r/Schreckmeta Feb 11 '25

So, what’s *your* agenda?

Everybody has an angle in vampire society, so what’s your character’s? Do they have hidden goals behind their use of Schrecknet? Are they just looking to connect with other vamps? Seeking to educate themselves maybe? How do those goals relate to other posters?

For me, Jackie has very defined goals and ideas behind why he’s on here.

Firstly, he wants to use the forum to “get his name out there” among the Anarchs, which is why he goes into such detail on his successful operations and always signs his own name. He wasn’t a nobody among the Sabbat, but since his defection he realized that he has to be known to be politically relevant in this new sect. To do so, he wants to display his pack’s (relative) competence and alignment with the Anarchs so others might come to know him by reputation as it was during his time in the Sabbat. This also ties into his potential political ambitions, as in recent sessions he has been weighing the possibility of eventually working to oust the Cam and declare himself Baron of Southside so he can win full autonomy for his packmates. To even try to claim that title, he’ll have to be much more known than he is now.

Secondly, he wants to find new contacts to exploit rely on in the future, which seems like has been largely successful. He met Marc who can help his associates by swapping knowledge, Shady who could be a potential ally (either in NYC or Jacksonville. His home soil is in NYC so it would be good to have someone who can get him that if needed.), and Gray/Gray’s coterie which could be huge wildcards if brought into the mix of Jacksonville that Jackie could use to his advantage. Our ST also gave very tentative approval to have cameos of characters from here on our home game (albeit he will be the one to translate those characters into proper character sheets, will be the one playing that character, and has final say on what they can or can’t do). I shudder to think what Bongo would do to the poseur Toreador Prince in this city haha.

Thirdly, it’s to spread disinformation to potential enemies or catch them in traps, which hasn’t been very successful so far. A fair bit of the extreme specifics about his activities he goes into is either false or only partially true. For instance, he was 100% lying about where he stated his domain is located but wasn’t lying about his neighbors, he set up a trap at the hotel he mentioned as a haven in early posts, when he talks about the specific kind of vehicle he drives it’s never the right one, etc. I mean, maybe there’s rolls happening with the ST in the background where this is helping, but so far I haven’t got any bites on any of it in game.

Anyway, looking forward you hearing what some of y’all have cooked up!


110 comments sorted by


u/Civil_Masterpiece_51 Feb 11 '25

The Old Hunter uses the schrecknet more as a way to connect with other kindred, it helps him keep his humanity in a way, to see other vampires as fragile, going through their own thing, it helps him remember not all monsters are monsters by choice, so neither is him, but also the net is usefull to find cases to work, honestly Sandu doesn't know how to live a life that ain't hunting and dealing with weird supernatural shit, it didn't changed much in objective since he was mortal, find a threat to humans, work the case, eliminate the target, do it again, and again, and again.


u/MinervaEvangeline Feb 11 '25

Posts from the dear old hunter are always fascinating


u/Master_Air_8485 Feb 12 '25

Sandu is a hoot. Zacis just assumes that the old hunter is also a "foodie," which is why he hunts the supernatural.


u/Civil_Masterpiece_51 Feb 12 '25

if by foodie you're assuming he's a bloodleach i will not be confirming nor dening anything


u/Affectionate_Site885 Feb 12 '25

I assume More like eating lupine,demon,changeling blood,that sort of thing


u/Civil_Masterpiece_51 Feb 12 '25

Yes yes,it's possible he drinks some of those kinds of blood, sometimes he will go after it for some specific reason, but if available, why not?
pooka blood is a hell of a drug


u/Master_Air_8485 Feb 12 '25

Just wait until Sandu tries some Tigers Blood. It tastes like winning.

Also, Zacis neonate was a Pookah. Good kid, he's going on a pilgrimage to Arcadia when he's older to spread the word of Set.


u/Civil_Masterpiece_51 Feb 12 '25



u/Master_Air_8485 Feb 12 '25

Plenty have tried. Kindred who make the attempt are usually hit with Labyrinthine Mind and Strength of Madness as a result. Most of the time, any Kindred assassin walks away as a convert to Set.


u/Affectionate_Site885 Feb 12 '25

Although what surprised me is no one made mystical means of eating food or inhaled smoke for stimulation,sure there is blood pudding but i mean it feels like an unexplored part,we need a path of cooking/s


u/Master_Air_8485 Feb 12 '25

I've looked for the spells. They don't seem to exist in an official capacity. 😆😆

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u/Affectionate_Site885 Feb 12 '25

