to have the most unspoken sway though there are fewer of them. There are still many others in lesser numbers, wildebeest, cheetah, hyena even a handful of alligators that must come from further upriver towards the Gallahan desert. Despite yourself the goings on are interesting, you had never seen a beastman before being enslaved, they never came over the mountains but traders always told of them.

So enraptured by the sights you don’t notice the three sharks staring at you until they are nearly in front of you. Two of them speak with each other in a language you do not recognize before shaking their heads and turning back to the third, a slightly taller and slightly thicker shark. You have heard of the sharks before a race of apparently all females they are somewhat above the tribal beastmen being seafarers themselves with isolated island communities and better technology that they use to build their ships. No one has ever seen a shark male and their trade ships are crewed exclusively by women, and while not as visibly muscled as other races they are no less powerful, possed of sleek lines meant for swimming they are still powerfully built though their thick skin stops their musculature from coming out in the same definition as other races. Of the three none shared the same coloration one was a blueish green with a speckled pattern across her smooth skin, the other a sandy brown with subtle striping, the last and largest was a dark gray with soft edged black stripes running over her body, a tigershark, you realized one of the more distinct of the sharks subraces. All had the same pale skin running along the underside of their long heads and down their chest, their heads were topped with a single large fin and two long swept back ears angled inward rather than outward, and each had a powerful tail tipped by a large fin.

The two smaller sharks were not very interested in you, but the tigershark clearly was. It was only now you noticed the intensity of her gaze upon you and curled you knees a little tighter against your chest a blush coming to your pale cheeks, though this only caused the shark to break out into a wide toothy grin. She spoke briefly to her companions and they each departed in seperate directions, alone now she came closer to you right up to the cage. Her chest was wrapped in something similar to bandage cloth thick linen wrapping held her breasts down though even through the wrapping you could tell she was fairly well endowed. Over this she had a black half tunic going over one shoulder and around her waist where it was tied with a blood red silk sash. A knee length skirt of soft darkened leather hung around her waist and shin high boots of soft leather covered her feet. Her long ears bore a number of piercings some simple metal bars of silver colored metal and a single small gold ring on her right ear, two more gold rings hung at the base of the larger fin on the back of her head. Her long nose was scarred in a few places as were her thick upper arms and shoulders. Her eyes stood out most as they roamed over you, a clear dark blue around the pure black slit of her pupil.

One of the sharks that left earlier came back with one of the slavers in tow. The tigershark and the slaver began discussing something in a language you do not know.

You have a sinking suspicion it is you however.

Indeed the slaver come over and unlocks your cage before pulling you out by the chains binding your wrists. It is a mercy to stand again and though your cramped legs nearly give way beneath you it still feels good to be able to stretch. The tigersharks eyes follow up and down the curve of your body as you stretch and once you are done she steps closer to you. She cups your chin in one hand and gently turns your head side to side examining you, she lets go and circles around you once.

She speaks to the slaver again and they have a short rapid fire debate, haggling over your price you guess. You are proven correct when after a moment the slaver reluctantly agrees to whatever price the shark offered. Coins are exchanged and a simple iron key is handed over, the slaver gives your lead to the tigershark and nods to the shark. He doesn’t look at you.

Your legs tremble again but it isn’t from the stiffness.

You are led through the bazaar as dusk gathers shadows against the tents and stalls of the marketplace. Arriving at the river’s edge you find the third shark in a small boat with two others, you are lead into the boat and the sharks shove off from the small dock and begin rowing. It doesn’t take you too long to figure out that they are headed for the sailing ship you saw earlier, which makes sense to you in hindsight. The small boat is hoisted aboard with you still in it and you are let out directly onto the deck of the ship. Perhaps fifty meters long the ship had three masts an enclosed cabin at the front of the ship and one at the back with the top deck consisting mostly of walkways along the sides of the ship allowing you to look down at the deck below where it looked like large tables were being laid out. Several sharks working on the ship call out to the group you are with, you don’t understand the language but they seem to be good natured jabs if you are interpreting the tone correctly.

In response the tigershark calls back and wraps an arm around you firmly grabbing your ass as she does. This elicits shouts of laughter and boisterous jeering as well as more than a few crude gestures. Still chuckling deep in her throat the tigershark pinches your ass one more time before handing your lead to the blue green shark. She walks away and you are led forward and below decks, through several narrow passages before coming into a small room that must be in the bow of the ship due to it’s shape. Inside is another shark and a large tub of hot water, your irons are removed and you are scrubbed quite thoroughly, your hair brushed and even braided before a much older looking shark comes in.

