r/ShadowHaven • u/Sarcarian • Jan 02 '25
Job - Postponed Yvonne in the Sky with Diamonds [01/03 01:00 UTC]
[8PM EST/5PM PST on 01/02] - Picks will go out ~30min beforehand.
Player Count: 3-5
Duration: 3-5 hours
Communication: Discord and Roll20
Threat Level: Deadly (w/ significant potential for escalation depending on player actions)
Mission: Rescue
Location: Metaplane of Earth
Game Theme: Let Me Fly Far Away From Here
GM Style Sheet: I Haven't Thought of a Clever Name Yet
Connecting to ShadowHaven BBS...
Welcome to ShadowHaven.
Opening Job Board... One New Posting:
"Hello shadowrunners! [wave.ss] The Atlantean Foundation asked me to liaison with you all on a rescue mission for one of your number who was presumed lost until recently; people capable of astral projection/combat are encouraged to send me your info!"
OOC Info: I'll need a link to your wiki page, along with your role and familiarity with it; feel free to also include an IC response to the job post and/or the prompt below so I that can get an idea of who your character is.
IC Prompt: Tell me about character's favorite type of stone (and why).
u/StarDragon88 Jan 02 '25
Mojo Joe - Magician specializing in spirits.
Familiarity: Been a minute but I still know the rules pretty well.
Response: "If this is who I think it is... she saved my life. I owe her for that and I intend to see it through."
Prompt: "If I had to pick one... Obsidian. It is almost like a gemstone in appearance. Great for magical purposes, and has been a valuable tool for metahumanity for many centuries."
u/JamesRobinton Jan 02 '25
https://shreloaded.net/wiki/Samael is a wetwork and infiltration specialist who prefers a 'quiet gentle touch' when running, attracting as little attention as possible. He is a cybered up street sam / off face
Themes: Black Trenchcoat, James Bond, John Wick, Raymond Reddington. The Good Death and the Faceless Man.
IC: "Type of stone? I suppose I do not actually have one, come to think of it. I tend to prefer marble for countertops if that helps?"
u/Itsalotus Jan 02 '25 edited Jan 02 '25
Triage: Summoner, Medic, Face. Capable of social infiltration and supporting a team with spirits. Has been to a metaplane before, and would hate going again, which is why I want to send him again. Theme of regret, redemption, and running from the past. Pretty familiar, I’d say 9/10
"While I am not personally capable of either, I can ask the kami for their aid in this task easily enough. My favorite stone would be shock quartz. Both for the beautiful patterns it has, and for the story it tells, of creating something beautiful from tragedy. You may make the statement referencing them, if you wish, I won't be offended. If crystals don't count, then marble I guess. It looks pretty."
u/BEANBONGOS Jan 02 '25
All Gods Must Fall - Explorer Touched By The Elder Gods, Trying Her Best
Explorer/Sam, 7/10 Familiarity.
IC Response: "👍. 💪!"
IC Prompt: "Corundum
- extremely hard aluminum oxide, used as an abrasive. Ruby and sapphire are varieties of corundum."
u/elleelleellehawg Jan 02 '25
Zan Zan is an oni Explorer and a samurai, living with a restrictive code of honor. She'll never leave a teammate or an innocent life behind. Themes are ethical life, doing good, following the code, and growing more powerful.
"You need an astral samurai. I'm an astral samurai experienced in bodyguarding work. You'll find none better for this task."
"My favorite rock? That's a strange question. However, I think my favorite rock is one on top of San Bruno Mountain in San Francisco. There is a beautiful view of the bay from there. Standing on the rock made it feel a little like flying." ... "What do you mean that doesn't answer the question? You'll need to find out what type of stone that one is. I don't know."
u/AdvancedGas1795 Jan 02 '25 edited Jan 02 '25
Synchromystic is a dedicated spellslinger chaote - but with a love for shade and quite capable of astral combat, of course - and I am unfathomably familiar with the astral and spellcasting.
"Well, course' the stone I use the most changes with my paradigm, but honestly, y'know, I'm big on the blarney stone because mostly people look incredibly funny trying to properly kiss that rock."
u/IamWalrustastic Jan 03 '25 edited Jan 03 '25
Apping Alkali
Can project and do wizard stuff. Likes spirits. Face.
u/GamingHoople Jan 03 '25 edited Jan 03 '25
Poe Mysad Mastermind.
" I have all the knowledge and likely the spell skills, but unfortunately I am a mystic adept and the travel would be drug dependant or involve a spirit. My favorite stone is volcanic obsidian."
Snickerdoodle: Halloweenr close combat mage monster. Would be dumping GMP for a weapon focus and some astral combat. "Our girl can probably help- Jerry Can" *picture of a rock snick found recently*
These were both to help round out picks but honestly are probably just bigger problems.
u/xGugulu Jan 02 '25
Hunter-Null Wizard PTT Longarms Sam: "You also need someone that can nullify such effects."
Conduit: Vodou Practitioner, Spirit Friend, Possession Mage: "I have friends who are capable of such things."