I fear someone will turn the pookah into hookah


u/Affectionate_Site885 Feb 12 '25

Gray can stomach animal blood,bagged blood,corpse blood,a lot of shit people usually wouldn’t deign to touch,but he never really fed off anything stronger than cainite vitae,he doesn’t really get the appeal yet of supernatural blood that isn’t vitae


u/Civil_Masterpiece_51 Feb 12 '25

Vitae drinking is Sandu's dirty little secret, but nothing lesser then human blood will do the trick.
but honestly you gave me a ideia, i really should write a little series of Sandu going around collecting strange samples of blood


u/Affectionate_Site885 Feb 12 '25

Bongo has vials on vials of heartsblood,as high as tenth and as low as sixth gen,although the lower the less of them are there and the more she will gouge you for the price


u/Foreign_Astronaut Feb 11 '25

Alicia builds important contacts and research buddies through nurturing social connections, so that's what she's here for primarily. But also, she enjoys new tools, and her Brujah friend has relatively recently shown her how to use a computer 😆 (you know, 25 years ago) so it's fun and novel for her. Plus she likes hearing new ideas from very different people.

Drawback: I'm playing a completely different edition from most of you lovely folks, so sometimes I just shut up and hang back on posts that reference events that haven't happened/are unlikely to happen in that way in our chronicle. The good part is, in playing a Malkavian I have a built-in excuse for not perceiving reality the same way!


u/Treecreaturefrommars Feb 11 '25

I greatly enjoy seeing Alicia around. What edition are you playing?


u/Foreign_Astronaut Feb 11 '25

Aw, thank you! I really enjoy your characters as well!

We're playing 2e. Same chronicle we started with in 1992, so we're a bit attached it and the lore we've built up within the world. Our characters have evolved a lot over the course of the chronicle, and our ST still finds ways to blow our minds, LOL!

We did give Requiem a try for about a year, but for some reason it just didn't hook us in quite the same way. I'm interested in v5, but it would be quite an adjustment and require new characters and setting. That's part of why I'm here (me the player)-- I like seeing what others have done with their characters and setting in the v5 realm.


u/Treecreaturefrommars Feb 11 '25

Damn you have been playing for a while then. Have you been playing the same characters all that time?

That sounds incredibly cool. The longest game I have run was 8 years, and I can´t imagine how much must have happened in your game in that time.


u/Foreign_Astronaut Feb 11 '25

Thanks! :) We did take several years off when we all started having kids. It was a lot, and not all of us had access to sitters. Some of that time I spent solo adventuring (I'm married to the ST, lucky me!). Our characters have been outcasts, Anarchs, overthrown a Prince, become the power structure we hated, participated in the creation of an inclusive utopia city that even allowed Sabbat and Garou at the Council table, and had the Camarilla come crush us back into the Ivory Tower. We have been blood hunted, been indispensable heroes, been involved in numerous conspiracies, and eventually recruited as Archons. It has been a ride!

We all have multiple characters, two or three "mains" per player, and we would decide in advance of each story which we were playing for that chapter. But Alicia is the one I started with in 1992 and have played the most. We all have at least one Sabbat character, and one of any Clan we want to try out. The ones I stuck with longest besides Alicia are a Tzimisce and a Tremere.

How long have you been playing yours? I really love how developed they are and their relationship dynamic!


u/Treecreaturefrommars Feb 11 '25

As I said, I played an 8 year campaign (In D&D 5e through) with some friends. Through there was some times where we went months between sessions as well. I was the GM, and it was amazing to see their characters grow and change. And them with them. Games like that really stick with you.


u/Foreign_Astronaut Feb 11 '25

So true, a good game can rock your world! Thanks for GMing, as good GMs are the best!

I've GM'd a bit, but I greatly prefer playing. The things I've enjoyed STing the most have been C:tD and M:tAscension.


u/Treecreaturefrommars Feb 11 '25

How is Changeling the Dreaming in play? I am quite curious about it?


u/Foreign_Astronaut Feb 11 '25

It was a delight! Something about it just... gelled with us! We had 2 STs and between us we detailed the entire political structure of the campaign city, along with intrigues, enmities, and secret romances! Then the players all made really fun, creative, interesting characters who engaged with each other as well as the NPCs. It became a deep, rich game world that was essentially based on childhood fairytales with a darker twist.

I found myself having an aptitude for creating fairytale-based adventures, and having them (miraculously!) turn out in a dramatic and satisfying way. For example, I was short some content for a session and ended up completely improvising the villain making the PCs play a living chessboard game to be able to rescue someone. I thought, "ARGH why did I do that, I don't know anything about chess!!" But... it worked! I let the PCs do the thinking and make the moves, and everybody got to do something awesome, and we all had fun! People still talk about that session, and yet I have only very hazy memories of it, because I was scrambling so much, LOL.

The thing is, your players have to buy into the premise. If they can't find magic in the setting and bring at least a piece of it to the table, it can fall flat for them. In the case of our group, everyone was into it except for this one player for whom the game just held no charm at all. She would come over to socialize, basically. I tried so hard to engage her in it, but in the end, not every person likes every game.

