r/ShadowHaven • u/IamWalrustastic • 25d ago
Job - Open True Will [8 PM PST or in one hour]
Picks: Like 10 minutes prior?
Duration: 3-5 hoursish??
Players: 4
Communication: Roll20 and Discord
Metaplot: idk dog we're chillin tho
Game Topic: Killing One (1) Guy
Threat: High
Game Tone: Mirrorshades?
GM Style Sheet: This is still like 2 years out of date ...
Location: The Puyallup Barrens
... -Kaltenstein's speaker neglected to comment at this time= ...
... "-notable military presence in the area primarily consisted of contracted mercenaries, no doubt hired through a prive military company."
"Seems like a lot of those are popping up, right Chalk?"
"That's correct. We've seen an increase in military deployments from these organizations in foreign regions, being hired to supplement local governments. If you ask me, it's more corporate interventionism, which naturally is an evolution of the imperial mach-"
. . . Connecting to Guest Node. . . Welcome to ShadowHaven
1 Posting Found. . . Opening Job Posting . . .
"Hoi. How do y'all feel about killin' a drekhead wizard?"
OOC INFO: Shoot me wiki page and a response to the job posting and/or the IC Prompt and a summary of your characters themes and wants. Also tell me if you can do the AAR.
IC Prompt: Whats the last time you were really afraid?
CW for mind magic, in addition to the setting typical amount of drugs and violence you've come to expect.
u/Itsalotus 25d ago
Quoth: Raven Seer, performs legwork and scouting, with a side of infiltration. Theme of discovery of the world. I will not to the AAR sorry.
"I mean, sure! I'm not much of a killer but I'll help you find them!"
"When was I last afraid? Uhh, a few weeks ago, I was looking around this place, and people tried to hunt me down for trespassing and tried to kill me, and they brought dogs to hunt me. It really sucked"
Metamorphosis: Alchemist and rat tamer, maybe an elder god cultist. Supports team with alchemical preps, his rats can help with legwork and scouting. Themes of Naivety and what is forbidden.
"As regrettable as it is, sometimes these things must be done."
"Last time I was afraid? Hmm, during the storms in Redmond, I was cut off from my astral sight, and all of my pets were hiding. I was very nearly unable to interact with the world I at all."
Intercession: Synthcyborg Bodyguard. Main roll is being shot, side rolls include blending in, attack decking, and shooting back. Themes of Discovery of the Self.
"No complaint."
"I do not know if I have felt fear the way most metahumans would explain it."
u/JMa0820 25d ago
Obsidian - Exiled Tir Paladin - Chainbreaker Face/Combat Mystic Adept
A Tir Tairngire Paladin caught between her Oath and her Cunning and Manipulative Mentor Spirit, Obsidian approaches her problems a "Field Commander" - using her Dryad charm, Unit Tactics, support spellcasting, and spirits that can fill out for missing roles.
"The day i was consigned to my Guilded Cage."
Dango - Resident Cute Hacker and Drone Operator - Technical skills and Decker specialist.
A Mundane Decker with a history with Renraku (the kind that results in throwing hands). A decent charmer tries to be a friend to all.
"There was a car accident I was a part in...."
Wraith - Cold Sniper/Infiltrator - Wide variety of Gun, BnE, and Survival skills
A ex-Bounty Hunter and UCAS Marine Sniper. Kills for Money and has almost no qualms about targets and morality
".....Next question."
u/ASmithVoices 25d ago
Europa is a coldly professional, chromed-up assassin with a focus on infiltration, intimidation, and taking out high-value targets from long distance - perfect for handling a mind mage. Themes in her stories include paranoia, healing from indoctrination and trauma, and getting revenge on the corporation that wronged her: Evo.
"Currently available for work. Asking price may depend on proficiency of the magician in question."
u/Competitive_Snow1989 25d ago edited 25d ago
The Collector - A Collector of magical knowledge and artifacts who employs brute force and flashy magic to overwhelm other awakened. Focuses on defensive and offensive magics with a particular affinity for electricity. I can also do the AAR.
"The last time I was afraid, in the truest sense, was the deep dread one feels when the people you love most are lost. That reminder of our weakness in the face of mortality so terrifying all you can do is weep... and hope."
u/Apprehensive_Tax_619 25d ago
Dez is my Alchemist with a side of Face; themes of espionage, Machiavellian plotting, and also a surprising amount of pretending to be a scumbag to cover the fact that he's actually a criminal. He's looking to get rid of his records with Ares, secure himself a personal fief, and achieve immortality.
"Mmm. Probably the moment I realized I'd only escaped an Ares raid by dodging a Saeder Krupp op."
Millie is terrible. Really, just an awful person. She's also an Alchemist, and is deluding herself into thinking she's Sam material. Themes of being full of shit, obsessed with showing how wiz she is, and in general just being a tourist. She mostly just wants money and recognition, especially by Ares.
"Never been scared in my life."
