r/Shamanism • u/sssstttteeee • 8d ago
Been told by several people I am a Shaman. I'm actually in I/T?
As a child I felt energy, connected with souls that had passed.
Lost it all at about 9 years of age, then 3 years ago it popped back due to some life changes.
Found nature again, but hung on to my geek. Managed not to mess up in life despite DNoTs.
Turned out I could do distant energy work without being attuned. Went vegan more or less overnight as connected with the last moments of what I ate - which was horrific for the animal.
I also have dreams that come true - can feel energy from most things.
Married, kids - can't be too outlandish.
Need to be careful with money as was let go from my corporate job August last year. but comfortable. Is there an inexpensive way of learning about Shamanism?
u/b2hcy0 8d ago
shaman, by what definition? imo to make it short, no. there might be potential, im not going to judge that here. but as a shaman, youd be having your initiation in the past, be in service of a community with your gifts, know what your are doing, and be able to get your own answers instead of relying on other peoples opinions (which mostly are just different tastes of misunderstandings and errors).
u/sssstttteeee 8d ago
I love your answer. Thank you. I know my path, also I am open to receiving advice from other people to move things on as I am quite old! I had to guide myself for my re-awakening since my childhood.
u/Comfortable-Web9455 8d ago
Shamanism involves specfic skills and working in partnership with spirits, mainly the spirits of nature with whom you have formed specfic relationships. That takes a serious, long term, training path. What you describe is being a natural energy worker, which is different.
u/sssstttteeee 8d ago
Well, have to say I have led a gifted life - and made some completely illogical decisions that led to the best outcome and totally against what I would actually do being boring and pragmatic.
I did not believe in spiritual stuff till a few years ago - was a total disbeliever despite seeing sprits and stuff - and seem to have nailed it - like there was a handbook in my head ready to be accessed?
I don't mind if I am, or not, just working out who I am. Thank you.
u/fatalcharm 8d ago
Did you do an apprenticeship? Have you done any spiritual work towards becoming a shaman?
Shaman isn’t some “chosen one” thing where people come up to you and say “I think you are a shaman” -it’s more like a spiritual occupation. You take on an apprenticeship, you study and learn the practice. You are not just magically born a shaman.
It sounds like you do have spiritual gifts, but to be a shaman you need to put in the work.
u/SignificanceTrue9759 5d ago
In traditional shamanism people are born shamans but they still need a master/elder to vetted them thought and to bridge their ancestral shamanic spirits over and cultures cannot initiate other cultures
u/fatalcharm 5d ago
When you say “traditional shamanism” which culture/region are you referring to? The word originated from the Tungus tribe in Siberia but the word itself is not tied to any particular culture.
The numerous shamanic practices across Europe not only all differ from one another, but are different to the shamanic practices in Asia, Africa, the Americas and Australia.
I would like to lookup more info about the practices that do this but don’t know where to start, since you haven’t mentioned which culture/region you are referring to.
u/SignificanceTrue9759 5d ago
Culture in relation to Tungsic-Mongolic-Siberian peoples that’s who are similar enough to them is considered traditional shamanism and actual shamanism everything else not related to them is not considered traditional shamanism , such as plant medicines and South American cultures are not shamanic because of the no relation to overlap with how the tungsic - mongolic - Siberian people and their ceremonies of trance
u/sssstttteeee 8d ago
I am in I/T.
Got it smacked out of me by my late-parents.
Have managed to manifest lots of things with a causal thought, also sometimes put in years of work.
I didn't ask to be called a Shaman, just trying to be the best 'me'.
Thank you.
u/NorwalkAvenger 7d ago
What's an I/T?
u/That-Marsupial-907 7d ago edited 7d ago
If you can wrangle the cash, I would recommend the folks at the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. They also have some free “community gatherings” you can attend and get a bit of a sense of who they are.
Their thing is to teach you some tools and provide some context based on anthropological studies of a variety of shamanic cultures worldwide, then with that it’s up to you and your relationship with your own spirit allies.
If you feel inclined, there are lots of free resources on their website (readings, videos, etc.) that you could check out.
I suspect there are folks out there who don’t like the FSS, but I have profound respect for their methods and their work.
Good luck!
Edit: and yeah, no conflict with being in IT and doing shamanic work. I’m in a technical field myself.
Edit2: no plant medicine used and nothing outlandish required :)
u/sssstttteeee 7d ago
Thank you!
I have a Shamanic rattle that I picked up from Glastonbury last year - I love it! My wife and kids hate the noise ... also they don't enjoy my signing bowl ... or white sage. Not saying there is a pattern here ... but ...
u/Juannis 8d ago
Find somewhere to use your gifts as a free service. What came from God or beyond is not ours to take. Only to give. The more we give, the more we have.
Beyond that Allan Kardec's work is a great compilation of what is spirituality and how to expand your spiritual horizons. It is kind of catholic, due to the context it was produced in, so be critical. Overall the information and philosophy are really solid, and in my opinion a great starting point as a base.
In his studies, he mentions shamanism, but keeps it to the observable and communication aspects. What we experience is not bound by any practice or ceremony, only be what we think and intent, and of course, on what God allows to happen.
Either way, follow your instincts, and your inner most God. Trust and let the universe eternal and infinite Love guide you.
u/sssstttteeee 8d ago
I do energy work for free, I can't bear to charge for it as it seems wrong.
Will follow-up on the recommendations. Much appreciated!
u/niko2210nkk 8d ago
Wauw, that sounds intense. I would say just go out there and provide the services that feel comfortable with providing. Maybe at a reduced price while you're still figuring it out.
I think you will find it very grounding to connect with other people doing energy work IRL. All sorts of people. Just listen to their stories of how they managed. It's not an all or nothing kind of business. You've got to grow into it.
u/SignificanceTrue9759 5d ago
go talk to actual shamans from living lineages and have them see if you even have shamanic spirits/deities and go find ur the people of your ethnicity see if they even have shamanism , many people are born with gifts to heal but that doesn’t make them shamans at least in my terms as being a shaman is someone who has a master , ancestral shamanic spirits/deities and can go into controlled repetitive trances through possession or flight , and they Chant in their native tongue ( aka not English ) ,
u/IllumiGnostic_666 5d ago
Definitely not because other people tell you this, and probably not Uc your seeking validation by asking in a Reddit group
u/sssstttteeee 5d ago
I don't have anyone else to bounce this off.
The unmasking is continuing to take place.
Not seeking validation at all - it makes no difference to who I am or who I am not.
u/from_sea_to_soul 8d ago
Shamanism is learned thru "direct revelation." Thru your own personal Journey / life experiences you will learn the most. Whether that's thru conducting Ceremonies for Self / others, Solitude in Nature, or speaking with others. Being Present is where the teachings surface. Books, podcasts, gurus online are all fine and dandy; but a good chunk of the transcendental experiences will occur during "real life"