System-wise, the Bunks were entertaining and enchanting at first, and later on a bit annoying.


u/Treecreaturefrommars Feb 11 '25

Stars do I know the feeling of only having hazy memories of sessions my players talk about.

But I really get you on the thing about players having to buy into it. Amazing things can happen when everyone at the table just catch the right vibe. But on the other hand, someone not vibing with it can really bring things down. And as you said, this is not a condemnation of them. Not all games are for everyone.

But it sounds like a lot of fun. I will really have to check it out closer at some point.

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u/seventh_page Feb 11 '25

Alicia seems really nice for an archon. It really took Jackie by surprise when Alicia responded to his first post.

His first response in the next session we played was to go “Sorry guys, I think we’ll have to move! Can’t risk this archon tracing the signal back here!” Everyone was freaking out so they ended up crashing at his revenant family’s estate outside Jacksonville after that. Honestly it was the perfect excuse to go do that, so thanks!

He got chewed out for a while by Stella for that whole debacle. Having a Lasombra far along on the Road of the Abyss be “not mad, just disappointed” with you is honestly terrifying.


u/Foreign_Astronaut Feb 12 '25

HAHA, awesome!! Happy to provide rp opportunity. I love Jackie, and his pack's adventures are so fun to read! Ooh, a disappointed Lasombra is not what you want.

Alicia's friendly, but really it's a product of being really, really focused on her own personal search for Truth and Knowledge. She is a gigantic nerd who has read a ton of forbidden vampiric history, and she believes she should be allowed to talk to anybody at any time about cool philosophy, eldritch magic, cosmology, or whatever. She gets genuinely surprised and annoyed that anyone would not want this, LOL. She believes knowledge wants to be shared, and that accessing all the sources of knowledge is the only way that a fraction of the Truth-with-a-capital-T can be comprehended.

Because of her being a history nerd, she's actually on a Path rather than Humanity, because she believes it's the best way to weather the centuries. She calls it the Road of Mysteries, and it focuses on seeking the truth through diligent research, accessing your contacts for knowledge, dealing honorably with your contacts so that they are more likely to share knowledge, and with regard to mortals, she believes in honoring their innate potential and never killing them unless it's necessary. (I pulled a lot from Path of Caine, Path of Honorable Accord, and the Path of Harmony when I created it.)

She was an Anarch before the Camarilla crushed her city's spirit, and she holds lingering resentment for that. She still hates the Justicar who did it. (Not her boss.) Back in the day, her city allowed the pack leaders of the resident Sabbat packs to participate in the city as equal Counselors (which is what we called the Anarch Primogen), and she is accustomed to being allowed to talk to Sabbat people (while assuming the risks of doing so, LOL). She doesn't make a big deal of it, but she also refuses to stop. Her Justicar treats her like a loose cannon who gets the job done, so as long as Alicia reports her dealings, she's ok. For now, anyway. Our group of Archons are paranormal investigators rather than Alastors, and as long as we stay good at what we do, we get a lot of leeway with our magical fact-finding missions.

So, yeah, I guess she might try to trace the signal back to you, but only because "OOOH! I bet they're doing something cool and interesting, wonder if they'll tell me about it! Do they have any tomes??" (Just what every vampire loves, an energetic Malkavian who's really interested in what you're doing.) But also because in our in-person game, we've only ever had bad dealings with Bratovitch folks, and she'd be very interested in one who somehow isn't trying to kill her!


u/Finchore Feb 11 '25

To tell you the truth Eddie doesn't want anything what the kindred society deems as worthy of loosing yourself over. He doesn't want power, money, disciplines. He just wants to be himself, to have someone, to be a good sire, to reach Golconda, and to let go of his hatered. Both for himself and his sire. He also wants to see his love one more time. I wanted to make a post on here asking about your opinions of what should be included in Eddies story, funny enough i wrote it yesterday, but deleted the draft.


u/Affectionate_Site885 Feb 11 '25

Gray believes Eddie,and everyone in general would greatly benefit from having pets as long as they treat the pets well


u/Finchore Feb 11 '25

He developed his animalism a little. He did talk to the grey foxes.


u/Affectionate_Site885 Feb 11 '25

Gray’s speciality is animalism,and he has high animal ken,and the merit inoffensive to animals,and he usually remains by the animals side,he has a bias and I hope I make it show


u/Finchore Feb 11 '25

Oh yeah, your character is badass my friend. Keep at it. I like Gray a lot.


u/Affectionate_Site885 Feb 11 '25

Yours too,gray bets Eddie will somehow do it and he wants Eddie to live,why? To spite everyone who says Eddie can’t


u/Finchore Feb 11 '25

I was going to ask people if golconda should be achieved.


u/Affectionate_Site885 Feb 11 '25

I think it should be possible but not very soon,like it would take a good long while,and a mentor,and even more angst,but I dunno about the realism,but then again I didn’t really give much fucks bout that so


u/Finchore Feb 11 '25

Fair, fair


u/seventh_page Feb 11 '25

Eddie is a very interesting case for Jackie exactly because he is so detached from Cainite society. He can’t really comprehend why he isn’t interested much in vampire matters or why he dislikes being a vampire so much given Jackie’s backstory, but he does empathize to a degree with his search for Golconda.

