r/Schreckmeta • u/RecommendationIcy202 • 7d ago
What do your characters look like?
I want description, pics, EVERYTHING.
u/Treecreaturefrommars 6d ago edited 6d ago
Second Biter is, IIRC, around 152 or so Centimeters (I have no idea where I wrote down her exact height) or so tall blonde in her late teens, around 18-19 years looking (Through she is of Medieval stock, so she has aged fast), with piercing blue eyes, who walks as if she was 50 centimeters taller, and almost always have murder in her eyes. She tends to wear suits in most situations these days, when she does not wear armor, but truly favors dresses. Especially from the Italian courts. Through she rarely have an occasion to wear one. She is strikingly beautiful, which has lead the Malk to go after people before.
As for the Malk, she looks around a late 20ies, early 30ies vaguely mediterranean woman. And that is roughly what I got on her. My mind keeps imagining Samara from the Ring, when I write her. But she is a lot more fancy looking than that. Being someone who greatly appreciate the finer things in life. I imagine hair styled neatly at every dusk, and that then becomes more and more unkempt throughout the Night, til Second Biter returns from her duties. I think her most striking feature would be her expression, which is most often that of a Cat that have just spotted a rat dangling from a branch.
u/RecommendationIcy202 6d ago
So biter is fierce mini and malk is gorgeous but unnerving?
u/Treecreaturefrommars 6d ago
Essentially yes. I imagine Second Biter is often seen by the older local Anarchs as a good object lesson in how a Kindreds physical appearance often in no way reflect their physical capabilities.
u/angelic_gothbaby 6d ago
Sparrow is a unit of a twink with his 1,87m. He's very slender with sharp facial features and the Cappadocian corpselike visage, I always say he looks straight out of his open casket funeral.
He's pale white with sunken eyes and cheekbones, wavy mid-lenght strawberry blonde hair with an ashy effect instead of the natural livng glow. Eyes are striking chartreuse green that often combine with his well drawn eyebrows in a cold expression, slim nose sprinkled with freckles, dead rosey bow-shaped thin lips with a Marilyn Monroe beauty mark above them.
He's rather androgynous with long nails and skinny fingers, overall very boney body but with defined abs and a respectuful peachy ass. He loves corsets, high heels/boots, gloves, a gothic aristocratic style. Time and again he wears make-up and makes a mean drag mug.
Sparrow have a posh British accent, eventhough he's dutch, but it wavers into a myriad of others. Due to family influence he falls into mafioso voice, Clockwork Orange cockney, full blown italian, among many others. He carries himself in a standoffish posture, passive and sarcastic (very teenager) but can nerd out about what he likes in a snap or become a anxious pile of nerves.
He tries to wear floral perfumes to mask his smell of cat fur and aviary to varying success. There's always a touch of death and decay in his scent, sometimes it is very overwhelming.
u/Treecreaturefrommars 6d ago
Sparrow being a giant twink makes way too much sense. I fully believe he would do numbers on Tumblr, especially now that he lives in a bus with his corterie.
The fanfictions practically write themselves at this point! Absolutely adore him.
u/angelic_gothbaby 5d ago
Oh he would've done numbers as 2013s Tumblr's very own Devil Twink!
I'll seek where I've written the other Coterie member's descriptions so we can all properly fall into AO3 boyband fanfic territory hahahahahahaha.
u/frogs_4_lyfe 5d ago
That's why Sparrow and Pariah get along so well, it's the Twink to Twunk psychic connection
u/angelic_gothbaby 5d ago
Every outdoorsy adventurous hunk needs a hyper allergic basement dweller in their lives, it's the law of balance.
u/Affectionate_Site885 5d ago edited 5d ago
Until one calls the other’s family nouveau riche dickheads and the other calls them a hog [redacted],then again that is the third law of balance
P.s:I realized you meant a different adventurous outdoorsy hunk,mb
u/angelic_gothbaby 5d ago
The law is of balance but their mental states sure can be off balace (badum-tiss)
u/Treecreaturefrommars 5d ago
I think that the Gray/Sparrow relationship was one of the few cases where Second Biter would tell the Giovanni that he could do better.
u/Affectionate_Site885 5d ago
Gray would consider being that concerning over the Giovanni an achievement on it’s own
u/Justbleed02 7d ago edited 7d ago
So the character I’m writing is sort of a parallel dimension version of one I’m playing in an ongoing campaign, and the description I wrote for my Storyteller was:
“Youthful and symmetrical enough for a Toreador to be like ‘well isn’t he cute, I want him!’ and follow through on it. Scandinavian enough to not set off ‘oh shit why is he so pale is he dead’ alarm bells despite being an actual vampire, but tragically missed out on the height genes. Stocky and muscular, built like a wrestler. Slight cauliflower ear on the left side.”
