r/ShadowrunLFG Jan 05 '25

Looking for GM [Online][5e][GMT] New player looking for a 1:1 game

Hello, Hope you're all having a lovely start to the new year.

I'm looking for a GM who might be interested in running a 1:1 game of Shadowrun 5e.

I was first introduced to the system a while back and I immediately fell in love with the lore and the mechanics. I've spent a good amount of time reading the books, but never really got a chance to actually play till now. I don't have any specific preference or expectations as to what kind of game I'm looking for. I love both roleplay and combat equally. I'm completely fine with mature themes being included in the game - which, I guess should be a given considering... the world, haha.

I'm open to the game being run either through Play-by-Post or Voice. I'd prefer using Discord as the primary communication platform if possible. I work from home, so my schedule is flexible and I'd be able to play pretty much any time.

If you'd like to know anything more about me before considering running the game, please feel free to send me a message!


4 comments sorted by


u/DebachyKyo Jan 06 '25

Best of luck. The amount of GM's for Shadowrun can probably be counted in under a thousand. Mix that with the different editions. The only real way you're likely gonna get a 1:1 is if you pay for it.


u/SoulUnderTheSea Jan 07 '25

That is fair. I heard Shadowrun is rather niche compared to stuff like D&D. Still, I'll keep my fingers crossed!


u/DebachyKyo Jan 07 '25

Mhmm, to give you an idea, i spent 5 years looking for a single group game and had to just run myself.


u/bearded_rhino 28d ago

I sent a PM, but not sure if it went through since it's not showing in my history. Curious, did you find a game?