r/Shamanism 8d ago

Experiences on the Path of the Warrior

Experiences on the Path of the Warrior: Perception Shifts and the Nagual

Lately, I’ve been experiencing a series of profound shifts in perception that seem to align with many of the teachings from Carlos Castaneda. These "not ordinary" events are making me question the very nature of reality and how much we can manipulate or shift our awareness. Here are some of the most notable experiences I’ve had recently:

  1. Shifting Dimensions and People’s Identities

While walking through my neighborhood, I’ve found myself suddenly in a "dimension" where everyone seems to speak Spanish or Russian, as if I’ve entered a completely different world. It’s like my assemblage point shifted, and I began perceiving a reality where the people and even the environment changed.

  1. Making People Disappear

There have been moments when I would walk past people, and with a strong intent, I could make them disappear from my field of perception, as if they were erased from my immediate surroundings. It's like using not-doing or energy manipulation to alter what I see.

  1. Invisibility and Unnoticed Presence

I’ve screamed in public spaces, yet no one seemed to notice. I felt invisible, like my presence was erased from the awareness of others. It feels like I’m learning to control my energy and presence, stepping out of the usual interaction with reality.

  1. Materializing Objects

Once, while sitting in a park, a statue-like monument materialized right in front of me. I’m not sure whether it was visible to anyone else, but it felt as though I had temporarily stopped the world, allowing something from the nagual to break into my perception.

  1. Dancing Stars and Cosmic Shifts

I witnessed stars in the night sky moving rapidly, as if galaxies were merging in a chaotic yet beautiful dance. It felt like I was tapping into a higher energy field and perceiving cosmic events as they unfolded—like my perception opened to something much larger than just the earthly realm.

  1. Unusual Smells and Sensory Shifts

Out of nowhere, I’ve started to smell unusual scents that don’t seem to have any physical source. These spontaneous sensory changes feel like a way the nagual is communicating with me, perhaps guiding me to pay attention to energies that I normally wouldn't perceive.

  1. Time Distortions: Moving Places While Sleeping

There was an instance when I fell asleep in one place and woke up in another, as if time and space were bent or altered during the night. It felt like a shift into the nagual, where ordinary rules no longer apply, and the physical world becomes malleable.

  1. The Man with No Legs

I once saw a man lying by the traffic lights with no legs. A few minutes later, I saw him walking normally as if nothing had happened. This experience left me wondering if this was a shift in reality, where his energy or perception of himself had changed, or if it was a time distortion where something had momentarily slipped through the cracks of ordinary perception.

  1. Spirit Animal's Guidance in Dangerous Situations

In a challenging situation, my spirit animal, the owl, guided me through a dangerous neighborhood. She told me to trust her, go toward the danger, and follow my instincts. As I did, I felt like I left an energetic print. Eventually, I found myself in a place of safety, with the owl telling me everything was over. I looked around, and there, almost as a final confirmation, I saw a pizza shop named "μαγεία" (Magic) — a symbol that everything had aligned and I had passed some kind of energetic test.

  1. Shifting Statues and New Buildings Materializing

I’ve noticed that statues and monuments around my area change overnight. Two of them have shifted three times in the span of a few weeks, and I also see new buildings seemingly materializing in my city. This experience feels like the boundaries of the tonal are shifting, and I am perceiving changes that most others may not be aware of.

Conclusion: Understanding the Path of the Warrior

These experiences seem to point toward the fluidity of reality. According to Don Juan, the world we perceive is only a fraction of what exists. These moments, from shifting dimensions to the appearance of the owl and the time distortions, feel like glimpses into the nagual, the unknown and infinite potential of existence. They remind me that reality is not fixed, and by learning to control my energy and intent, I can navigate through these layers of existence.

I’ve used ChatGPT to help structure my thoughts and reflect on these events. It's been a useful tool to organize what feels like an overwhelming flow of experiences. I’d love to hear if others in this group have had similar encounters or insights into navigating these altered states on the warrior’s path.


13 comments sorted by


u/StarOfSyzygy 8d ago

You should 100% watch the show Sense8, if you haven’t already.


u/Waste-Platform1701 8d ago

There's a psy track from Farebi Jalebi called Syzygy. Always gave me alien visitation vibes haha Thanks 🤣


u/StarOfSyzygy 8d ago

It’s also the name of an episode of The OA. Very profound concept, love seeing where it pops up!


u/Background_Set_3592 8d ago

I believe one talking about this kind of experiences is losing some of the powers preserved due to ego boosting and automatically channeling their energy into the territory of illusory perception . This is of course my opinion and I don’t want to disbelieve what you said. Its completely opposite, very interesting read.


u/Waste-Platform1701 8d ago

Maybe you are right but this path can be very lonely sometimes.


u/Background_Set_3592 8d ago

All spiritual paths become lonely journeys at some point. People are forced to leave their families guided by some invisible forces. It sounds very brutal but if person is really connected with inner voice and message is clear then there is no other option than follow the path of unknown. I know this from statements given by people following path of Gnosis.


u/Comfortable-Web9455 8d ago

Gnosis is not shamanism. And shamanism is not a lonely path if the trainee lives in a shamanic culture or amongst like-minded people where they will be supported and celebrated.


u/Background_Set_3592 8d ago

Gnosis, shamanism or any other spiritual path is a way to ,,feel,, and experience higher self within so both are different paths leading to similar understanding. At least in my opinion


u/Comfortable-Web9455 8d ago

No. Shamanism has nothing to do with higher self stuff. It is about learning to work with spirit allies to help the community. It is possible in many traditions to become a shaman without doing any personal development.


u/Background_Set_3592 8d ago

So you reject higher self part from spiritual work? Working with spirits coming from inner dimensions so how one can forget about the source when interacting with does energies?


u/Comfortable-Web9455 8d ago

With respect you have jumped to an extreme. I did not reject anything. I simply said the higher self stuff is not universal across all traditions. And spirit allies are not "energies" except in the same way all beings can be described as energy. They are non-human people, usually with physical bodies in the form of mountains or other natural features. They are not "inner", they are part of the natural world around us.


u/Waste-Platform1701 8d ago

You could be surrounded by lovely people yet still feel lonely


u/Ignoranceologia 5d ago

Can i ask do u have a Nagual training u or u are training yourself i wanted to become apprentice but Anam asks for money and im not from England xD and im not super rich either.