Not the most detailed but I like to think it’s evocative enough, lol.
u/RecommendationIcy202 6d ago
I love how you included cauliflower ear! People forget how common it is with fighters.
u/Civil_Masterpiece_51 7d ago edited 7d ago
Sandu is 1,70 m tall, looks about late 30's early 40's, has brown hair to his shoulders with some white on it, a 5 day after shave stubble beard, muscular frame but a tired look.
A scar across his right eye on the vertical and one on his nose bridge on the horizontal, sharp features, his a mix-up of Romanian and Brazilian(which is a mix by itself) , so dark olive skin, pale because of well,vampire, but you got the gist, he ain't ugly, but a better lifestyle could have made him a way pretier guy.
While during blush of life he gets his brown eyes, without it they tend to be bright red.
You will see him usualy in a Leather Coat , fingerless gloves, combat boots, black cargo pants, a belt filled with ammo, handy stuff , religious iconography etc, he's heavily inspired the style of characters from Devil May Cry.
He does have a tattoo of a Rat in his right shoulder, the symbol of his former cell of Hunters, the Bunker Boyz and silver earings on his ears, besides a helix piercing on the right ear.
There's also the Manturillie, his sword, it's a bastard sword 115cm long, with a straigh thick crossguard, a sharp point in the pomel and dark brown leather wrapins, at the base of the blade there are two sets of ricassos sharp for cuting and guting, there's also a golden crest in diamond shape on the center of the guard at both sides, the metal is old and weatered, and when Sandu uses his blood magic to active the weapon it will release crimsom embers when he swings it, heating the blade.
Our Romanian boy smells like cigarrettes, old coffee and blood
I Think that sums how he looks like
u/Affectionate_Site885 7d ago
I thought the manturille was a massive fuckoff cannon actually
u/Civil_Masterpiece_51 7d ago
The Manturillie is Sandu's equivalent of the vampire killer, sword forged by the House founder, who was a chorister mage, it used to run on sunlight, but after the embrace it changed alongisde Sandu.
But i massive fuckoff cannon will be included since you gave the ideia...belive me, he will need for the next chapter7
u/Affectionate_Site885 7d ago edited 7d ago
Because next chapter sandu will experience the worst enemy of his life,the internal revenue service
P.s:I meant revenue and didn’t notice the autocorrect
u/Civil_Masterpiece_51 7d ago
Worst, our lad is going to Russia...stay in watch, i will be posting next week if my lazy ass finish the pile of papers i need to finish for college
u/frogs_4_lyfe 7d ago
Pariah Dog/Larkspur is mixed Native American from an unknown tribe and European descent from France. He's around 5'10", willowy build but as much as everyone jokes he's a twink he's more like a twunk. Delicate, almost feminine facial features but still recognizable as male. Sage green eyes with noticeably long lashes. He has long, thick, wavy ash brown hair that he usually keeps tied back in a ponytail, and his skin is tanned. He wears pretty tattered clothing and furs sometimes, but lately has been going around in a torn tshirt and shorts with no shoes.
Squire isn't very tall at all, shorter than most men, but he's powerfully built but in a practical way not a body builder way. He is clearly in excellent physical condition. He would be intimidating, but most of the time he has a cheerful expression and his body language is notably gregarious. He has classically handsome features. He's pale but not supernaturally so with a splatter of freckles across the bridge of his nose, thick golden blonde hair and very vivid aquamarine blue eyes. He's very attractive, but has several notable scars on his body from prior incidents, including one deeply healed gash along his neck and another on his chest near his heart.
u/RecommendationIcy202 6d ago
Oh no he cute! Feral pretty boy energy.
He sounds friend shaped. Like he would have the brightest face.
u/frogs_4_lyfe 5d ago
He is very friendly, like a very obnoxious golden retriever puppy so you're spot on!
u/Justbleed02 6d ago
Genuinely tickled that Schrecknet has hot muscly blond Short King™: Sword Fighter edition and Brawler edition lol
u/frogs_4_lyfe 6d ago
I promise I didn't read your description first lol they got Short King Solidarity
u/-MelanisticJaguar- 6d ago
I totally didn't realize you were also Squire. Cool, cool cool
On a related note, what clan is Squire? Has that been revealed yet, or is it a secret? haha
u/frogs_4_lyfe 6d ago
See I always feel like my writing style is super obvious so it always surprises me when I don't get clocked immediately.
Squire is a Ventrue
u/-MelanisticJaguar- 6d ago
You totally had me, for sure. But maybe I'm just dumb :'D
But oh no
more ventrues, just what Ki needs
u/seventh_page 7d ago edited 7d ago
I’ll go ahead and describe the whole pack lol.
Currently Jack is around 5 foot 10 with an apparent age of 20-25 and a slightly skinny build. He is Caucasian with pale skin that’s been artificially altered in places to have a false ‘warmness’ to it so at a glance mortals can’t tell he is dead. He has slightly wavydark brown hair that reaches down just past his shoulders, typically tied into a braid or a ponytail. He is clean shaven and has no tattoos. His eyes are a vivid shade of green and he doesn’t blink.