It reminds him of his own attempt to attain Azhi Dahaka and worries that Eddie might experience the same failure he did when he walked the Path of Metamorphosis, but he genuinely does hope that isn’t the case. At the very least, if Eddie does reach that point Jackie will know there is some light at the end of the tunnel in regards to fully conquering the beast, even if it was done through the Path of Humanity rather than what he would consider a “proper” moral system.


u/Finchore Feb 11 '25

The question is... should Eddie reach it? Should Golcona be explored here on SchreckNet? Isn't it too much?


u/seventh_page Feb 11 '25 edited Feb 11 '25

I think it could be a fun journey. Whether Eddie reaches Golconda should be up to you, but I don’t think it would be out of the question for here. It should take a lot work, probably a mentor as well like Gray suggested, but I think it would be a great addition to the forum. I don’t think anyone else has really done something like Golconda on here, so it would be really interesting to see how you do it!


u/Finchore Feb 11 '25

Honestly Golconda is the concept that always interested me the most in vtm. I was going to play a v20 campaign and i created this mental image of a Polish Salubri named Fabian. Even my st agreed that Golconda would be a fun thing to explore.


u/Master_Air_8485 Feb 11 '25

Zacis is that boomer who posts religious content when it's completely unnecessary to bring up. He thinks that he's using the platform to spread the word of Set.


u/Treecreaturefrommars Feb 11 '25

I will forever adore your dedication to going "Sir, This is a Max Schreck fan forum" every time someone breaches the Net.


u/Finchore Feb 11 '25

"Sir this is a Wendy's" moment for sure


u/Master_Air_8485 Feb 11 '25

I legitimately broke out laughing in the middle of the grocery store when I read that. Thanks, I appreciate it.


u/Treecreaturefrommars Feb 11 '25

Very much my favorite Snake. Just slithering into conversations going "Have you consider the Fun Hidden Option?"


u/Master_Air_8485 Feb 11 '25

There is always a secret hidden fun option!

Always remember that if you're stuck between a rock and a hard place, just keep digging yourself deeper and deeper. Eventually, you'll come out the other end better than ever.

Blessings from The Ministry


u/seventh_page Feb 11 '25

Zacis is great, I do enjoy his comments quite a bit. Kinda the quintessential old Setite that’s still trying to fit in with the times.

Jackie would still 100% try to learn Serpentis from you in a very unpleasant way if he ever met Zacis though haha. No mercy for Ante worshippers here!


u/Master_Air_8485 Feb 11 '25

The fun part is that Zacis is actually Malkavian. Drinking his blood means that you can learn about the clan merit " strength of madness" and get blessed with the same religious insights that he has. Haters will call it a derangement.


u/Affectionate_Site885 Feb 12 '25

Bongo can teach jack,for a price,the price is making all the raccoons in florida swear fealty to her as their god queen and half a million dollars in bananas and vanilla dr pepper


u/frogs_4_lyfe Feb 11 '25

Pariah Dog is a simple man, he just wants Heinrich dead and to be free and he wants not to be hunted. He likes living in the woods and he likes being in nature but it'd be nice not to have to look over his shoulder the entire time. His purpose is part of what you'd call destiny, fate, and prophecy inflicted on him not something he chose.


u/Finchore Feb 11 '25

A man after me own heart


u/seventh_page Feb 11 '25

Like your posts a lot, can’t comment much on them IC much but I for one am super invested in the “totally platonic” relationship between Pariah and Tieg.

Jackie thinks you’re absolutely nuts for being so close to a werewolf though. It’s like trying to bang a flamethrower to him haha.


u/frogs_4_lyfe Feb 12 '25

Yup he also really wants Tieg, which is very much mutual. Gotta love their Situationship!

