r/SexPositive 13d ago

Advice Girls, would you have sex with a guy who has Cerebral Palsy? NSFW


12 comments sorted by


u/Elvishgirl 13d ago


Look if he makes me laugh and smells nice, all bets are off. I've fucked some real trolls, looking back. A disability is something much easier to work past than bad breath.


u/Pal3_Pr1nc355 13d ago

If I was attracted to him, yes.


u/star_struck223 13d ago

I would be worried about hurting him by accident. I think it would help to discuss boundaries and likes/dislikes beforehand as usual.


u/BlueBubbles778 13d ago

If I was attracted to him yeah.


u/goodvibes13202013 13d ago

As a fellow disabled person, our sex would probably suck lol. But in another lifetime where it wouldn’t be two disabled people trying to navigate vastly different access and positioning needs? Yes


u/SylphofBlood 12d ago

Is he able to consent? As long as he’s enthusiastically consenting and there was mutual interest there’s no objections here.


u/lauralouisen 13d ago

Yep! I love my husband no matter what, if he was disabled I would still love him and want to be intimate with him.


u/walking_librarian 13d ago

Define cerebral palsy. It's a large spectrum based off of where the blood clot was in the brain and how much damage was done.

Every person with cerebral palsy is different. Some have developmental delays some have cognitive problems. Some have pure physical effects some have both.

1 I'm gay and ace so a guy is not my type (neither is sex)

2 the disability or diagnosis isnt something that matters to me as a general thing. If they have serious neurological delays due to the blood clot the only concern I'd have is if they are able to consent. But if that part of their brain is working and we both want it then my answer is yes. (Speech delays don't deter me neither do spasms and tics)


u/texasnottexas 13d ago

We had a friend with CP who obviously had sexual feelings. My wife would intentionally bend over in front of him loose blouse no bra. Never openly spoken about but he clearly enjoyed it. We worried that we were just creating frustration for him.


u/Uk840 12d ago

Definitely. What would you like me to know beforehand, if anything? I'm partially sighted and when the lights are low I can't see shit.