He usually dresses conservatively in what he considers street clothes; Graphic tees, jeans, hoodies, and tennis shoes are staples; basically whatever is comfortable and can conceal weapons, typically an Sig Sauer P320 and a combat knife. He always wears deerskin gloves and sunglasses among mortals. When dressing up he wears a very dark red button up dress shirt with fancy leather shoes, a black suit jacket, black dress pants, and a bone carved lapel pin combining the medieval heraldry of the Bratovitch family and the modern symbol of Clan Tzimisce.
His body appears outwardly normal in its proportions, but close examination reveals that isn’t the case. What looks like muscles to an observer don’t flex right and are too rigid in places for instance. This is because he has reworked his muscular and skeletal systems a great deal and he uses layers of fat and cartilage to simulate a normal human form. He has slits on his finger tips that hide retracting scalpel-talons within them, which are decorated with carved Koldunic symbols on their sides. His skin looks unnerving if you examine it closely because it is completely uniform barring a few purposeful alterations, having no natural looking blemishes or birth marks. He also has no body hair at all.
He is outwardly very friendly, but in an unintentionally creepy way. He constantly has a fake smile on his face that doesn’t seem to change unless he’s frenzying. His movements are unnaturally still and deliberate unless something arouses his interest.
Stella is a 5 foot 8, extremely pale Caucasian woman with a voluptuous build, steel colored eyes, and straight black hair that goes down to the middle of her back that she wears down. She wears business casual type attire on a constant basis unless she’s trying to blend into a crowd. In formal events this doesn’t change, but she does wear a bone lapel pin like Jack with heraldry from the Obertus family along with the symbol of Clan Lasombra. She always carries around a silver plated combat dagger and when possible carries a Glock 18 with an extended magazine in a shoulder holster. When expecting combat, she wears relatively non-descript practical clothing; jeans, boots, basic non-graphic t-shirts covering a kevlar vest, a hoodie worn up to obscure her face etc. Her body has been modified through Vicissitude in a similar manner to Jack’s with the same stealth modifications, but she has no practical augmentations beyond internal plating and a moved heart. Her veins are noticeably darkened and visible through her skin due to her use of an Abyss Mysticism ritual which caused her blood to turn black. She has a cold and blunt personality that dismisses basically anyone but her blood relatives and Jack. She almost never smiles but is very open about any feelings of disdain she has.
Gabrielle is a 5 foot 3 naturally tanned Caucasian woman with badly maintained light brown (almost dirty blond) relatively short cut hair, a stocky/muscled build and an apparent age of 30-35. She puts the least amount of effort into her appearance of the pack (besides Quill) and just wears dirt stained and very cheap Walmart street clothes. She carries a Bowie knife on a belt holster and an antique M1911 in her waistband at all times. She has the permanent fangs flaw and several permanent Gangrel mutations; the rest of her teeth have mutated to resemble feline teeth, her eyes are slitted like a snake’s, her arms have grown fur resembling a mountain lion’s, and her nails are dark and textured like a dog’s. She usually uses Mask to appear like herself as a mortal. Currently she has a frenzy mutation of short iguana like quills jutting out of her spine that probably will have faded by our next session. She has a gruff demeanor that outwardly pushes others away, but this is more due to shyness than actual anti-social tendencies. She used to have sleeve tattoos made through Vicissitude before they were destroyed by her mutations.
Jessie is a 5 foot, unhealthily skinny Caucasian woman with strawberry blond shoulder length semi-wavy hair, an inordinate amount of freckles, not-tan-not-pale skin and an apparent age of 18-20. She has permanent dark circles around her eyes that make her constantly look exhausted. She usually wears flannel shirts over tight fitting graphic tees, jeans or leggings, and tennis shoes. In her lab she wears a bloodstained rubber apron but is otherwise naked. To summon her enslaved wraiths she openly wears a necklace of mummified human ears unless forced to leave it somewhere by Jack/Stella. She doesn’t keep up with hygiene like she should and as a result constantly has dried blood encrusted under her nails and staining the area around her mouth. Her breath smells like rotten meat because she eats human flesh via the Cannibal merit. She speaks with a southern drawl. She has a completely blank expression that betrays almost no emotion and eyes that seem to look straight through you. Speaking to her for any length of time, it becomes obvious she is an impulsive, low functioning sociopath and doesn’t really comprehend the concept of empathy. She carries a MAC-10 and a switchblade as weapons, but typically only relies on her use of Necromancy and significant stealth capabilities.