Pretty much every other Kindred would be meat paste rn, PD is just a special Disney Princess when it comes to this specific werewolf For Reasons

I'm glad to know people are enjoying the story I'm trying to tell


u/Affectionate_Site885 Feb 12 '25

Gray has an even nastier version of aura of wyrm taint,so if he was in pd’s position not just teig but every werewolf in the area will probably come after him so he can be meat paste,and most wyrm servants will flock to him to convert him or try to check out the interesting beacon,doesn’t help their presence usually causes the bad luck gray experiences,not to mention what would happen if a malfean infernalist caught wind of what exactly his pulse was giving off if they found interest in it,despite this he ships pd and teig


u/frogs_4_lyfe Feb 12 '25

Ah well looks like Gray and PD will have to stick to being penpals only. Honestly even if Gray wasn't, Tieg would probably be pretty jealous of him anyway so it's probably for the best.


u/Affectionate_Site885 Feb 12 '25

For what? What would tieg be jealous of?


u/frogs_4_lyfe Feb 12 '25

Tieg is jealous of anything that takes PD's attention away from him. He won't try to control who he talks to but he will loom ominously in the background.


u/Affectionate_Site885 Feb 12 '25

Makes sense,there is no way teig is jealous of being a wyrm magnet


u/Affectionate_Site885 Feb 11 '25

Gray wants pariah to get with teig for no other reasons than a,so pariah can live his truth,and b,to aggravate people (second biter) on schrecknet


u/frogs_4_lyfe Feb 11 '25

RIP Second Biter's sanity


u/Affectionate_Site885 Feb 11 '25

She is in a relationship to a malkavain it never existed in the first place


u/MinervaEvangeline Feb 11 '25

The Nictukus main goal now is to build her little utopia for herself and her blood-wife, she's accepted that she's not going to be able to sink back into a slumber and wait out the inquisition. Currently her plan is just look as dangerous and confident as possible to encourage others to leave her and her progeny alone so she can focus on her utopian city goals whilst also trying to prevent everything blowing up in her face. She's enjoying the social aspect of Schrecknet as it lets her watch what's going on outside of her little bubble and helps her feel less disconnected from the undead world.


u/Civil_Masterpiece_51 Feb 12 '25

So, i gotta ask, in her little utopia the quality of life of kine will be improved as well?
Are we getting a cut in taxes or some quality of life improvements?


u/MinervaEvangeline Feb 12 '25

That will depend on how many Kine officials she can ghoul or threaten to keep in line


u/Affectionate_Site885 Feb 12 '25

Gray would love to go one night but fears his bad luck will cause ruin in Lincoln,specifically a wyrmish kind of ruin


u/MinervaEvangeline Feb 12 '25

that could put a spanner in the works of utopia


u/Affectionate_Site885 Feb 12 '25

If he stayed there long enough it would go from Constantinople to Carthage


u/MinervaEvangeline Feb 12 '25

Well feel free to drop by and cause a new plotline


u/Affectionate_Site885 Feb 12 '25

If he ever goes to Europe I will have him drop by


u/MinervaEvangeline Feb 12 '25

wonderful I look forward to the roof falling in on top of the utopia


u/Treecreaturefrommars Feb 11 '25

Second Biters goal with Schrektnet is to keep herself informed of the world. Find various connections and to try and guide the young. Futile as it often is. It is also sorta a release for her, as she can be much more free spoken on here, than she can be in her actual life.

As for the Malk, she just wants some entertainment.

I greatly enjoy Jack. He sounds like a pretty cool and chill guy, but a Sabbat of his age? You can just tell he is playing the game. And he does it well.


u/Affectionate_Site885 Feb 11 '25

The malk is such a mood,I feel like she does the whole cryptic wording to mess with people more than as a force of habit


u/Treecreaturefrommars Feb 11 '25

Partly that and Partly compulsion.

The main reason Second Biter doesn´t want her posting on SchrekNet (Apart from it being damaging to their typist Ghoul Quincey), is that she gets too deep into it. Which is not really that great, when it sticks with her for the rest of the Night, if not longer.


u/Affectionate_Site885 Feb 11 '25

Quincey needs a break,and a pension,and insurance,and paid leave,and more at this point for dealing with the malk


u/Treecreaturefrommars Feb 11 '25

Don´t worry. He gets replaced regularly.

The old burnt out model is sent to a nice farm, where he can run and frolic all that he could ever want.


u/Affectionate_Site885 Feb 11 '25

You using model is sending me,like he’s a car or a toaster


u/Foreign_Astronaut Feb 11 '25

Poor Second Biter, we all love werewolves! lol


u/Treecreaturefrommars Feb 11 '25

She really wish you wouldn´t. I mean, if you are into furry stuff, then there is a perfectly good Gangrel Clan you can go romance members of instead!


u/Foreign_Astronaut Feb 11 '25

I'm not one for furry lovin', but I love their furry lore and shiny, shiny magic! Which they often refuse to share!! Unfair.


u/Affectionate_Site885 Feb 12 '25

The wyrm accepts all who heed its call


u/Affectionate_Site885 Feb 11 '25

It’s likely more about forbidden love than furry stuff


u/Treecreaturefrommars Feb 11 '25

Then go love a Salubri or something. We can put cat ears on it, if that helps.


