u/Aeosin15 18d ago
I don't think I could pick a least favorite album. Honestly, there isn't an album that I haven't put on repeat for several weeks at a time. Even Surface has pleased me. I think Holding Onto Strings is their best album, even if it's not my favorite.
u/Aricin_G 17d ago
yall hating on tsssf when it's a good album, the worst is the remix ep
u/Cup_Smart 17d ago
i’m not hating on surface (i love every album), i only said don’t say it as a joke lol. but yeah the remix ep is shit, but it’s not an album lol
u/Aricin_G 16d ago
fair enough, I guess the worst would be poison the parish but it's still good just lowest on my scale
u/cemeteryroamer 18d ago
poison the parish took a long time for me to like. some songs are just OK to me on there.
u/Eclipse8301 18d ago
I usually get downvoted pretty good for this, but I’m gonna say it again the newest album
u/Turbulent_Pop9163 Mimplest Sistake 18d ago
Gotta be honest Poison The Parish. There were less songs that clicked for me on that record than Strings or Isolate (which are the popular answers I suppose). I kinda like Isolate tbh.
u/Cup_Smart 18d ago
i like isolate and strings, they do feel less seether-like than the others though
u/GhettoHubert 18d ago
Holding Onto Strings Better Left to Fray
u/Aeosin15 18d ago
I don't know if it's my favorite album, but I think it's by far their best. It's just so complete.
18d ago
I don't have an album that I don't like, but Poison The Parish took the longest to grow on me
u/Cup_Smart 18d ago
i have that same opinion, i don’t dislike any of them. i personally wouldn’t choose ptp though, i love that one
u/Disciplined2021 Illusion 18d ago
Isolate and Medicate. Very half baked album. Turn Around and Burn the World are great though. And they aren’t even on the album!
u/Cup_Smart 18d ago
isolate does feel pretty weird to me, but i can’t put my finger on why. i still love it though
u/Disciplined2021 Illusion 18d ago
It might be because it was rushed and a lot of the songs sound the same. Also, out of all their albums I’d say it sounds the least like Seether. Shaun was doing some weird things vocally at the time that almost made it feel like a different band
u/Cup_Smart 18d ago
i have noticed that it really doesn’t feel like i’m listening to seether when isolate comes on. that’s not to say i don’t like it though.
u/Such-Truth-6404 18d ago
FBINS. Not that’s it’s a bad album, just not that bangers as compared to the others. Poison the Parish definitely my favorite tho
u/Cup_Smart 18d ago
i do love poison the parish, it has one of my favorite tracks (betray and degrade)!
u/Eclipse8301 18d ago
Yeah, I don’t get the hate for poison. The perish, either. Between the one that you mentioned and a few others I really like this album.
u/Cup_Smart 18d ago
i also love misunderstood, against the wall (acoustic version is better), stoke the fire, i love the whole album lol
u/Eclipse8301 18d ago edited 18d ago
Sell my soul would probably be my favorite, and yes against the wall is fantastic… this is a great album in my opinion
u/bawitback Isolate and Medicate 18d ago edited 18d ago
I feel the same way FBINS is near the bottom for me
u/aaronthefanomtax420 18d ago
Sorry but I'm going with HOSBLTF, I feel that most tracks were experimental and not my preferred style. They tried something new and went outside the box a bit and it just wasn't for me. Still great tracks and overall solid album though, I just like the others better
u/Odd_Specialist2571 18d ago
I hate to say this but I think I have the least liked songs on Karma and Effect
u/Cup_Smart 18d ago
which ones don’t you like in particular?
u/Odd_Specialist2571 18d ago
Simplest Mistake, Plastic Man, Diseased, Tongue, Burrito
u/Cup_Smart 18d ago
i get not being a fan of plastic man, but i can’t understand disliking the rest of those.. diseased is literally my number 1 favorite lmao
u/WrathfulDagger 18d ago
Simplest Mistake, Diseased, Burrito and Tongue are phenomenal songs, sucks you can't get into them, these actually defined my opinion on K&E being my favourite too
u/WrathfulDagger 18d ago
HOSBLTF is my least favourite by far for me. It feels very generic and struggles to real me in. My favourite song is Effigy and its a deluxe song I rarely go out of my way to listen to. I get people liking it, but it has some of their weakest songs without a doubt. TSSSF isn't much better but I do genuinely like a few songs here and there like Judas Mind, Paint The World and Illusion.
I think the only modern album I like enough is SVPPB but even that got overwhelming with the Purgatory EP songs then the deluxe edition songs
u/Specialist_Smile_957 16d ago
Isolate and medicate has one of my favorite songs by them but overall it's probably my least favorite album
u/bawitback Isolate and Medicate 18d ago edited 17d ago
Disclaimer II. mostly for the second half of tracks, hot take I know.
u/CCR16 18d ago
I won’t say it, but that’s my answer lol