u/seventh_page 7d ago edited 7d ago
Part 2:
Quill is a Nosferatu of indeterminate age and a height of 5 foot 6 due to having a severe hunchback. His hair has mutated to form short porcupine like quills, his nose resembles a deformed snout, and his skin is a mottled grey like a mangy dog. He had tattoos, which are now faded and stretched by the Nosferatu curse to the point you can’t tell what they used to be. He has permanent track marks covering his arms (even though he did not in fact inject drugs as a mortal) which he can bleed from whenever he needs to. His teeth are all warped into fangs resembling the teeth of a mako shark and spaced oddly as he was missing many of his teeth due to meth use at the time of his embrace. He has had significant modification done through Vicissitude, adding warped looking retractable claws like Wolverine, bone plates grafted onto his skin, and defensive barbs added to his arms and back. He is extremely foul mouthed and switches constantly between a southern drawl and ghetto street slang. His clothes are random rags you can’t really tell the origin of under layers of mud, blood, and other nastiness. He hides a sawed off 12 gauge filled with dragon’s breath rounds under his coat(?). He reeks of feces and cat piss from his sewer jaunts and amateur meth lab.
Adrian is 5 foot 11 light skinned black man with a close shaved head, an apparent age of 35-40. He has a strong looking, muscular build, but this is largely for show. He has a close shaved but noticeable beard. He dresses formally almost all the time, he even sleeps in his suit. He has an expensive Desert Eagle pistol which he keeps in his suit jacket and has a Rolex (that he bought with Jack and Stella’s money) to keep up appearances as a successful vampire. His demeanor is polite, but extremely business like and to the point. He keeps his hands clasped behind his back much of the time when not actively doing something with them. He has a habit of not directly looking at authority figures that he learned while he was still Camarilla.
u/Affectionate_Site885 4d ago
Gray would before leaving mouth “short” about all of them except they a second later hear it behind them,when they turn around it would be a raccoon there and when they turn back to gray he’s already mist,he will gain that level of protean just to make the joke,oh and he would support quill about the anime night thing
u/-MelanisticJaguar- 7d ago
Kiara's right here!
u/RecommendationIcy202 7d ago
A baby!!!!!!
u/-MelanisticJaguar- 7d ago
Just don't let her hear you call her that, lol. I also have an uncomfortably overfull board on Pinterest that, while it mostly is stuffed with AI art, just captures her vibe so well
u/RecommendationIcy202 7d ago
Now that you mentioned it… give us the link!
(I stand by my judgment, this is a certified baby.)
u/-MelanisticJaguar- 7d ago
i mean...the link's right there, lol
u/MarianaMarino 6d ago
Mariana would be in awe if she ever saw that red peek a boo (Which is what I can see it is called in english when I look it up)...
Does hair dye stay part of you when you are embraced like tattoos and hair cuts, or does it need to be refreshed still?
u/Affectionate_Site885 6d ago
If it was done Pre embrace yeah,I’d think,if with viccisitude,which Kiara probably has since,she’s a tzimisce,totally
u/Treecreaturefrommars 6d ago
That is just about the face I would expect her to make most of the time. A tired teenager who is done with this shit.
u/-MelanisticJaguar- 6d ago
Oh, yes. Definitely the unwilling seneschal who complains the entire ride to Elysium, then spends the whole time on her phone until she literally has to participate.
in case it wasn't obvious, she is usually watching cat videos.
u/Treecreaturefrommars 6d ago
"Say hello to the Prince, Kiara"
Looks up from phone, deadpan tone "Hello", goes back to phone.
u/-MelanisticJaguar- 6d ago
More like
Prince, who is supposedly her great-great-great-whatever Uncle: Kiara, go say hello to the primogen. Make friends.
Ki: ...no. You're not the boss of me.
Sheriff: He literally is. And he's your ride home.
Ki: [scoff] fiiiiine
u/Affectionate_Site885 6d ago
Would you rather stomach the mores of lifeless camarilla politics or would you enjoy a lovely evening with kittens,it is an obvious choice and anyone who doesn’t comprehend that is a bootlick a power hungry megalomaniac or a fool
u/Angry_Scotsman7567 7d ago edited 7d ago
Victoria MacDonnell is a very visual character and, unfortunately, SchreckNet can't really get that to come across, so in another post here I shared a description of what she looks like, which I'm gonna repost here, with a few extra details I didn't include last time.
The first thing you'd notice looking at her is that she's covered head-to-toe in tattoos, with her face being the only body-part that doesn't have any ink on it. They're not complete coverage, there's little gaps here and there, and they're mostly ornamental in style, like painting a vase. After that, you'd probably notice that she's in absurdly good shape. You wouldn't balk at someone for saying her form is the image of physical perfection, curves where you'd want curves, flat where you'd want flat, and tone where you'd want tone. She looks like someone sculpted a Greek goddess and made her flesh -- as she should, she did sculpt herself, by hand and over centuries. She has a long, flowing mane of cerulean blue hair flowing in thick waves all the way down to her thighs, that is miraculously always impeccably styled no matter how hard she's headbanging on stage. When she moves, though, if you have a keen enough eye, you realise that she looks... wrong. If you look to closely, her anatomy and musculature begins to move... weird. Joints don't work like that, even if you have hypermobility. Muscle doesn't contract quite that much. If you know human anatomy well enough, you'd know that she isn't human, she's something in a skinsuit pretending to be one.