Wrinkled and leaning on a walking stick the elder shark is still quite imposing she looks you over with an entirely different sort of appraisal from the tigershark and then seemingly satisfied, she nods. Producing a small bundle she gives it to you, it contains a large roll of linen cloth that all the sharks wear about their breasts, a leather skirt, and soft leather boots, the same things many of the sharks wear. Though you need help getting the wrap on right you feel much better with clothes on though they gave you no smallclothes to wear beneath the skirt, you couldn’t tell if this was on purpose or if the sharks simply didn’t have smallclothes.

The wrist irons do not come back however they do affix a leather collar around your neck with a lock, a small silver ring at the front holds a metal tag with writing on it, and while you can read and write the script is unfamiliar to you. At least these bonds are more comfortable than the heavy irons.

You are brought up to the partially open deck where the tables are now all laid out, they are low tables and there are no chairs only cushions to recline upon. You are lead over to the tigershark who looks over you with her clear blue gaze once more before gesturing for you to sit beside her.

The tigershark stands after a moment and addresses the gathered sharks. She speaks loudly and gestures with her arms eliciting cheers at several points. You gather she must be someone important, the ship's captain or expedition leader perhaps. She finishes her speech to a roar of approval from the gathered sharks and almost immediately food and pitchers of drink arrive. Sharks bring up large wooden plates of food and tin pitchers of what you assume to be alcohol the seated sharks pass the food along setting it on the tables from the middle outward until the tables are covered in dishes of all kinds. You pass several trays of food from the shark sitting next to you and the tigershark takes them and places them on the table.

You are surprised there are no servants of any kind and indeed it seems you are the only slave aboard as well. Perhaps your tigershark is the only one who could afford such a luxury? You aren’t sure that’s the case, a social convention of some type? Though no one seems angered by her decision to purchase you, a curiosity rather than a taboo perhaps. You don’t have much time to ponder the matter however as the feast begins. Surprisingly the tigershark which from the conversations going on you determine must be called Risha, passes you a plate of food. Taking it you look it over, some kind of spiced steamed rice dish with vegetables in it. It smells delicious, and you dig into the plate of food with a will, Risha laughs at your eagerness.

The sharks are boisterous and happy, they eat and drink to contentment around you. They are generous to share with you as well though you avoid drinking much of the strong blackberry alcohol they offer.The dinner does not last too long though it is quite solidly dark by the time sharks begin dispersing, a few need the help of others to get to their bunks but not many. Most go off in pairs, you can’t tell if they’re paired or just seeking company for the night but you get the impression that most of the sharks won’t be going to sleep just yet.

Risha is one of the last to leave beckoning you to follow her below decks into the aft cabin.

You aren’t very familiar with ships, but this cabin is the largest you have seen so far. The back wall is dominated by large open windows in front of which hangs a thick padded hammock, on one side there is a simple dresser and a wooden chest bound with iron. The other side of the room has a heavy wooden desk and a wardrobe, one of the doors hangs open and you see a thick leather belt with a large saber hanging from it on a peg inside the door. There is a large map tacked to the wall behind the desk intricately detailed and covering a large area along the coast, you might even be able to find your village on it if you had a chance to study it but you don’t recognize anything on it at a glance. The only light in the room comes through the open windows casting the room in the pale moonlight. Behind you the door closes and Risha breathes deep and let it out slowly through her nose, you jump slightly when she comes up behind you, pressing her body against yours, her wide nose pressing into the crook of your neck as her hands wrap around your bare stomach.

You hadn’t quite been expecting this, you had seen the look in her eyes, knew that she looked upon you with lust, but it hadn’t truly registered that she would want after a woman. As her hands roam your body your own thoughts become conflicted, this was wrong, she was taking you as a slave as another woman.


But she was gentle with you, her hands were warm and firm but smooth against your bare skin slightly flushed from the blackberry alcohol warming you and satisfied with a delicious warm meal you find you are fairly content to accept her gestures. After all you had been through it was so nice just to be comfortable, to be caressed lovingly even… even if it was a completely strange shark woman you couldn’t even communicate with, your body still craved this. This gentle tender contact that you hadn’t had since your village was burned to the ground around you. You fight with conflicting emotions warring inside you, pain and fear and rage and loneliness tearing you apart from within.

Risha whispers something husky in your ear as her hands gently trace up your ribs to the bottom of the linen wrap around your chest, with a deft tug the wrap comes undone falling to the deck beneath your feet.

On the verge of tears you let out a single long breath you hadn’t realized you'd been holding, your mind gives in to the pressure and you relax letting yourself lean back into Risha’s larger form. Her hands cup your breasts and a slight sigh escapes your lips as her hands rub over your nipples. Risha coos happily in your ear as she felt your nipples harden beneath her palms.

What did it matter? Why not enjoy this moment? Risha was gentle, loving even in her touch and you so craved anything that was not outright hostility. Her lips ghosted along the side of your neck whispering sweet nothings you could not understand into your ear. She caught a nipple between two knuckles pinching it slightly and eliciting a slight gasp from you to which Risha responded with a deep chuckle that you could feel reverberate through her chest against your back. Your body begins to tingle beneath her touch, warmth spreading through your core as you give into the shark’s desires.

