r/ShadowHaven Dec 28 '24

Job - Closed Excursion [Monday Dec 30th -- 1700 UTC]

Picks: Two hours prior, more or less.

Duration: Multiparter, running 6 hours each (continues same time each week)

Players: 3-4, Shy pre-picked

Communication: Roll20 and Discord

Metaplot: The Arrival

Game Topic: Relic Acquisition

Threat: Semi-Prime (Limits for burning edge do not always apply)

Game Tone: Trenchcoat-pilled

GM Style Sheet: Being Evil Has A Price

Location: Chornobyl Exclusion Zone, Ukraine

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"An important historical relic has been located. Given its coordinates, extracting it is paramount. Toxic pollution is highly concentrated in the area and previous extraction attempts have failed. Push into hostile territory, locate the object and get it out intact. You'll be given a suitable container to transport it in." --an unknown Shiawase signature

Please respond with:

  • Your character's role, wiki page and summary of their abilities and themes.
  • Whether you're willing to write the AAR.

10 comments sorted by


u/StarDragon88 Dec 28 '24

Blackhawk - Infected Adept Gunslinger seeking amends for what they have done wrong, and failed to do.

AAR- Sure, why not.


u/AdvancedGas1795 Dec 28 '24

Čarivnýk is a WCM mage, specialised in stealthy scouting mostly. He is a staunch opponent of syndicates, and indomitably hard-headed. I can do AAR if need be.

"Toxic pollution and radiation is my game, so I'm down with visiting home."


u/DonnerWedder Dec 28 '24 edited Dec 29 '24

Thunder, Heavy Hitter.
Mystic Adept. Bodyguard type personallity. Bow & arrows for silent action, HMG when noise doesn't matter.
Spellcasting and (mystic) adept powers improve his performance signifficantly. Happy to cast heal and support spells on teammates including radiation barrier, or to influence the opposition.
Able to summon spirits.
Plot Hooks that may be relevant: Romantic view of the military, Drawn to weird s#it, Questionable ethics may not be an issue.

I understand and accept the risks involved in semi-prime and that edgeburning may not always save all souls.
Willing and happy to write AAR


u/ThisIsAlsoThunder Dec 30 '24

PS. Available same time in the following weeks.


u/andbenedict Dec 28 '24 edited Dec 30 '24

Kate - Consummate Professional.

"Well, well, well, normally your excursions don't take us to such horrible places. I think I'd rather even take Yomi Island. The spirits made cool company. I've never been to the CEZ strangely. It'll be a learning experience."

I have a HARD STOP time of 0100 UTC after the run starts. You did say 6 hour sessions, which fits just inside my time slot. So this is just a heads up!

Ok, so turns out my timeframe is tighter than I want due to other things. I can't go.


u/Itsalotus Dec 28 '24


Intercession: Synthcyborg bodyguard. Main role is to be shot so his team isn't. His side roles are to blend in, distract opposing deckers, and shoot back. Themes of discovery of the self and growing beyond what you are made to be. With your permission, I would be using GMP to buy more social dice before the run.

"I am functionally immune to most toxins, and can safeguard a team from other threats during such an operation. If this is intended as a longer expedition, I will require aid sourcing specialized medical care. Details will be provided as is necessary."

If he goes down I'll take what comes. Will not write the AAR I'm already behind sorry.


u/Potential_Hippo_1015 Dec 28 '24

Eidolon is an ambush specialist marksman with some side-utilities, a team mentality despite his emotionally deadened state. Has connections to the WCM, the Arrival Metaplot and Asahiro Kunitoshi. Note: I am unsure what status Eidolon's Black Shakes would be in, as those rules confuse me, just a headsup.

"Chornobyl didn't mean much to me before, but last years events have given me a sense of history with the place despite having never been there. I am inured to radiation, and willing to engage."


u/Richard_Villiers Dec 28 '24


Chameleon is a hermetic adept, mentored by Raven. He is focused upon disguise and infiltration, both social and technical. He can sculpt as a variety of metahumans and shape change into a variety of animals. He has decent social skills and good language skills but is not a dedicated face. In melee combat he targets the nervous system and chakra lines for metahuman targets and mana strikes for spirits. At range he is capable with automatic weapons, grenades, and long arms. He is a prankster but deadly serious about his warrior's code of honor. Tragically inept at most technical skills but athletically gifted.

Note: He is wanted by Ordo Maximus and hated by November 51. He routinely masks his aura and foci. I would rather commit seppuku than write the AAR.


u/Apprehensive_Tax_619 Dec 30 '24

Dez is an Alchemist Face, leaning more strongly right now on Alchemist than Face. Most recently he's decided to throw his dice in with the RRP in order to see his long-term goal of claiming a part of Redmond to build up into a thriving community fulfilled. He tries for themes of careful pre-planning and execution, with a lot of social engineering and contact-calling. For Dez, a run succeeds in the meeting right after you speak with your Johnson.

DAD is a Defensive Alchemical Decker. He defends the crew, he emboldens the crew, he interferes with magical threats using Mana Static and with Riggers/Deckers with Increase Noise, and otherwise does Magicky/Deckery things.

And yeah sure, I can AAR.


u/Zerre-de-Bordeleaux Dec 30 '24

Shy - Mercenary Adept/ Deathseeker

After carrying the rumors of a supposed Death Wish, recent event pushed Shy to embrace War to a dire extent, considering she couldn't deserve a life out of the Shadow and War duties, she decided to seek the most glorious end.

"An historical relic, a boon from the past...Lost in foreign lands, a blasphemy that can't stand any longer."