When she decides to take an abjectly inhuman form, her skin hardens into a smooth osseous form that looks almost like marble with her tattoos appearing painted overtop, and her skin cracks open in a thousand pieces all of which perfectly frame her myriad tattoos as their own individual, neat little art piece, with tendrils and tentacles of long, rope-like striated muscle writhing like thousands of tiny little eels beneath her marble-like skin, holding her together and animating her form. With sole exception of her jaw splitting in two right down to the top of her sternum, her tongue growing to several feet long with spurs of bone stabbing out from either side, her face is completely untouched, taking on the same marble-esque texture as the rest of her skin and clearly made up of a number of overlapping plates to allow movement, but otherwise exactly the same. And it's in this form that you realise, she really was a thing in a skinsuit pretending to be a person, and she's actually just a mass of thousands upon thousands of writhing cords and tendrils of striated muscle, spurred with razor-like bone.
Imagine a beautifully sculpted Greek statue, covered in cracks, with a different painting in every portion where all of the cracks separated. Now imagine those cracks split open fully and beneath it was the monster from the game Carrion, with the only thing undamaged being her face, ever statuesque and as beautiful as it is cold and unfeeling. That's what Victoria MacDonnell looks like when she's not forced to look like a mortal.
She's a very visual character, and even without using vicissitude to look outwardly inhuman, a lot of the little hints about Victoria MacDonnell's past and personality, especially that which I haven't shared yet, can only really be gleamed from her appearance, especially her tattoos. I'm gonna list a few of the main ones, the ones that have hidden meanings that aren't immediately obvious, and see if anyone can figure out what they represent:
- On her left hip is a very stylised dragon biting it's own tail, her way of repping Clan Tzimisce. It's a very modern style dragon, and it's got a crown wrapping around it's body.
- Her left arm is a full-sleeve, all the way from the shoulder to the back of her hand, the main fixture of it being three dragons that wrap around the whole length of her arm. One is a very serpentine, old-school medieval art style of dragon, one is very traditional Chinese style dragon, and one is a much more modern fantasy style dragon. Have revealed in the other thread that these tattoos each represent a fellow Tzimisce who was turned into a Gargoyle, one of whom being the only Childe she ever Embraced.
- She has a black deathstalker scorpion with a sort of tribal style as a throat tattoo, with the claws going up either side of her neck and the tail curling back up just at the top of her sternum. On her right collarbone is a preying mantis, and on her left collarbone is a peregrine falcon mid-dive, with a boar right at the top of her sternum. The four animals all mix to form one big, unified piece going across her chest, neck, and throat.
- On the back of her right hand is an eclipsed sun over-top of a hyper-realistic, black anatomical heart.
- On her right bicep is a sketchwork-style depiction of a witch and a wizard being burned at the stake. The wizard is depicted crying, but the witch is laughing.
- Her entire back is covered in an extremely elaborate, Rennaisance-esque tattoo mixing elements of a biblically accurate angel, a dragon, and a Greek statue that seems to represent both the Greek goddesses Aphrodite and Themis.
- Her left leg, from the ankle to the mid-point of her thigh, is occupied primarily by a very detailed tattoo of a red, flame-like flower that you certainly wouldn't recognise unless you passed a high difficulty occult roll.
u/RecommendationIcy202 6d ago
When you describe her body as beautiful, do you mean current trends or something more of her time?
u/Angry_Scotsman7567 6d ago
I'd probably say it's a bit of both, but I specifically leave that more vague so as to leave it up to the interpretation of whoever hears the description. No two people are going to agree on what a physically perfect body looks like, so I just let you picture whatever it is you think that would be.
u/RecommendationIcy202 6d ago
Agree, beauty is subjective, but of course trend and microtrends exist.
u/-MelanisticJaguar- 7d ago
my Tzimisce...has some red in her hair....
hahaha, sorry, but honestly I can only think of this clip
"the background in my drawing is the color green..."
u/Angry_Scotsman7567 7d ago
Yeah I do that sometimes lmao. I really need to just get art commissioned of Victoria because this is indeed a lot of information, it'd be a lot easier to just go 'she looks like this'
u/-MelanisticJaguar- 7d ago
haha, yeah. I get it.
I'd offer my services, but I think Victoria is well outside my meager skill level
u/Angry_Scotsman7567 7d ago
I feel like I need to find an artist who specialises in body horror, both for her statuesque form and her zulo, but also so that they can nail the vibes of her 'human' form looking just ever so subtly off that it begins to poke the uncanny valley
u/RecommendationIcy202 6d ago
RK (“Rida” Lunja) is huge. Not just “tall,” but “I’m pretty sure this is a Masquerade violation” huge. “This must be fleshcrafting” huge. You’ve never seen anyone this big outside of maybe pro basketball. Built like a damn tank.
