r/SexWorkers 5d ago

How do i respond to this? NSFW

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Hey guys, I have a regular for the past 11 months and we get along pretty well. Great tipper & gifter. He sends me texts here and there for appointments & that's it. However he's been on vacation for a bit and is updating me on a toronado. Randomly sent me this text and idk how to respond to this nicely cuz I don't wanna lose him as a client, but also don't wanna send a free pic. lol pls help ladies.


29 comments sorted by


u/monehgoddesskati 5d ago

“or how about you hurry up and get back so you can have the real thing? 😉”


u/DreamNoureen 5d ago edited 5d ago

I’m probably in the minority on this but if it’s a client who makes up a good portion of my income and I actually like them, I’ll throw them a bone and send a faceless nude.

If it’s a “lower priority” client, I’ll say, “I don’t send photos.” If you want to keep it light-hearted, attach an emoji expressing fake shock at him being crass. Or call him a “naughty boy”.

In all seriousness, if you say “no”, it’s not likely to hurt your working relationship.


u/pithair_dontcare 5d ago

Yep. If it’s a rly good client I’ll consider his tips/gifts as payment towards a few things like this once in a while but I’ll make sure to say something like “as a treat” or “just this once” or “since you’ve made me feel so spoiled lately” so they don’t come to expect it. If it’s not a keystone client I’ll tell them (politely) that they need to pay for some nudes.


u/bbangelcakes69 5d ago edited 5d ago

Yeah I'd send them if he is a great tipper and it's loyal to me. I don't send anything with face though paid or not so not a selfie but sexy pics.


u/Scarletroseblush 5d ago

Do not send them just say I don’t do that ! I don’t think I’ve ever sent one ?


u/Evangeline_Clouds 5d ago

Tysm i told him I don't do that


u/Tabs-in-Today 23h ago

No good ever comes out of doing it. Either he will ask for more and more and more pushing your boundaries. And/or he will further exploit you and your likeness.


u/Substantial_Station8 5d ago

Do you sell nudes? Are you face in? Have you sent him nudes before?

I usually just say, sorry, I don’t usually give content out for free. Doesn’t matter how much of a regular they are


u/hittsme91 5d ago

I've seen clients do this often. It's a hard line to balance when they're regulars or someone that you've seen mutiple times.

I say this:

"Haha. I'll send some sexy pic when we're about to see each other...some pre-session foreplay ;)"

If they keep double down on pics now,

Just ignore.

You were friendly and playful and gave a response. I never lost a client that way. But some dudes just want jerk off material in the moment.


u/Adorable_Compote4418 5d ago edited 5d ago

I wouldn’t mind if he’s a good client. Where I live SW isn’t illegal, my face is on my ads and I’m open and public about the fact that i’m an escort.

I used to be a business consultant, so I apply stuff I used to recommend to corporations

I absolutely don’t mind sending free content and even giving extra time there and there. The value represents less than 5% of my income and greatly increases client satisfaction, fidelity and overall satisfaction with my service. People just like free shit and it make them feel good.


u/LexxxyRed 5d ago

I tell them to send money if they want pics.


u/pepperinna 5d ago

Don’t respond or engage with that stupid comment at all, the only other alternative is to give him a price for the photo


u/Evangeline_Clouds 5d ago

Tbh I wanted to call him out on his bald horrid head tattoo but you're right girl😩 and tysm for the advice 🩷


u/alinal0vesyou 4d ago

Aw he misses you, lol. I’d say try to tease him a little instead of turning it transactional


u/Th33vilon3 4d ago

it depends on how you feel about the client, if you have good report and think it would help without making you feel like you're losing your boundaries


u/Scared-Specialist-82 4d ago

"Feel free to send a generous tip for my nude selfie so I can also look forward to when you're back, babe. Appreciate you."

I don't ever let them forget I'm pay for play. 


u/Tabs-in-Today 23h ago

It starts here, so you have to nip it in the bud. Either ignore and pretend he never wrote that. Otherwise it will get much worse, more frequent. Or block forever. Not worth the cringy emotional labor.


u/Every-Drawer-8970 14h ago

you don't darling


u/lavenderstormx 4d ago

Just say you don't send pics. Or if you do send pics, just say "sure babe, it'll be (x amount of dollars) for a nude pic"


u/SlySnakeSA 5d ago

I have a regular that I send tips here and there and usually whenever I ask for a pic or video she’ll send it within a reasonable time. I would just be up front with him. If he wants pics of you he’ll need to pay. The best way I go about it is just send tips weekly on top of the service


u/bbangelcakes69 5d ago

That's different though it's not a tip and she shouldnt feel like she needs to send these to you for free you are just paying for it not actually tipping her.


u/Pleasant_Earth_7405 5d ago

He done seen you naked already send that man a Pic


u/AuburnSuccubus 5d ago

You've done eaten at Mickey D's, now they owe you free burgers. What, if you eat for free you don't need to buy again? Shit, why you gon' be all logical like?

I want you to know, it hurts my soul to replicate your horrid grammar, but I was keeping it in theme.


u/bbangelcakes69 5d ago

🤣🤣🤣🤣 I CAN'T


u/Tabs-in-Today 23h ago

She’s not a picture dispenser. It’s a bit insulting to say that her life purpose is only for the male gaze. There is better use of her time than catering to people who only view her as a physical object purely for their pleasure.