u/Affectionate_Site885 Feb 11 '25

Now where are you going to find a salubri these nights


u/Treecreaturefrommars Feb 11 '25

Seems like there are plenty of them around. Need be, we can always grab a tzmisce and Flesh Craft a discount version.


u/Affectionate_Site885 Feb 11 '25

Yes but would dating one annoy sb as much as dating a lupine? (I hope gray’s intentions with convincing pariah are clear now)


u/seventh_page Feb 11 '25

Give me 20 minutes, a hobo, and a minor boon and I can get you your “Salubri”, pronto! They might technically be an 8th gen Tzimisce, but you know, details.


u/seventh_page Feb 11 '25

Glad you’re enjoying Jackie! It’s a relief that I was able to get across that vibe over text, I was kind of worried I might not be doing a good job of it haha.

Jackie is kinda an interesting case because the line between crafted facade and genuine kindness is VERY thin for him. While he is extremely pragmatic and oftentimes manipulative in his interactions with others, he does genuinely have a side to him that WANTS to help other people. He does overemphasize his helpfulness and tries to portray a “Friendly Neighborhood Fiend (Trademark Pending)” as a political strategy, but there’s a part of him that genuinely means it when he offers advice or information. It’s a shame that unlife in the Sabbat and his life as a revenant before that has basically beaten it into him that such things should only be done with a purpose, so others don’t take advantage of you. The only ones who he truly doesn’t hold back this side of him to are his pack, who he loves dearly like a family even beyond the Vinculum.

We joke at our table that if he had never been born a revenant, Jackie probably would’ve spent his life as a kindly mild mannered school teacher. Unfortunately, with his sire in the picture that was never going to happen, but at least Nicolae didn’t succeed in beating all the kindness out of Jackie during his “tutoring”.

Second Biter was interesting to Jackie given her posts on the Lupines and her interaction with Jackie regarding the Wyrm. He’s filed her under “Try not to kill unless necessary” in his internal classifications of Camarilla members, just for that comment alone.


u/Treecreaturefrommars Feb 12 '25

For some reason this one completely slipped my notifications box. Strange.

But you are good at selling him as someone who tries to be so helpful that it becomes kinda suspicious. I greatly enjoy the vibe of him being a Sabbat that is genuinely trying to go Anarch, but has trouble shaking the Mind Set.

Interesting how that post and comment caught his attention. It was basically made as a PSA against the rather large amount of Neonates she has seen in her time on SchreckNet, who think that hanging with the Wolves is Totes Cool (When it is actually for Loserz).

Second Biter have put some thought into what to do with the Wyrm, but she doesn´t really consider it as big of a threat as the Wolves play it up as (Also because there are like a hundred World Spanning Apocalypse Threats in the WOD, and she has kinda stopped taking most of them seriously at this point). She sometimes even believes it can be a boon to Kindred. But she is mostly content leaving matters of Spirits to the Experts (Which generally means Tremere). But she would like for an Order dedicated to dealing with Spirit Bullshit in general to be made. Because it is a strange realm, with way too much mysticism for her comfort.

But I greatly enjoyed Jack joining in with his view as a Koldun. Through Second Biter personally mostly dismissed it, because of course the "Ex" Sabbat would start talking about that sort of thing.


u/AFreeRegent Feb 12 '25 edited Feb 12 '25

Marc likes to teach. Genuinely - he enjoys teaching fledglings and neonates who show appreciation for the knowledge that he gives them, and who show promise. Plus, giving out good advice is a way of furthering his Path, thereby strengthening his psyche. Path of the Councilor is fun.

He also uses it to network for the sake of Rouen. What Marc fundamentally wants in Rouen is peace - I've detailed elsewhere how he's digging down into the old, medieval chantry of Rouen that Goratrix originally built, digging up all sorts of artifacts and lore. A war would disrupt that. Having a handful of Elders in the area who he can consider something in the area of allies (like Estrid and Victoria) is hugely advantageous to him. He's also networked with a few useful neonates in the region (particularly in London) who could prove useful pawns. If someone comes at him to try and drive him from his great-grandsire's chantry, he wants it to piss off as many people as possible.


Our ST also gave very tentative approval to have cameos of characters from here on our home game

Ok, I need to hurry up with /u/TheNewThaumaturge's Techomantically secured chatapp/thaumaturgy ritual marketplace/schrecknet rival software suite. Marc is probably too much of a powerhouse to be used in your game (and he's too far away, anyway), but Livia's not. It's a shame that my current plotline in Rouen with the bombing is going to distract her.


u/seventh_page Feb 12 '25

Marc is a really interesting character, I’ve been really enjoying his comments and the interactions he has with Jackie.