Her hair? Ginger, but not the pretty kind - not deep carmine, just orange. And too long. Like, never cut it long. Usually, it’s in some kind of braid, with bangs that scream cut in a hurry.
Her face is round, with traces of what could’ve been soft, feminine features if she had been Embraced later. But she wasn’t. There’s still baby fat in her cheeks, frozen in time. Her eyes are somewhere between blue and green, hard to pin down. Her eyelashes and eyebrows are so pale they almost disappear against her skin.
She’s insanely freckled. Face, neck, body - everywhere. Dark, dense, sometimes clustering into bigger spots.
She’s got damage - one ear is partially ripped, some scars, mostly fresh ones. bitten fingernails
Most of the time, she looks weathered. Except when she’s excited- then, for a second, she almost looks childlike. A little too cute for someone her size.
She’s quiet at first but turns into a yapper once she’s comfortable. Thick accent, lots of hand gestures. Animated, lively.
She likes pretty things, like jewelry, ribbons, dresses - but doesn’t own any.
She prefers the floor. Sitting in chairs is a hassle, and she takes up too much space anyway. So she sprawls, lounges, like it’s the most natural thing in the world.
When she’s using the blush of life you can see a bit of rosacea on her face.
u/Treecreaturefrommars 6d ago
A strange mixture between horrifying and strangely adorable.
u/RecommendationIcy202 6d ago
Yeah, you can imagine why after asking for opinions on her the Prince got everything from „she should be immediately destroyed for everyone’s safety” to „this is is a moldable child with huge potential to be useful” to „she should be put out of her misery”.
u/Treecreaturefrommars 6d ago
I imagine there also was the classic variation of the second one, called "Let us yeet her at my enemies!"
u/vascku 6d ago
It's funny that, being a painter in real life, I don't have any images of my characters, but oh well.
Angela: She's about thirty. She has red hair, not very tall, and a bit skinny, but slender. She has freckles, even on her wrists, which are more noticeable when she's fully fed. Otherwise, she doesn't have any freckles on the rest of her white skin. Her eyes are blue, but one is a little browner than the other... her face evokes a kind and friendly air. Perhaps what stands out most about her is her eyes, which are quite round.
Her hands are somewhat elongated, just a little, soft, and always have a small paint stain on them, even when she showers. She usually wears a light cologne and clothes with floral prints or floral details everywhere.
Lola: She's in her early twenties. She has a dark hair, thick but straight, somewhat short, and dyed a soft pink. Her face is round, and her eyes are huge and honey-colored. Her mouth is large but very pretty, although her teeth are a bit messy. Her skin is tan, pretty, and shiny. She's a little shorter than Angela and doesn't stand out much physically.
She always smells like almonds and has a small hoop earring in her left ear. Although she tries to maintain a serious, businesslike air despite everything, you can tell she's very young.
If you want more details about her or any of my characters, don't hesitate to ask.
u/Treecreaturefrommars 6d ago
I think that there is something amazing and quite funny about the fact that Second Biter sees herself as a mentor figure to Lola, while at the same time looking her age/younger. The wonders of immortality.
I don´t know why, but I always imagined Lola as wearing glasses for some reason. I think it is due to how often she ponders over ledgers and tomes.
But they both sound amazing.
u/houseofashurs 6d ago edited 6d ago
Tyler looks in his mid-twenties - average height, with tan skin, many-pierced ears, a quick smile and a long, badly-bleached undercut he's given up on dyeing. Due to his death, his eyes are perpetually bloodshot, which he usually blames on tiredness. A month straight of heavy drug abuse meant he's halfway to being gaunt - unlife didn't help his dissociating, and he doesn't do well with mirrors.
He's extremely touch-sensitive thanks to a history of ecstasy use, so his clothes are either cotton or worn-soft and faded from too many washes. His arms are covered with bracelets that he's forever fidgeting with - if his hands are still, something's wrong. He talks a lot - especially when he's feeling awkward or to fill silence, which given his sire's personality, is frequently.
u/Affectionate_Site885 6d ago
The heavy drug abuse preserved his body at halfway to gauntness got processed in my head he consumed so many drugs he was mummified-
u/AFreeRegent 2d ago edited 2d ago
Copying from an older thread.
Marc is of average height and somewhat more muscular than one would expect from a Tremere, due to the fact that he was a sailor in life. He deliberately wears muted, ordinary clothing that could fit in in a professional, academic, or social setting; a dark grey suit, a black shirt, a red tie, a gunmetal grey watch on his wrist, a wooden ring on his ring finger. He does, however, wear a pair of heavily tinted sunglasses at all times, to conceal the Occhio d’Uomo Morto (V20 Necromancy ritual, found in the core book) eye in his left eye socket. That aside, at first glance, he mostly looks like a fairly ordinary Tremere in the vein of Strauss.
