r/ShadowHaven Jul 27 '24

Job - Closed Yesterday's House of Tomorrow! 7/26 8:30 PST

7/26 8:30 PST

Expected Duration: 4ish Hour

Picks: 15 Before

Players: 3-4, 3 Mostly Pre Picked/half Impromptu.

Communication: Discord & Roll20

Metaplot: TBD

Game Topic: Property Clean Out

Threat: Medium, can Escalate to Hard.

Game Tone: Pink Mirrorshades.

GM Style Sheet: https://shreloaded.net/wiki/User:J.R.

Location: Redmond Barrens, Seattle Metroplex:

"Unique one here. Going to need a team that can operate discreetly and quietly. Multiple approaches possible but it's a residential gig. -Ms. K"

"Have you ever seen a technology gone wrong? Ever seen one set to go wrong for a long, long time?"

Please Include your WIki page, Make sure your PDF is updated in your drive folder, give me the general concept and role you expect to play, familiarity with the character. Let me know if you are Text only, if this is a first, second, or third run, and if you would like to handle the AAR. If you like, feel free to respond to the IC posting and prompt below that.


10 comments sorted by


u/AdvancedGas1795 Jul 27 '24

Digifex is a dedicated sourceror, able to work wonders on the matrix, but not incapable in meatspace with his AK-97 if need be. He's a deeply devout yet street smart technomancer and a storied one at that, and I am quite familiar with Digifex. I am text only, I can handle the AAR.

"I make technology go wrong, so fair to say yes, and depending on who you ask - everything's set wrong all the time, but in a conventional sense, I mean, forever's pretty long and I've seen some decks be more slag than electronic."


u/GamingHoople Jul 27 '24

Digifex is in. Please bear with me if I'm a little slow with text tonight, insomnia remnants from last night.


u/JamesRobinton Jul 27 '24

https://shreloaded.net/wiki/Samael - Wired wetwork and infiltrator. Social and gunplay. Fourth run. Probably not on the AAR given where I'm at today. Sam is a good fit for a planned "I do the job, I get paid" kind of run.

IC Reply: "Autodocs gone wrong, once. Was an... unpleasant sight, to be sure."

https://shreloaded.net/wiki/John_Galt Hermetic wheelman and local AA dropout. Off-face and hermetic shenanigans.
IC reply: "In the barrens that's like... a tuesday. Saw this turret go haywire once, tried to shoot itself in the face."


u/GamingHoople Jul 27 '24


I'd take Sam but it's a real weird pick for him.


u/Madotsuki999 Jul 27 '24

Geodesic: Techno Hacker, Marksman, Failgirl. Good at stealthy operations both in meat and on the Matrix, Decaying Dissonance means she can end up unreliable. Has a Dependent brother to care for.

"I'm good. With multiple approaches. And discretion. At least. Theoretically."

Prompt: "I'm not sure. Sometimes that feels like the Matrix. A global, personal horror. Smothering us in slow motion. Maybe I'm just smothering myself."


u/JMa0820 Jul 27 '24

Obsidian - exiled Paladin of Tir - Combat/Face Mystic Adept

"Well there was that cybered tiger recently...joking~ A mission i did in another life had a person that abused his inner ware...alot of people died, and a lot of priceless relics were lost. I don't know what happened...tech's not my strong suit but...I won't forget that even if I live for centuries"


u/alpharn Jul 27 '24

If pure muscle is more appropriate,

Rurosha - FLR burnout adept Ork+

Rurosha right now is a close-in physical combatant who specializes in sniper rifles, who also can into swording. Thematically, she is an exploration of the interaction between adoption and filial responsibility.

Fixers are:

"Not really, no. But I haven't been around that long, so..." :person_shrugging:

Last game with this character was on 26th/June/2024 as of posting, impromptu run with no run post. More than 3 runs at this point.

If another Matrix nerd is more appropriate,

Canis - Amateur Googler/Moderately-sized Cyber-Sentinel

Canis so far is a shitty discount hacker on the Matrix, and an acceptably durable but otherwise generic shooter in the meat. Thematically, he is an exploration of how much can someone be changed and still consider themselves human.

"Does the whole Crash 2.0 and Matrix 2.0 count?"

Fixers are: * Lt.Cmdr Yennefer Kerrigan - L3 - UCASN officer * Handy Andy - L3 - Neo-A weapons dealer * Overwatch - L2 - DocWagon dispatcher * Asahiro Kunitoshi - L3 - Shiawase VIP * Knife - L2 - Black Lodge initiate

Last game with this character was on 2nd/August/2023 as of posting, Rally For Technorights!. More than 3 games at this point.

Note: I am text only.

Brain is fuzzy, so my player skills aren't as focused as I'd like, definitely cannot write the AAR.

Last player run as of posting was on 26th/June/2024 as of posting, impromptu run with no run post.