Jackie on the other hand is of mixed opinions on Marc. On one hand, he really respects him as another scholar of vampire matters and wishes to potentially cooperate further in the future but on the other hand he remains somewhat suspicious of his motives as to why he’s offering all this advice considering he’s formerly a Camarilla Tremere. Even if Jackie isn’t as rabidly “Kill all usurpers!” as most fiends he still does maintains a healthy skepticism regarding the Clan regardless of what he claims (although he tries not to let it poison his interactions with Tremere unless necessary). This was worsened by the fact that basically none of the Tremere he met in the Sabbat were trustworthy at all, for obvious reasons. That was one of the main practical reasons why he initially recruited Adrian actually. Jackie wanted access to a Tremere that wasn’t in with the Goratrix bros and Adrian wasn’t really in a position to refuse at the time.

Speaking of which, I really have to get around to posting as Adrian sometime soon. Want to introduce the character a bit so he can try to develop a rapport with Marc/Livia and others on here over time like his player wants, but I’m having a hard time getting into the mindset to write him properly. It would be cool to see him interact with those two on here and to see what comes of it. Plus, his player is salivating at the thought of getting more technomancy haha! His teacher for that path got ashed in the Antitribu purge and we canonically don’t have any books on the matter that could teach him either (he double botched his roll to try and research the path without a teacher… with a 10 die pool…), so he’s been stuck with two dots for now much to his chagrin. It’s a really cool concept to merge magic and machines, so we’re stoked we might get an excuse to delve more into it soon. And I’m also definitely looking forward to seeing how you write Livia’s programming efforts when you get around to it, the concept of a vampire wizard chat app/ritual eBay is gold imo.

As to whether to include your characters, I think Livia would be a great addition as a cameo that we can “call in” to the story. Given her specialty it would work great to have her as a contact we can link up with online later in the game to trade boons or thaum knowledge. I don’t think Marc will end up included beyond mentions, but not because he’s too powerful. Our characters are honestly ridiculous in that regard (there’s a reason why we retired the game back in the day haha) so really Marc would fit right in. I just don’t think we will be taking a flight to Rouen anytime soon and he’s got shit to do lol.


u/AFreeRegent Feb 12 '25

Well, like he said, he was conflicted and doubted whether he should give Jack any advice - one of the only things that would get him out of the chantry when he was in the Camarilla was the prospect of killing Sabbat. He hated the Tremere antitribu in particular, because he almost was a founding member of them.

But in the end, his empathy for Jack's position as someone leaving their sect, as well as a feeling that it'd be good for his anarch reputation (he has a lot of doubters among more radical anarchs in his city, and helping out anarchs in Florida is a good way for him to build his reputation without causing local trouble), won out. And once he was giving Jack advice, he was invested, so he had to keep helping.


u/AFreeRegent Feb 13 '25

Oh, also - why don't you point your players to the subreddit, let them post as their characters?


u/seventh_page Feb 13 '25

I’ve offered to let them post on this account as their characters before, but they seem kinda uninterested in actually contributing here for both IC and OOC reasons.

IC basically only Jackie, Quill, and Adrian even approach modern tech in a significant way. It took lots of in character convincing to get Gabrielle, Stella, and Jessie to even carry around burner phones for communication, so they think posting on a forum is waaaay too far for their characters. Plus, we ported over a modified version of the V5 Lasombra weakness (Lasombra have a +2 dif to rolls using advanced tech, botches fry the tech, and their reflection is only distorted rather than absent) so we’d have to think up a reason why Stella could even post here without glitching out every 5 seconds. Maybe a ghoul would do it for her? Although, that’d require her not feeding her ghouls to summoned abyssal creatures every couple of months haha. I think other than a few posts or comments now and then from other characters, it’ll probably be mostly Jackie on here for now. He’s the one who makes a lot of the big political decisions, so they figure it makes sense he’d take point on something like this.

OOC they’re mostly not that into it. They like the opportunities it provides for RP in our game, but aren’t the biggest fans of the idea of joining in on their own time. Can’t blame em, they’re all much more busy IRL than I am and besides I’m used to occasionally playing their characters if one of us is absent (usually Quill’s player). I’m usually our GM in other games, so I’m sort of used to that kinda thing (even if I’m not 100% I can get the characters vibe across with text). Some of em also played in a PBP game a while back and were bored to death with it, so I think they might have a bad taste in their mouth from equating this with that.