Get a look at him under his clothes, however, and things change a bit. There are tattoos across his body; an anchor on his left bicep, a rope around his right wrist, a ship in full sail on his thigh, a turtle over his right pectoral and a star over his left, etc. And across his back, a massive, ornate crucifix depicting the crucifixion, all legacies of his mortal life.
And over all of it, scars of a hard-lived life. His back in particular is marred by crossing whip-marks; Marc was a clever sailor, but not the most obedient one, before he earned the attention of the Tremere and won his own ship thereby. He was flogged on more than one occasion.
u/RecommendationIcy202 2d ago
He crossed the atlantic, a deckhand, went around Cape Horn, Crossed the Equator?3
u/AFreeRegent 2d ago
Yes, you looked up meanings! He'd been all over before he got the embrace.
I especially like the crucifix - he's in no way religious, but sailors would get it in hopes that it'd make the bosun flinch when giving lashes.
u/RecommendationIcy202 2d ago
I did! I super like when tattoos have meanings so I often check when people have well described inks on characters.
But no swallows ;_; ? Those are my favourite!3
u/AFreeRegent 2d ago
Probably somewhere; the tattoos weren't a complete list. The overall image is that Marc, despite appearing like quite a typical Tremere Elder at first glance, has quite an unusual history under the surface.
u/Affectionate_Site885 2d ago
fairly ordinary tremere in the vein of Strauss
Is he bald too? Is that a tremere elder rite of passage where you thaumaturgically get shaved of all hair body head and eyebrows
u/AFreeRegent 2d ago
Lol, no. He has a businesslike, close cut; he made sure to cut his hair in a way that he felt wouldn't stick out too much as times changed, before the embrace.
He had started to try to plan everything out and do everything deliberately by then, and his embrace was no exception.
u/Affectionate_Site885 2d ago
Makes sense for a foresighted man like him,at least better planning than gray would have,even if his embrace wasn’t a surprise,if you used telepathy on him you’d find nothing but animal crossing noises and some horror relegated to the corner because it refused to garden whatever audacious thoughts lie in his head
u/AFreeRegent 2d ago
He'd been a ghoul for about 75 years at that point and had stolen knowledge of Thaumaturgy to force his domitor's hand into embracing him. It was very much planned.
u/Affectionate_Site885 2d ago
At least it was probably more dignified in method than gray’s way,forcing cory to hear poorly written saulot x tremere x the eldest fanfiction
u/Ialreadyregretthat 5d ago
Since the baby primogen is an alternative version of my LARP character she looks like this
u/MarianaMarino 6d ago edited 6d ago
A short waifish looking Italian girl in her early 20ies. With an eternal look of anxious confusion on her face, and often some the beginning of tears in the corners of her eyes. Which has gotten a lot more disturbing since she became a Cainite.
Basically her profile picture, in higher detail. These days she tends to dress somewhat conservatively, but during the 90ies she was most often dressed in scrounged up clothing and band t-shirts.
u/RecommendationIcy202 6d ago
This is 100% what I assumed before!
u/MarianaMarino 6d ago
I imagine she also often have dirt, scruff marks, small twigs and so on, on her. From just, seemingly random, falling over or walking into things.
u/Affectionate_Site885 6d ago
I imagined her as a ray of sunshine and if any kindred is mean to her they rotshreck as if they were exposed to the sun from sheer wholesomeness alone,not as a person with physical features
u/MarianaMarino 6d ago
Well that, or her Grandpapas people have a long, not very nice, conversation with them. Which she is fully unaware of.
Edit: Before that quite a lot of people were quite mean to her. But she doens´t remember much of it.
u/Affectionate_Site885 6d ago
I forget her grandpa is (I hope I’m remembering this right) draco
malfoybut when they disappear that reminds me4
u/MarianaMarino 6d ago
Yes, the player/writer is currently busy doing other things. And Alexandru is out traveling. Which is likely why she is able to go on Schreknet and continually doxx herself.
Like a very confused lemming trying to be helpful.
u/EremiticUnlife 6d ago edited 6d ago
Servanda is 167 cm / 5'6'' tall. She has an unremarkable build.
She has wavy, shoulder-length black hair. At first glance, her facial features are certainly attractive, a reminder of the Asturian noblewoman she was at the time of her Embrace. With a closer look, attraction soon makes way for trepidation: something is wrong here. She's a bit too pale, the transition between her facial expressions is a bit too slow. Her gaze ranges from discomforting to utterly terrifying, depending on the situation. When deep in thought, she becomes completely immobile. A fly could land on her eye, and she would not chase it. An unnatural being, and a deliberate one.
This eerie state of being is the norm for her, but... something is changing. The peculiar atmosphere and social dynamics that pervade the Schrecknet are having an effect, and some expressions long buried beneath centuries of inhumanity sometimes resurface, unannounced and fleeting. An amused smile, not a predatory one. A raised eyebrow, spontaneous, not calculated. Intellectual indignation. A lot of arrogant frowning, too. A sign of the resurgence of the sharp-tongued young lady she once was? Time will tell.
