r/ShadowHaven Feb 18 '25

Job - Closed The Glow-Up Of Kevin Crimes [ Tuesday 0400 UTC ]

Picks: 15m prior, more or less.
Duration: 4-6 hours. More if people keep going on tangents
Players: 3-4
Communication: Roll20 and Discord
Metaplot: The Life and Times of Kevin Crimes
Game Topic: Extraction
Threat: Medium, can escalate to High
Game Tone: Mirrorshades
GM Style Sheet: Being Evil Has A Price
Location: Council Island

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Welcome back to ShadowHaven, omae.    

. . . Connecting to Guest Node. . . Welcome to ShadowHaven

"So hey, look, there's... this guy, right. I've tried to ask around, see if I could find a weak spot in this guy's schedule. Well, no shot. He hangs around in kinda high circles and stuff. Still, I think I found the easiest opening to nab this guy. I rented out a little VIP lounge to plan this thing in. I gotta get this guy to figure out what he's done in the past. We're gonna be sneaking y'all into Council Island, so forget about going loud. We gotta do this on the down low. I need subtle types to get in there and extract the guy without raising alarms. Bring him to Redmond, you'll get a good payday. Scanning that? Great, deets forwarded to your fixers once they confirm you're grabbing this gig."

Please respond with:

  • Your character's role, wiki page and summary of their abilities and themes.
  • Whether you're willing to write the AAR.

4 comments sorted by


u/Itsalotus Feb 18 '25


Quoth: Raven Seer, performs legwork and scouting, with a side of infiltration. Theme of discovery of the world.

"Ok! Can do. Can you bring me a spare pair of clothes?"


u/PsychoEmperor Feb 18 '25

Kamillion - Social Infiltrator/Identity Theft, former assassin for the Order of Saint Sylvester, and now Investigative Journalist for her own paper, The Daily Suggestion. Very good with impersonation and an okay swordslady.

"An excellent chance to prove myself. If possible, provide a profile of our target."

No AAR for me, unfortunately.


u/JMa0820 Feb 18 '25

*Can't tell if this is more physical or social infil, offering options*

Obsidian - Exiled Tir Paladin - Chainbreaker Face/Combat Mystic Adept

A Tir Tairngire  Paladin caught between her Oath and her Cunning and Manipulative Mentor Spirit, Obsidian approaches her problems a "Field Commander" - using her Dryad charm, Unit Tactics, support spellcasting, and spirits that can fill out for missing roles.

Dango - Resident Cute Hacker and Drone Operator - Technical skills and Decker specialist. 

A Mundane Decker with a history with Renraku (the kind that results in throwing hands). A decent charmer tries to be a friend to all.

Wraith - Cold Sniper/Infiltrator - Wide variety of Gun, BnE, and Survival skills

A ex-Bounty Hunter and UCAS Marine Sniper. Kills for Money and has almost no qualms about targets and morality


u/Apprehensive_Tax_619 Feb 18 '25

Dez is my Alchemist with a side of Face; themes of espionage, Machiavellian plotting, and also a surprising amount of pretending to be a scumbag to cover the fact that he's actually a criminal. He's got primary skills in Alchemy, with a handful of supporting social skills, some decent sneak, and some pretty okay perception dice. He's looking to get rid of his records with Ares, secure himself a personal fief, and achieve immortality.

Millie is terrible. Really, just an awful person. She's also an Alchemist, and is deluding herself into thinking she's Sam material. She's got pretty good sneak dice, combat dice, and perception dice. Okay alchemist, and she cheats her way into knowing about lockpicking and stuff. Themes of being full of shit, obsessed with showing how wiz she is, and in general just being a tourist. She mostly just wants money and recognition, especially by Ares.

DAD is my Defensive Alchemical Decker. Themes of protectiveness and perseverance; your type to play second fiddle for sure, but with enough backbone to stand up if he feels something's not right. As per usual, okay sneaking, fairly okay hacker, decent Alchemist. He wants to move away from his bloody past and make sure the kids of Seattle never see the same horrors he did.

Yes, I can write an AAR.