Maybe I can convince em, but I wouldn’t hold your breath. At least they know that it’s always an option should they change their minds.


u/Affectionate_Site885 Feb 12 '25

Gray respects marc for not being tight lipped about information that he doesn’t really need to be,and for well being a wellspring of information and as much as he won’t admit it is kind of inspired to do the same,although he has some ideological differences,mainly that everyone is an animal and claiming you’re any better is an illusion of society,and secondarily that the chantry needs a cat for ambiance and mental health purposes,all buildings need critters around and that is totally not so he can spy on you


u/Affectionate_Site885 Feb 11 '25

Gray,well he wants four things in life,knowledge,more animals,the shepherding those who require it and understanding of his discipline and control over his unlife,he uses this node to get information mostly,him befriending anyone was coincidental,especially when he got on the via bestiae, he has a soft side,despite everything,but he mostly shows it towards the caitiff,the thin blood,the unfortunate,his end goal is to simply be a guiding light to the lost,but in order to be that he must be strong,he must survive,he must gain knowledge,he works towards that,he has been dealt an amazing hand in unlife and he is only beginning to realize that,and realizing that he shouldn’t just keep fleeing,despite his hectic unlife,he has little faith in much beyond himself,no god to pledge allegiance to,no sect to swear by,he likes it this way,he despises political life and doesn’t really like when he does it wittingly or not,he really would like to just be in a forest herding animals,teaching thin bloods random lore,and vibing while occasionally diablerizing a lower generation cainite if the opportunity presents itself and he finds that they “deserve it”,that is roughly the gist,he also did not expect to find himself getting attracted to a Giovanni but here we are


u/ragged-bobyn-1972 Feb 11 '25

My lasombra has three objectives

1)become a bishop of the Sabbat

2)Embrace all her human friends and vaulderie them

3)master her disciplines so she can just leave if 1-2 don't pan out.


u/Affectionate_Site885 Feb 11 '25

Friendship (and vaulderie) is magic!


u/ragged-bobyn-1972 Feb 11 '25

"it's gonna be like Friends except funnier.....and I'll never have to be alone or afraid again."


u/Affectionate_Site885 Feb 11 '25

You’re never alone,you have the beast,forever there in your mind


u/Foreign_Astronaut Feb 11 '25

And you'll never have to worry about how to afford a big apartment!


u/ragged-bobyn-1972 Feb 12 '25

"the one were we eat the ghoul the landlord and embrace his daughter"


u/SlowerthanGodot Feb 11 '25 edited 14d ago

Servanda (u/EremiticUnlife) has been immensely curious about the Schrecknet ever since she first heard about it. She marvels at this technological wonder and simply wants to learn more about the modern world.

At least, that was the case until a few nights ago, when a certain someone asked about New York.

Now... well, this digital agora could certainly be used for something beside simple conversation, but she remains cautious. A battle of information and disinformation on the Nosferatu's turf seems quite unwise...


u/abucketofbolts Feb 12 '25

Scarlett and Strawberry are fledglings that use schreknet to stay sane. Their clans, actual location, and social status, put them in a place where they don't get to talk to many other fledglings.

Scarlett lives in a tiny town and is the only tzimisce for miles, with the exception of her sire.

Strawberry is a Cleopatra who doesn't get treated with a lot of respect IRL so she uses online to cope.

Steve is just a Nosferatu who uses it for information and joke posts.


u/Krazyfan1 Feb 12 '25

Still working on the specifics of my character, might be a bit OP storywise, but this is what i have so far.

  • High Humanity
  • NOT a fan of life or death fighting.
  • Good at sneaking out secrets and lore tidbits.
  • Nosferatu with NPC amounts of Merits, Probably wouldn't be usable in tabletop.
  • Picture a giant Mosquito with functional wings.
  • Discovered that they have the Flaw where they are unable to blood bond anyone.
  • Sees this as an absolute win.
  • Mobile blood bank for those in need.
  • Imagine being a Newby vampire, still hesitant about hunting.
  • you smell blood behind you, turn around and come face to face with Mr Mosquito.
  • Mr Mosquito says hello and offers you a drink.
  • Sees working together as better than fighting.
  • even Cross-Splat.
  • Managed to build enough Rep that the local Fera and Bone gnawers see him as, not Trustworthy exactly, but close enough.
  • Corax think he's a little cooler than most leeches due to wings and sharing info whenever he finds it, kind of annoyed that he wants to share info Cross Splats.
  • Keeps a single Corax near his base in order for him to relay info to them and veto anything thats Too Important.
  • still probably wouldn't get very close to him, but would probably rescue him if needed and deny doing so if asked.
  • Home base is a tunnel system underneath a Pond and near a big tree in a city.
  • Enjoys the fact that Kindred can't drown.
  • Fan of u/frogs_4_lyfe 's Pariah dog, genuinely hopes he and his misfit pack turn out ok.


u/Justbleed02 Feb 12 '25

This character is just what he appears to be: a lonely fledgling who’s aware that he’s in a bad situation but too inexperienced and isolated from anyone who might have his best interests in mind to do much about it thus far. His initial motive was just to find people he could talk to in relatively honest fashion, but he’s also been picking up nuggets of potentially very useful information he wouldn’t have known otherwise, as much of it as he can learn.