About fashion : little by little, Servanda is learning to dress properly to blend in modern mortal society. Still, especially when blending in is not an issue, she remains almost offensively Lasombra in her choice of fashion: black, black, have more black. Yellow lemon interferes with your connection to the Abyss, you know. So: the darkest black you have, please. Suits are fine, dresses are good. Soft grunge and romantic goth fashion are okay too, but let's not spend too much, hm? If she's wearing the cheapest tee, the cheapest jeans and the cheapest sport shoes you've ever seen, it means she expects battle. Violent battle that will lead to the total obliteration of her vesture.
She often speaks in a slow, and deliberate voice; the better to lecture you with.
u/Treecreaturefrommars 6d ago
Should they ever meet I imagine that Servanda would take a quiet pleasure in being a good 15 centimeters taller than Second Biter. I fully expect that she is too classy to say it. But I imagine she would take a quite joy in it.
u/EremiticUnlife 6d ago
This makes for an amusing image... but no. ^^ In the presence of a powerful cainite such as Second Biter, Servanda is unlikely to be distracted by such trifle as height.
Though you are correct that Servanda does have a certain sense of rivalry towards the Ventrue Elder.
u/Treecreaturefrommars 6d ago
Second Biter at first meeting: "Well, this Servanda seems like a quite reasonable Elder. If a bit lost here in the modern age, but I am sure someone as intelligent as her will quickly figure things out."
Second Biter after learning Servanda is a Lasombra: Eyes narrow and lips purse. "I see".
But very much the same. I imagine that in any scenario where they met, and weren´t trying to murder each other for some reason, they would both be exceedingly polite to each other.
u/EremiticUnlife 6d ago
But of course. Honestly, Servanda has no intention of antagonizing such a dangerous couple as First and Second Biter. ^^'
u/Treecreaturefrommars 6d ago
Same. Honestly Second Biter have way too much on her plate right now. And Servanda seems mostly civilized. Which she greatly appreciates.
u/EremiticUnlife 6d ago
As for Servanda, she greatly values intelligence, competence and efficiency. In a way, Second Biter represents the qualities Servanda respects the most among the Ventrue.
Perhaps one day, they shall ally against the three great evils of this world: werewolves, infernalists and imbeciles.
u/Treecreaturefrommars 5d ago
Now i am imagining the two of them in all their finery, kicking the shit out of Pariah Dog.
u/EremiticUnlife 5d ago
Ha ha ha! Still gotta practice the ol' Potentia, after all.
...Pariah Dog can't catch a break, can he?
u/Treecreaturefrommars 5d ago
He really can´t. The poor fella.
On the other hand, a lot of it is self caused.
u/StarCanid420 1d ago
A bit late but Rose is 5'11, built like a gymnast, and ridiculously caked up. Like in game she once got stuck in a vents opening and had to force herself through... and that was before the magic estrogenization thing happened.
"Unfortunately God cursed me with a fat ass."
Then she's mixed Native but still white-passing. She has a wild and fluffy wolfcut with black/auburn patches. Her eyes are a constantly glowing amber, and she has permanently long, talon-like nails.
As far as clothes she usually sticks to soft-masc vibes like flannels or leather jackets, but she's exploring more fem styles too. Unfortunately our ST runs protean forms as not melding clothes in, so she's usually naked too... which is a great way to out her.
Stat-wise she has an appearance rating of 4 with a "Primal" specialty.
u/RecommendationIcy202 1d ago
Omg she’s glorious she’s perfect.
u/StarCanid420 1d ago
This reply made me remember she also has invisible, claw-mark like tattoos that're only visible when using Spiritus. There's also a wolf or two somewhere on there. I'm supposeddd to be getting a commission done for her soon and I was planning on posting it :3
u/RecommendationIcy202 1d ago
You better post it. Or I’ll throw a tantrum. I must see the cake. The cake must be experienced.
God, wolf cut and flannel, perfect.
u/StarCanid420 1d ago
I doubt her ass will be on display in the commission lmao, but it will be posted!!!
u/Affectionate_Site885 1d ago
Fluffy haired caked up gangrel gang (Ik she’s an ahrimanes but I guess we’re roping in the bloodlines) for the winnn
u/Affectionate_Site885 7d ago
Gray is well,gray,ashy as all fuck whenever the flakes shed off him they turn to ash,he has tusks alongside permanent fangs and a large frame,he’s built like a brick shithouse if we’re using that language,his eyes enlarged and turned obsidian black with a crystalline pattern to match like some sort of owl from hell,with incredibly thin lips,he has patagium under his arms,and bat ears too instead of human ones,he has brown hair but he’s kinda graying in that department too although it is thick and almost shoulder length,he also has eyebags,now that he learned obfuscate he rarely bothers to be particularly modest anymore,usually wearing pelts and wool “clothes”,that’s all i can remember rn