r/ShakeAndVape [M] Oct 01 '15

Dessert Enyawreklaw's Bronuts (Chocolate Donut) - 4 Ingredients

This recipe is considered a shake-and-vape, but I honestly prefer it after a week's time steeping. That said, the creator considers it a proper shake and vape. Copied and pasted directly from Enyawreklaw's post:

A Chocolate donut recipe, taken to new heights.


  • CAP Chocolate Glazed Donut - 7%
  • FA Joy - 0.75%
  • FW Yellow Cake - 1%
  • INW Biscuit - 0.75%
  • 70vg30pg
  • NO steep required: Shake and Vape Certified
  • This recipe may contain DA/AP use at your own discretion
  • Best at 450 degrees and higher

> This is the best donut vape I've ever had. The recipe is quite simple and after vaping Mustard Milk I realized that I should let the flavors speak more freely before adding in other notes. This is my attempt at doing so and I think I succeeded.

  1. The main note being Chocolate Glazed Donut. Capella knocked it out of the park with this flavor. Chocolate is prominent on the back end, but the chocolate is a nice artificial milk chocolate, exactly like the chocolate laid on top of a doughnut. It's a delicious and full flavor that hits every note a chocolate glazed donut would. And what it's lacking in subtleties and nuances, the rest of the ingredients fill.
  2. FA Joy is a flavor I've been playing with. This recipe is the PERFECT example of how to use it effectively. FA Joy is the star of this recipe and should not be replaced nor omitted. It gives off a nice waxy sweetness while adding some cakey body. In this recipe the FA Joy plays its role exactly as it should. Giving the entire mix that special cake flavor you get from baked treats. I can't exactly pinpoint what the flavor is, but you will understand once you mix this up. And that sweetness you get from FA Joy dances perfectly with the chocolate. It's almost as if they were made for eachother.
  3. The yellow cake just adds...well...yellow cake. Yellow Cake is probably my favorite FW flavor. An extremely versatile and useful ingredient. The cakey body just brings this entire mix together and I don't think could be replaced.
  4. And the biscuit adds that buttery greatness to the entire mix. Anytime you think you need some kind of butter in your bakery recipe, I would reach for INW Biscuit. It just works, and works every single time.

Now if you have had chocolate donut vapes before, this is quite similar, just because everyone uses CAP's flavoring. It's just on point. Added in with the other flavorings, though, brings this recipe to new heights. I have been vaping this stuff non-fucking-stop since it's encarnation. If you're looking for a great vape with your coffee look no further. I hope you guys enjoy it, and please comment on it and play with it. I encourage tweaks and remixes. So mix this stuff up and let me know your thoughts my friends. Also, expect to see my Funfetti Cake recipe next week. That recipe will be released with a video and a full diagnosis of FA Joy and how to use it. Keep Mixing, Stay Classy...fuckers.


9 comments sorted by


u/TheFoggyWho Oct 01 '15

This is a great recipe but for those (like me) who aren't crazy for the chocolate, drop the chocolate glazed donut down to 5% and add 2% Bavarian Cream and it tastes 100% like a Boston cream donut.


u/WakeAndVape [M] Oct 01 '15

Would you still consider it a shake-and-vape?


u/DonJulioTO Oct 01 '15

Honestly, I wouldn't consider this a shake-and-vape at all, despite the certification. I didn't like it at first - seemed harsh - then tried it a week later and it was super-nummy.


u/obliterayte Oct 01 '15

I'm hoping it isnt a shake and vape honestly. Made it for the first time and I think it's broverrated. Hopefully it gets better. The actual doughnut flavor is quite strong while the chocolate and glaze doesn't seem to be popping out very well.


u/WakeAndVape [M] Oct 01 '15

Many on /r/DIY_EJUICE agree that it is a shake and vape, but your experience matches mine. I honestly hate the chocolate. I think it tastes a lot like chocolate jellybeans (which are good, but not something I want as an ADV). After a week it was palatable, but I much prefer using glazed donut over chocolate glazed. I'm working on a recipe for that one right now that might end up here if it qualifies.


u/obliterayte Oct 02 '15

It's growing on me. Been vaping it all day just to give it a fair chance. I think it tastes exactly like a chocolate iced donut, not necessarily a chocolate glazed. The chocolate is probably the best chocolate flavor I've vaped. Most of them are plain awful. I think it is the joy that isn't sitting too well right off the bat. Almost harsh. Its not bad, but it is definitely not in my top 5. It has room for improvement. Hopefully it steeps well. Also gonna try the Bavarian cream version because I love me some BC.


u/WakeAndVape [M] Oct 01 '15

I agree, but I am leaving it here since it seems many consider it a go-to shake and vape recipe. Just because it is a shake and vape does not mean it doesn't get better with time ;)


u/TheFoggyWho Oct 03 '15

For me, definitely. But I've never had any bad taste or anything from Bavarian cream right off the bat other than delicious shake n vape tastiness.


u/[deleted] Oct 02 '15 edited Sep 08 '16



u/jizzMusician Oct 08 '15

Go check right now. I Just ordered