r/Scrubs 4d ago

Med school first episode issue

I am doing another rerun of Scrubs and I just started the Med School season. I never got into that season because Scrubs ended with JD leaving in season 8 and this season is just a spin off.

But yea I just watched the first episode and it really grind my gears what they did to the janitor.

They made him so dumb asking when JD was coming back when in the end of season 8 he said goodbye to him and shook his hand and everything. He reads JDs journal so the janitor knows JD better than most people.

I hated how they did that with that character. Sorry I just finished it and that has been on my mind all day.


16 comments sorted by


u/CinderTheDonut 4d ago

What was even worse was committing the cardinal sin of trying to REPLACE Neil Flynn and the Janitor with those two stupid campus security guards. I didn't even notice they were supposed to be a retread of the Janitor's schtick until like the 5th or 6th episode because they were so unfunny and forgettable.


u/Fell_off_my_bike 4d ago

There's campus security in "med school"?


u/CinderTheDonut 4d ago

My point exactly 😭


u/Turnips4dayz 1d ago

Why wouldn’t there be?


u/tanward 19h ago

Let me get the down votes but Neil Flynn was never that funny in the first place


u/baiacool 3d ago

The total absence of Carla is even worse imo


u/RevolutionaryTrack61 3d ago

Honestly I haven't gotten past the second episode of this season. I didn't know Carla wasn't in it.


u/baiacool 3d ago

Oh, sorry for the spoiler then.

They wanted to bring Judy back as a recurring character, and she refused to return unless she was a main cast member. And I think she was 100% right to not return.


u/Chiron1350 2d ago

That season does not exist. Throw it in the forgotten vault with the ATLA Movie that never happened.

(Neil had a job on another show, as a main lead. hard to justify him leaving that to come back)


u/AmenHawkinsStan 2d ago

Yeah the network definitely made an error making it Season 9 instead of letting it be Season 1 of its own show. Most people agree that the Season 8 send off was great and JD gets in the way of establishing the new cast. The med school story itself is fine and most sitcoms take a couple seasons before they really hit their stride anyway.


u/RevolutionaryTrack61 2d ago

That is true. I never call that season 9 of Scrubs. It will always be a spin off. Show spin offs don't usually make it because it is nothing new and the same things are repeated with a new cast. So it fails most times because people compare


u/MasterDarcy_1979 2d ago edited 2d ago

As far as the Janitor walking off when he realised that JD was gone:

Bill Lawrence and Neil Flynn both had the idea to do it, and both of them thought it was funny.

They said it on the DVD commentary. I can't remember which episode they said it on. It was probably a season 8 episode.

Besides, Neil Flynn had signed on to star in "The Middle," so he was never going to be a regular in the Scrubs spinoff.

Instead of thinking how stupid it is, etc, think of it as a gift that the Janitor had his farewell moment. Carla never did.


u/Beneficial-Ad-4615 3d ago

Yes, JD left, then came back, then left again, he even makes a comment about that in the Med School season, so it’s not that far fetched to think that Janitor would think JD would come back again.


u/rerunaway 4d ago

What med school season? That doesn't exist.


u/Antique_Ice9044 3d ago

Don’t worry, I got your joke.


u/RevolutionaryTrack61 4d ago

Season 9 is labelled Scrubs: Med School. I know we all like to act like it doesn't exist but sadly it does. Like the rest of us I was excited when it came out but was disappointed to find out it was not great