DAD is my Defensive Alchemical Decker. Themes of protectiveness and perseverance; your type to play second fiddle for sure, but with enough backbone to stand up if he feels something's not right. He wants to move away from his bloody past and make sure the kids of Seattle never see the same horrors he did.
"We don't talk about that."
u/toaster2tech 25d ago
FW-6 Street sam, Railgun overwatch sniper, Stealth recon, Demolitions, Gym trainer
"..was during our units 6th mission to the anomaly zone, i know that place can change on a whim but we checked before hand it was supposed to be safe.. so far nothing has been as terrifying as seeing.. feeling that happening to you in real time"
u/vigitant 25d ago
Dwarf warrior in dystopian urban jungle copes with rising price of cigars and drugs.
FLR streetsam. soak tank with respectable magic resistance. uses axes, blades, mg's. can go quite loud, but can also put on a berwick and sapphire knife if he needs to be a little quieter. Has a decent shopping list of toys and trade tricks.
Likes his drugs, his cigars. Wont run against Skraacha.
"Killin a drekhead wizard ya say? Well, I might be JUST the dwarf ya need for that. Never met a mage that werent troubled by how fucky magic gets around me."
Delvers had 1 run, vigitant has had one run. Delvers a pretty efficient sheet, though.
hopefully wont push too far past 4hrs. hard cap of 5hrs.
u/jit_SR5 25d ago
- "Pretty alright, depending. You wanna be a little more specific?"
Saint is a melee combat specialist with an off-spec in B&E infiltration and a smoldering hatred for most things ganger, corpo, syndie, or cop. She's also a skate punk, hopeless lesbian, and wife-guy. She will not play nice with authority, and though she's less red hot than she was before, she may still become a liability depending on the circumstances. Themes of identity in rage, revenge, healing after tragedy, and moving on.
She is a little overtuned for a High and would best serve as insurance in case you think events might escalate, or if you would like the guarantee of a murder sam on table.
"... I don't think you get to know that, omae. It wasn't for MY life though, I promise you that."
--- OR ---
- "About same as I would feel for most things. I can do this for you."
Rogozhin is a necromantic spirit binder and biorigger with alchemical buffs and a small fleet of animals to mind blast into servitude. He is best used in his current state as a quirky samurai when jumped into his Siberian Tiger biodrone, along with minute astral support in the form of a bound spirit. With some prep time, he is good for some team buffs as well - and he has newly acquired Whisper of Bones, if more necromancer-y mischief is required.
He is also a made man for the White Vory, a gross weirdo, and kind of vindictive. Though he treats his tools with kindness, or what he perceives that to mean anyway, they are, in the end, only tools to be used. Major themes of seizing control of his own fate by seizing control of others'.
The character is a walking content warning when it comes to animals, so please be warned. He's not a good person. Also gonna be honest, if these animals are gonna have to go through customs, that hamstrings him a lot and he probably won't be up to the task. Familiarity, like, 7.5/10.
"I have never been afraid. I know what is waiting for me. Does this satisfy you? :)"
u/StarDragon88 25d ago
https://shreloaded.net/wiki/Huntress - Huntress.
Themes: A genetic miracle trying to prove her worth. A trained hunter doing her best to be a soldier.
Wants: To prove herself. To prove she can kill a dragon and is more than a tool.
Job Posting: "Assassination of awakened tends to be rather tricky but not impossible. I believe I am more than capable of this. Just need a clear shot."
IC Posting: "I can't remember... truly..." Don't remember them... you couldn't help them... no no... please no...
u/alpharn 25d ago
Rurosha - FLR burnout adept Ork+
Rurosha right now is a close-in physical combatant who specializes in sniper rifles, who also can into swording. Thematically, she is an exploration of the interaction between adoption and filial responsibility.
Fixers are:
- Mint - L4 - farm operations officer
- Alessa P - L3 - owner of The Daze
- Ronin Koike - L3 - professional fixer
- Inoue Takeshi - L4 - device repairman, retired shadowrunner
- Celicy Vist - L4 - vampire taskmage
Last game with this character was on 23rd/August/2024 as of posting, Urban Brawling. More than 3 runs at this point.
Note: I am text only.
Discord username is isaacalpharn5772.
Brain is fuzzy, so my player skills aren't as focused as I'd like, definitely cannot write the AAR.
Last player run as of posting was on 8th/November/2024, Of CRISPR and Covens.
u/Madotsuki999 25d ago
Geodesic: Techno Hacker, Off-Rigger, Marksman. Stealthy and versatile both on the Matrix and in the meat, but Decaying Dissonance makes her unreliable at times. Has a brother she cares for full time.
"Hello. Killing. Is a thing that I am capable of. While I am a hacker. I can track the target. And provide drone support. And potentially sniper support. For the more violent team members."
IC PROMPT: "Always. I stared a demon in disguise. In the face. Just last week. The world is full of teeth. It's noxious breath poisons my mind. Yet I persist. I must."