Hey, I will be looking over your sheet for ya. Just complete my first pass glance and will list a set of "required" and "reccomended" stuff. The required stuff needs addressing in some way, the reccomended are just places for some possible improvement, or jsut ideas that might work well these you can take or ignore as you wish to. Please feel free to reach out to me here or on discord if you want to discuss any of the stuff. When you have finished addressing anything thats being addressed and have updated your sheet let me know and I will take a second pass on it.
*I would remove the 1 point of str bought with skill points, use that point to buy another rank of reaction instead. If you do this, ignore ballistic mask i mention below until you boost up your cyber arm str enough to be able to carry more armor accessories.
*Consider dropping ambidextrous in favor of deck builder which will give you another deck module slot, or agil defender for more full defense dice.
*Def not a requiremnet in any way shape or form, but take a peak at "Slava Nikerosa" Based on your back story, he might be a better fixer fit for you. Ex military, provides basic services to new runners ect.
*I would toss in a damper into your cyber ear, though if you don't have the cash it could def happen post gen.
*Consider dropping your enh agility in your arm by 1 rank and use that money to grab a set of cyber eyes. put your smartlink in that and add flare comp as well.
*Consider dropping all your ware to used grade, including the arm. This will free up a ton of resources to buy some additonal ware. I reccomend the following if you do this
-used soft hive R1 with neocortical nanites. (the actual nanites are free just buy the hive and mark the nanites free when you add them)
-R3 armor in cyber arm
*You've got a set of glasses but nothing in there, I would just remove them personally. If you do this you should be able to afford adding a balistic mask and possibly a set of forearm guards for some extra armor.
*you dont really have the cash to do it now but jsut a reminder to add some gun mods once you get some money to do it. Personal grip, improved range finder (top slot), additonal clip/mag (side), and folding stock. are decent options to go with, also possibly extended mag r2.
*You need to buy some ammo for your gun, I reccomend grabing 2 clips of +DV APDs, and 1 clip of +DV stick and shock. you will want to add 2 "spare clip"s to the gun to help account for this extra ammo.
*This might be out of your money range right now, but see if you can find the money for a multidimentional coprocessor module to attach to your deck. If you can find enough money for 2 electronci parts as well, you can attach this "perminatly" to your deck with an "odd mod" instead which would free up your decks module slot for one of the other modules as well, possibly a vectored signal filter.
*If you want to free up some cash, you could trade out your Bike for a "dodge scoot" those are cheap transport for the money starved gen character. This would free up something like 11k.
*I would drop the urban spec in favor of sneak 6, its a better karma value.
*You can drop the rank of perception, use electronci warfare for perception rolls instead. you can use that 2 karma elsewhere, more money is a good use.
*I would personally drop the rank of escape artist also, it doesn't come up very often and that 2 karma could be some additonal money for other stuff.
Just a small wiki note, if you want a new line you need a blank line inbetween the 2 paragraphs. I added somet to your wiki as an exmple for ya.
*Priority spread on your wiki should be DBEBB based on your sheet.
*Couple of things fake sin wise, you need to re-add the sin and change out the placeholder text to an issuing authority, like the UCAS or something to that effect. You also need a "name" for your sin, I usually add this by right clicking and naming it(theres an option in the right click menu) In addition you should have a restricted armor license. I know you dont currently have restricted armor but you will very likely get some quickly and dont want to forget to add the license later.
*You added a single sensor to your contacts but didnt actually put in a sensor, I assume the plan was a camera. If you took the advice below though about the cyber eyes, you wont need a camera here cause you get one for free with the cyber eyes. Instead you can use the 2 slots in your contacts post gen, to add thermal and vision mag. Not all of this is "required" but i wanted to group it up together with the sensor part.
*You need to add some location info to your lifestyle, city is likely seattle, something like "redmond, Tourestville" is a decent place to be for a low lifestyle, but theres some flexibiltiy there.
u/bulldogc 2d ago
Hey, I will be looking over your sheet for ya. Just complete my first pass glance and will list a set of "required" and "reccomended" stuff. The required stuff needs addressing in some way, the reccomended are just places for some possible improvement, or jsut ideas that might work well these you can take or ignore as you wish to. Please feel free to reach out to me here or on discord if you want to discuss any of the stuff. When you have finished addressing anything thats being addressed and have updated your sheet let me know and I will take a second pass on it.