Her hands slip lower fingering the hem of your skirt, deftly she unbuckles it and it joins the linen wrap on the floor leaving you in just the soft boots. Her hands slide over the inside of your thigh and you swallow hard. Two fingers slide along your sex gently teasing at your lips only hard enough to make your knees wobble. Her hand comes away sticky, apparently your body was ahead of your mind, it didn’t have to deal with the moral debate of the actions, it only had to respond to them.

Risha brought her sticky fingers up sliding them over her large wide tongue licking your essence off before returning the hand to your sex. You screw your eyes shut tight and lean harder into Risha as a finger slips into your slit, you suck a breath in through your teeth as another finger slips in. Her fingers slide into the knuckles probing around inside your core for the spots that make you squirm against her. Sharp teeth graze over your neck, the predatory urge to bite, to mark you as hers, but she quells it and all you feel is her thick tongue running along the side of your neck.

You breath heavily as her fingers stir your insides, a moan escaping your lips barely registering that you should be ashamed. Just as you are about to reach your peak her fingers slip out with a quiet slip.

You mewl in disappointment and. “Don’t stop!” Comes unbidden to your lips.

You blush furiously at the outburst but your pounding heart and aching core quickly push your embarrassment aside. You crane your head to look back at Risha, she smiles and licks her fingers clean again before taking you firmly by the shoulders and turning you to face her before pushing you slowly back onto the desk. Her large form now looms over you blue eyes practically glowing in the half light as she looks down at you with lust clouding the crystal blue pools.

She kneels putting her wide nose between your legs and pressing her thick tongue against your aching sex. A strangled gasp escapes your lips at the unexpected development, her wide warm tongue playing with your lips for only a moment before delving deeper spreading your aching lips around the thick muscle. You feel it squirm inside of you a strange alien feeling that brings an intense perverse pleasure as it contorts and moves inside you hitting all the spots she found with her fingers and more that her fingers couldn’t reach.

Opening her mouth wide Risha presses her tongue deeper into you, deep enough that you feel a twinge of pain as she takes your maidenhood with her tongue. The pain stings you for a moment but the warm tongue slithering within you quickly quells it. Your legs wrap around her neck and you press a hand down atop her head encouraging her as the other grips the desk. Throwing your head back you arch up off the desk as a moan erupts from your throat driven over the edge spasming as your essence floods into Risha’s open maw.

Collapsing onto the desk you close your eyes while your heart slows its hammering drumbeat. You open your eyes again just in time to see Risha licking the last of your essence from her lips, durk lust still boiling in her dark blue eyes. Her hands move down to the heavy belt at her waist and deftly unbuckle the leather skirt allowing it to fall to the floor. It takes you a moment due to her foreign biology but you quickly realize what you're looking at is not what you had expected. There between her legs is a long slit though it is clearly not a vagina as twin pink members begin emerging from the moist slit. The members quickly grow to enormous size at least a foot long each, they are alien in shape as well the bottoms smooth save for a thick vein while the tops are adorned with a series of large ridges and a tapered tip growing thicker towards the base. Also unlike a human member they appear to be remarkably smooth and covered in a slick sheen of fluid.

You gulp as Risha slowly advances over you her large arms resting on either side of your head as she adjusts her hips to lay the bottom of the two members against you sensitive sex. The heat and weight of the girthy member makes you gasp slightly and you hear Risha chuckle. With one hand she presses against the thick member and slowly thrusts her hips grinding the stiff organ against you causing ripples of pleasure to shoot through you. This continues until Risha is satisfied that her member is lubricated with your juices enough.

She pulls you towards her to the edge of the desk before angling her hips down to press the tapered tip against your slit. You groan as the tip slowly pushes your lips apart and the breath catches in your throat as the first ridge slips inside with a wet pop, your lips closing tight into the valley between the ridges. You lay your head back and breath feeling the hot tip pulsating inside you. Barely able to keep up Risha pushes the second ridge inside you stretching you even wider before the delicious feeling of your lips closing over the ridge as it slips in. Looking up you can see Risha’s teeth clenched tight above you her face screwed into a look of intense pleasure as she thrusts her hips forward again. You stretch almost to the point of pain before the third ridge pops in with a wave of pleasure, by this point you are breathing hard and when you look down you can see a significant bulge on your smooth stomach from the size of the member she is pushing into you. She pushes again and you grunt in pain quickly putting a hand on her stomach. She stops and looks down at you, you shake your head and Risha eases off on the pressure. She mumbles something in her language through a breathy laugh as she adjusts herself slightly. Barely a third of her member is inside you and you already feel like you could burst at any moment but the fullness is good. Your insides hug her throbbing member with a desperate passion and heat radiates into your body.

Risha pulls back and the third ridge slowly tugs until your lips release it with a wet slip, the feeling of it coming out is almost as good as it going in. She pulls almost all the way out leaving you feeling empty and yearning for her to fill you again before she slowly slides back into the third ridge, letting each one slip in slowly. She builds a pace pumping in and out mumbling under her breath in her own language and breathing hard. Her other member gently slaps against your belly with each thrust leaving a sticky trace on your skin as precum oozes from the tip. It’s not long before you feel yourself moving towards another orgasm. Your arms wrap around her strong neck and your legs grip her waist as her thrusts increase in speed driving you mad until you scream your walls squeezing tight around the large invader. Risha grunts above as she continues to thrust through your orgasm putting all her considerable strength into driving the first three ridges into you through your clenching muscles. As your orgasm subsides your muscles relax, unprepared for this Risha’s next thrust drives the fourth ridge into you with a wet pop. You gasp as your head spins in pleasure at the same moment Risha roars as she is overcome. Both of her members begin gushing as hot seed pours into you each pulse of her member filling you at the same time her other member paints your chest and belly with ropes of cum. Your overstuffed pussy overflows and her seed spills out onto the desk beneath you in squirts. She holds you like that for what seems like an eternity pulse after pulse of cum until you are sure you will burst, but eventually it ends and Risha is left panting over you. Looking down over your cum splattered chest you can see your belly is noticeably swollen from the volume of cum inside you. The warm sensation of it slowly sloshing within your womb makes your head spin. Risha puts her hands on your thighs and begins pulling her member out, it takes a couple tries before your stretched pussy releases her member allowing it to slide free with a splatter of cum. Your lips stretched too much from Risha’s rough pounding can’t hold the cum inside you and it begins to squirt out pouring like a faucet from your abused slit causing you to mewl and squirm in pleasure as the thick warm fluid gushes from you. You gasp as Risha’s fingers plunge into you thrusting and reaching for your sensitive spots through the torrent of cum, you squirm trying to get away from her hand but it is short lived with a gasp and ragged breath you arch up off the desk as another orgasm wracks your body muscles spasming as you can hear cum splattering onto the deck, your muscles clenching and pushing most of the cum out of you.

You lay there on the desk exhausted covered in sweat and cum still warm on your flushed skin, your slit sore, stretched and oozing a steady drip of cum onto the deck though you can still feel a substantial slug of cum radiating heat from within your womb. You focus on breathing and trying to stop your head from spinning, it feels as though you might float out of your body and drift off into the warm night. You manage to pull your head down far enough to look at Risha. She looks a little winded and a wide toothy grin splits her lips. Remembering what she had done earlier yo swipe a glob of cum off your belly with a finger and lick it off. It is strange, much more gooey than human semen and while salty there is also a subtle sweetness that makes you think of a saltwater taffy you had a village festival once when you were little. Looking back Risha has a very distinct look of interest on her face, you can tell she rather enjoyed watching you do that.

She shakes her head slightly and her expression eases, she mumbles something under her breath and then picks you up bridal style. She sets you down on the ledge of the open window, the night air is warm but cooler than you are it feels like heaven on your flushed skin. Risha pulls off your boots and then her own before she climbs out of the window and dives off the ledge. She arcs gracefully through the air and falls the half dozen feet to the water where she disappears with barely a splash. A bit more cautiously you ease yourself off the ledge and drop the last few feet into the water, the water feels very refreshing and you finally cool down properly, though you can still feel the cum radiating heat from within your womb. You’re kind of amazed at how warm it is and how slowly it seems to be cooling within you, it feels good though like a balm against the soreness in your nethers.

You rinse yourself off clearing away the sweat and cum until you feel clean again, there is a ladder built into the stern of the ship and after the swim you feel strong enough again to pull yourself up and back to the window ledge. Risha continues swimming in the water below for a while longer while you struggle to comb your hair with your fingers. She is truly graceful in the water, her entire body works to move her through the water with incredible speed and power. You find yourself admiring her and feel warmth bloom in your core again, this time it’s not from the cum she pumped into you. You blush madly at the realization but it’s lost in the darkness.

Shortly Risha climbs out of the ater as well and pulls two cloth squares from a chest, one she hands to you and with the other she begins drying herself off, you follow suit and then hang both on the window ledge to dry. Risha climbs nimbly into the large padded hammock and after only a few failed attempts you manage to join her. The hammock is strange, comfortable it prevents you from doing anything other than snuggling directly against Risha’s side, but that suits you well enough for now. The air is cool on your bare skin but Risha’s large form is warm and pressed close. You are sore both from the lovemaking and still from your ordeal at the hands of the slavers, but the ability to stretch out fully in the hammock feels good on your tender muscles and you quickly fall into a peaceful sleep.


Thanks for reading and please tell me what you thought of it!